Dimidium - Marvel Studios [7]

By -SunsetSky-

113K 4.2K 1.1K

This is the SEVENTH book in the RED ROOM series ! Ally managed to be on the surviving half of the snap, but... More

act seven.
book 8.


1.3K 64 9
By -SunsetSky-

January 2021

I lay in bed, Steve and I facing away from each other as his steady breathing filled the room. My arm was resting under my head, keeping it propped up from the pillow as I stared out the window, not being able to get to sleep tonight. This wasn't a regular occurrence anymore, normally I could sleep through the night perfectly fine, but I definitely should not have had 3 cups of coffee today. The snow was falling past the soft glow of the streetlights outside, ready to create a fresh layer for the residents of Brooklyn tomorrow.

I closed my eyes on an exhale, and as if on cue there was a small cluttering noise coming from somewhere. I opened my eyes up again immediately, waiting perfectly still to see if I could hear the noise again or if I had just imagined if. Just before I was going to grade it as a fragment of my imagination another noise came, like the sound of something falling over. I could tell it was coming from inside the house, how I don't know but something was telling me that it was, and my body was already kicking into a routine.

I swung my legs out of the bed, rising slowly as I stood still, trying to hear the noise again to figure out if it was real or part of my imagination. The clattering noise came again as I moved as quietly as I could, trying to ensure that the floorboards wouldn't creak under my feet. I made my way over to the closet, pushing the door open as I reached up onto the top shelf, reaching to the back and pulling out a show box as I laid it on the floor. I crouched down next to it, opening the box to reveal three small handguns and a few cases of bullets, ready to use in case of an emergency.

I grabbed out a gun and a bullet casing, leaving the box on the ground as I left the closet, Steve still lying silently in the bed as I made my way out of the room. I left the door open, knowing it would make too much noise if I tried to pull it closed. There was a loud clatter, the loud noise of something hitting the floor as I made my way down the stairs slowly. I stopped half way down, clicking the bullets into the gun quickly like it was second nature. I hovered for a moment, my muscles falling into the movements I had done so many times in life.

The smooth metal felt heavy in my hands, and I was surprised how fast and nimble my fingers were moving considering I hadn't touched one in over a year nowThere hadn't been a need for me to be armed, so the two guns I kept for safe keeping sat at the back of the closet far out of mental reach. The feeling to have my finger cupping the trigger felt good, like I was now finally complete with the extension to my arm added once again and I kind of liked how it felt after being gone for so long. I moved further down the stairs, my feet light and swift as I walked as silently and quickly as possible.

I made my way to the bottom floor, standing at the bottom of the stairs as I tried to figure out where the noise was coming from. l looked around the stairs, craning my neck to look into the living room, the sound of a quiet patter coming in from the kitchen. I moved to the archway, leaning against the wall as I lifted the gun, cocking it quickly as I moved around the corner, barging into the living room. I flicked on the light switch as I lifted my gun, aiming it at the intruder that I suspected was in the kitchen.

There wasn't anyone there, just a ginger cat standing on the counter, pursuing at the dishes that were drying next to the sink. I let out a sigh as I lowered the gun, raising my hand to my forehead as I shook my head. I looked back into the kitchen, the window cranked open as cold air filed into the house, probably how the cat got inside. I placed the gun onto the coffee table, walking into the kitchen as I looked at the cat, who was very interested in the dirty mug that was sitting in the sink.

I walked into the kitchen, ignoring the cat right now as I pulled the window closed, water from the rain pooling on the window sill as I sighed. "We have a visitor" Steve said as I turned to look at him, seeing him standing in the archway with his arms crossed over his bare chest, pointing at the cat. "You left the window open" I said to him as Steve spotted the gun on the table, waking over to it and picking it up. He clicked the safety on as he swiftly ejected the bullet casing, resting both pieces of the gun onto the table again.

"Sorry about that" Steve said as the cat looked up at him, cautious that I was suddenly in the kitchen with it. "He has a collar" Steve said as he walked over, leaning on the counter as he extended a hand, letting the cat sniff him. It moved forward apprehensively letting Steve scratch his fingers behind its ears, leaving all caution behind as he warmed into Steve. "Meet" Steve started as he used his other hand to look at the cats collar, reading it as he looked up at me with a smile.

"Charlie" he finished as I nodded my head, opening up a drawer as I pulled out a towel, moving back to the window to mop up all the rain water. "Does Charlie have a number on his collar?" I asked Steve as I turned to see him holding the cat in his arm, Charlie rather enjoying it as Steve stroked him. "You've just picked up a strange cat" I said to him, setting the towel on the small puddle as I wiped it up quickly, picking up the jars that had been knocked odd of the window sill by our newest house visitor.

"Surely the serum protects me against rabies" Steve replied simply as I nodded my head, holding the towel in my hand as I leaned against the counter, setting the towel down next to me. "So what's on the other side of Charlie's collar?" I asked him, raising an eyebrow as Steve checked, looking back up at me with his eyebrows raised. "A phone number" Steve replied slowly as I nodded my head at him, Steve sighing as he pulled his phone from the pocket of his sweatpants, handing it over to me as I took it.

Steve called out the number as I typed it in, holding the phone to my ear as I let it ring, Steve continuing to pet Charlie who looked very comfortable in his arms. "Anyone?" Steve asked me as it went to voicemail way too quickly for it to have rung out fully, making me hang up as I shook my head. "No" I replied as Steve smirked at me, raising an eyebrow as I set the phone onto the counter, knowing exactly what Steve was going to ask next.

"He might not have an owner" Steve said to me as I let out a breath, grabbing the towel I has used as I walked into the hall. "His owner may be asleep" I replied, opening up the closer door to reveal the washer and dryer, throwing it into the first as I walked back into the living room quickly, kicking the door closed behind me. "He should stay here over night" Steve said to me, raising his eyebrows as I leaned my shoulder against the wall, staring back at him silently. "It's cold outside" he added with a small pout, angling Charlie towards me to see his head balanced in the crook of Steve's elbow, the finger cat peacefully resting.

"I'm not a monster" I said as I let out a sigh, walking over as I reached out my hand, scratching Charlie behind the ears. "He's cute" Steve said to me in a cheerful voice, trying to convince me that he was because he just secretly wanted to keep Charlie the cat. "Hi Charlie" I said, petting his back softly, running my hand down his fur. "Hello" Steve said in a high voice, acting as if he was speaking like a cat. I pulled my hand back slowly, looking up at Steve with my eyebrows furrowed as he stared back at me, his cheeks turning pink.

"Did you just pretend to be the cat?" I asked him, making him clear his throat as he blushed, shaking his head quickly. "No" he said quickly, clearing his throat one more time more forcefully, turning away from me. "Let's forget that happened" he said as I let out a laugh, setting my hand on Steve back as I leaned around him, petting Charlie behind the ears one last time. "I'm going back to bed" I announced, smiling at Steve as I kissed him the cheek quickly and gently. "You find a place for Charlie to sleep" I told him, leaving the kitchen and making my way back up the stairs, leaving both Steve and Charlie downstairs.


A/N: you guys asked for a Stally pet so a Stally pet is exactly what you will get!
I was kind of hesitant about giving them a pet but you guys wanted it so here it is! it isn't a dog but I feel though ally is much more of a cat person so I just had to make it a cat
please do not forget to vote and comment and i will see you soon

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