Ratbags and Scallywags [bxb]

By IlamMalik

64.9K 4.9K 3K

Charlie Rascal accidentally exposes Aubrey's deepest secret: That he is profoundly deaf and blind in one eye... More

Author note
Meet the Cast
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34 - END

Chapter 23

1.3K 120 58
By IlamMalik

There wasn't a lot I could do in that situation, and now I found myself in this sort of pickle. Finding guys deliciously attractive from far away was one thing, while being up close and personal was completely another. As I looked down at my inflated pants crotch, I wondered what I was supposed to do with this.

Damn it, Aubrey Keats.

Mum would sure be proud.

Shuffling a little in front of the mirror, I tried to readjust and relocate the majority. Just a quick tuck. It helped a little, but probably not enough. Cold water was said to help these sorts of situations, so I switched on the tap and splashed my face several times. My face was buried in my hands when I vaguely heard someone enter the bathroom, then arms wrapped around my waist. fingers groping my torso and lowering to the front of my pants.

Seriously, this guy...

I came here to escape his sexy onslaught and now he came in here for a double whammy? Did he want me to get kicked out of the school for indecency?

"When did you get so bold?" I asked, trying to keep my tone light and playful so he wouldn't be offended. "We're in public and someone could come in-"

I paused and lifted my head, using my shoulder to wipe the water from my eyes. As I blinked the rest of it away, a clear image of a face materialized through the reflection in front of me. A skinny, slight head; noodle hair and black eyes became clear behind me. An icy, blank stare that didn't so much as blink once as he looked directly into my eyes. Hands roamed to the front of my crotch, settling down and circling slowly and carefully across the black material.

It was Jesse goddamn Atkinson. The Principal's perverted son.

He squeezed, feeling me up and down. His fingers moved all the way down and between my legs. The feeling of revulsion was enough to make me shrivel dryer than a raisin. I snapped. "Oi, what the hel-"

The sensation of teeth grazing and prickling the back of my neck made me squeal and try to pull away, but he held me steady. "Why're you wasting your time on a straight guy, huh? He isn't like us, y'know?"

Did I even know this guy?

How did he come to the open conclusion that I'm gay without ever speaking with me till now? And was he talking about Aubrey?

"I know you're gay," he taunted me in a low whisper. "So am I."

"Why does that concern me?" I asked, trying to pry his hands off.

Every movement I made to rid his rotten fingers from around me only made me more conscious of him being pressed against me. I gritted my teeth, feeling like medieval torture devices were set up inside me. "Damn it, get off me!"

His voice was low, pressing his lips close to my ear. "Don't waste your time on straight douche bags, Charlie, especially ones like Aubrey Keats. It's only a matter of time before he gets over this test trial and leaves you for a girl."

The feeling of his breath at the back of my neck made my stomach turn, and I was almost overcome with nausea. He was so gross and vile that I couldn't think straight. Just think of Aubrey, think of Aubrey. Pure hearted, gentle, kind, sweet, deliciously handsome Aubrey Keats. Poetry loving Aubrey.

My teeth and jaw were starting to ache, making me aware of how aggressively I'd been clenching and grinding them this entire time. I took a moment to breathe. I had to gather my thoughts, even just for a second. If I could do that, then I could somehow figure out how to get out of this situation with some level of diplomacy before it escalated any further.

I took a deep, bated breath and relaxed with a forced sigh.

"Look," I said, feeling the tension rush from my tired jaw like a shockwave. "Think what you want, but I've never worried about things like that. I like who I like. Aubrey Keats can like whoever he likes. Whether it's a man or a woman or anyone else has nothing to do with y-"

His hand gripped the side of my jaw and forced my head sideways before his lips smashed against mine. His vile, cold tongue tried to force its way into my mouth; and so I let it. But then I bit him.


"Ow, fuck!" he cried out, stumbling back while holding his hands over his face. "Jesus, what the fuck?"

"Don't you ever touch me again," I yelled. "Don't even say my name. Don't breathe the same air as me, and if you dare lay a hand on Aubrey then I swear to God I'll make sure your body never functions the same way again."

I marched to the sink and spat his blood out into it, wiping my mouth frantically. Jesse's head lifted behind me, drawing my attention to him in the mirror. He'd been wiping the blood on his face, smearing it across his lips. But his face twisted, contorting into embarrassment and rage as he came marching towards me.

"You asshole," he shouted, hand still under his mouth catching blood. He'd have to see the nurse for that one. I couldn't wait till he had to explain how that came about. "You think he cares about you? Ha! He'll leave you."

Prepared for a second round, I spun to face him right when a tall body collided with his, sending him tumbling sideways. Aubrey paused and held him by the scruff of his neck, cocking his head as if wondering what he should do next. Having obviously not come to any sort of conclusion, he shoved Jesse aside and hurried over to me.

"Asshole," Jesse spat, marching over and grabbing Aubrey's arm. His voice was low and threatening. "You'll pay. Just you wait."

Then he turned to me, face twisting into a cruel smirk. "Don't say I didn't warn you, Charlie Rascal. Straight guys just like to mess around then throw us away the moment we start to inconvenience them. You'll see."

Aubrey picked up a wet toilet paper roll somebody discarded on the sink bench and flung it at him. Jesse made a sound of disgust before kicking it away.

"Who's the inconvenience here, huh?" Aubrey shot at him, standing awkwardly and rigid. His posture didn't suit his moment of bravado, even as his fists lay balled at his sides. "Can people only be gay or straight? Are we gonna pretend like nothing else exists? Leave him alone, he's not interested."

"Whatever," Jesse muttered, turning and storming out of the bathroom.

"You okay?" Aubrey asked, lifting his fingers to my forehead and brushing some fallen hair aside. His expression was so beautifully concerned, worried for me.

Did he see any of that? Hear any of it?

Only then did my heartbeat pick up. My hands started to shake while I broke into a cold sweat. I wiped my mouth with my sleeve, but it didn't help in any way. "Charlie," Aubrey said, but I couldn't respond.

I turned the tap on the highest heat available, which wasn't hot enough, and drank straight from the tap.


When that still didn't work, I squirted multiple doses of soap onto my hands and rubbed it across my lips, onto my tongue, swishing it around my mouth until it started to feel course and tender. It still wasn't enough. Paper towels. I looked left and right, seeking out the paper towel dispenser. They were course and dry enough to rid me of this disgusting, vile poison that lingered.

I was dirty.


Aubrey grabbed my shoulders and turned me to face him, holding me so that I was trapped against his chest. He shouldn't be touching me. There was blood on my shirt, and it would make him dirty. I didn't want to make him like me. A sob caught in my throat, but the relentless palpitations set my heart into overdrive, thankfully cancelling it out. And my ears were ringing.

Now I didn't know what to think or feel besides panic, wishing desperately that my heart would just be quiet.

What would it take for things to be quiet?

"Hey, hey," Aubrey gently cooed, covering my cheeks with his palms and forcing me to face him. "You're okay, you're okay."

He leaned forward and pressed his lips firmly on my forehead. "Let's get you to the sickbay," he said.

I shook my head as firmly as he'd kissed me. "He'll be in there by now," I said.

Aubrey furrowed his eyebrows worriedly. "But you're bleeding..."

"It's not my blood," I smiled sheepishly, annoyed that my voice was shaking. He studied me seriously for a moment, and I watched his eyes gradually darken while his tender expression turned rigid. Guess he didn't see what happened, but I guess he was figuring it out.

He let go of me. Putting his hands down at his sides, he stepped back to give me some space. I immediately missed him in my space, his warmth; but I didn't say anything.

"I'm... I'm sorry, Charlie," he muttered, voice crumbling. I looked at him, feeling confused. Why was he apologizing? "If I came sooner..."

I gazed at him, eyes wide and stunned.


I couldn't help but break into a grin. He glanced at me with uncertainty with the purest of puppy eyes, making some of the weight of dirt and filth slide of me.

This giant awkward pacifist?

Wednesday's shenanigans were a definite once off. This kind of guy didn't belong in conflict, but he was the sweetest for even wanting to protect me. I decided to make the most of the situation and milk his sensitive nature for all it' was worth.

"Alright," I said, "if you want to make it up to me, then spend the night at my place."

He rapidly blinked, even more uncertain than two seconds ago. "...Your place?"

"Yeah," I said. "I'll feel better about this just by having you around."

And it was true.

I don't think I'd spend too much time worrying about Jesse's tongue in my mouth if I had Aubrey's in there instead. The thought made me a little giddy, although that was short-lived when I remembered the pervert touching my temporarily hard front.

What could have been a brief moment of embarrassment and awkwardness, one I could've looked back and laughed at my own woes of teen hood and puberty, he made gross. That's it. Gross.

"Let's go report it first of all," he said. Some dudes came boisterously laughing and chatting, standing in front of the urinals and whipping themselves out. The thought of Jesse's hand roaming over mine just minutes ago made me green.

"Yeah," I carelessly agreed, as long as I get out of this room quickly. "Let's."


Maybe I agreed too soon. We were back at the Dean's office waiting for her to come back, but I felt my blood run cold. This was the Principal's son we were up against. If Principal Atkinson decided not to believe us, he could have me done for slander or defamation. My sister said I just like to draw attention to myself, and this'd be one hell of a way to do it.

My blood ran cold when Mrs. Anderson entered the room, surprised to find us standing in here. "You boys again..." she said, looking between us with exasperation. "You were here not twenty minutes ago, what happened?"

Her gaze set directly on me, straight away. Of course it was me who would be the one to have gotten up to no good. Of course I'd be the first one to question. I was the ratbag, the rascal. I brought trouble, that's just what I did... Or my name wouldn't be Charlie Rascal. Would saying anything just bring more trouble? It wasn't worth it.

I stammered. "I-I..."

Now I was starting to shiver, making me unable to help but chuckle considering this room was sweltering. The Dean must have misinterpreted my response because she folded her arms crossly. Waiting for me to make a mistake. Waiting for me to mess up. "Speak up, Charlie. What's funny?"

"N-no, ah... I..." I couldn't do it. How much more disappointed or frustrated could I possibly make my family, or those around me? How much more of a bother could I possibly be?

"Charlie..." Aubrey looked at me with confusion. He nodded towards the Dean, prompting me to speak up. What about if this all went badly and I only got into trouble? Mum would scold me just like she did when I exposed Aubrey's secret. It was bad enough that I did it to the son of Mum's boss, but to the son of the school Principal? I didn't want to be a nuisance.

For the first time, I didn't want to bring unnecessary attention to myself. I didn't want to do anything that might make Aubrey find me a nuisance. I looked at him helplessly. What if he decided to ignore me after? What if he decided to leave my side? What if that creep was right and Aubrey really wouldn't stick around?

My heart crumbled at the thought.

"No, it's nothing," I said. Bringing attention to the son of the school Principal was only asking for trouble, which no good would come from. Instead, I pasted a grin, blew a flirtatious kiss and wiggled my fingers at her. "We just missed you and your bodacious, womanlike figure, Mrs. Atkinson. Did you work out sixty odd years ago? You must have. Ohohoh, if I wasn't gay, Mrs. Atkinson-"

"Charlie Rascal," she said, folding her arms as a frown stretched over her frail features.

I turned to face Aubrey; whose expression matched hers almost identically. He didn't speak, just stared at me with his top lip overhanging the bottom in the most delicious frown I'd seen from him yet. I looked up at the ceiling and threw my arms above my head.

"Woohoo!" I cheered. "I've done it! I've confessed after harboring years of secret affection to our school's sexiest Dean." I grinned and licked my lips at her. "What a weight load off my shoulder."

Aubrey's stern gaze followed my every move while I stretched my arms in front of me, one after the other, before cracking my neck. "Alright, let's go. The break is still young and I'm ravenous-"

Aubrey grabbed my arm and started yanking me towards the door. He turned back and uttered a quick apology, but her response hardly acknowledged it. It'd be the same outcome if I opened my mouth about what happened in the bathroom. The reactions would be the exact same. I'd might as well put on a chicken suit then shamelessly and provocatively strip it from the school rooftop.

"Charlie, you can expect a call to your parents this afternoon," she called from inside once we were already out the door. He slammed the door behind him, clenching his eyes at the sound with regret. We stood still for three seconds, waiting for the scolding, but no other sounds came from within her office.

"What the hell, Charlie?" Aubrey asked. "What were you thinking?"

"That I'd turn straight for that snookum-"

"Charlie," Aubrey repeated, clearly frustrated. "Why did you do that?"

What could I say? I'd be told off by Mum today when I got home from school. But it could have been worse. If I told the truth, then this would be so much worse. And I didn't want Aubrey to leave me. My shoulders sagged. My bravado waned. I grew weary. I didn't hear anyone around us, but I didn't even look. I slumped against Aubrey's chest and stayed like that.

"Come home with me today," I mumbled into his shirt. "Don't leave me." 

A/N: Alright friends, let's hear your thoughts! 

What in the hell was going through Charlie's head when he riled up the Dean like that? How can someone like Charlie do something so impulsively? 

Can anyone take a guess at the psychology behind it? Ohohoh. Don't worry, things can't get a whole lot worse for our baby boy...

Or can they? 

Please vote and comment if you like the story! Ya homeslice needs some desperate love and validation. <3 

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