Madison Grimes

By meganj006

282K 6.9K 2.2K

"Looks like you've got more to be worried about than the platoon." I furrow my eyebrows as I turn, seeing our... More



3K 72 26
By meganj006

I make sure the little girl is safe in my arms as we walk the corridors of this hell. This is why she shouldn't have gotten pregnant. Carl is in so much pain and Rick will be in so much more. Once we get to our cell block, I lock the door behind us. I try wiping my tears away, knowing my appearance won't help Rick in any manner. When we step outside, all eyes turn to the crying baby. When Rick locks eyes with me, my heart drops. He looks at me with pained eyes and I just drop my head, admiring the young girl to avoid the pain in my brothers eyes.

"W-where?" He can't even get all of his words out as I look up and shake my head. "No! No, no, no, no, no!" He grabs Carl and pulls him into a hug before looking at the baby and storming off inside.

"Rick!" I yell, not able to move. "You can't go in there!" He just ignores me as I look back to the group. Everyone looks devastated. Daryl comes over to me not soon after and pulls me into a hug. That's when I let it all out, not caring who sees.

I feel someone take the baby girl from arms, I look and see it's Glenn. I send a weak smile to him and pull Daryl closer to me. He plants kisses on my forehead to let me know that he's there. After a little while, Glenn and Maggie burst outside. I stand from my spot on Daryl's lap as I look at them.

"We need to get formula, she's starving." I nod, knowing it's probably been a few hours.

"I'm coming."

"No you're not." Glenn and Daryl say in unison.

"That is my niece, possibly my step daughter, I need to be there for her."

"Let her come." Maggie begs. "It'll get her mind off of it all." The boys reluctantly agree and off we are to god knows where.

"Be careful." Daryl says as he gives me a kiss once the other two go to the car.

"Always." I hop in the back seat, nothing but hope set in my mind. About ten minutes into the drive and three stops later with no luck, I get an idea. "Glenn!" He jumps from my sudden out burst.

"God. You can't go from not taking at all to yelling at me." He says as he holds his chest.

"There's a store here with hope. The place Daryl and I found Martinez at had a store that looked to be untouched since the start." After a quick nod and a few turns, we make it to the place where Daryl and I had our encounter with Martinez.

I let Maggie and Glenn get their own supplies, while I filled a bag of my own. They kept talking about how they want a baby in a few years since we have four strong walls and a child close to their future baby's age. I just keep my distance to hold my tongue. I killed my brothers wife and his baby almost didn't survive. She died and all they can talk about is how they want a baby. I just push my thoughts back to lessen my anger.

"Our bag is full, we'll wait in the car!" Glenn calls to me. I finish putting the last baby bottle in my bag before I step out. There's a crib I need Glenn to help me carry. Once I close the door, I see Maggie with a gun to her head and Glenn with his hands in the air. I quickly grab my gun and point it to the man with a knife where his hand should be. Once I cock my gun, the man looks at me. Merle. I smile a bit, happy to see an old friend, but that smile quickly fades as I realize what's going on.

"Merle?" His eyes soften a bit before he tightens his grip on Maggie.

"Well if it isn't Sargent Pleasure." He laughs.

"Let her go." He furrows his eyebrow brows to me.

"I thought we were on the same side here." I nod.

"We are, Merle. I'm always on your side, I just need you to let her go." He loosens his grip as he focuses on me.

"Do ye have my baby brother?" I nod with a smile.

"Yes and he misses you everyday!" I exclaim.

"Can ye take me to 'em?" I nod and go to speak, but Glenn cuts me off.

"No! You won't come back with us." I hear footsteps behind me, making me turn fast. Before I see what's going on, I feel a hard substance hit my head, making me fall.

"Not her, damn it!" Merle groans before I see black.

I open my eyes as a cold liquid is thrown on me. I quickly look around, and notice my hands are tied to a chair. I struggle a bit before I look around, seeing nothing but a black room with little light seeping in through a large window in the back. I look at the person who threw the water on my and notice it's Martinez.

"Good. You're up." I groan. He pulls a knife from his belt and holds it close to my face.

"You're going to regret this." He shakes his head with a smile.

"I already do," he moves a piece of hair out of my face with his open hand, "sweet cheeks." His face starts moving closer to mine and once he's right where I want him, I head butt him, hard. "Ow!" He yells as he moves back and throws a hand to his head. "You bitch!" The door to the room I'm in opens and a man with an eyepatch comes in.

"That's no way to speak to our guest." I then hear screams from the room next to me. Maggie and Glenn's screams. I struggle to get out again, but a hand grips my throat and stops me. I look in Martinez's eyes before he moves behind me, caressing my face to make sure I face the man. "Do you want to save them?" I struggle to get loose from his grip.

"Relax." He whispers in my ear with a knife in my back. I stop and face the man.

"All you have to do is answer a few questions." I nod. "Where were you?"

"At a store, you can ask your man Merle." He squints his eyes at me.

"You know Merle?"

"We go back."

"Where is your group?"

"In the next room over." I see him starting to get angry.

"Where's your group?" He asks with a harder tone.

"Next door." I smirk, knowing I'm getting to him. He jumps to his feet and pulls Martinez into a corner. They talk for a few seconds before Martinez leaves. The man then comes back to his chair.

"Let's try this again. I'm the Governor, and you are?" I let out a light laugh, more confident now that it's just us. Coming from the military, I know what a military man can do.

"What kind of name is that?" He furrows his eyes and a small smile forms on his face, making my stomach turn.

"I guess I can tell you my actual name, it's Phillip." I furrow my eyebrows.

"Why'd you tell me?"

"Because we're about to get real comfortable with each other."

"Wha-" I get cut off by the door opening. Merle and Martinez comes in with chains and ropes. Merle looks pained as he looks at me, giving me sorry eyes. Once they set up the ropes and chains, Merle cuts the ropes off my wrists. "What's going on?" I ask quietly.

"I'm so sorry." He sounds pained and his eyes look beyond pained. He lays my down, but I thrash my arms and legs, kicking Merle in the leg, making him drop a knee. "Stop struggling." He says in a sad voice.

I feel my left arm being grabbed, so I go for my knife, but find it gone. Great. My right arm gets grabbed, but I try with everything in me to break loose. I hear a click and look to see Martinez locking my left arm in a chain. I look to my right and see the same. I let out a loud scream, knowing what's coming next. I keep the tears back as I flail, but all I hear is the chains hitting the wall behind me. Merle and Martinez soon tie my feet and stand by the door.

"Merle." I beg, only looking at him, too scared to look anywhere else. He looks at me and I swear I see a tear in his eye.

"I'm sorry." He starts to walk out and it takes everything in me to keep my mouth shut. Once the door closes, it's only Phillip, Martinez, and me left in here. Phillip smiles at me as he steps closer.

"What happened to that cute little smirk of yours?" I try to make myself seem strong, but it's so hard.

"Eat shit." He comes closer and stops right at my feet.

"Come on, we're just getting started." I shake my head, tears closer to falling than I'd like to admit. I see him pull out a knife.

"What are you doing?" Fear soaks my voice, but I already know what's coming. He drops to his knees as he pulls my shirt up, cutting it clean off my chest.

"Having some fun. Now, where is your group?" I shake my head fast as I try to break free, but the metal chains don't budge. I hear pounding on the wall beside me.

"Madison!" It's Glenn's voice. Phillip starts to let his hands roam my body, that's when the tears start to fall. "Mads!" His voice is hoarse.

"Go away, pretty boy, you won't want to hear this." I cry out, praying he'll listen. I feel him pull my pants down to my ankles.

"Come on, we can do this together." He calls from behind him. That's when I remember Martinez is still back there. "Unless you want to tell us?" I shake my head and stop my tears from falling. Martinez then looks at me, a big smile on his face. He pushes a piece of hair behind my ear again before pressing his lips to mine. I quickly bite his lip. Once he pulls away, I see the blood starting to trail down his mouth.

"Bitch!" I struggle to get free again, but a knife to my throat stops me. "Pull something like that again and we'll have to have some words." He says as he sends a single blow to my stomach, making me cry out in pain. They take a step back and all I can feel is pain in my stomach and hurt in my soul. Martinez then cuts my undies off of me, making an effort to show me as he throws them. He then looks to Phillip. "You or me first?"

"You can go, let me know when you're done. I need to speak with the two next door, maybe they'll give me some answers." He stands up and closes the door behind him.

"Don't break!" I yell to the two behind me, not wanting to go threw this if they're just going to give up. Martinez starts undoing his pants. "Please, don't do this." I beg, trying to sound convincing.

"But baby, this is what I want." Tears start rolling down my face as I feel his cold hands touch my legs, readying himself.

"You don't have to do this." He just shakes his head at me. I choke on my tears as I feel him put himself inside me. After a few very painful thrusts and quite a bit of crying, he hovers over my body.

"Are you ready to talk yet?" I choke back the tears once more as I spit into his face since I cannot form any words. "No?" He goes back down and continues. With every thrust, I feel my body churn in pain. After about a minute, I feel him relieve himself inside me.

"Two pump chump." I say to him, not wanting him to do to Maggie what he just did to me. He looks at me with anger before the door opens.

"You almost done?" Phillip asks as he peers past the door.

"Let me clean her up some for you, boss."

"Good." He leaves again and Martinez grabs a towel from his pants after he pulls them back on. He slowly wipes the cum from me and the ground before coming up to my face.

"I'll miss you." He whispers in my ear as he places a kiss on my lips. I lose the fight I have in me and just let it happen, scared he'll want a round two. Once he pulls away and stands up, I see him tower over my frail body. "That's more like it." When he walks out, I see Phillip come in, a devilish smile on his face.

"Are you ready?" I try to think of some witty come back but all I can do is lay there in defeat. "Tell me about the prison." I look at him, scared for not only myself, but my people as well. His eyes shoot open. They gave up. I stood my ground and they found out anyways. "She was right, you're staying at the prison. How many are there?"

"More than you can handle." I say, gaining a little fight for my people.

"Oh! Now you speak!"

"Eat shit." I then spit at him and watch as it hits his face. I smile in return but his smile comes back even worse.

"You shouldn't have done that." He says as he takes his pants off. This time, I have more fight. Maybe I can't take a military man, but I can take a regular man. I try to break free from the chains once more, but nothing good happens. I try kicking him, but my feet hardly move. Shit. "What? Can't break free?" I huff as he drops to his knees and hovers over me, lowering his mouth to mine. I go to bite his lip, as I did Martinez, but he moves his head up fast. "No, no, no."

"Let me go." I feel him touch me, causing me to jerk back.

"But we're going to have fun now. You want that, right?" I go to speak, but he shoves himself in me, making me hurt far worse than Martinez did. "You like that?" I just cry as he goes. I have never felt more vulnerable than I do now, not even when I was in the military. He keeps going, shoving himself in hard, moaning as he goes. I just try to keep my mind off of it, but I can't. The thrusting, the moaning, the gripping, his face dangling right in front of mine. All I can do is lay and watch, feeling nothing but pain.

"They're coming." I say, but it's just above a whisper.

"Who?" He asks, stopping the pain I've been in for what's felt like hours. I can't speak though, as it's too hard to do anything other than cry but I keep it down as best as I can. He races to me with his knife to my throat. "Who!" He demands, making me cower back from what was just happening.

"My people." He just shakes his head with a smile as he keeps going, not stopping until he's done. Once he finishes, he towers over me again.

"They obviously didn't help you now, how will they help you next time?" I swallow the lump in my throat. Next time? I use the little bit of strength left in me to smash my forehead to his face. "Fuck!" He exclaims, making me struggle to leave again, this time I can hear the chains giving way from there spot on the wall. I look to Phillip and see blood gushing from his nose.

"I'm going to kill you." I let one last tear fall before he storms out, leaving the door wide open. I just lay there, motionless. I feel my eyes close as I let the tears stream down my face. I curl up into a ball the best I can and just feel sorry for myself.

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