The Career (Finnick Odair/OC)

By blah_world

152K 3.2K 1.8K

In my defence I didn't know what the games actually meant. I volunteered but can you blame me? It was expecte... More

PROLOGUE - The 70th Hunger Games


8.2K 178 90
By blah_world

(Age 23, The 75th Hunger Games- Quarter Quell )

We were seperated, placed in Individual hover crafts. I didn't like it, infact it put me more on edge. Mavis wasn't helping. She was sitting next to me rattling on about some dress that sold out. Cashmere was giving Gloss his send off which meant I was stuck with little miss chatterbox.

"..So I said, I said can't we just order in a bunch from District One? Obviously I named dropped. Told them I was the escort of a such a place. Special considerations should've been made you know!".

I nooded abesemtindely. Thoughts of how I might die in the next hour were more pressing then any of her Capitol first world problems. Not to mention my District isn't responsible for something so un-luxurious as a piece of cloth. No, this is more a shame on District Eight if they can't provide sufficient quantities for the Capitol, not us. But right now, I didn't have the energy to waste on teaching a Capitol citizen about different districts and what they're responsible for. But come on! District Eight is literally named 'textiles'. I rolled my eyes as she continued talking.

She huffed beside me. "Well you'd think they'd do something!?!. But apprently the dress wasn't even made in your District. Cinna, not only designs but he makes every garment by hand himself!". 

I hummed. Again I didn't get how this was so important. But its Mavis, I don't think she'll ever have the capacity to see through the Capitol. I suddenly felt her gripping my hand tightly and I met her eyes as something stabed my other arm. Bitch.

I looked up at the peacekeeper with a glare, only for Mavis to tusk at me. "Really Velvet, it may of hurt be he's only doing his job".

I didn't dignify that with a response. Instead I watched the tracker under my skin light up before fading away into my flesh. Did they ever take my last one out? I guess they probably did at  somepoint when I was strapped to a bed and fed through a tube after my games. Happens to every Victor but it was still the worst week of my life. 

Mavis shook her head. "Anyways where was I?"

I clicked my tongue. "Some guy makes them by hand?"

She noded. "Right!, So I had to be put on a waiting list, the nerve of them!"

I could feel her eyes on me then. "You seem quiet. Why, your last games you were jumping in your seat. You couldn't get into that tube fast enough. You know,". She looked pointedly at me. "Those who think they won't make it, usually don't. I'd turn that little attitude around if I were you".

I scoffed at her. "When has a tribute from District One ever felt like they'd die before entering the arena?"

She huffed back at me. "Manners. And I wasn't talking about District One, I meant those dirty little things from the outer districts".

I bit my lip. Those dirty outer districts like Johanna Mason and Katniss Everdeen would be some of my greatest threats. I sighed. "They're not to be underestimated. Not this year anyways...they've won this before too."

She gave me a small smile but it felt like the end of the conversation. She wasn't keen on anything that wasn't the Capitol or District One. She, like my mother probably thought I'd gone a bit soft for even considering them as potentially dangerous. 

Once the hover craft landed, Mavis along with four peacekeepers took me to my assigned launch room. As soon as I saw that tube in the corner I felt my stomach drop. This is really happening. 

I looked up at Mavis who had on a sweet smile. She gave my shoulder a squeeze. "Cheer up Buttercup, only less than five minutes and then you'll be up there having fun!".

Yeah, having fun dying. I took a shaky breath when I looked back up into those excited eyes of hers. "I-I don't have a token".

I don't know why I said that. If I'm being honest I didn't even have a token in my first games. But suddenly it felt important to have one. I felt like I needed something from home in there with me. Even if I might only be in there for less than hour. 

Her eyes lit up a little more and she took off one of her rings and put it on my finger. I admired it, the craftmaship. A golden band wrapped around a rather obnoxtious white diamond. I could tell by the clarity it was real but that wasn't what made me start to tear up....I'd know the work of my mother's fingers anywhere.

Mavis giggled beside me. "It's a Watts original! The gamemakers won't mind either because its from your District".

I sniffed before nearly dropping my act completely. It was perfect. A little piece of home, literally worth its weight in gold. I breathed out "Thank you". 

She giggled. "Oh, its nothing to be able to tell everyone that Velvet Watts is wearing a ring I gave her in the game of all games!"

Annnd.... just like that she's ruined the moment.

"Fifteen seconds to launch"

I gulped and felt Mavis place her hand on my lower back, more so pushing me into the pod.  A clear door instantly encased me making it seem as if all the oxygen had gone stale. I turned around from Mavis' excited grin before closing my eyes and rising my head up in anticpation. I heard the increased humming before I felt an inflax of hot air.

With a deep breath I opened my eyes to find myself stranded in water, a jungle sourrounding us from every direction. The beach and a jungle. That's our terrian.

My eye's instantly snapped straight a head to find a weird metal hut in the middle of the ocean, piles and piles of weapons infront of it. The Cornecopia....

"Ladies and Gentlemen, Welcome to the Sevety-Fifth Hunger Games!... and may the odds be every in your favour".

"10, 9.."

What? Ten seconds? I hadn't even observed everything yet! I wasn't trained to start within ten seconds. Fuck..Fucking shit!

"3, 2, 1... Bang."

I was in the water as soon as I heard it. I had one shot of making it, and the only way I can do that is with a machete in my hand. I had learned swimming at the acedemy so I wasn't concerned about drowning. After the dam breaking in my games I was probably one of the strongest swimmers here since I had expirecne with currents. 

So water wasn't putting me on edge. No, my concern is that I hadn't checked who was beside me.If it was a Career then I'm fine. If it wasn't, then I better pray I'm the faster swimmer. 

Oh, and I hadn't even checked out the whole arena. Like the spikes running along  the water! It completely skipped my notice. I could see figures running ontop of the water out the corner of my eye. I'd be too slow if I started running now though. 

My only choice is to swim the whole way there. Which is fine, I was out swimming most of the runners anyways. I guess the fact that I'm young, mixed with all those runs with Cashmere had turned the odds back into my favour. Still, I didn't like doing things with only half the information. Especially a blood bath in the hunger games.

With one final stroke I clamped my hand roughly on the rock and pulled myself up. I whiped my head around, satified to be the first here. I've got this, I just need to find a ma-

Shit. In less than a second my feet had been kicked from undernath me and I looked up dazed into a pair of sea green eyes. 


Finnick Odair was smirking down at me a trident aimed at my throat. His foot rested heavily on my chest keeping me trapped beneath him. Broze hair sparkling in the sun...the asshole wasn't  wasn't even panting. He was the best swimmer here. Typical District Four Career. He probably had enough time to watch me crawl out of the water and time this perfectly. Stupid Finnick! This is how I'm going to die?!? Damn it!

He quickly flicked his eyes from mine and grabbed another trident from the rack behind him, pointing the second one at someone else. However the the other remained, pressured on my throat with his leg applying slightly more weight on my chest. I was trapped. One wrong move, Hell! even if I squirmed too much then it'd be lodged in my throat.

He was smirking at them. A tribute I couldn't see but it was clear they were in a stand off. I didn't know why he hadn't done it yet. Killed me and whoever he was aiming the other trident at.

I continued to stare up at Finnick who instantly smirked dangerously at the mystery tribute. He turned his wrist holding the trident pointed at them and I caught sight of a bangle?.

 He tusked at them. "Good thing we're allies, right?"

I rolled my eyes in my fatal position. So its Johanna Mason then.  "Where did you get that?"

Oh god no!. Katniss.

 Katniss and Finnick in an alliance? I'm so dead.

"Where do you think?". My eyes were still on Finnick, watching his every move due to the trident resting on my throat. His face suddenly dropped the smirk. "Duck".

Without hesitation he threw the second tridant at Katniss, making me smile. BOOM.

I see Odair isn't below cheap shots then.  He looked at what I assumed is the dead body of Katniss. Foot and trident never not touching me. His face was still serious but hansome in the sunlight. He smirked down at her body. "Don't trust One and Two".

No. she's still alive then...Damn it. He grabbed another trident from the rack casually and pointed behind him. "You take that side and I'll take this one. Make sure you take that machete with you. I want to have to acess to it while keeping it out of her reach. We should go find Peeta".

I felt her hesitate behind me and I heard what sounded like an arrow being drawn. "Don't trust One right?"

Oh god it's aimed at me isn't it?...

Finnick tipped his head to her in warning. "She's my one condition, my responsibility." He looked down at me in fake pity. "Right now, she knows she's out numbered and weaponless. Her heads already gone through ten differnt scenarios like any other career from District One but she hasn't found an escape root yet. Based off her silence she hasn't come up with anything that doesn't end in her own death. She's biding her time until the others show up." He winked down at me before looking back at Katniss. "I plan to be as far away from here as possible before they do. But just to be safe take the machete with you. Come on Katniss, we're running out of time to find Peeta". 


That cannon was all Katniss needed to release the arrow behind us. I heard a grunt and I gasped from below Finnick. That's Gloss!. I felt the tip of his trident draw the slightest bit of blood. Finnick chuckled down at me. "Careful now, Love. One might actually think you care for the guy".

I glared up at him. I hate him and I'm going to kill him. His mistake is going to be letting me live which I'm beyond confused as to why?!?

Katniss retreated behind the other side of the cornecopia grabbing the only machete in the arena with her. It was in her quiver. 

 I felt a little better after hearing no cannon. That meant Gloss was still alive. I rose an eyebrow up at Finnick as he threw the other trident casually. BOOM.

In two quick movements Finnick pulled my body up in such a position that I couldn't fight him off. His chest was touching my back with his trident holding my body firmly against his. He quickly grabbed a knife and held that to my throat too. I huffed in annoyance. I could feel his breath on my ear before whispering. "I'd like to make it out of the bood bath in one piece, so for both our sakes don't struggle. Otherwise we'll both die".

I clicked my tongue. "What is this? A partner exercise?!? Just do it!"

I heard him chuckle darkly. "Nah, I reckon I'm going to drag it out for as long as possible".

Look what choice did I have? die now or die later. I too, wanted out of the blood bath. Especially with no weapons on me...I'm a sitting duck. Plus, Katniss had my machete so without that or the pretty knife in Finnick's hand then I'm fucked. So I did what he said. We started speed walking, Finnick still applying the right amount of pressure that I can only use my knees and below. Strong, I never knew how strong and fit he was. I'd been too focussed on observing his personality. Another detailed I'd overlooked in these games. 

I smirked when I saw the top of Peeta's head get pulled under the water. Finnick noticed my smirk instantly and whipped his head in the direction of Peeta. Shit.

"Katniss, Velvet found him he's over here!". I could feel Finnick's smirk but I didn't bother looking at him. Not that I could in this position anyways.

He power walked us further along the spike where Mags was pointing at the water where Peeta once was. I felt Finnick's head whip behind us to Katniss. "Aim it at her!"

With that he put the trident in Mags hands. She gave me a sad smile before aiming it at my head before Finnick dove into the water. I went to move my foot to kick her down. She'd hit her head, die and then I'd have a weapon. 

A cough had me freezing my foot midair as I turned behind me with a glare.

Katniss rose a challenging eyebrow at me. "You kick, I shoot".

Damn it.


We all whipped our heads in Peeta's direction. A body floated up before...Peeta surfaced alive and well. I scoffed, as if he was capable of killing someone!?!

Katniss aimed the bow higher, pointing at my throat with teary eyes. Guess she doesn't approve of my reaction.

I smirked at her. "You kill me and you can kiss Finnick and Mags goodbye. Then those three.." I indicated to my fellow Careers watching us in concern and interest. "Will kill the two of you faster then you can reload another arrow".

I was bluffing, going off Finnick saying that I was his only condition of being in this alliance. But Katniss still considered it.

She didn't budge but she looked at the Career pack hesitatenly. She knows I'm right. She needs Finnick by her side to be able to fight them off and intimaidate them enough for us to safely leave the beach.

Finnick pushed himself up gracefully and took the trident from from Mags, holding it firmly on my back. I could feel the blade poking me through my wetsuit. He smiked at Katniss. "Problem here, ladies?"

Katniss gave us a tight lipped smile. "Not until Velvet attempted to kill Mags."

I scoffed at her and Finnick gave me a dirty look. One I'm accoustomed to.

I rolled my eyes. "Attempted is such a strong word. I was just shaking out my foot, I think you did some real damage to my ankle when you kicked me".

None of them bought it, especially Mags who was shaking her head at me. Like what a mother would give their child when they come home with an F on their report card.

They all glared at me before we made our way towards the jungle.

Finnick had Mags on his back but was still able to run with a trident aimed at me. His eyes never not following my every move. He'd instructed Katniss to shoot me down if I attempted to run away from them. To which she'd annoucned it'd be a pleasure to do so. I knew that in an area like this, that's so open that she wouldn't miss. Even if I were runing my fastest.

So It went Peeta, Katniss (bow loaded just for me incase I run), myself, Finnick (Trident pointed at me...ready to throw any second he'd decided my death had been drawn out enough?) and Mags. Running in probably the worst heat I've ever experienced in my entire life. Sweat was coming out of me from every pour. 

I hated running behind Katniss. I could see the handle of my machete poking out of her quiver with each step she took. Just like my signiture was mocking me, telling me I'm trapped. It made running in the jungle that much harder.

We'd run for about an hour solid when Finnick yelled. "Okay, hold up, hold up."

I stopped running and faced him with my hands on my knees while I was panting. He seemed fine despite carrying Mags and holding that heavy trident at me. I glared frustratedly at the sky. He did this for me. Had I been slowing down? Maybe, but that's cause Katniss was!

It didn't sit well with me. Finnick's sudden change in character. He hates me and he's cruel. I wasn't buying it. Plus I'm technically his prisoner, so what is he up to?

I watched him bend down and whisper into Mags' ear things like. "Are you alright?"

So he did care after all. Mags nodded down at him and took a seat. Finnick turned his trident towards me with a smirk and indicated to the ground beside Mags. I glared at him before taking a seat. I'd just ran for an hour solid, so yeah I wanted to sit. But since Finnick is forcing me to rest I had the sudden need to keep going out of spite. Yet, I held my tongue because if I was the first to leave then I'd get an arrow in my back.

We sat in a circle panting, except for Finnick. He sat across from me, trident pointed at my head with a hansome smirk.

"God it's hot. We gotta find fresh water". I turned my head to Peeta in slight alarm. Survival skills. It only just hit me that I don't know any. I'm a career, I survive off the cornecopia and hunt the tributes down with my pack. We're not taught anything else. We're encouraged to kill them off quickly so the Capitol has a Victor. We never even consider what would happen if we run out of food. For that  to happen we'd have to be in here for a month.

I felt my breathing become slightly more heavy in my panic before I bit my lip at Peeta. This was  all new. These guys wern't careers, didn't think like careers.  Suddenly now, in this alliance (which I know I'm not technically apart of) being skilled in a weapon is, yes good. But survival skills are now just as important. 


Finnick chuckled darkly to himself. "Well, I guess we're not holding hands anymore".

I was suprised when I smiled in amusment. Finnick, despite still pointing his trident at me rose the corners of his mouth in a genuine smile. 

Katniss scoffed. "You two think that's funny?"

Finnick's eyes left mine as he turned to Katniss while pointing up at the sky. "Every time that cannon goes off, it's music to my ears. I don't care about any of them".

Katniss was still glaring at him. "Good to hear". She pulled my machete out from her quiver and pointed it at Finnick.

My eyes instantly lit up in excitement. I saw Peeta give me a fearful look in the corner of my eye but I didn't care. My weapon was out and Finnick or Katniss might just end up dead. 

Finnick wasn't even phased as he tipped his head at her. "You want to face the Career pack alone? What would Haymitch say?"

She huffed. "Haymitch isn't here".

Peeta made eyecontact with me, before he dropped it at seeing my excited face. I obviously wouldn't be any help. He sighed up at Katniss. "Let's keep moving".

We all stood and I held out my hand to Katniss who looked at me with a confused eyebrow. 

I sighed. "Just give it to me. I'm of more value to you with it then without it".

She shared a look with Finnick behind me before she scoffed. "No way."

I heard Finnick grunt behind me. "Give it to Peeta. It'll be usefull in cutting any vines down in our way".

Katniss smiled at me before handing it to Peeta who looked a bit put out by my glare. I looked at Peeta with all the hate I could muster. "Don't hack the vines, you'll just blunt the blade".

It won't slice anyone deep enough to kill if  he uses it like a toy to cut vines. He swallowed at me and nodded. Katniss already had her bow aimed at me and Finnick was pushing the trident uncomfortability into my back. A direct message to start running. 

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