Highschool DXDoom


117K 1.5K 1.9K

A human of unknown origin comes across a town in Japan,knowing of the supernatural that live among it. He sho... Еще

First Day
Tearin' Wings
The Nun
Until it is Done
Memories Recovered
Talk with The Devils
Old and New Faces Pt.1
Guys Chill Out
Old and New Faces Pt.2

Plus One

12.5K 169 261

Y/N walked out of the school entrance but was suddenly called by someone.

???:hey you!

He turned around and spots the red haired girl,Rias.

Rias:Y/N right?

He kept silent while giving her a glare.

Rias:I'll take that as a yes,we haven't properly introduced. My name is Rias Gremory.

She had her hand out but Y/N didn't shake nor grab it. He only turned around and continue walking away from school grounds.

Rias:I guess he's still mad about last time.

Y/N had decided to walk around town for a bit and catch up on what he's missed ever since he's been 'missing'. He stopped, something caught his eye. A white truck that said "Ice Cream" on it,he slightly smiled as he walked over there. The line was thankfully short and didn't last too long.

Man:what would you like sir?

He thought for a sec while looking at the orders. He pointed to the F/I/C with a smile.

Man:one F/I/C comin up.

He hummed while walking to the back of the truck and getting a F/I/C from a freezer. He handed it to him,Y/N paid then walked off with his cold snack.

???:excuse me sir!

He swore if it was that Gremory person. But once he turned around he saw a familiar blonde person with a Nun outfit. His eyes widened,it was the girl he saved yesterday,but she was with a brown haired boy.

???:it is you,thank you for saving me yesterday. God is grateful for your kindness and bravery.

She placed her hands together. He couldn't help but snicker,but his smile quickly disappeared once the brown haired boy approached the two.

Issei:who's this Asia?

Asia:this is a brave stranger that saved me from a group of sinful men.

Issei:wait a second, aren't you Y/N L/N.

He nodded.

Asia:you two know each other?

Issei:yeah, we're in the same class. Well it's nice seeing ya,but I gotta go take this little lady to try out a burg-

Asia:ooh,what's this!?

Her eyes sparkled once they met Y/N's F/I/C. He looked down at it then back up at her. He then moved it towards her but she turned away.

Asia:n-no it would be rude...

He moved it further to her.

Asia:well,if you insist.

She held it and took a bite.

Asia:mmm,so good!

Issei looked in jealousy as she took a couple more bites. Y/N only smiled as she took some more bites.

Asia:ooh,what's that!

She then points to an arcade.

Issei:that's an arcade,but what about the burg-hey!

Y/N grabbed her hand and took her too the arcade. Issei ran after them. They entered the arcade playing games until Asia had her eyes on a cute yellow mouse plushie.

Issei: something got your eye Asia.

Asia:that mouse looks adorable,may I have it?

Issei:we'll have to play a game in order to get it. But I'll get it for ya.

Man:step right up,hit these bottles with all you got and win a prize!

Issei:heh,seems easy enough.

The man only smirks behind Issei's back as he pays him $5 as he hands him 6 balls. Issei readies his first ball and throws it on the stack of bottles. But they didn't even move an inch.

Issei:what the?

He hits again and again but nothing happens.


He tries hitting it a couple more times till he's down to one more ball. Y/N looked carefully at the balls to see white color on the bottom of each ball. Glue. Y/N grits his teeth in anger,he hated rigged games as a kid. He then pushed Issei aside.

Issei:hey man what's the big idea?

Y/N ignored him mad grabbed the last ball,he puts strength in his hand as he eyes the bottles. With mighty force he throws the ball at the bottles as they all break. Both Issei and the man look in awe at this as Y/N grabs the mouse plush and hands it to Asia.

Asia:aww,thanks Y/N!

Y/N only gives her a warm smile. Later,the trio walked towards a fountain.

Asia:thank you for the prize Y/N,you've been so kind to me.

He gives her a thumbs up and a smile.

Issei:'Damn cockblocker'

???:isn't that sweet.

The three turn towards the familiar voice to see a girl with black wings and revealing clothes. The bird girl that (tried to)attack Y/N,but Issei and Asia know her as.


Asia:lady Raynare?

Issei:she's a fallen angel

Raynare:so the rumors about your downward spiral into the wickedness devil are true. And I had high hopes,don't even think about running Asia.

Y/N pulled out his shotgun but before he could load it he is thrown,not pierced,but thrown into the trees by a spear.


She turned back to Raynare.

Asia:begone,I want no part in the evil you and the angels are up to! I ran away,I'm sorry but I couldn't stand staying with them.

Issei:don't apologize,I'm glad. You're too good for them,you don't deserve to be with those hazbin wannabes anyway! What do you want from me Yumma!

Raynare:oh dont worry,I want nothing to do with you. Im here for Asia. Though we could finish what happened last time

She then summoned a spear.

Issei:sacred gear!

He then summoned a red gauntlet with a green orb in the center of the hand.

Raynare:Is that really all you got,it's nothing but a twice critical. Coming up short as usual.

Issie:wait a twice what?

Raynare:it's also called a dragons hand. That thing only doubles with your power temporarily. You might as well be able to fight me with sticks and stones.

Issie:man thats all it does.

Raynare:word upstairs says your a devil to watch out for. They said your sacred gear is a force to be reckon with. Thats why I put on that little girl act.

She then made an innocent voice impression.

Raynare: Please Issie be my boyfriend. Your ridiculous,you sure bought it though.

She then started cackling.

Issie:shut your face,and fight!

Raynare: you're an idiot if you think you can take me on with that tiny thing! Give me the girl,take what's left of your dignity,and go.

Issie:not happening.

Asia: please be careful.

Issie:if I can't take care of my friends then what good am I! Double my power,c'mon show me what your made of gear!

It's green orb on the center of the back of the gauntlet turned bright.


Issie:it's working I can feel the power!

Suddenly Raynare's spear goes through Issies's stomach.

Asia:Aah! Issie no!

Asia walks to his aid.

Raynare:nice catch,looks like your equipment can't get the job done. If I were you I'd get used to that.

Asia's hand then glowed on his wound.

Issie:what're you doing?

Asia: I'm healing you.

Raynare:now Asia be a good little girl and come with me. Your healing power is far more infinite and reliable to our kind then his sacred gear ever could be.

Asia:I knew it your only interested in me because of my power.

Raynare how about you and I make a deal. If you agree to come with me then I wont murder your friend.

She said summoning a spear.

Issie:no way she's going with you.

Raynare flies up and throws her spear to the ground causing it to explode throwing Asia away and Issie into the lake.

Asia: Issie no!

Issie:I've never seen a spear that strong.

He said struggling to get up.

Raynare:I spared his life for a reason,I could've perfectly made a fatal wound. Your friend would have shattered it to million pieces.

Asia:hm,I'll go with you.

Raynare covered Asia with her wings and disappeared before a large tree was thrown at them. Y/N then stepped out with a look of anger.

Issie:no...why couldn't I save her.

He then turned to the dying Issei. He walked towards her with his shotgun in his hand.

Issei:h-help me.

Y/N scoffed before noticing a presence and walking off.

He then rushed inside his house placing his shotgun on his table. He walked into a closet and putting on some strange armor on. He then walked to his basement where he found strange weapons not known to man on the wall.

He then placed on his helmet which had the symbol on it. He walks towards the weapon. It was time...

To Rip and Tear...

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