The Fighter

By HollyHanson5

268K 7.6K 2.3K

McKenna Jones, an 18 year old underground Street Fighter. She spent her Friday nights fighting, and her days... More

1- Leaving Russia
2- Getting settled in
3- School
4- Friday night
6- Everyone knows
7- Ms. Kay's diner
8- Fight night
9- The Hayes house
10- Confronting Laura
11- Hammer
12-The house that broke me
13- Nick & Kenna
14- A possible lead
15- Mark
16- Punish me
17- I don't care what anybody thinks
18- Happy New Year
19- Snakes
20- Birthday party
21- Epic
22- Graduation
23- Happy

5- You smiled

12.4K 373 61
By HollyHanson5

Kenna's P.O.V.

I had a good weekend with Mason and Aubrey. We went to the park, and watched movies all weekend. My side doesn't hurt very bad anymore. Normally after a fight, I'm not that sore. I'll have to find a way to work out more now that we're settled in.

I dropped the kids off at school Monday morning and then headed to my hell. When I pulled into the parking lot, they're was still quite a few people outside. Everyone stares as I park.

I'm not even out and I'm instantly greeted by Scott, "Hello, my bestie girlfriend."

I pinched his side, "Hey, how was your weekend?" I glanced up and saw Nick and his little group staring at us.

"Fabulous, my cousin and I went to this club 'Toxic' Friday night, holy shit it was so much fun."

I looked at him with wide eyes.

"You should totally come with us next time."

"No, I most definitely will not."

He put his arm around my neck, as we started walking into school.

"Why? Are you a goody two-shoes? You don't have a fake I.D? I can hook you up."

"No, I'm good. I don't need an ID. I'll think about it, Okay." I said that, but I would never actually go with him. I couldn't risk people there recognizing me.


I heard someone say something behind me, possibly my name so I turned around. There stood the four large, very intimidating men.

Nick took off in the opposite direction and the other three guys laughed. They're not scary, they're actually just weird.

Scott and I got to Olivia and Lana. We talked for a few minutes before the first bell rang. They were telling us that Nick and his gang we're following behind us for a while, that's why they didn't come meet us.

I'm sitting in my last period before lunch. American novels.

Scott and I got there kind of late, so we couldn't sit together. I chose the seat next to Nick, and Scott was a few seats over and up one from me.

I love books, but I'm so hungry and just want to eat. Scott of course is making faces at me, and I let out a little giggle.

"Ms. Jones, care to share what you and Scott find so funny?" Mr. Smith questioned.

Ahhhh shit.

"Ummm... well I corrected Scott. I told him I agreed with you, F. Scott Fitzgerald is one of the greatest American writers of the 20th century."

"I would love to hear some of your insights." Mr. Smith pressed, challenging me as he folded his arms.

I let out an annoyed breath, Scott is finding this extremely amusing.

"Well, my favorite novel by him was, 'The Beautiful and Damned'. He has some very inspirational quotes that I love, "That is part of the beauty of all literature. You discover that you're longings are universal longings, that you're not lonely and isolated from anyone. You belong."

"Is that one of your favorite quotes Ms. Jones?"

"No, that one comes in second. My first would be from Marilyn Monroe. "I'm selfish, impatient and a little insecure. I make mistakes, I am out of control and at times hard to handle. But if you can't handle me at my worst, then you sure as hell don't deserve me at my best."

Mr. Smith nodded his head in approval, "Very nice, Ms. Jones. Mr. Anderson, would you care to share your insights?"

Scotts eyes got wide, "Sir, there is no way I can compete with that she's completely correct, he is amazing."

Mr. Smith rolled his eyes and continued with his lesson.

I was finally able to breath because the attention wasn't on me anymore. "What the hell is up his ass? Jesus." I thought I said it quiet enough for just me to hear.

I heard a chuckle. I looked over at the Stone Cold statue of Nick and he's smiling?

God he's beautiful.

"You smiled?" I said, quietly to him.

He instantly stopped, and looked into my eyes. We stared at each other for a while before I finally smiled at him, and looked away.

I was looking ahead, but I still felt him looking at me. I looked out of the corner of my eye, and noticed just the tiniest smirk.

Lunch finally rolled around.

"I can't believe you bull shitted your way through that class." Scott laughed.

"I could have killed you, that was not funny." I said, pushing Scotts shoulder.

Olivia and Lana sat down by us.

"Hey guys, what's so funny?" Olivia asked.

Scott told them all about my moment with Mr. Smith. As he was talking I couldn't help but glance over at Nick's table. He was always so serious, and I wondered why. He was so much more handsome when he smiled.

"Hello, earth to Kenna." Olivia laughed, "Girl, are you seriously looking at one of those guys?"

"Why wouldn't I? Nick is so mysterious and sexy." I replied, looking back at her.

"Yeah... he's cute if you're into murders." Lana argued.

"Have they actually ever done anything to you?" I asked.

"Well, No. But, but... Gosh, I'm seriously horrible. I'm just as bad as Laura!" Lana admitted.

"No, you're not. I just feel there is more to them then what they let on. Did you know when Nick smiles, he's even more sexy?"

"You saw him smile?" Scott, Olivia and Lana whispered, leaning in curiously.

"Yes, after my cover up in class earlier. I kinda muttered stuff underneath my breath and he laughed at me."

"Shut up?" Olivia whispered yelled, "holy crap he's looking over here again."

"Again?" I questioned.

"Yes, I honestly think he has a thing for you. He has never even blinked at anyone at this school. You've been here for one week, he's staring at you constantly and then he smiles? If that isn't a thing, I don't know what is."

Not going to lie, I didn't hate hearing that.

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