Magic and Wolves: Book 1 of W...

By emmawaack

195K 8.7K 356

"Alright Mr. Steinson you can pay Franny. Let us know if any problems come up." She opened the door and smile... More

Call Me Hammer
Trust Me CeCe
My Apologizes Ma'am
Stay Smart Cecilia
Focus, You Don't Want to Blow Up the House
Something to Remind You
Damn Wolf Instincts
Let Me Sneak Out the Back
I'm The Big Bad Wolf
Quit Acting Like a Stalker
Prove Me Wrong
Is This the Mate Thing?
Shut Him Up
It Smells Like Rain
I Overshared
It's Been a Long Day
It Won't Be Too Painful
A Gentle Reminder
I Never Thought About Consequences
I Will Begin to Lose My Calm
Not My House
Time To Teach This Mutt A Lesson
Fate Is A Funny Thing
Not Too Ridiculous?
You Guys Don't Mess Around, Do You?
Mind, Body, Spirit
What's Troubling you
What's Your Answer
Mad World
I Promise Not to Get Murdered
You Do Not Disappoint
Time To Be The Alpha
How Old Are You?
Magic Energy
Who Are You?
Not Much of a Talker
Do You Have a Suggestion
Too Tired for This Shit
We Have a Plan
Into the Fire
Chaos Erupts
Definitely Not a Dream


3K 145 8
By emmawaack

Sylas's Tattoo^^^^

"You're a resilient mutt." Steffan (a/n: aka Steve, the change will be explained) tightened his grip on the chains holding his arms over his head. He felt blood slowly moving down his chest from the cuts on his skin. His shaggy black hair stuck to his sweat covered forehead, and he breathed harshly through his nose. His pale blue eyes were dull as he looked at the man in front of him.

His captor was an average man, average height and build, slightly smaller than Steffan's 6 ft height and toned body. The most distinguishing thing about him was the burn scars that covered half his body.

It had been two days since his leg had gotten caught in the trap. Two days since the men who smelled like spices had captured him. At least he thought it had been two days, Steffan wasn't really sure. They hadn't allowed him to sleep, and he was blindfolded whenever they weren't torturing and interrogating him, which was rare.

"He still won't talk Francis?" Another man asked, entering the abandoned cabin they had dragged Steffan into.

"He doesn't make a sound." The burned man, Francis, sneered, "Doesn't even scream."

As if to prove his point Francis pulled on the pronged metal collar around Steffan's neck, digging the pointed metal barbs into his skin. Steffan's breath hissed out and his eyes narrowed in pain.

"That's the most I can get out of him. At least his pretty white skin is fun to mark up."

"I'll leave you to it then. I know how much you like your fun. We'll send out a scout to the town since he won't talk. There's enough potion left to learn everything about this interspecies abomination. We'll find our man."

Francis nodded, not paying much attention as he circled his prisoner. Steffan kept all his senses on the man circling him not wanting to be surprised by him.

The moment they had surrounded him at the trap he had recognized their scent, it is what the men who had killed his parents had smelled like. He swore to his mother's spirit and the moon goddess they would not get so much as a sound from him. He had spent two years of his life in silence, he could do it again.

It was that moment he chose to go by his real name. He never wanted to be called Steve again. He did not want to be that weak willed man who put his own safety before others. He would be Steffan, a man his parents could be proud of, a brave man who would sacrifice himself to protect those who need protecting.

They had forced him to drink several potions, he knew one was the reason he hadn't slept or even passed out from the pain. It was keeping him awake against his will. The other he wasn't sure exactly what it did, but he was struggling to connect with his wolf. If he still had the pack link, he expected he wouldn't be able to use it.

"I think I'm going to do a little test." Francis stated, he had a habit of speaking to Steffan like they were having a conversation, as if he expected Steffan to answer.

Francis moved to a table set up in the corner, a large caldron like bowl was set up on top of what looked to be a portable range stove. Turning on the stove Francis began to add various ingredients into the bowl. Steffan was unsure of what the man was doing, what new torture he had come up with.

"You see Dog, something strange is happening. I've noticed something odd happen with you during our times together." He turned then, a wicked looking blade in his hand, "When we get far enough into our sessions and you begin to focus only on not making a sound, your body starts to react on its own, your skin does the strangest thing."

Moving suddenly Francis drew the blade across Steffans ribs. It was a long and deep cut that bleed heavily. Collecting some of Steffans blood on the knife Francis turned back to the caldron.

"It starts to harden, as if turning to scales. When this happens," Francis looked over his shoulder, "your eyes glow."

Steffan wasn't sure what the other man was talking about. He could only watch as he added Steffan's blood to whatever he had mixed up only for it to flash brightly.

"Hmm, as I suspected. Mutt is indeed a fitting tittle for you it seems." He picked up a knife again walking over to Steffan. He began to dig into the pale skin with the blade. His lips forming a harsh sneer at his work. Stepping back he admired the words carved into Steffans pale flesh.

Half Breed Mutt


After they left Haven, Hammer and Cecilia walked down the street. Cecilia had slid her arm into the crock of his elbow. They let the silence settle around them like a warm blanket on a cold night, wrapping them in comfort.

Hammer had felt the tension coming off Cecilia and Carson all evening and he knew it had to do with him. They were concerned for his safety.

"Cecilia?" Hammer whispered, "Are you worried about my safety."

"I'm a wolf Sampson. I will always worry about your safety. It is in my nature to be protective even if I know you can protect yourself."

They fell back into silence once again, continuing their walk. Hammer wasn't sure where Cecilia was leading them.

"Don't you worry that the mages will try to find you?"

"Of course, I do. But those fears are not for me." Cecilia turned her head to look at him, "I know they won't kill me, torture maybe but kill me? No, I doubt it. They won't hesitate to kill you though, and everyone else in this town. They would tare through this town like hellfire and I can't let that happen."

"We won't LET that happen Sampson." Cecilia chuckled, a thought occurring to her. "Honestly I'm shocked you don't already have some potion or ritual to defend against magic."

Cecilia stumbled slightly as Hammer jerked to a stop, his eyes and mouth open in shock. He was staring at her, his head tilted to the side like she had just told him the secrets of the universe.

"Sampson? What's wro.." Cecilia was cut off by Hammers lips slamming into hers, her face cupped in his hands.

"You're a god damn GENIUS A Chuisle."

"What in the hell....."

"I need to get to my lab! I can't believe I didn't think of it!" Hammer started walking muttering to himself, Cecilia following behind, confused.

They hadn't made it too far from Haven, so the walk back was quick. Cecilia was beginning to think Hammer had forgotten she was still there. She wasn't sure he even knew where he was, he seemed lost in his own head.

Carson! Cecilia opened her mind link.

Yes Alpha

Stop chasing the boys and get out to your truck.

On my way. Carson huffed, And not that it's any of your business. I haven't been chasing boys, I'm waiting for my Mate. I'm traditional like that. There is nothing wrong with admiring the view.

Cecilia grabbed Hammer before he could climb on his bike.

"Oh no, there is no way I'd let you drive like this. You are too distracted by... I don't know what, but you will mutter yourself off the mountain." She took his key and steered him to an old classic chevy truck. "Carson will drive you and I'll bring the bike."

"I'm not that bad Cecilia. I am capable of driving us."

"Take the ride Mate. I need to speak with the Alpha."

Carson and Sylas approached the couple. Carson inclined his head slightly and climbed in the truck. Cecilia kissed Hammer quickly and before he could protest, shoved him into the truck.

Cecilia and Sylas stood side by side silently watching the truck pull away.

"What can I do for you Sylas?"

"It's what I can do for you Alpha."

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