Love Is Blind

By rumyavidushiholic

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Jin thought that finally he can be happy by getting married to the person he love ,Kim Taehyung. But what wil... More

Chapter 2
Chapter- 4


4.7K 233 47
By rumyavidushiholic

"I am finally living the moment that I was so eager to cherish"- scribble writer

Jin woke up the next day with a sharp headache. His vision was blurry and he was not able to understand where is he.

"This is not my room" He said to himself. Then he remembered yesterday's events. Taehyung's confession, his vulnerability and their sleeping together. But he found his side empty.

"But where is Tae?" He thought to himself. "he must have left. He must have realised that he made a mistake of confessing to me. What did I expect" Jin said to himself? On one side his head was pounding and on the other side his heart was hurt. He could feel the side of his having a stinging feeling. "I have to leave right now" He said and was about to get up, when he lost his balance and fell down. But he didn't fell on the ground but he was rescued by two tough hands. Jin looked above and saw the beautiful face of his husband.

"Careful Jin. Your hangover is still there. You need a lemonade." Taehyung said and gave him a glass of Lemonade to Jin. Jin was ashamed at his assumption.

"Where were you going?" Taehyung asked folding his hands in front of his chest. Jin was staring at Taehyung. He didn't saw this face of him for ages. The perfect jawline, big eyes, cute nose and round lips. He badly wanted to kiss those red lips. But he controlled himself. His wild imaginations were getting very wild.

"Jin? Are you okay? Why are you turning red? Do you have allergy from lemonade? Then I will make something else." Taehyung asked. He came in front of Jin and caressed his face. Jin immediately felt warm under Taehyung's touch.

"No no I am fine. I should leave before anybody comes." Jin said and was about to leave.

"But can we have a cup of coffee atleast?" Taehyung asked.

"But you don't like it" Jin said.Taehyung smiled that his husband still knows about his likes and dislikes.

"But I can have one with you" He said. They went and to the kitchen. Jin sat at the kitchen counter and Taehyung went to make coffee. Jin was cherishing this moment. For so long he wanted to see this gesture from Taehyung. Now, that he is finally seeing it, he doesn't know how to react. So, he just kept his eyes low. He doesn't want Taehyung to see his overwhelming side.

"Here is your coffee" Taehyung said and came to sat opposite to Jin. Jin, for the first time, tasted Taehyung's coffee. He must say Taehyung can make really good coffee.

"So, does it suit your taste?" He asked to jin.

"Yes, it's nice. I didn't know you can make such great coffee" Jin said.

"yeah, I learned it from Mom." Taehyung said. They were having their coffee in silence. It was not an awkward silence but comfortable.

"What are you doing later today?" Taehyung asked

"Nothing great. As the school is under construction and the winter holidays will start soon, I am free. But Christmas programme is there. But we have our dance teachers handling everything. I am just there to help the students with the singing and the skit." Jin said with a small smile. "the kids are doing really well with the skit and the singing. They really enjoy their company with me. They always tell me that they love to spend time with me" Jin added and his smile become wider.

"They are not wrong afterall" Taehyung said sipping his coffee.

"What?" Jin asked bewildered.

"The kids are not wrong. Who wouldn't love your company? Look at me, its just a small coffee, but I feel so elated" Taehyung said. Jin blushed harder and was biting his lip to contain his smile. Taehyung looked at that gesture of Jin

"Don't do it Jin. I won't be able to control myself." Taehyung said. Jin got confused about what is Taehyung talking about.

"Don't bite your lip. It just makes my condition miserable" Taehyung said. Jin got flustered. He lowered down his gaze. He couldn't believe what he is hearing. Things were getting little intense, when doorbell rang. Taehyung was a bit dissatisfied but Jin got relieved.

"I got this" Taehyung said and got up to open the was Jungkook.

"Hey hyung! Can we talk?" He asked.

"sure, come on in" Taehyung said with a welcoming smile. But, as soon as, he entered he saw Jin standing there. Jungkook was shocked.

"Jin hyung? Wae yeogiiss-eo (why are you here?)" Jungkook asked.

"Long story kookie. I'll tell you later on. You guys talk. I am taking a leave" Jin said and went towards the door. Before leaving, he stole a glance at Taehyung. They stared at each other for almost a minute. Then Jin left.

"What the hell is happening? Jin hyjng was still in his yesterday's clothes. That means, they stayed together for the night" Jungkook thought to himself. He was confused, yet happy that things are finally getting normal.

"Kookie, sit down. What do you want to talk about?" Taehyung asked breaking Jungkook's train of thoughts.

"Hyung. I am sorry for my bad behaviour. I shouldn't have done that. It was my mistake. I am sorry" Jungkook said apologetically. Taehyung immediately went to hug his cute little brother. Jungkook busted into tears. Taehyung was comforting his brother.

"Hyung I was angry. I couldn't see Jin hyung's condition. He was miserable seven months ago. He lost his child and Dr. Morris said it will be hard for him to conceive again. He was more devastated." Jungkook said crying. Taehyung was also in tears hearing Jin's condition.

"Kookie don't cry. I am here now with Jin and I am going to make everything normal." Taehyung said cupping Jungkook's chins.

"But you promise me Hyung that you are not going to hurt Jin hyung anymore" Jungkook said extending his pinky.

"No. I am not going to do that; cause now I know that I love him" Taehyung said with a different shine in his eyes.

"Okay! Now do you remember today's date?" Jungkook said wiping his tears.

"Yes, I know and I have some amazing arrangements for today" Taehyung said winking at Jungkook.


"Hello, Mrs Bong Soon. I am Kim Taehyung." Taehyung said

"oh! Hello Mr. Kim. I was about to call you. But see you called. Some serious telepathy is going on here" Mrs. Bong soon said laughing.

"Oh yes. Actually, I called for a reason. Today is a very special day for me. Today is my wedding anniversary. I wanted to host a congratulatory dinner. So, I will be extremely grateful if the staff of The Sunshine could come today. Also, the work is almost done. So, what do you think?" Taehyung said.

"It will be our pleasure Mr. Kim. Congratulations on your anniversary. The teachers are here in the school only. So, I will be informing them. But Jin is not here, maybe he is in the construction area or at his house. His friends are also here. So, I will inform him." Bong Soon said.

"Not a problem, I want his friends to come also. Why they will stay at home. They can also join. As I am away from home, so I am wanting as many companies as possible." Taehyung said. Offcourse, he will be wanting everyone. Jimin, Hoseok and Namjoon are equally important. Although, Taehyung haven't met Namjoon personally, but he seemed nice to Taehyung.

"Sure, Mr. Kim. We will be joining you at the dinner" she said and hang up.


"Hello! Mr. Bong soon. It's so good to have you all" Taehyung said. Jin was also there. He cam along with Jimin and Hoseok. Initially, Hoseok and Jimin was not ready to come. But Jungkook and Namjoon convinced them. Jin had to come. He came as it is his anniversary as well. He is not angry at Taehyung anymore. he solved everything. But he didn't tell anything to anybody. Although, he got caught by Namjoon and Jungkook. But Hoseok and Jimin doesn't know about it. Taehyung personally called Hoseok for inviting him. He has less temper than Jimin. Not temper actually, but Jimin loves Jin way more. He is not yet ready to forgive Taehyung. Hoseok just wants to test Taehyung and be his friend's guard. So, he came. They all settled down. Jin sat between Jimin and Hoseok. Namjoon sat beside Jungkook opposite to Jinminseok. Jungkook sat between Namjoon and Hye-ji.

"Thank you all once again to come today. If I was back at Seoul then my parents would have hosted a huge party. But my husband likes it simple and cozy." Taehyung said glancing at Jin.

"How many years Mr. Kim" Lisa asked.

"well, my first wedding anniversary. Its been a year. But many more years to come" Taehyung said. Jin was quiet. He knew that Taehyung was looking at him. But he was looking at the plate ahead of him.

"So, as it is your wedding anniversary. We would like to hear about your husband and also about your love story. I hope you wouldn't mind telling us?" Lisa said.

"Lisa is right. We all are curious. Right Jin?" Miss. Park Dami said. Park Dami is the science teacher. She is very close to Jin. Since, they joined both at the same time.

"Yeah" Jin replied with a small nod. He glanced at Minsoek's faces.

"Sure why not. But it was not a love marriage. But arranged by our parents. I met my husband two days before our wedding. When he came for the suit fittings. I liked him." Taehyung said looking at everyone. He was saying it with a smile on his face. Jin was reminiscing those moments of his wedding day. It came flashing before his eyes.

"He is very handsome. We didn't go to any honeymoon as I had some work. But I promised him that I will take him somewhere definitely someday". He added.

"How does he look like, Mr. Kim? Do you have a picture of him?" Lisa asked.

"No, actually it was in my wallet and I left it in my house." Taehyung showed an excuse. Off course he can't show them Jin's picture.

"He must be very handsome. Can you at least describe his appearance?" Park Dami said.

"Sure, Miss Park. He is about Mr Seokjin's height" Taehyung said. Jin choked on his soup. Minseok as looking blankly at Taehyung. Namjoon and Jungkook was smiling.

"He is good, handsome, beautiful and extremely caring. He is affectionate. He has a polite behaviour. He is also a very good cook. But above everything he loves me dearly" Taehyung added.
"Oh my god! Mr. Kim your husband's description matches with Jin oppa so well. For one time, I thought that you are talking about Jin oppa" Lisa said.

"I have also met him. As Mr. Kim also invests in to art galleries. So, I met his husband for that purpose. His husband is very handsome and kind. He treats me like his own brother. He is also very polite. Just like Jin hyung." Jungkook said smiling from ear to ear.

"I think comparing Mr. Kim's husband with Jin oppa is a bit overestimation of Jin oppa. He is not suitable for someone like Mr. Kim, the multi-millionaire.and Jin oppa is just a prep- school teacher. Where is the comparison?" Hye-ji said out of the blue. JIn gulped down the lump in his throat. Jimin was about to say something when Taehyung answered.

"I think you also teach in the same school Miss Hye-ji. So, you and Mr. Jin stand on the same line. And if you are talking about my husband. Then, it was me who made the comparison." Everybody was satisfied with Taehyung's answer. Hye-ji was taken aback. But just faked a smile. The food arrived and it contained all the favourites of Jin.

"Would you please excuse me." Jin said and got up. He went to the restroom. He was sad and hurt at Hye-ji's words. Taehyung also excused himself to make a phone call. But instead he went after Jin. Jungkook was fuming in anger. But he had his own ways of taking the revenge. He didn't let Hye-ji get the pork cutlet. He took all of them and handed her the empty plate. Afterall, its his brother's money and she dared to insult Jin hyung. So, she had to face the consequences. Namjoon, Hoseok and Jimin knew where Taehyung went. Jimin was very uncomfortable and was waiting to get back at Hye-ji. But Hoseok was happy with Taehyung's reaction.

"I think now everything will find its correct place" Hobi thought to himself.


Hey guys! I hope you all are doing great. there's more of Taejin moments in the next chapter. I hope you liked this one. please vote and comment. I would love to hear from you all. thankyou for 24k reads. I didn't expected my story to be so successful. 

Well, BTS's next album is coming up on November 20. did you see the Lotte Duty Free concert of BTS. I really liked the song of Black Swan. I didn't like it at first glance but now I loveee it.We had a Taejin moment in its advertisement.  See you in my next update. till then,


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