broken as i • a kylo ren story

By hydrangearen

19.1K 724 1.4K

••••• completed but iffy ••••• "he continued to hold onto you for dear life, and you let him. he needed this... More

part one
i (i)
ii (ii)
iii (iii)
iv (iv)
v (v)
vi (vi)
vii (vii)
viii (viii)
ix (ix)
x (x)
xi (xi)
xii (xii)
xiii (xiii)
xiv (xiv)
xv (xv)
xvi (xvi)
xvii (xvii)
xviii (xviii)
xix (xix)
part two
i (xx)
ii (xxi)
iii (xxii)
iv (xxiii)
v (xxiv)
vi (xxv)
vii (xxvi)
viii (xxvii)
ix (xxviii)
x (xxix)
xi (xxx)
xii (xxxi)
xiii (xxxii)
xiv (xxxiii)
xv (xxxiv)
xvi (xxxv)
xvii (xxxvi)
xviii (xxxvii)
xix (xxxviii)
part three
i (xxxix)
ii (xl)
iii (xli)
iv (xlii)
v (xliii)
vi (xliv)
vii (xlv)
ix (xlvii)
x (xlviii)
xi (xlix)
xii (l)
xiii (li)
xiv (lii)
xv (liii)
xvi (liv)
xvii (lv)
xviii (lvi)
xix (lvii)
thank you

viii (xlvi)

156 9 3
By hydrangearen


kylo dashed out of his quarters and over to cell 7. he decided that since these people were already on the brink of death, he might as well just use them as some guinea pigs.

when he opened the door, the 2 stormtroopers appeared to be almost...sleeping? he ignited his fiery weapon which almost instantly woke the both of them up.

"good." kylo simply said to them as he put his lightsaber away. he stepped closer to the both of them and started examining each of the people. he was going to choose the person that had less wounds already on their body to try and get the whole effect on the skill.

kylo figured out that the girl was cc-5380, and the man was hz-2059 a little bit ago. hux used them, along with yr-3342 a lot to do his personal jobs.

"cc-5380." the girl slowly moved her head so that she was now looking at kylo with heavy eyes. "you are going to be helping me."

she gave kylo a small nod before resting her head back on the piece of large metal. she let out a small groan from the pressure of the back of her head hitting the surface, but kylo just ignored it and turned to look at the other troop.

"but, dont worry; you might be up next as well." kylo told the man that already had blood dripping down the side of his head and a busted up face.

kylo went back over to the girl and took his lightsaber out once again. when the girl saw this, fear instantly took her over and she attempted to get uncuffed from the chair. she kicked, screamed, and even trying biting.

"you know that wouldnt work. if anything, it will get you killed" kylo seethed as he threatened her. she immediately stopped trying to put up a fight and let her head fall a little bit.  "okay then."

kylo moved his lightsaber over to the womans clean arm, and made a deep cut within it. she screamed in agony, leaving a eardrum-blowing sound behind as she tried to get her arm away from kylo. but, it only made the wound worse-making it look uneven and just overalls nasty.

kylo removed his deadly weapon away from her, but she continued to scream out and cry in pain. "you will be fine...if this works." kylo said to her in almost a sarcastic tone- yet neither of them were laughing. kylo legitimately didnt know if this was going to work, but he knew the force was going to help guide him. he put his lightsaber back onto the side of his body and moved so that he was inches away from the incision that he himself created.

kylo took in a few deep breaths and tuned out any and all sound that he was being surrounded by. it took him an especially long time to do this step because all he could hear were cc-5380s cries coming from her mouth.

when he eventually got it though, he started channeling the force throughout his body while closing his eyes. kylo wasn't nervous about closing them around the troopers because it wasnt like they had the physical capabilities to try and do anything to free themselves. besides- he would have just sensed it anyways if they were able to. kylo was growing extremely strong with it, so this brought more hope to him. he had practically memorized the words on the pages about forcehealing, so he had no problem remembering exactly what to do. he had went over it so many times, rereading and taking in the information, that he pretty much had a photo of the pages engraved into his mind.

taking in yet another deep breath, kylo stuck out his hand so that it was hovering over the lightsaber wound. he felt the girl under him flinch a little bit, and she stayed tense the entire time.

kylo started to feel almost as if some of his energy was being sucked right out of him. he continued staying in that exact position; eyes closed, hand over the slice, head in a meditated spot.

kylo never thought that he- a dark side force user, would be meditating on purpose. but to hell with it, because he also never thought they he would accidentally fall in love with a girl, and now be in a situation of trying to save her life.

deep down he knew that if he didnt master this, there was a great chance of you not surviving. with each update that he got from the medbay, the worse places his mind would go.

the feeling of his energy draining stopped completely, so he decided that it would be okay to open his eyes. he wasnt worn out from it, but he definitely wasnt as energy filled as before. much to his surprise but also not surprise, he saw that the wound was no longer there. instead, it was perfect, untouched skin. did work.

a smile started to creep onto kylos face, but was instantly wiped when he saw the stormtroopers eyes start to open. he hadnt even realize that they were squeezed shut until she started to open them back up.

when she did though, she let out a weak gasp at the sight she saw. her skin; good as new- if not...better than before.

"how did you do that?" she asked kylo as she continued to rotate and stare at her arm. her expression of worry and fear washed away and was replaced with curiosity and interest.

kylo didnt bother to answer her, instead he just started to head for the door. he decided that he was going to just come back tomorrow and test it once more on hz-2059. he needed to make sure he could do it again and correctly. clearly his first attempt was a success, but he wanted to make sure it wasnt just some type of beginners luck.

when he reached his room, he walked over to his bed and plopped down. he felt as if he actually needed sleep because the adrenaline of it all was starting to decrease rapidly. he got ready for bed real quick and hopped right back into the covers with only some boxers on.

he stared up at the ceiling for a little while with his hands crossed behind his head- supporting it, thinking about how he seriously just reversed an entire wound using only the force. of course he knew it was powerful, but that event really showed kylo just how much. he knew that it was capable of even more though- of even better. the thing that really got to him was the idea of how he was able to control exactly what he wanted to heal.

clearly the girl had many many other cuts, scrapes, slices, wounds, and more, but he only healed only a single one because that was the one he focused his force on.

a smile once again found his face, but this time he just embraced it. he was actually almost proud of himself for being able to pull through with the entire act of it.

the thought of you waking back up and just simply...walking around was what really fueled kylos desire to help you. before falling asleep to the thought of you, kylo told himself-

"tomorrow. tomorrow might just be the day."


authors note

there it is...forcehealing!! i of course needed to include this skill to the story because it wouldn't make much sense if i didnt. if you would be ever so kind, please please vote on this chapter :))  i hope you all  have a great one <33


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