Broken And Beautiful ~ A Supe...

By ValkyrieNineFic

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Lena Luthor is an overworked attorney having the worst Christmas Eve of her life. She has no family, her girl... More

Chapter One: Bottom Of The River
Chapter Two: The Lawyer, The Engineer, and A Man Named Joe
Chapter Three: Breaking Down
Chapter Five: Setting A Fire (NSFW)
Chapter Six: Cold Is The Night
Chapter Seven: Nevertheless, She Persisted
Chapter Eight: Before You Sleep
Chapter Nine: Don't Think Twice, It's Alright
Chapter Ten: Running To You
Chapter Eleven: As Promised
Chapter Twelve: I Get To Love You

Chapter Four: Serendipity

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By ValkyrieNineFic

"How long has it been?", Kara asked knowing the answer.

"Two years exactly tonight", Lena said with a bright smile. Her eyes glistened and she took a small step towards Kara.

"How did you know I was here?" Lena asked.

"The gift wrap station. I heard them call out your name. Luthor doesn't strike me as a very common name so I had to check. How did you know who I was?"

"I confess, I did an internet search for you two years ago and brought up a picture. I knew your face. I knew your smile and those eyes. Your face has been burned in my mind."

Lena seemed relaxed and at ease. Kara couldn't help but be surprised. She seemed very different from the Lena who ran away from her two years before.

"This is surreal. I've thought about you often over the last two years."

"I've thought of you as well. More often than I would like to admit, Lena said with a blush on her cheek.

"You have the most beautiful eyes I've ever seen, Lena."

Kara's heart sank into her stomach. It was words like this that scared Lena off the first time. Kara wondered to herself silently why she had such terrible impulse control when she heard Lena's voice.

"I'm sorry", Kara said looking down at the ground.

Lena stepped forward and took Kara's hand.

"You should be", Lena whispered.

Kara's face fell.

"Fuck. I'm sorry."

Lena stepped closer and pressed Kara's hand to her chest.

"You've looked in the mirror right? Clearly, you have the most beautiful eyes on the planet. I've never seen anything so blue."

Kara felt a rush of heat spread through every inch of her body. Her knees got weak and she felt the dizzying effects of their intense chemistry. Suddenly, she felt lightheaded and she almost collapsed. Lena saw Kara falter on her feet and grabbed her before she fell. She helped her over to a bench and they took a seat side by side. Lena continued to hold her hand. Her brow was furrowed with worry.

Alex walked out of the department store holding the food processor. She looked around and made eye contact with Kara. Kara could sense her disapproval from a mile away.

"Well that was hellish", Alex said directly to Kara. She looked over at Lena and did a double take. Something about Lena shook her.

In all fairness to Alex, Lena was exceptionally beautiful. Her long black hair was shiny and smooth. The glow from the white lights twinkling all around them made her emerald eyes sparkle. She wore a beautiful camel hair coat and a white cowl neck sweater. Kara looked over at Lena and she wanted to know what it would feel like to be wrapped up in her arms.

"So, you're miss-stuck-in-the-elevator-on-Christmas-Eve?" Alex asked with an upturned grin. "You're fucking gorgeous."

"Jesus Alex", Kara said totally embarrassed.

Lena let out a loud belly laugh and smiled sweetly.

"I see neither of the Danvers girls have a filter. Thank you for saying I'm fucking gorgeous. You are both fucking stunning."

Both Alex and Kara blushed and smiled. Kara did not remember Lena being this charming. She mostly remembered her being sad and broken.

"Hey Kar, I'm sorry to interrupt but everyone will be getting to my place soon. We should probably head back."

Kara looked at Lena and back at Alex.

"Lena, can you give me a sec?"

"Of course."

Kara leapt up from the bench, fully recovered from her dizzy spell, and grabbed Alex's arm. She pulled her away out of earshot and whispered quietly.

"You go to your place. I just need a few minutes."

"Kar, this is a bad idea. You know I don't like your girlfriend, but you have a girlfriend and I saw the way the two of you looked at each other."

"Nothing is going to happen. Listen, you have no idea what kind of effect this woman has on me. We spoke for a few hours and she did something to me. Something I never expected, and she makes me feel things no other woman has ever made me feel."

"Kar, I think this is a terrible idea, but I'd be an asshole if I didn't support you. It is Christmas Eve. Just don't do anything stupid. Figure out what you need to figure out and get your ass to my place as soon as you can."

"I will. Thank you Alex. I love you", Kara said throwing her arms around Alex's neck.

Kara let go of Alex and they started walking in separate directions.

Alex turned around and called out.

"Hey Kar!"

"Yeah Alex. What's up?"

"She gorgeous. I get it."

"I fell in love with her long before I saw her face. I didn't see it until tonight."

Alex's upturned grin told Kara that she was moved by their story.

"Go, see if you can find what you're looking for."

Alex turned and walked away.

Kara walked back and rejoined Lena on the bench.

"How are you feeling?", Lena asked.

"Good", Kara said with a bright smile.

"So, what have you been up to for the last two years? The last time we spoke, you were working on that beautiful airport and checking everyone else's work."

"I moved to a different firm called Sheller Blackstone. It's an engineering firm run and operated by women and it is the best job in the world. I love it. I am a senior engineer and I have a team. It's a much better fit."

"Can I admit something a little embarrassing?"


"About a year ago. Actually, it was exactly a year ago, I was working in my office on Christmas Eve and I was thinking about you. I tried calling your old desk line but it went to someone else's voicemail."

"Really? You tried to call?"

"Yeah. Stupid right? Of course you moved on."

"It's not stupid at all. I wish I had been there to receive your call. What about you? What are you up to?"

"I moved to a different better firm. Mason Paddock Roy. I made partner. It's a good job...I just...", Lena said before Kara interrupted.

"I know that firm. I think our firm does work with your firm."

"Small world. Funny that we never ran into each other."

Lena smiled but her eyes looked sad. She looked like she wanted to say something but Kara was too elated to notice. She was just happy to be talking to Lena.

"So, it sounds like we are both in a better place now."

"Sounds like it. I don't know how to ask this next question and tread lightly so I'll just ask. How's the drinking?"

Lena put a hand on Kara's arm and laughed. It was a real genuine belly laugh.

"You don't have to tiptoe around my crazy functioning alcoholism. Shortly after you and I shared that amazing conversation in the elevator, I pulled my act together and stopped drinking. I started going to the gym and didn't date for a year. You have no idea how hard it was trying to explain to women that I was taking time for me. They just didn't get it."

"You seem happier, more centered."

"I am. Much happier. How are you feeling? Are you seeing anyone?" Lena asked.

Kara didn't want to say anything that would ruin their connection, but she knew she had to be honest.

"I am. Her name is Erin. How about you?"

"Nope. I went on a few dates but I had this pesky engineer stuck in my mind. The girls I tried to date just weren't smart enough or sweet enough. I guess I set some pretty high expectations."

Kara felt a flutter and a tingle in her chest.


"You're sweet", Kara said, deeply moved by Lena's honesty. This was everything she wanted two years ago but now she had a girlfriend and Alex was right. She needed to do the right thing.

"Now, I fear I'm making you uncomfortable. I'm sorry."

Kara moved closer to Lena on the bench. Their bodies were only inches apart.

"You could never make me feel uncomfortable. You are so honest and so kind."

Sweet holiday music played in the background.

"Please Come Home For Christmas", by Aaron Neville played loudly in the background.

Lena looked deep into Kara's eyes. Kara felt overwhelmed by Lena's beauty. Their connection was undeniable. She could feel an invisible electricity dance between them, a tether between their souls.

"Dance with me?" Kara asked Lena.

Lena smiled.

"But I thought you had a girlfriend."

Kara beamed.

"It's just a dance. Perfect strangers dance. How about we keep a respectful distance?"

Kara stood up and put a hand out to Lena. Lena took her hand and they moved into an empty space next to the bench. The lights twinkled and the night felt magical. Kara placed her hands on Lena's waist and kept a respectful distance. Lena placed her hands on Kara's shoulders and they began to sway to the music. They only had eyes for each other. Neither of them cared who watched or looked on. Neither of them cared if they looked crazy. They only knew they wanted to be close.

"See. This is completely harmless. We are just two people sharing a nice dance"

More snow started to fall from the sky. Lena stared into her eyes and Kara started to feel her knees go weak again. Snowflakes fell onto Lena's eyelashes. Kara wanted desperately to press her lips to Lena's eyes. Instead, she puffed out her chest, stood tall and tried to cover the fact that Lena's perfume was hypnotizing her and weakening her impulse control again. All she wanted was to kiss her lips.

"So, your sister seems nice."

"Sorry she was such a dork. I think she was taken aback by your beauty. I know I was. I don't know if she will ever recover from hearing you call her fucking stunning. That was amazing. You're amazing."

"You're pretty amazing yourself."

"You have a brother right?"

"I do. Good memory."

"But you're not close?"

"Nope. Lex and my stepmom are a bit much. They live very new money and are just judgmental dickheads."

"Wow. Judgmental dickheads? Your Christmas spirit is awe-inspiring", Kara said with a chuckle.

She moved her hands up to Lena's waist and held her a little closer. Lena joined in on her laughter and moved a hand to her neck.

More romantic music played as they continued to sway closer and closer together.

"The Christmas Song", by Nat King Cole played in the background.

"I know. I need to get a better filter."

"You're telling me. I have no filter at all. That's what got me into trouble with you last time. By the way, I'm really sorry about that."

Lena gave Kara a sad smile and moved her other hand to Kara's neck.

Now they were dancing a little closer.

"You have no reason to be sorry, Kara. It was never about you. You were warm, charming and so supportive. You were everything I needed, I just wasn't in a place where I could give myself to you completely. I wanted to so bad."

"Can I ask you a question?"

"Of course."

"When you called me a year ago, what were you going to say?"

"I have no clue. I think I could have asked how work was going. I probably would have had you tell me what brilliant project you were working on. I would have told you that I spent the last year getting myself to a place where I felt like I could possibly explore something with you. I would have told you that your voice and your words consumed me, and that when I was laying in bed at night, I thought of you and hoped you were okay. I might have asked you if you wanted to have coffee or a drink. Maybe dinner. I don't know. Something like that."

Kara wrapped her arms around Lena's waist and pulled her closer. The dance was beginning to feel less like two strangers on a dance floor. It was starting to feel more romantic by the second. Lena locked her fingers behind Kara's neck and held on a little tighter. Their faces were a little closer and Kara reveled at the feeling of Lena's breath on her cheek.

"What would you have said to me if you answered that call a year ago?"

"I suppose my first move would have been to put you on hold so I could squeal with delight."

"That is the most adorable thing I've ever heard." Lena ran her thumb along the back of Kara's neck. This simple act sent shivers up and down Kara's spine.

"After that, I would have come back on the line and asked you if we could meet for coffee, drinks or dinner immediately. You know how great I am at impulse control."

Lena laughed and moved a hand to Kara's chest.

"I could totally see that happening. Your lack of impulse control is what scared me a little, but I see now that it is one of your most charming qualities. When you love, you love with your whole heart."

"I wish I had been there to pick up that call", Kara whispered softly. They were the most sincere words Kara ever uttered.

"Me too. Hey, you have a Christmas Eve party to get to and I have packing to do."

"Packing? Are you going somewhere for Christmas?"

"I'm moving to Ireland for six months. I leave in two days."

"What? Why?" Kara asked unable to hide her shock and disappointment.

"We have a huge merger we are putting together and they want me to see it through with our Irish attorneys."

"So, you won't be here for the New Year?"


Lena could see that Kara was upset. She stopped swaying to the music and moved her hands to Kara's face.

"Are you okay, Kara?"

"I know this sounds stupid because I have a girlfriend and am completely unavailable, but I just found you. I just found you and I am losing you again."

"I'm going to give you all of my information this time. You'll have everything if you ever need me. I will only be a phone call away."


"Of course. I wasn't ready before because I felt like if it wasn't for me and my insane baggage, we would have been amazing together. This time around, you have a girlfriend and I'm much healthier I think. Well, I'm drinking far less so that's great."

"Why do I hate that you're leaving so much?"

"Maybe because there is a touch of serendipity in all of this. Have you ever seen that movie? It feels a little magical that you and I met on Christmas Eve. The fact that we just happened to reconnect on Christmas Eve, in a completely different place is kind of amazing. What were the odds?"

"Do you believe in destiny?"

"Before all of this I didn't. I'm Catholic so I always believed my life was in the hands of God. There was something divine about our meeting. I guess if we are meant to be, destiny or divine intervention will play a part. I feel it", Lena said smiling.

"What if this is it?"

"I go to Ireland, you stay here with the girlfriend who doesn't deserve you, and we see if destiny will give us a second chance. In the meantime, you can always call."

"Even when you're in Ireland?"

"Especially while I'm in Ireland. I will need to hear familiar voices that will bring me comfort."

"And my voice brings you comfort?"

"More than you will ever know."

Kara wrapped an arm around Lena even tighter and and held the hand that Lena rested on her chest. Now they swayed together and danced like two lovers.

"I'd Like You For Christmas", by Julie London played in the background.

"Kara...", Lena started to say.

"Are you okay, Lena?"

Lena pressed her cheek to Kara's and closed her eyes.

"I'm sorry."

"For what?"

"For not doing this two years ago", Lena whispered as she pressed her forehead to Kara's forehead.

"You weren't ready. I guess our timing just hasn't been very good."

"It's been terrible, but the memory of this dance will sustain me for a lifetime. I have dreamed of dancing with you for the last year." Lena smiled but her eyes were sad.

"I hate that I didn't know. Stupid new amazing job."

"I'm glad you're happy. Can I ask you another terrible question?"

"Of course. I think we've established we can be honest."

"This girlfriend of yours. Do you love her?"

"There are things about her I like. She can also be overbearing, aggressive, moody and rude. I think she might be cheating on me."

"She sounds amazing", Lena said sarcastically trying to stifle her laughter.

"Alex hates her. She calls her 'airhead' to her face."

"I like Alex. Why are you with someone you don't like?"

"I suppose I didn't want to over commit to someone when I knew you...I mean someone more suitable might be rattling around out there trying to call my old desk phone."

"I wish I wasn't leaving."

"Me too. You said a couple days?"


"Well, I consider this one of the greatest gifts I've ever accidentally received. Being here with you in person, finally seeing's all I could have asked for."

"Same here. It's pretty spectacular."

"I really should go though. Alex will have my head if I miss the party."

"I wish I didn't have to let go."

"Me too."

Kara wrapped both arms around Lena and pulled her in as close as she could. Lena wrapped her arms around Kara's neck and her eyes welled up with tears.

"You are so beautiful Kara Danvers. I hope you know that."

"You're beautiful too Lena. I hope you have a good time in Ireland and find what you're looking for."

"It's a job and I think, unfortunately for the both of us, I found what I'm looking for right here."

Kara pressed her cheek to Lena's and kissed it softly.


They danced until the end of the song and pulled their bodies away from each other. It felt cold and hallow when they weren't wrapped in each other's arms. Lena gave Kara a business card with all of her information on it.

"This has everything including my home address. I know it's a shot in the dark, but I have to try. If you come to your senses and decide to break up with that girlfriend you don't especially like, come and find me. I'll be at home packing."

"It's Christmas. Even I'm not that cruel", Kara said with a sad smile.

"I get it but a girl has to try right?"

Kara gave Lena a business card with all of her information as well. They stood there in the snow with the sparkle of the lights all around them and neither of them knew how to say goodbye.

"Why is it so hard for me to leave?" Kara asked.

"Here's what you're going to do. You're going to close your eyes and count to ten. When you open your eyes, I will be gone and it will all feel like some kind of magical dream."

"Okay", Kara said already feeling sad. "I guess it's time."

Kara closed her eyes and shivered a little.

"I feel so cold without you in my arms", Kara said, her eyes still closed tight.

Lena pulled off the scarf that draped over the shoulders of her coat and wrapped it around Kara's neck. She leaned in and kissed Kara's lips softly. Kara's heart raced and her pulse quickened. She reached out, longing to take Lena into her arms. Kara felt the gentle caress of Lena's hand on her cheek. She took in the feel of her touch. Her hand moved away, and then she felt nothing.

She waited a beat and opened her eyes. Lena was gone. Kara pulled the scarf off and pressed it to her face. It smelled like Lena. She couldn't quite tell what the smell was. It was just fresh and clean and smelled like home. Kara wrapped the scarf around her neck again and smiled. It was terrible saying goodbye but destiny had given her one of the greatest gifts she had ever received.

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