Random Male reader Oneshots

Oleh Natemasta57

183K 882 1.1K

This used to be my Yandere Rwby Various X male reader story, but now I'm including one-shots from other serie... Lebih Banyak

yandere ruby rose
Yandere weiss schnee
yandere blake belladonna x Yandere girlfriend Yang (Part 1)
Yandere Blake Belladona X Yandere Girlfriend Yang (Part 2)
Yandere Neopolitan
Yandere Bestfriend Female Adam Taurus
yandere Vampire Weiss (Part 1)
Yandere Velvet X Yandere Coco
Yandere Vampire Weiss (Part 2)
Important question
Hey guy's
Yandere Vampire Weiss (Part 3)
Yandere Beacon academy
Kill la Kill X Cyborg Male reader (Part 1)
Yandere Bully Team NDGO
Hod X Agent Male reader
A week with Nexus.
Yandere Princess Aszil X Teenage Male reader
Yandere Queen of Hatred
Salem X Betrayed male reader
Yandere Airachnid X Human male reader
Yandere Female Wraith X Wizard Male reader
Arcee X (Former) Deception reader
Nymph X Adventurer Male reader (Part 1)
Female Cthac Atorasu X human male reader (Part 1)
Abusive Girlfriend Weiss
Kill la Kill X Cyborg male reader (Part 2)
Abusive mother Yang X child Male Reader
Yandere Cinder
Random videos
Depressed self-harming reader X Eto Yoshimura
Vengeful Male Reader X Team STRQ (part 1)
Birthday 2021 special
Blind child reader X mother Weiss (part 1)
Vengeful male reader X team STRQ (part 2)
Vengeful male reader X team STRQ (part 3)
Bullied and Depressed male reader X popular team RWBY
Vengeful male reader X team STRQ (Bonus)
Abusive Rose family X doppelganger male reader (Part 1)
Blind child reader X mother weiss (part 2)
Important notice
Abusive rose family X Doppelganger male reader (part 2)
Short fantasy story
Christmas 2021 special
Booette X male reader
Flesh of metal
Descendants of Samhain
Fake Chapter

Yandere Female Monstrum monsters X Male reader

3.5K 15 12
Oleh Natemasta57

(A/n): Alright so does anyone here know about the game Monstrum, if not then I'll give a brief explanation.

Basically you're trapped on a seemingly abandoned cargo ship with one of three terrifying monsters, each of which has their own appearance as well as their own unique abilities that provide a different challenge along with the randomized environment.

Your goal is to use one of the various different escape methods available (the helicopter, lifeboat, submarine)

The monsters you face in the game are as follows.

the Fiend (Also called the spirit) a rather slow floating monster that can kill you for simply standing in its line of sight long enough, you can easily escape this ability by simply turning a corner however you really want to avoid long hallways if it's chasing you.

the Hunter is a very skinny monster with a flytrap like mouth and transparent skin that can crawl through the ships vents and get to you just about anywhere in an instant, can also do the same with these sort of egg sac like traps throughout the ship.

And then finally the brute, a large hulking mass of destruction seemingly made out of dried lava with a bit of active lava inside its face, the lava causes a light to shine out through its face like a searchlight, and when it spots you it will charge at you full force, and you can forget about locking the door because the brute just tears right through it like plywood.

(A/n): Yeah I searched the best I could but I couldn't find any fanart of a female version of any of them so just use your imagination.

And now without further ado let's begin the story.

(Y/n)'s pov

I woke up on a cold metal surface with possibly one of the worst headaches I've ever felt.

(Y/n): Ugh my head...where am I?

I pushed myself up and looked around, I seemed to be in a metal room of some sort there was a desk with some computer on it, I walked up to it and tried to turn it on only to see that it was broken.

(Y/n): Well there goes that Idea of finding out where I am.

I looked to the side and saw there was a small sort of crawlspace that led into another room, I decided to just squeze through it, I stepped out into the other room and it looked almost identical to the other one, except for a few file cabinets but nothing that really looked useful.

I turned around and I saw that the Crawlspace that I had squzed through was actually a door...well a doorway technically.

There was some kind of locker shoved in front of the door in such a way that it still allowed someone to get through, it was just a much smaller doorway.

(Y/n): I wonder why someone would shove a locker right there...well no point in wondering about it.

I turned around and saw that there was a metal door at the side of the room, I began to walk towards it when my foot bumped into something, I looked down and saw that there was a flashlight on the floor.

(Y/n): Something tells me you'll come in handy (I said as I bent down and picked it up)

I looked the flashlight over a bit and pushed the power button, it lit up without issue, I then continued on my way before opening the metal door, which looked kind of like those circular metal doors you would find on a ship or submarine.

I stepped through the door only to find myself in some long hallway...the entire enterior was cramped and made from metal.

(Y/n):...(I'm on a fucking ship aren't I?)

Well now there's even more questions...but first things first I need to get out of here, I began to walk down to the right of this hallway, which now that I look at it was kind of rusty at some parts.

Eventually I came to some sort of crossroad like area, in front of me the Hallway continued, to my right was a door to some room, and to my left was a Staircase, I was about to head up the stairs when I suddenly heard a thud on the floor above me as if something took a heavy step, I just stood there listening as the footsteps continued to move forward before the began to head towards...the staircase!

I quickly but quietly ran through the door to my side and closed it behind me, I locked the door behind me and looked around, I was in some sort of security room, I looked over and saw that the monitors still worked and so I quietly walked over to it, sure enough there were security cameras all throughout the ship, I began to look at all of them before finding the camera for the hall right outside my door right as the sound of the footsteps made it down to my level, and that's when I saw it.

Correction...her...because the long hair and large lumps on her chest is a dead giveaway.

It was some tall woman, and I mean 'Tall' like she took up almost the entire hallway by herself, I stared at her as she walked down the hall and closer to the camera (No not like that)

Actually, now that I have a closer look at her...her whole body looks like it's made of dried...magma?

I'm fact where her eyes should be, there instead empty sockets with what appeared to be flowing magma inside them, which is causing some light to come out of her eyes like a searchlight.

(Y/n): (That...is something straight out of a story by HP Lovecraft)

I just watched as she walked down the hall away from me, I was about to get away from the monitors to try and sneak past her when suddenly there was a loud metallic bang off in the distance, The Magma woman's head jolted up which meant that she heard it as well.

She then spun around and began to speed walk towards the noise which gave me a clear view of her backside and I got to say, even though I was scared shitless of her, damn was she thicc.

I did kind of freeze up when I heard her walk past the door to my room but she was more concerned with checking out the noise than checking random rooms...good for me.

After waiting for a bit to make sure she was gone for good, I unlocked the door and began to make my way up the staircase.

(Y/n): (OK...so I'm not the only one here, some giant lava demon woman thing is also here...just my luck)

I did my best to stay quiet as I began to try and make my way to the top of the ship, I had a few close run ins with the lava woman but I managed to avoid detection.

Now I was walking through some dark hallway with most of the lights being damaged, thankfully my flashlight lit the way...but what's that noise?

(Y/n): Hmm...it sounds almost like-

Just then a burst of steam shot out from one of the pipes beside me, thankfully I was able to jump back in time to avoid getting blinded by it.

However the sudden blast of steam startled me and my grip on my flashlight slipped and I began to fumble around with it between my hands before it fell onto the ground and-


A loud metal sound echoed throughout the ship, I froze in terror before hurrying up and grabbing my flashlight and noticing that it's light was now flickering.

(Y/n): (Shit shit shit she definitely heard that)

I tried to get my flashlight to stop flickering as I didn't want to get left in the dark.

(Y/n): Come on come on don't do this to me (I pleaded with the flashlight)

I decided to just get out of this area first and then worry about the flashlight.

I turned around ready to get the fuck out of here...only to come face to face with the very same woman who made me almost shit myself a few moments ago.

She just stood there down the end of the hall, her searchlight face staring right at me.

(Y/n): Um...hello there.


She then let out a gutteral roar before charging at me like the fat kid to the all you can eat buffet.

Now you don't know true fear until a 7'5 tall woman who's body is made of dried magma and has a giant fucking searchlight for a face comes charging at you like a freight traint.

Because that is what is happening to me right now.

I spun around almost tripping and began to run as fast as I can while this Demon charges at me, I made a sharp turn down a corner and happened to look over my shoulder just in time to see the Woman crash face first into the wall, she shook her head a bit before roaring again and running after me again.

(Y/n): I know I prayed for hot girls to chase after me in high school, BUT THIS IS NOT WHAT I MEANT!

As I ran I happened to notice that I was coming up to another one of those metal bunker doors that was wide open, it should buy me some time, I then began to sprint as fast as I could and right when I got through the door I spun around and I slammed the door shut before spinning the metal wheel and locking it before I kept running, two seconds later I kid you not she smashed right through this heavy steel door and knocked it out of its frame.

(Y/n): WOW your strong, you you work out a lot!?

Woman: (Roar)

(Y/n): EEEP! (I'll take that as a yes)

Sheesh for a woman, she sure is a total brute...wait brute, I think I'll refer to her as that from now on.

As I kept running I turned another corner only to see I was now at a dead end and the only escape was a single room, and sadly the door wasn't metal but it's all I have to run to, She was right behind me and in sheer desperation I turned around and threw my flashlight at her which thankfully stunned her just long enough for me to make it to the room.

I quickly locked the door even though I had a feeling that wouldn't do shit, and I began to look for a hiding place, I settled with the metal locker besides the door and I managed to climb in and shut the door just in time for the door to go flying off its hinges and crash right into wall leaving a decent sized dent on it.

She came charging into the room but stopped once she didn't see me right away, she began to lumber around and begin tearing the place apart looking for me, I just stood still holding my breath while praying to whatever god existed that she doesn't check the locker.

She seemed to grumble a bit as she also seemed to stop searching, She moved towards the doorway and out of my line of sight and...I heard nothing.

I waited for a few seconds and I still heard nothing.

(Y/n): Whew (I breathed a sigh of relief thinking she had left)

Right at that very moment her face popped up right in front of the locker and she roared right in front of my face before grabbing the locker door and ripping it right of it's hinges before throwing it over her shoulder.


(Y/n): (Screaming like a girl while pissing himself)

She then reached in and grabbed me by the neck before dragging me out of the locker.

(Y/n): H- hey wait a minute! Let's talk about thi- ACK!

She started squeezing me like she was try to crush my neck, I tried to pull her hand away but I couldn't get her to budge, finally I began to swing my hands forward and try and push myself away from her, suddenly my hand managed to grab a hold of her and I squeezed and-

Brute: (moan)

(Y/n): (O-O) Umm...what did I just squeeze? (I thought as I still squeezed something that felt warm and soft)

After she moaned she loosened her grip a bit, I looked down to what my hand had grabbed and...

I...just squeezed her breast, which was bigger than my entire palm.

We had an awkward moment and just stared at each other...she stayed petrified as her grip on me slept before she finally set me down.

I took this opportunity and ran like hell, I looked over my shoulder but strangely enough she wasn't following me.

(Y/n): (Well I escaped but now that thing probably thinks I'm a pervert)

Time skip

After that I didn't actually run into the Brute anymore, almost like she still hasn't moved from that spot, either way it makes my escape much easier, After a bit of exploration I managed to make it outside where two things occurred to me, one it's night time, and two-

(Y/n): I'm on a fucking ship in the middle of goddamn nowhere!

Great...just great...I hope theirs some way to get off this thing.

I began to walk along the side of the ship just searching for some sort of way off this ship that doesn't involve death.

Death: Aww (he groaned in disappointment)

As I was walking I happened to hear the sound of someone messing with something mechanical, it was coming from the top of some sort of staircase, I was walking as quietly as I could in order to make sure that it wasn't the brute that I was walking towards.

I finally managed to reach the top and I peeked over, I was surprised to see that there was a helipad on this ship with An actual helicopter on it...and was relieved to see an actual person in front of it seemingly fixing it.

I walked up to him, he had a wrench in his hand and a fire extinguisher next to him, I decided to make myself known and not try and sneak up on this guy.

(Y/n): Excuse me si-

Immediately they spun around while grabbing their fire extinguisher before raising it up like a bat and shouted.

Man: stay back! Don't take another step or-

(Y/n): Wait wait wait! I'm a human! ( I shouted while holding my hands up)

Man: Keep your voice down, and...oh thank god I'm not the only person on this ship (He said clearly relieved)

(Y/n): Trust me man I know how you feel, it's good to know I'm not alone here.

Man: well technically neither of us were alone, you might not believe this but there's this crazy fucking monster that I'm running from that almost killed me.

(Y/n): Yeah I had a little run in with said monster, although I have to say it was a little weird how it looked almost like a woman.

Man: I know right? I think whoever made that monstrosity had a monster girl fetish or something.

(Y/n): Well either way that thing tried to fucking kill me and I don't want to be anywhere near it, that road it let out when it chased me was terrifying.

When ai said this the man looked at me confused.

Man: wait roar?...um what did the monster you were running from look like?

(Y/n): Like if the charger from left 4 dead had a baby with a fucking volcano.

Man:.....That's...not the monster I was talking about, I was talking about some tall skinny freak of a woman with see through skin and a face that split apart and that would crawl through the the vents and try to grab me.

(Y/n): Well that's not the monster I ran from eight minutes ago.

Man: well great... now there's two of them to worry about.

(Y/n): As if one wasn't enough of a problem...so how are we going to get out of here?

The man then turned around and gestured to the helicopter behind him and said.

Man: I've already got this helicopter patched up and running, we just need some fuel, the keys, and something to cut these wires lose them we can get the fuck out of here.

(Y/n): I'm down for getting out of here, so what are we waiting for? Let's get in the helicopter and get the fuck out of her-

Man: Now hold on a moment, I fixed the helicopter up but it's still not ready to run, for starters there's no fuel in this thing, and The key is missing, and even if we had those you see these metal cables holding the helicopter down?

(Y/n): Um yeah.

Man: We're not going anywhere as long as those things are holding it down, we'd probably just rip the helicopter in half if we tried.

(Y/n): Alright...any idea how to deal with all those problems?

Man: I've got a plan, but with these monsters lurking around it won't be easy.

(Y/n): Nothing ever is...so what's the plan?

Man: The fuel should be in the cargo hold at the bottom of the ship, I'll head to the captains quarters and see if the key to the helicopter is there, then we'll meet back here with the stuff and figure out what to do about these wires.

(Y/n): Right, well then I guess I'm fuel hunting then, and while I'm at it I'll keep an eye out for like a...chainsaw or something to cut these wires.

Jacob: Alright, well stay safe, I'm gonna go look for that key (He said about to walk away)

(Y/n): Hey wait, what's your name?

He turned around and said.

Man: Jacob.

(Y/n): I'm (Y/n), nice to meet you Jacob, and I hope we both make it out of this.

Jacob: Same here man.


Alright so after a little bit of wandering around I finally managed to make it into the very bottom of the ship, most of the lights here were broken so I had to rely on my flashlight to see, however it was starting to flicker so I figured the battery must be dying so I had better hurry, while also being as quiet as possible, eventually I came across some sort of hole in the side of the wall that seems to be the inside of one of those giant metal containers you would see on cargo ships, I walked into it and almost immedietely fell down some large hole into a layer even deeper into the ship.

(Y/n): Great, how am I supposed to get back up there? (I wondered as I looked up at the ledge that was just out of my reach)

Eh, I'll cross that bridge when I get to it, for now I need to focus on finding some fuel, I continued along my way when my flashlight began to flicker again.

(Y/n): Crap, if this thing dies while I'm down here I'm screwed.

I began to walk at a much more hurried pace, hoping to find a gas canister or something when I suddenly tripped over something, I hit my knee on the ground and tried my best to resist the urge to scream in pain and so I looked over my shoulder to see what I had tripped over and to my surprise it was-

(Y/n): A...Glowstick?

And just then, my flashlight died, I panicked and began feeling around for the glowstick, finally I felt my fingers graze over a small plastic cylinder and so I picked it up before snapping it, the Glowstick lit up with a faint green glow that allowed me to see just fine, unfortunately it only illuminated the area around me and not very far.

(Y/n): Beggars can't be choosers.

I happened to glance down and see that there was an actualy box of these glowsticks, unfortunately there were only two more in the box so I went ahead and crammed those into my pocket even though they stuck out a bit, I began to make my way through the halls of the ship, with how dark and cramped it was I began to get a bit claustrophobic but I can't freeze up now I need to find that fuel so me and Jacob can get out of this hellhole.

As I made my way down the hallway, I suddenly heard some faint whispering sound and felt some kind of headache.

(Y/n): Ugh, what the hell?

I tried to ignore it before I turned a corner and the pain went away, but after I got to about halfway the headache came back but dissapeared the second I turned another corner.

(Y/n): OK brain, stop screwing around do I have a Migrain or not?

Soon I stepped into a small room that seemed to be a storage area, there were a few empty lockers but I waved the glowstick around looking for something of value...and that's when I saw it.

A dark red gasoline canister.

(Y/n): (Oh my god, please be full)

I then set the Glowstick down on the floor between me and the gasoline canister, I picked up said canister and began to shake it up and down, sure enough there was a sloshing sound and when I took the cap off and smelt it...there's no doubt about it, this is gasoline.

(Y/n): Alright, time to bring this back to the Helicopter and we're one step closer to getting out of he- Agh!

It's that fucking headache again, what is wrong with me?

I wrapped my arm around the gas canister like it was extreamly precious, which it was, I then bent down and picked up the glowstick and I began to walk not back to the door I went through but the door at the opposite side of the room because hopefully the way out is through there, as I was leaving I happened to notice a fuse on the table and so I figured why not and I pocketed it in my pocket opposite to my glowsticks.

Once I left the room the migrain stopped, only to return a few seconds later as I walked down the hall.

(Y/n): (OK this is getting really fucking annoying)

I then began to hurry my pace and sped walked down a corner where my Migrain faded, as I hurried along I happened to notice a fuse box with wires connected to a few lightbulbs here, I decided to take a quick look and I found that the fuse inside it was damaged.

(Y/n): Hmm...maybe I should put the other fuse in, it sure would help to have some better lgithing down here.

I then set the canister down and dug around my pocket before I brought out the fuse and put it into the fuse box, it sparked a bit before suddenly all the lights began to turn on.

(Y/n): Let there be light! Finally I can see what's in front of me, now time to head back to the helicopter, don't want to stay in one spot for two long.

as I turned around and betn down to pick up the gas canister, as my head trailed back up I was frozen to see a figure just turning the corner at the very end of the hallway...and then I realized...it wasn't a person!

It was another monster, except it didn't look like Brute or the monster Jacob had described, this one had a sort of dark grey skin tone with very little hair and she seemed to be floating.

This monster also looked to be female, and just like the Brute she also had a rather large bust size.

(Y/n): (OK seriously why are all of these Monsters attractive females? not that I'm complaining but still)

She floated towards me very slowly as if she wasn't even in a hurry to catch me, and for some reason, looking at her is giving me a migraine, I turn around and ran away from her and the second I turned a corner my headache went away.

(Y/n): (OK, so my head hurts if she's looking at me, that's a pretty fiendish thing to do...hmm...Fiend)

After that I began to run away, and was a little concerned that this monster had actually been following me since my migrains first started and I never noticed...thank god I didn't go back the way I came once I got the gasoline otherwise I would have walked right into her.

Regardless I ran as fast as I could and finally managed to find a revolving staircase, I ran up to the first floor and was about to continue up to the second, until the brute started coming down the stairs from above me.

(Y/n): Fuck that, first floor it is then (I said as I did a 180 the other way)

I then ran onto the first floor as fast as I could (Which is difficult when your carrying a canister full of gasoline) as I heard the brute charging at me, guess she wasn't planning on staying in one spot for as long as I thought.

I looked over my shoulder and saw that the Brute was trying much harder to catch me then last time.

(Y/n): (Probably pissed about what happened earlier)

I turned a corner and was about to run down the hall when I realized I still had the glow sticks, so I very quickly took the one that was still glowing out of my pocket and threw it down the hallway as I ducked into a room to the side.

I didn't have time to shut the door but thankfully I didn't need to because as the Brute turned the corner she ran towards where the light had flown off instead of looking into the room, I didn't take any chances and I hid underneath some bunk bed with the gas canister laid beside me, after a few seconds the loud thumping of her footsteps came towards the room I was in, finally I saw her step right through the open doorway and she began to walk around a bit, she tore open a locker that was in the room I guess checking if I was hiding in one again, kept searching around and I felt her searchlight pass over my bed several times.

Suddenly she began to walk towards me, I tended up as I thought that she was going to find me when suddenly There was a loud smash off in the distance followed by some screaming.

The Brute whirled around before charging out of the room, I waited for a bit before I slid out from under the bed and brought the gas canister out.

(Y/n): ( I really hope Jacobs alright, or whoever that was that made that noise)


I was waiting next to the helicopter, I had already poured the gasoline in but Jacob was nowhere to be found.

(Y/n): Shit...they probably got him, guess I'm on my own for the Keys and wires.

I began to walk towards the staircase that I first walked up, only to hear the sound of someone walking up it, I backed up slowly and prepared to run in case I needed to, thankfully I saw Jacob walking up the steps slowly.

Jacob: ugh...hey...(Y/n).

He then held up his hand to reveal he was in fact holding something...a set of keys.

Jacob: I got the keys to the helicopter.

(Y/n): Great, for a moment I was worried you didn't make I- what the fuck happened to you!?

Jacob had a few minor bruises on him but that wasn't what got my attention, it was the large gash on his leg.

Jacob: I kind of cut myself trying to get away two of those monsters, I kind of have a throbbing pain in my leg now but I can still walk.

(Y/n): Alright, oh yeah I got the fuel for the helicopter so all we need is to cut these cables ( I said as Jacob walked over and put the keys on the seat of the helicopter.

Jacob: I'm setting the keys right there so we can find em easy, now onto the last issue, dealing with these fucking wires.

The wires holding the helicopter down seemed pretty sturdy, almost as thick as rope but like made of metal.

(Y/n): So how are we supposed to cut these things anyway?

Jacob: I don't know, these things look pretty sturdy, I don't know if theirs anything on this boat that we can even use to-

Suddenly there was some sort of screeching noise, Jacob tensed up before saying.

Jacob: Oh shit not her, we'll deal with this later let's just get the fuck out of here (He whisper yelled to me)

We began to run to the opposite side of the staircase the noise came from and down a staircase to the other side of the ship, I happened to glance back just in time to see another monster jump onto the helipad, this time it was some very skinny monster, It's skin was transparent so I could actually see its bones and organs, however I also noticed that it had an outstretched chest which suggested this thing was also female.

It's overall appearance along with how it leapt onto the helipad kind of reminded me of the Hunter from left 4 dead...why am I coming up with names for these things?

Thankfully me and Jacob got out of view just as it began to look in our general direction, Jacob tried his best to speed walk but he was kind of limping on his hurt leg, if we got into a chase I don't know if he'll be able to escape.

Time skip

After maybe about...ten minutes we ended up in a hallway that seemed oddly familiar.

Jacob: I think we're lost.

(Y/n): Ah great...wait...no we're not, I recognize this hallway this is...

I then looked to my side and saw the open door to a very familiar room.

(Y/n): Hey this is the hall that I first walked through, that room right there has the security monitors.

Jacob: Hey, maybe we can find something to cut the cables with them?

Me and Jacob walked in and we began to look at all the computer monitors, after a few seconds of looking Jacob said.

Jacob: There...third floor, one of the office rooms, there's a pair of bolt cutters on the table, those might be able to cut the cables.

(Y/n): Hopefully they are...come on let's go.

Me and Jacob then left the room and I led him to the staircase that I remember was in this hall, we made it to the third floor and proceeded to go into every single room looking for the one that had the bolt cutters, we're so close to freedom, all we have to do is get these bolt cutters and make it back to the helicopter, then we're out of here.

Soon we made it to some really large room, first thing I noticed was that this room had two doorways leading to it, both the doors seemed to be the very sturdy metal ones and they were side by side by about twelve feet.

Jacob: I got it! (Jacob shouted holding up the bolt cutters)

(Y/n): Keep it down, let's not celebrate until we're in the helicopter flying over this fucking ship OK?

Jacob: Alright, well then let's get a move on, I can't stand this place any longer.

After that me and Jacob began to make our way out, finally we can leave this place and be as far as fucking possible from these monsters...although they don't actually look that bad, they would still probably murder me in a heartbeat.

Me and Jacob stepped out of the doorway and we're about to be on our way to the helipad when he suddenly stopped and stood right in front of me.

Jacob: Oh no.

Right in front of us, at the very end of the hall, was the Hunter, she stared at us for a bit before she suddenly got down on all fours and began to crawl towards us at a crazy fast speed.

Jacob: Back in the room now! (He shouted as he spun around and threw himself through the open door, I ran through with him and slammed the metal door shut, turning the wheel and locking it, there was a loud thud with something bumping into, things were quiet for a. It before we could it screeching and pounding on the door.

Jacob: It can't get through.

(Y/n): But that Lava woman can, she smashed through one of these things like plywood, and with all the noise this thing is making it's only a matter of time before she shows up.

Jacob: Shit what do we do?

We've already got the bolt cutters, but that Hunter is blocking one of our exits...wait...one of them!

(Y/n): Alright Jacob, here's the plan, I'm going to run out that other door-

Jacob: Why the hell would you do that!?

(Y/n): so I can draw their attention, while their busy chasing after me you head back to the helicopter and cut the cables.

Jacob: That's suicide, we could probably just hide-

(Y/n): Dude we can hide from one monster, but if several show up we're screwed.

Jacob: But-

(Y/n): I can outrun them, but your wounded you won't make it if they chase you, which Is why I'm going-

Jacob: What the hell was that!?

(Y/n): Time to run! Get the chopper cables, don't leave without me! (I shouted as I grabbed a cup on one of the tables before bursting out the other door to see the Hunter still slamming the other door and the Brute running towards us.

(Y/n): Hey ladies (I said I a Taunting slightly flirty tone which got their attention)

(Y/n): You're getting mugged! (I shouted as I threw the Cup at the Hunter, it shattered as it hit her face, she and the brute just looked down and stared at the cup)

(Y/n): And...I'm out.

I turned around and began to run like hell, the Hunter screeched and the Brute roared as they began to run after me, I hope Jacob manages to cut the cables in time because I don't know how long I can keep these things busy.

I took out one of the Glow sticks I had in my pocket and lit it up before throwing it over my shoulder, it managed to land right on the hunters eyes which blinded her and caused her to bump into the Brute and knock them both down , I chuckled as I made it to a crossroad like path in the halls and prepared to run down one path only to feel a headache, I looked and saw that the Fiend was at the end of the hall and staring straight at me, I turned around and ran like hell the other way, And this is how it was, each of the monsters trying to catch me and me running through all the halls trying to keep at a distance from them.

After a while I finally managed to lose them and I began to run back to the helicopter without caring if they heard me, Right now I need to get there as fast as possible.

As I began to run across the side of the ship I heard the sound of the helicopters propellers getting ready, Jacob must have gotten it free, I used the last of my stamina to break into a ran faster than I had ever gone before, I almost tripped when I ran up the stairs and finally I got to the helipad...and the helicopter...was flying away.

(Y/n): Hey! don't leave! (I shouted up at him)

I suddenly saw Jacob stock his head out and he shouted back.

Jacob: Sorry man! but I thought you were a gonner and I'm not taking any chances! (He shouted back down to me)

Now the Helicopter was flying away, I couldn't believe it, after I helped this asshole he just ditches me here, I flipped the bird at him and shouted)

(Y/n): I swear when I get off this boat I'll kick your ass for ditching!....me- (I slowed down as I looked in front of me)

Right there at the other side of the helipad blocking the staircases, we're two of the three monsters on this ship.

The fiend and hunter were right in front of me, staring me dead in the eyes, they began to slowly approach me as I backed up.

(Y/n): I probably shouldn't have yelled.

Hunter: (Growl)

(Y/n): wow um...let's talk about this.

I kept backing up before suddenly I bumped into something or...someone, I turned around just in time to feel myself get lifted up by the neck only this time I wasn't being strangled just picked up, I came face to face with the Brute who gave me a look of disappointment.

(Y/n): Um...Hi.

Time skip

I just had an expressionless face as the Brute dragged me across the floor towards I don't even know where, the Fiend and Hunter were following close behind to make sure that I didn't try and escape, I'm honestly confused as to why they weren't murdering me right here and now but I really hope whatever they have in store for me they just get over with quickly.

As the Brute dragged me across the floor towards one of the cabins I looked up at a security camera that was watching me.

(Y/n): Please help me.

Meanwhile in a secret room in another plane of existence

Author: Yeah...I think he's got this.

Finally the Brute kicked the door open and picked me up and threw me down onto the bottom bunk bed, I sat up only for her to rush right up to me face, she just stood there staring at me.

(Y/n): P- please don't kill me (I begged) I'm sorry I groped you earlier but that was because you were trying to strangle me and-

Suddenly the brute put her hand on my mouth silencing me

(Y/n): Mph!? (What's she doing?)

Suddenly she removed her hand from my mouth and then grabbed both my hands as gently as she could, She then placed my hands right onto her breasts and held them in place.

(Y/n): Uhhhhhhhhh ( (y/n).exe has stopped working)

I just stayed still with a huge blush on my face while the Brute made me touch her chest...and she almosted seemed to be enjoying it.

(Y/n): (I have no idea how to feel about this)

Is it aroused? Or scareoused? I'm not sure.

I pride my hands away from her breasts ( Even though I really didn't want to) and asked.

(Y/n): OK what's going on? Why did you drag me here and...why are you making me touch your breasts?

Suddenly the hunter ripped a piece of metal off the wall and began to scratch something into it with her nail before she handed it to me, It seemed like she had written something down for me.

I read what the hunter had scratched down onto the piece of metal and it simply read one word


(Y/n): Oh...(gulp)

And the the hunter leaped at me and pinned me down.

(Y/n): Well this took a different turn than what I was expecting.

Time skip 4 and a half hours

(Y/n): (huff) (huff) Oh (huff) damn.

Well that was certainly an experience, I just got laid by three terrifying monsters who could easily rip me to shreds or smash me into a bloody puddle...

And The entire room was demolished, beds were broken, who knew sex with these monsters would be so destructive?

Though in all honesty, it was mostly because brute kept breaking all the beds...and the furniture.

Speaking of the Brute, she was lying right beside me passed out, no doubt from all the fun we just had, and you know once you look past the flowing magma in her face...she's actually kind of cute.

Same thing with the hunter who was passed out on my other side, and the fiend who was sleeping with her face next to my crotch and her...area just a few inches from my face.

And so this is how this story ends, I thought that I was about to die but I instead ended up with three beautiful monster girlfriends who loved me very dearly, and I loved them too.

After that I never even tried to run away, I would stay on this ship with them for the rest of my life, they were all I needed.

Them.......and our children.

Author: Wait wha- Oh hey guys, so I apologize for the long wait but as you all probably know I've been busy with school, so I hope you all enjoyed this extra long chapter.

And with that have a good day.

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