The one (Bruce Wayne X reader)

By tsukiyamaistrashlord

18.8K 690 282

Ever wanted to be on the bachelor? No? Well too bad, your friend sent in an audition for you and you got in... More

What could go wrong?
Let the games begin
First day in Wayne Manor
First date
The first elimination
Batman day Oneshot
oh no, whatever shall happen?
Things are dandy
Cheese Vikings
Making up

Movie night

1.4K 65 42
By tsukiyamaistrashlord

        The next morning you were awoken by a loud knocking at your door. You thought this strange and looked at your phone for the time 3:30 A.M. flashed on your screen. 'Who the hell is at my door at 3 in the morning?' you thought getting up. You hesitated to open the door but assured yourself that the Wayne Manor was as safe as it gets. You opened the door and froze. Outside your door was a man you definitely recognized but never thought you'd be seeing in Wayne Manor.

Batman stood in the hallway outside your door clutching his right side. You couldn't see if he was injured or not so you ushered him into your room and turned on the lights. Your fears were confirmed when you saw the blood covering his costume, scratches covered his face and you were sure he was probably quite bruised. "What the hell happened?" you asked as quietly as you could,

"Doesn't matter, I need a first aid kit," He said standing just inside the door,

"And I'm the first person you think of? In all honesty, I think you've made a terrible decision but you're already here so there's not much I can do," you said leading him over to the bed, you were gonna have to come up with an excuse for all this blood but there were more important things to think about right now. You disappeared into the closet to search in your hidden bathroom for medical supplies. Luckily Bruce Wayne was a Gothamite at heart because you found a large first aid kit underneath the sink. When you returned to the main room Batman was exactly where you left him, still clutching his side.

You decided you could probably deal with the scratches on his face so you grabbed some adhesive bandages from the first aid kit and started on your task. As you applied the adhesive bandages you noticed Batman's labored breathing, he must be really hurt. you were afraid to see the wound he was covering with his hand. "Why'd you come to Wayne Manor?" you asked trying to make sure Batman was still in stable condition. You reasoned that if he could talk he wasn't too bad off.

"I was close by," He said in his typical vague fashion.

"Okay, but there are a ton of security systems around here. Wouldn't it be easier just to go to your home base or something?" This made Batman exhale through his nose, making a noise that resembled a laugh.

"I like a challenge," he said as you finished up bandaging the wounds on his face that weren't covered by his cowl.

"If you say so," you said stepping back to admire your handiwork and looking to see if you missed anything, "But why come to me? You said yourself that I couldn't dress my own wound, what makes you think I could dress yours?"

"Call it intuition," He said moving his hand to reveal a nasty gash on his side.

"How the hell did you get that?" You asked tying to grapple how you were gonna fix that thing.

"Don't worry I'll walk you through bandaging it," He said clearly noticing your eyes widening at the sight of the wound.

"That didn't answer my question," You said,

"It doesn't matter how I got it, I just need your help fixing it," He said, starting to get annoyed,

"Ok, I'll help," You said, "now is this thing a onesie or can you take it off like a shirt because I can't fix the wound like this,"

Batman said nothing but started taking off the top half of his costume, you helped him with the right side. You got the shirt off and even though you were supposed to be focusing on the giant gash on Batman's torso, you had to admit he was pretty muscular, scars covering his entire body. Before you had time to further admire Batman's physique he started giving you instructions. When disinfecting you were surprised to hear him let out a hiss in pain, you probably would've done the same but hearing Batman do it was odd, to say the least.

Once you'd patched Batman up you offered him some of your painkillers, he declined but opted to take a pill from his utility belt. "Should I be expecting more late-night medical emergencies?" you asked sitting at your desk.

"No," he said starting to get up,

"Wow, was my amateur medical assistance not up to your expectations?" you said putting your hand on your chest and pretending to be shocked.

"You did fine," he said, "I shouldn't need emergency medical attention next time" he got up and walked away just as dramatically as he always did.

You might've followed him if he didn't close the door as he left. It felt wrong to open the door, besides you were pretty sure even if you opened the door he wouldn't be there anymore. Now you faced the task of getting the blood off your bedding. You searched through your closet and found a spare comforter that you thought would suffice.

Luckily only the comforter got blood on it. You folded up the comforter and set it on your desk before putting the clean comforter on your bed. At this point, you were wide awake so you decided to set off to find a washer and dryer. You put the comforter into a laundry basket you'd found in the closet along with a couple of other articles of clothing. You held the laundry basket against your hip and made your way down the hall. With your minimal experience in the manor, you quickly got lost.

Every hall looked the same and you kept getting turned around. At one point you thought you'd found the right room but it was just a cleaning closet. Eventually, you found yourself back in the kitchen and you sat down at the kitchen counter, you were really close to giving up. You pulled out your phone and checked the phone, nearly 6 A.M. You didn't think it'd be that hard to find a laundry room.

Just as you were about to get up and try again you heard a noise from behind you. The lights came on and you saw Alfred standing behind you "Goodmorning (Y/N), if you'd told me that you planned on getting up so early I would've prepared you breakfast."

"No worries Alfred, I didn't plan on getting up this early myself. But I have a question,"

"What do you need?" he asked,

"Can you tell me where to find a laundry room?" You asked picking up your laundry basket.

"Oh, I can take those from you," he said,

"No, it's fine I can do it myself, I just need a washer and dryer," you said clutching the basket.

Alfred told you where to find the laundry room and you were off. You only got a little lost on your way but eventually, you found the right room. The laundry room wasn't small by any means but compared to the other rooms in the manor it was like a closet. You quickly dumped the laundry basket's contents into the washer and searched for some laundry detergent. Once you'd sorted everything out you started the washer and headed back to the kitchen.

When you returned to the kitchen you found a mug of coffee were you'd been sitting before. Alfred was preparing breakfast so you asked him about the mug "Is this for me?" you asked pointing at the mug,

"I thought you might enjoy it, seeing you're up so early. Although if you prefer I could make tea," he said,

"I'm fine with the coffee," you said taking a sip, just how you liked it.

You drank your coffee and had a pleasant conversation with Alfred. At around 7 you got up to put your laundry in the dryer, you checked the comforter when putting it in the dryer and it seemed like the bloodstain was completely gone. "You get something on the comforter?" came a voice from behind you. You turned to see a pale man standing in the doorway, he had shaggy black hair and looked remarkably tired.

"Yeah I spilled something on it," You said throwing the comforter into the dryer and starting, "Might I ask who you are?"

"Oh yeah, I'm Tim Drake. May I assume you're on of the contestants?" he said, that name rang a bell. Didn't Stephanie have an ex named Tim?

"Sure am," You said, "I'm (Y/N)" you held out a hand and Tim shook it,

"Why're you doing your own laundry?" he asked, "Alfred would happily do it for you,"

"I would feel bad making Alfred do it," You said, "What're you doing in the laundry room anyway?"

"Looking for Alfred," He said, "I wanted to see if he had the coffee ready yet,"

"Well Alfred might not be there but there's definitely coffee in the kitchen," you said.

"Thank god," Tim said and headed towards the kitchen.

You awkwardly followed him since you were going to the same place. Desperately trying to make the situation less awkward you pulled out your phone to text Stephanie. 'Hey did you date Tim Drake?' you texted,

'Yeah I did for a little, why do you ask?'

'Well, I just met him,'

'In Wayne Manor?'

'Where else would I meet him at 7 in the morning?'

'Just checking. What'd you two talk about?'

'Not much he met me and then he went to get coffee'

'Sounds like him,'

You then reached the kitchen and sat down at the dining table were some of the contestants were already sitting. Since today was Sunday the film crew wouldn't be doing any filming and everyone was free to do as they please. That also meant Bruce would be joining everyone for breakfast. A slight blush crept onto your face at the thought of Bruce, remembering what had happened last night. He'd definitely surprised you with the kiss, like he had every time he kissed you. Something was different about that time though, it wasn't just a simple peck on the cheek, you couldn't really explain it but it just felt like he really meant it. Like he kissed you because he genuinely liked you and not just to surprise you like in the private jet.

As you were contemplating last night bruce walked into the kitchen from the garden with an adhesive bandage on his face. You thought this strange and it was oddly similar to the bandages you'd put on Batman. Bruce noticed you staring at his face "a stray cat in the garden scratched my face," he said pointing to the bandage.

"Oh, do you get many stray cats out here?" you asked,

"Not really but they pop up every so often," he said sitting next to you,

Once Bruce sat down Silver deliberately got up and sat on the other side of Bruce. Before anyone had a chance to start any kind of meaningful conversation Alfred set breakfast down on the table and everyone started to eat. After breakfast, you got dressed and went for a quick walk in the garden before you went to the movie room as you did every day. You wanted to go to the garden partially because you wanted to see if you could find the stray cat Bruce mentioned and partially because you really enjoyed looking at the flowers. You looked around the garden for a while and after finding no sign of the cat you went back inside to ask Alfred to make popcorn.

As you waited for Alfred to make the popcorn you walked around the Manor. You ended up finding the library, it was massive with books lining every wall. there were even stairs leading up to a second floor of books. While you were looking around you noticed a couch and you quickly realized there were people sitting on the couch. It didn't seem like they'd noticed you, either that or they didn't care. You felt like you shouldn't have been there but you were morbidly curious as to who was sitting on the couch.

After you realized that they were there you quickly recognized Bruce and Silver sitting together. You were wondering why they were just sitting together on the couch until you realized. Silver's face was pressed into Bruce's, you felt your heart drop and you quickly ran out of the room.

You went to the movie room were you found Alfred's popcorn. Wich made you smile a little bit but the feeling of betrayal in your heart was overwhelming. You felt like crying but you didn't want anyone to ask why, so you put on a sad movie. You curled up onto your seat and ate popcorn, you started crying before anything sad even happened.

You should've known something like this would happen but it still felt awful. You'd felt special mere moments ago, but that feeling was cruelly ripped away the second you saw Bruce and Silver kissing. You wanted to run away or just disappear, you just didn't want to be here. But you didn't know where you wanted to go through so you stayed in the movie room, barely paying attention to the movie. You sat there lost in thought, you barely noticed when Alfred brought you more popcorn.

You snapped out of your trance when Bruce walked into the room. "Hey," he said, walking over to you, "are you ok?" he said with more urgency when he saw the tears on your cheeks.

"Just dandy," you said glaring at Bruce.

"What's wrong?" he asked, sitting down next to you, brow furrowed.

"Why don't you ask Silver?" you said in a deadpan voice.

Bruce looked confused for a second before realizing, "Oh, so you saw that," he said,

"Yeah I fucking saw it," you said. Your sadness becoming anger.

"It's not what you think," he said,

"Fat chance," you said rolling your eyes,

"I swear to you that it wasn't what you thought, I had no intention of kissing Silver," he said,

"If you say so," you said,

"Clearly you don't believe me, what can I do to make it up to you?" Bruce asked.

You took a deep breath, reminding yourself that stuff like this was bound to happen. "I wouldn't mind if you joined me for a movie marathon," you said.

"I think I can do that," he said.

You picked a movie and sat back down next to Bruce. After awhile Bruce put his arm around you as he typically did but you didn't lay your head on his shoulder until you were almost falling asleep. Bruce even had Alfred bring you dinner so you could keep watching movies. After you'd finished dinner you picked out a rom-com to watch and at a particularly boring moment where you were about to fall asleep without even thinking about it you asked Bruce a question,

"Are you gonna tell me how you actually got that scratch on your face? Or are you just gonna pretend I didn't bandage it for you,"


A/N: Thank you for reading! I just wanted to let everyone know the next chapter won't be part of the main story, it'll be a special one-shot in honor of Batman day,

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