Sour Candy (yoonJin)

By WeianVann

59 14 0

{this is only fiction and does not represent BTS in any way} YOONJIN FAN FICTION More

Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 14

Chapter 2

7 1 0
By WeianVann

The next day everything returns to normal as Seokjin checks in at nine and works as he usually does. His secretary though, avoids his eyes and flinches when he greets him.

He plans on asking Jungkook about that very interesting café, but he’ll do that later.

Throwing himself into his work, Jin does his best to rush through everything that should have been done the day before. He knows taking a day off isn’t anything forbidden or bad, especially since he basically has like half a year vacation time left, with how little breaks he had been taking.

Little meaning none, since Jin can hear his father’s voice nagging in his head as soon as he relaxes just for a moment.

He sighs as he skims over the documents, he’s 28 years old, he has a good job, he’s making good money, being this affected by his father still is ridiculous.

Especially since his parents only call twice a year for his birthday and for Christmas and then it’s only “how is work going, son?”.

It’s depressing.

He decides to think of something else, because thinking about how sad his life is will lead him nowhere.

Seokjin’s hold around his pen tightens.

Pretty, pale legs. Legs and cute white socks and…

No, no, no‼

Seokjin drops his pen as he brings his hands up to his face, giving it a good rub. He won’t think of the pretty boy now. He was mean, and that café was weird, and he’ll never return, and he…

He thinks of Yoongi doing a little spin in his dress, so cute!

And how Yoongi leaned over the table to grab at his collar, and how he literally breathed into his face, and how that made Jin’s dick come to life—

He bangs his burning hot head onto his desk.

It’s okay, he’s just a poor, gay soul, and Yoongi is just the prettiest thing he’s ever seen, and he’s going to forget all about it, as soon as he throws himself into work, as he always does.

It’s not like he’ll see Yoongi again. He will forget about him.

Just then, the door to his office opens. The brunette doesn’t bother to lift his head, he knows who it is.

He hears the footsteps as his secretary crosses the room and comes to a halt before his desk.

“Boss hyung…”, comes a timid voice. He’s never heard Jungkook sound like this. “Are you sleeping…?”

Seokjin lifts his head and Jungkook flinches.

“What is it? It’s not even near five, it’s too early to nag me to go home.”, He says, and repositions himself, so that he’s sitting upright in his chair again.

“That’s not it…uh..”, the younger starts. Jungkook scratches his head a little, seemingly not sure how to start with whatever he has to say. Seokjin waits, patiently.

“Sorry for sending you to…that place?”, he mumbles, and it sounds more like a question.

“To Sour Candy?”, Seokjin says and Jungkook flinches again, as if speaking the name of the café poses a danger.

“Yeah. Uh… I didn’t mean to.”, he nervously shuffles around before Jin’s desk, as if he’s not quite finished.

He lifts a brow.

“What else?”, he asks and Jungkook  hesitantly meets his eyes.

“Did you like it?”


Jin isn’t sure he heard him right.

“Did you like the place?”, Jungkook repeats.

“First you apologize for sending me there and now you ask me if I like it?”, He asks, baffled and the younger giggles a little.

“Yeah, I mean, there’s lots of pretty boys there, and you know…”

Seokjin thinks of Yoongi again, and how cute he looked, even though his face mostly bore a scowl when he looked at him.

Before he can stop it, Seokjin blushes.

“Ha!”, Jungkook yells in triumph, and brings his hands down onto Seokjin’s wooden desk. “You liked it! Oh, I didn’t know my hyung was a masochist!”

“Will you stop yelling!”, Seokjin gets up to close the window behind him, as if anyone on the street could hear them talking from the 11th floor.

“And I’m not! I don’t… I don’t like being slapped around or anything, I’ll have you know that I’m very dominant in bed.”

“Ew, hyung, tmi…”, Jungkook makes a face and Seokjin feels his ears go red in shame again, as he realizes what he just said.

“Well….!”, Jin stutters. “How do you even know this place?”

It’s now Jungkook’s turn to blush, and before the secretary can even attempt escape, Jin strides through the room and blocks the door.

“A friend sent me the location and I accidentally sent it to you…?”

“Bullshit.”, Seokjin deadpans. Jungkook sighs, knows there’s no use trying to lie to his friend. He leans against the desk and starts fumbling with his tie.

“Well, maybe I went there because I like that kinda stuff, okay…”, he mumbles while his face is steadily growing redder. Seokjin can’t imagine Jungkook in the same position as he was in yesterday.

That boy? Pure muscle. Picture book-manliness, sitting in a cute, pink café, letting himself be stepped on by a bunch of boys and girls in skirts?

Ah no that’s wrong, Seokjin shouldn’t bring his outer appearance into this, but it makes it all the harder to grasp.

“Also, maybe, I like the owner… andI’mscaredtoaskhimonadate.”, Jungkook rushes the last part of the sentence.


“I’m scared to ask him on a date, so I keep coming back, to see him, okay!”, Jeon yells out, his face red like a tomato.

Then suddenly, he looks like he just had a great idea.

“Hyung!”, he yells, and walks over to Seokjin, grabbing his hands.

“Now, that you’re the only one who knows my terrible secret, go to Sour Candy with me!”

Um what? Seokjin isn’t sure he heard him right, again. Go there again? See Yoongi again? Pretty black eyes, button nose, doll lips—


“Hyuuuung.”, Kookie whines. “Please, you’re my best friend, I need you as emotional support!”

“No, I won’t go again.” Yoongi even has pretty hands, that cute, pink nail polish—damn it.

“Oh.”, Kookie suddenly makes, and when Seokjin looks at him, there’s a sly grin on his face.


“I get it.”, his secretary giggles, mean. “You’re scared.”

“I’m not scared!”, Seokjin yells. Him? Scared of a 5’6 tall boy in a dress? He doesn’t think so but Jungkook doesn’t stop giggling.

“I’m not!”

“Then prove it.”

“Fine! We’ll go on Saturday! Schedule a day off!”

And with that Jungkook’s skipping out of the room with a happy giggle, and as Seokjin slides back into his chair, he knows he’s been played.

It’s surprisingly early when Seokjin leaves, only half past six. It’s still an hour and half later than his work hours demand him to stay but it’s better than the usual 10 pm.

He had finished his work early, actually, so there was no reason to stay, he even sent Jeon home at five.

What will he do with all of this free time? It was too early to hit the bed, and the little cleaning he had done on his day off was enough for now.

Maybe he… could finally watch one of those shows he recorded to watch later?

Suddenly in a much, much happier mood, the man skips out of his building. He’s just halfway crossed the parking lot, when a tiny body suddenly crashes into him.

The tiny person had been holding a hot drink it seems, because Seokjin feels it burning away his non-existent chest hair. It only hurts a little bit.

“Oh no, I’m so sorry.”, the person bows in a 90-degree angle and Seokjin can’t see much of who it is, only a mop of black hair, and oversized clothes.

Seokjin checks his dress shirt, which is obviously ruined, but he has about ten of these, so really, who’s he to be angry?

“It’s fine.”, Seokjin says calmly but the person shakes his head.

“No.”, he lifts himself up and suddenly the air gets stuck in Seokjin’s throat, and he can’t breathe anymore. “I should pay—“

Yoongi seems to recognize him too. By the way he stops mid-sentence, and his pretty black eyes go wide, Seokjin can tell.

Now this is a little awkward. Jin doesn’t know the boy at all, other than he’s working a job where he gets paid to be mean to men.

But he has been thinking about him since his day off, and now he's standing before him, gawking at him, dressed in an oversized, black hoodie, and some ripped jeans, sporting a backpack, and he just.


So cute.

Jin inwardly squeals, which is still a little creepy, he doesn't know this guy.

"Ugh.", Seokjin snaps out of his thoughts and looks back at Yoongi, who's bearing a familiar scowl.

"Such a fucking creep, you're staring again.", he spits as he crosses his arms over his chest.

Did he stare again? Probably. Did Yoongi have to be so mean about it? Well, he can, Seokjin thinks, he's the one on the receiving end of the creepy stare.

He just thought that Yoongi was acting for his job, since that was the whole point of the café.

But he's not.

Seokjin only hopes that he's not the only one Yoongi treats that way, that would hurt.

"I'm sorry for staring.", Seokjin says, and his voice breaks a little, embarrassing. He hears Yoongi snickering.

"Look, do you want me to pay for your shirt, Ahjussi?", he asks. "But you've gotta wait till I get my next paycheck."

He's not that old, he wants to scream. But he's probably a lot older than Yoongi, so maybe he can forgive him.

Yoongi looks like a student, maybe, so Seokjin understands that a plain, office man like him must look old to the pretty boy.

Wait, Yoongi does look pretty young... oh no..

"How old are you, Yoongi-ssi?!", Seokjin blurts out, taking Yoongi by suprise. How didn't he think of that? What if Yoongi was like 16 or something?

Oh god, Seokjin would turn himself in.

"What?!", Yoongi yells, and suddenly, his face grows all red. "W-why are you suddenly asking me personal stuff, what the hell!"

He stumbles over his words.

"I need to know!", Seokjin insist and unknowingly takes a step closer, which makes Yoongi back up like a frightened cat.

"Don't come closer!", Yoongi hisses at him, and Seokjin suddenly realizes that they're alone in the parking lot. What's Yoongi even doing here? He hadn't thought about that.

"Look I'm sorry about the shirt, I'll repay it, now move along would you?"

Yoongi stares at him with those intense eyes, and even though he's looking a little nervous, Seokjin feels intimidated yet again. But he doesn't need to know that.

"It's fine, I don't care about the shirt, I just need to know your age."

Seokjin hears something that sounds like a grumble of 'rich people' and then he sees Yoongi roll his eyes.

"I'm 20, okay? No need to worry, it's all legal.", the pretty boy says with such an annoyed tone, Jin feels like the only thing he could do to make Yoongi happy right now, is disappearing into thin air.

"Tha--", Seokjin is about to say, but Yoongi had already ran past him. He watches him until he disappears between a set of bushes separating the parking lot from another street.

Ah. The parking lot had probably been a shortcut.

As Seokjin makes his way back to his car, he can't help but keep thinking of Yoongi. A pretty boy like him in his work uniform definitely was a sight to behold, but something about him in his cute hoodie just warmed his heart.

Boyfriend material, is what the people on the internet would say, and Seokjin thinks that's right.

This Yoongi just makes Jin want to take care of him, even though they had barely spoken to one another, and then it was only Yoongi being mean.

Is it a crush already? No way, it's too early.

But he definitely likes Yoongi already. Maybe accompanying Jeon to Sour Candy wasn't such a bad idea after all.

"I can't go in."

"Why, don't you always go here?"

Seokjin looks over at his younger friend, who's looking positively nervous. Jeon has been silent on their way here, and now he wouldn't stop talking.

"Yes, but what if I confess, and he totally humiliates me because he secretly hates me, and then everyone laughs and I--", Kookie starts rambling but Jin cuts in.

"Well, won't he do that anyway? It's his job."

"WHY WOULD YOU SAY THAT?!" Jungkook yells, as he grabs Jin's sweater (he had dressed down today) and pulls him close.

Seokjin gently removes his hands, and pushes Jungkook back by the shoulders.

"Why don't you ask him outside of work?", Seokjin suggests with a smile.

"He won't give me his number...", He replies, dejected.

Seokjin stops for a moment.

And raises a brow.

Is there even any chance for his friend if that guy doesn't even give out his number? Seokjin doesn't say so, of course, he's here to support Jeongguk, not to tear his dreams down.

"Well I guess you can't really ask him, wouldn't look good for him to give his number to a customer.", Seokjin says instead and Jeongguk looks over at him.

"You know? People could get their hopes up and start harassing him? I heard that happens with these types of cafés."

Seokjin can practically see the gears work in Jeongguk's head, as his younger friend thinks about what he just said. Then he starts beaming.

"Of course! And I thought he hated me...", Jeongguk grabs the elder by the sweater. "Let's go in, I have an idea!"

And Seokjin lets himself be pulled inside.

"You again."

Seokjin hears Yoongi before he sees him. The pretty boy's voice is so full of distaste, Seokjin couldn't mistake him for anyone else.

Yoongi's dress today looks different. It's a pretty light pink, but still goes down to his knees. By the look of the other maids, the dress length must be personal choice.

Not that Seokjin minds Yoongi's dress being rather long, he looked positively adorable like this. The sleeves of the dress are large and...poofy, and Yoongi's wearing cute, white gloves which match his socks and his apron that's tied around his waist.

But the highlight is the big, pink bow tie that's sitting on top of his head instead of the hairband he's seen the other day.

"Hyung.", Seokjin snaps out of it when Jeongguk pinches his side. Had he been staring again? He really wanted to leave a good impression this time...

He focuses on Yoongi again, the maid still standing before them, impatiently tapping his foot on the floor. Had he said something?


"I said.", Yoongi says and stares Seokjin down. He thought he'd be prepared for it this time, after having met Yoongi two times already. But he is not.

"Do you want to stand around there all day, or will you sit down? You're blocking the entry."

There was, in fact, no one behind them, and no customer who wanted to leave, but Seokjin gets the point.

"We'll sit down, Yoongi-ah.", Jeongguk comes to the rescue, but Yoongi pointedly ignores him, as he continues to bore holes into Seokjin's skull with his eyes.

But why does Jeongguk speak so informal with Yoongi? Are they familiar? Seokjin guesses Jeongguk is somewhat of a regular here, so probably all of them know him.

Getting to speak to Yoongi without honorifics... or...

Or even give him a nickname?

What a dream, and what a new goal Seokjin just set for himself.

Yoongi sighs in annoyance and promptly grabs Seokjin by the collar, pulling him towards a free table, with Kookie trotting behind like a puppy.

Jin can't say he minds.

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