The Iron Sentinel (MGE x OP...

By WeabooCyborgNEO

101K 1K 828

In the Middle realm where souls were moving from realm to realm . There was and there is The Keeper of Realms... More

Part #2
Part #3
Part #4
Just some meme...
Part #5
Part #6
Part #7
Author's note and some bits of lore
Part #8
Hello again.
Part #9
Author's Note (aka Author begs for forgivness)
Part #14
Part #15
Author's Note

#Part 13

1.6K 27 12
By WeabooCyborgNEO

(YN) was trying remove the salt off his hoodie-jacket thingie with water. And while he was at it, dark thoughts plagued his mind. He full well knew that he was stronger than the demon lord, he knew what he had to do but he didnt knew if he had the moral strenght to do it. To kill a creature that has never harmed anyone. On the other hand, the mere thought of how brainwashed peolpe are by the Demonic Energy made him livid, the though of humanity being replaced by mamono and their fuckpuppets seemed like a nightmare to him, and memories that were in this body only induced this. He felt fear, for humanity, dwarves and elves and his heart was torn apart by sorrow knowing full well that automatons, peolpe of  Sabasa and Polove were already lost to this... Plague... He had no other way to describe it, it was unnatural and was breaking the circle of life, and what if the demon lord would become powerful enough to open portals to different dimensions... Then even his homeworld was in danger that was it, he couldnt play around anymore, he has to get serious... Then suddenly he heard.

Anubis : "How horrific isnt it? I was horrified too when I realised that... But others didnt. They happily jumped into the pit of lust and depravity dooming their people too. Only me and Ares remained on Chief goddesses side. Well, what is left of us anyway..."

(YN) : "And others?"

"Anubis : Hela does not care, all she does is making sure that souls reach to the soulstream, but all her servants were corrupted and she literally allows them to cheat death, that is still a problem though its a one you should not burden yourself with. Poseidon, Eros and Bacchus are on the Mamonos side. Previous Chief goddess is in Pandemonium but she is planning to overthrow the Demon Lord and regain comtrol again, but the problem is that she is corrupted by demonic energy too, well only her mortal form that is. Ilias would fall sooner or later..."

(YN) : "To say that this fucking sucks is to say nothing."

Anubis : "Indeed..."

(YN) : "But i dont want to kill..."

Anubis : "Only madmen want to... It is good that you are concious about it, but if there is no way what will you do?"

(YN) : "I will do what i have to do..."

He said in his mind. Anubis has gone silent leaving him alone with his thoughts. (YN) hanged his jacket on a chair leaving it to dry. And sat down on his bed. He still has alot to think about...

Scene change...

The moon was young outside, its light was relfecting on the calm water. Michelle has never seen something like that. And even stars were different than thise back home. She sat on the desk gently squeezing the fragile wooden bars, good thing that there was no high waves tonight. Her mind slovly traveled to what has happened today, demonic corruption she has only heard about it from elders and occasional travelers. But witnessing it first hand, now she could understand why (YN) could be so mad about it. She could not imagine her family and fellow people turning into sex-starved animals which most mamono are in her opinion. And that jinko... When she was thinking about her she started to break wooden bars. How dare that fleabag to be squirming around (YN)! He clearly had no warm feelings towards her, but she still tried to jump his bones for no reason. Though this is what mamono are known for. Stubborness and complete lack of dignity. She sighned softly. And also it didnt help that the overpovered automaton didnt take her seriously either. She knew that she just couldt force her way into his heart, she needed to get rid of the jinko first and then slowly and methodically win him over. Which was possible, since she could sometimes feel his stares on her. And as soon as he asks about "family matters" she will be the first to tell him and hopefully first to demonstrate...

Kohako was lazily lying on top of the mast. Looking down at the Ironkin. "How lewd..." She thought and grinned like a Cheshire cat when she understood how Michelle was feeling.
Though, she didnt mean it in a bad way. Mamono or not Michelle is a fellow woman. And seeing her experience love for the first time made her happy for her. If she werent such a meanie they could share him. Though she doubted that it was possible atleast in the nearest times. He was way too angry and fearfull... She could sence his feelings from here. Knowing that he felt like this, alone made her heart twist in pain, yet she knew that he had enough of mamono for today. He already had a bad impression, because of the whole "corrupting his entire race" even if she completely failed to understand how it could be a bad thing. After todays situation he was livid. She sighed. Even she didnt approve of the methods her sisters used to "accuire" husbands, hell she herself couldnt hold back when she saw her chosen, but it was because she was in heat back then, otherwise Jinkos would prefer to be civil about this. But the deed was done and she couldnt redo it. She decided to sleep instead of overthinking, after all she trusted the guidence of the Dark Mother (Demon Lord).

Arthur returned to his room after he was talking with sailors about precautions they should do to prevent something like this from happening again. He removed his shirt and lied down on his bed. He tried to sleep but couldnt, the demonic energy was everywhere and his heart was racing, his body was in anticipation of a strike. Yet he knew that it would never come. The only mamono on his ship was after (YN) who was strong as hell. Besides the alarms would react if demonic energy levels were higher than safe. With these thought he has finally managed to calm himself down. Then his thoughts traveled towards his home. House Pendragon, the cursed family. His great great ancestor has betrayed humanity and his family was forced to send their firstborn to the makai in a penitent crusade, there were many other houses like that, but house Pendragon was first to be punished like that. Arthur sighed even if he was prepared to die, even when he knew that it was nesecarry for him to die in the end, he still wanted to live. But he had no choice, like every imperial soldier with the "final solution" flowing through their veins, killing them when the demonic energy was way too damn high. Then he quietly sang...

"When freedom's lost"
"The Final Solution"
"Dreams fade away"
"And our hope turns to dust..."

"And millions gone..."
"Our brothers have fallen"
"Lost to the world, as they perished in pain..."

The lump in his throat was gone now. This song reminded him that no matter what he was still a soldier of humanity sent to try and kill a dangerous foe... He yawned, better get some sleep because he needs to be vigilant since they arrive in Zipangu tommorow.

Original song is Sabaton - The Final Solution.

So how was it? I tried to make some character development in this so please tell me how you liked it.

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