the spartan twin (mythos acad...

By juicebox55555

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Raised by Reapers, Taught by Reapers, and Loved by Reapers. All these things that the Reapers do to try and t... More

The Spartan Twin (mythos academy)
Chapter : 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6 : Unexpected
7: flash time
8: little friend
9: family secrets.
10: shopping. Eww
What just happened
12: missing
13: rescue mission of one
14: Champions
15: the student becomes the teacher
17: Fenrir Wolves
18: Good and Evil
19: mixed emotions
21: Broken hearts
22: This isn't goodbye
23: split Decisions
24: Shocking News
25: Game plan
26: Final ending
27: epilogue

20: another or anothers

47 1 1
By juicebox55555

20: Another or anothers

"Lucy!" My uncle exclaimed as he came forward to give me a hug. I let go of Kenzie's hand and ran to him. I wrapped my arms around his neck and he returned my hug. It seemed kind of strange seeing him not his grouchy self. But I guess it was good at the same time.

"What happened to you? You had your dad and I so worried. We only just got you back." he told me.

"If he was so worried, then why isn't he here?" I asked. It bugged me when people lied to my face.

"Lucy, you know, he does have a tight schedule. I'm sure he'd come as soon as he can."

"Well you want to know what? I really don't f*cking care. I've gone all my life with out him, I don't need him now." I blurted. I had no idea why I was so upset all of a sudden. I had never gotten upset at all for someones lack of presents.

"Lucy? Where are you going?" Heather asked.

"For a walk. I just need some time alone."

"Fine, and you better be back in an hour." she said. I nodded and walked away.

It was the same thing that happened last week. I just let my feet take me where they wanted to. I walked past the quad, past our dorms and to the back of the property. I came to the fence at the back and slipped through the bars.

The woods were nothing but black shades. There was no colour besides the thin white layer of snow that was slowly disappearing. But no matter how scared other people would be I wasn't. I had grown up learning how not to be afraid.

A growl shook me from my thoughts. I looked to the side to see a giant Fenrir wolf limping towards me. I took a step back, I knew it wasn't Demry, this wolf was black not Silver. And by the height of it I could tell it was a male.

He sniffed the air then lowered his head. Slowly coming towards me he lied down at my feet. I kneeled down in front of him and I could hear his staggering breaths. It was horrible to listen to the Fenrir wolf's last breaths.

I turned my head when I heard rustling in the bushes. My head swiveled back and forth because there were sounds coming from both sides of me. I heard a happy bark from my left and an annoyed grunt from my right - the way I had come from. I didn't know if i was in danger or not, so I slipped out my lipstick-sword.

The thing I had heard coming from my left jumped through the bushes and out stumbled the thing on my right. And I could still hear the fading breaths from the Fenrir wolf in front of me. At that moment the dying wolf was all I could focus on.

"I'm sorry." I muttered turning my lipstick into a sword. His head turned towards me left and he gave me what seemed to be a slight nod. I turned to my left and saw two Fenrir wolf pups. That meant that the mother was already dead if the father was leading them.

"Don't worry." I told the Fenrir wolf I was about to kill. "I'll take care of them for you. I won't let anything happen to them. I promise."

He looked up at me and I swear I could see trust and sadness in his eyes. I raised my sword and brought it down quickly. Quick and painless.

"L-Lucy?" Logan asked. So he was who I had heard from my right. I looked up at him with tears in my eyes.

Looking up at him I let the tears fall. I cried for the Fenrir wolf I had killed, I cried for his pups, and I cried for myself. As I cried everything that had gone wrong during this month built up inside of me came out. My dad not showing up, how the purple goo had affected me, and killing my old comrades.

Something brushed against my arm. I wiped away my tears and looked down at the two pups. I was going to take care of them. I was going to keep my promise.

"Lucy, it's not your fault, you did the right thing." Logan told me. "And I'm pretty sure they can tell that too."

I reached over and let them both smell my hands. I picked them up and lightly hugged them to my chest before standing up. Logan came over and let them both sniff him. Once they were okay with him he went to take the bigger one out of my arms. They both barked at him causing me to laugh. It seemed like they didn't like Logan very much.

"Here." I said handing Logan the one he had been reaching for. He took the wolf from me and was obviously surprised when the grey wolf didn't bark. "Is that one a boy or girl?"

Logan looked at me before lifting the grey wolf away from his chest. "This ones a boy. What about that one?"

"Girl. I think I'm going to call her Elana. You can name him if you want, it's up to you." I said starting to walk back the way we'd came.

"Edwin. His name shall be Edwin." Logan laughed.

"Elana and Edwin, the Fenrir wolf twins. I like that. But until they're older they're both staying with me. You can Edwin later." I informed Logan. He nodded. He seemed to like the idea of one day having a Fenrir wolf.

"He'll be my best friend forever." Logan said crossing his eyes talking in his best girl voice.

I smiled. My bad day was starting to turn for the better. I just hoped it would have been for the better all week. But of corse it didn't.




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