Hazbin Hotel II Hell's Paradi...

By Fancybunnynii

405K 13.2K 2.2K

*** A fallen Angel, huh? Well, Heaven isn't really crack up to be the best. Cast away to Hell with her cool b... More

War against Heaven
No thanks, Michael!
Little Princess
Present for Charlie!
New Orleans
A Gentleman
Party Time
Hell's new Sinner
Charlie's Girlfriend
Fragile Bonds
Vanishing Act
Happy Hotel
Dance of Gold and Red
Back Home
First Client
666 News
Funny Mix-up
Brave or Stupid?
Tea Party
Dinner for Two
Bite the Bullet
The Question
Drinking with Music
Green with Jealousy
Show Off
My Darling Belial
Start of the Day
Lively Party
Don't leave me
Find a Way
Trial of Heaven
Welcome Home

New Friends

8.4K 290 16
By Fancybunnynii

Decades ago, Alastor manifested in Hell seemly overnight. 

At the start, he was able to survive against the Fallen Angel of Hell. 

After that fight, he is able to topple overlords who have been dominated for centuries. 

That kind of raw power has never been harnessed by an immoral soul before. 

Then, he broadcast his carnage throughout Hell...just so everyone who witness his ability. 

 Sinners started calling him the Radio Demon...as lazy as it. 

As if demons hadn't feared him enough, Alastor broadcast his 'dance' against Belial. 

Demons called that event - the Dance of Gold and Red. 

Many has speculated what unimaginable force had enabled him to rival our world's most ancient and destructive evils. 

But one things for sure, he is an unpredictable source of danger - a wicked spirit of mystery. 

And a violent monster of chaos, the likes that we can't risk. 

Getting involved with unless we want to get erased! 

"Ya done?" Angel interrupts Vaggie's monologue. She looks at the spider demon with a frown. Belial silently chuckles at Vaggie's explanation of the radio demon. She stood behind the loveseat, listening to Vaggie. Angel comments that Alastor just look like a strawberry pimp. Belial snorts under her breath, she will definitely remember that. "Well, I don't trust him!" Vaggie exclaims. Belial walks next to Vaggie's right, patting the top of her shoulder. "Don't worry, V. I can handle him." Vaggie gave Belial a small smile but her mood is ruined when Angel asked if she actually trust any men. Belial leaves her spot to follow the static, leading him to Alastor. 

The radio demon looks at the family portrait of the Magne family. A smaller one next to the portrait, a picture of Charlie standing next to Belial. Like always, Belial has a smile on her face. Alastor noted that she is wearing a maroon v-line and a-line style dress that touch her ankles. The dress were sleeveless. Charlie in this portrait seems to be more happier, probably Belial encourage her to smile. Instead of Belial standing still like her parents, she had her hand on top of Charlie's right shoulder - giving the feeling of support. 

Alastor grins at the sight, it looks like Belial has a weakness for her niece. "Bored already, Alastor?" Belial's voice made him look at his left to see her standing beside him. "Sadly, I'm afraid so. Nothing entertaining could compare to our little dance! Oh, I have miss the feeling of ripping each other apart, blood color the ground underneath us, and even having my arm torn off! Hahaha!" Alastor held up his left hand as it glows. 

"I take it that your arm is good as new." 

"Why yes! You do have marvelous powers, my dear. I would love to see more of it in the future." His grin widens at the thought. Even from their dance, Alastor felt something more is hidden in Belial - he just can't wait to unlock it. "It will be a while, Alastor for us to dance again since I got other things to do." Belial laughs. Alastor knows that she is talking about Charlie and her little project - it is a shame really. Although, he doesn't mind it since he knows where Belial is. To be part of the hotel is a bonus for him. 

While they having small conversation, Vaggie told Charlie that he is dangerous to have around. Charlie glances at Alastor and Belial to see Belial giving him a grin then a short laugh. It has been a while since she saw her aunt is a good mood. Ever since that 'day', she feels like Belial is forcing herself to grin and pretend that she is fine. For the past week, Charlie help take care of Belial's wound. She can't imagine how long that Belial had suffered without any help since she admits that she kept it a secret from her parents. As she said, she doesn't want to trouble them with her 'problem'. 

She really admire her aunt...her being strong and bearing through the pain but she is scared for her. 

If Charlie didn't see her aunt that night, she wonders how long Belial will keep this silent.  

"How can I turn someone away? I can't, it goes everything I'm trying to do." Charlie spoke to Vaggie then holds both of her shoulders, "Just trust me, I can take of myself beside we have aunt Bel with us." Vaggie looks uncertain. "Charlie, whatever you do...Do not make a deal with him." Charlie gave her a confident grin, "Don't worry, I picked one thing from my dad - you don't take shit from other demons." She approach Alastor and Belial. Her eyes is on Alastor. "Okay so. Al, you're sketchy as fuck and you clearly see what I try to do here. You find this thing as a joke." Turning away from Alastor for a moment, Belial felt energy emit from next to her. Symbols form around Alastor as his eyes glow. Her right elbow hit Alastor's side in which he turns his head to the woman. That action made him turns his attention to her. It turn Alastor back to 'normal'. 

Alastor's eyes look at the blind woman who look at Charlie's direction. He doesn't like to be touched from other people. If she was like any other demon, he would have tear them apart and made them suffer for centuries. This time, Alastor felt...indifferent. His blood didn't boil with rage not his body crave for her blood as payment. This is strange to the radio demon before he could dive more in this feeling Charlie turns back to him. Alastor simply give her a smile. "But I don't! I think everyone deserves a chance to prove themselves that they can be better...So, I'm taking your offer to help!" Charlie declares then narrows her eyes at the radio demon. 

"On the condition that there will not be no trickster, voodoo strings attached!" 

He grins at the princess then spins his microphone stand to his other hand. Holding out his left hand to Charlie, "So it is a deal then?" Belial is about to punch this demon to the deepest levels of hell for offering a deal with her niece. There is one thing that Belial doesn't tolerate - demons trying to advantage Charlie's kindness or laying a single hand on her. Her horns grew longer as green energy forms around Charlie and Alastor. The sound of faint hissing caught the princess' ears. Charlie's eyes widen then quickly pushes Alastor's hand away. "Nope! No shaking, no deals!" Her voice brought Belial back to normal. 

Charlie decides to give an alternative - using her status to create an order for Alastor. "For as long as you desire." She finishes with a nervous smile. Everyone could hear the sound of faint howling from miles away, filling the silence. "Uh, sound fair?" Charlie asks Alastor. He simply answers with a fair enough to the order. His staff disappears into thin air as he walks around to see the condition in this hotel. He grins at Vaggie's reaction towards his comment that she should smile more. Belial put a hand on top of her right shoulder to calm her down. Vaggie silently thanks the woman. 

Returning to Charlie, Alastor asks who is the hotel staff. "Well..." She motions Vaggie and Belial. The moth demon gave Alastor a burning glare. Belial simply sits on a chair next to the loveseat. "Oh, you need more then that." Alastor comments then approaches Angel who is sitting on a chair next to the check-in desk. "So, what can you do my effeminate fellow?" With a grin, Angel replies to him. 

"I can suck your dick." 

Belial let out a laugh which made Angel smile more. At least Belial isn't mad at him anymore. Maybe he will ask for that Hell's shake later. Loud screeching emits from the still demon. "Haha! No!" Alastor replies then walks away to get away from the spider demon. "This won't do, I suppose I can cash in a few favors to liven things up!" With a snap of his finger, the wood that block the fireplace disappears to reveal the fireplace coming to life. It is the first time to meet one of Alastor's associates. 

Alastor picks up the tiny demon from the fireplace. Ashes from the fire disappears as the tiny demon opened her large eye. "This little darling is Nifty!" He put down Nifty in which she greets them with a wide smile. She looks at the four of them. "It's nice to meet you! It's been a while since I made new friends!" Her pupil shrunk as she made that comment then looks at all of them with confusion. "Why are you all women?" Nifty quickly picks up Charlie from the floor, shouting if there is any men around. She quickly apologizes then darts around the lobby, shocked to see everything filthy. Swift as lightning, Nifty begins to dust and clean the place up. 

The demons turns to their attention to the other side of the room. Belial heard the sound of static in the air. By the sound of it, Alastor has summon another demon into the hotel. A black and white cat demon with a pair of red wings. Cursing out loud of this sudden appearance in this hotel, the cat demon turns to see Alastor looking proud in front of him. "YOU." He points at Alastor with a glare. "Husker, my good friend. Glad you can make it!" Alastor greets the demon.

Husk growls at the radio demon, he is not happy that he is dragged here in a middle of a card game. Alastor simply told him that is good to see him. Husk facepalms at his comment, "What do you want with me this time?" Belial heard his little comment. It seems that Alastor has a habit of dragging his associates to his nonsense. She walks on top of the wooden floor that leads to the bar. Alastor has a talk with Husk, telling him that he will be working here. It made Husk's mood sour more. The radio demon announces that Husk will be person to handle the newly made bar for the hotel. It didn't take much for Alastor to convince Husk since he just need to offer cheap booze for him. 

Vaggie quickly put her foot down at this bar idea. Belial stood next to the bar, hearing Husk chugging his bottle of cheap booze. He glances at the blind woman who simply face Vaggie's direction. He became still in his spot. He knew who is she since he was forced to listen to Alastor spewing praises of her and their 'time' together. 

"Mind if I get an Old fashioned?" Belial turns her head to the grouchy cat with a grin. He returns back to normal as he mutters a whatever. He is able to form her drink with ease and sliding the glass to her. Belial thanks the demon as she took her first sip. "Name's Belial since we are going to work together." She decides to introduce herself. He scoffs then takes a sip from his bottle, "Husk, I was forced here...but whatever." 

When he compares Alastor with Belial, they are different. Belial carries a chill atmosphere around her - hints of playfulness. She would be someone that people would hang out with. Alastor is a suspicious person with a wide grin. Even if Alastor displays a welcoming smile, he always have something planned in his mind. Every demon have to be guard around him even if he is far away. To have both of them in the same place, Husk doesn't know what to think. 

Forget it. He'll just drink his cheap booze and not think anymore. 


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