What just happened

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I was in the library with Kenzie. He was trying to help me understand all the things that I needed for next week. I was starting classes next week but I needed to learn some stuff first. Plus the fact that I was most likely have to get a tutor if my marks were to low.

Out of all my knew friends Kenzie was the one to volunteer to help me. At first no one wanted to, I guess. But all it took was a nudge from Logan for Kenzie to understand what was going on and instantly volunteer.

I started to sit down beside Kenzie just as I heard a scoff from someone behind me. I turned to see a girl with short black hair and dark eyes shooting me a death glare. What I did to deserve a death glare from someone I didn't know, I had no idea. I had never even seen her until now.

"Don't worry about her." Kenzie said pulling me down into my seat. "She's just a pain that wants attention."

"Is that Talia?" I asked.

He took a deep breath and sighed. "Ya."

"So she wants your attention." I stated.

"She's not going to get it with that attitude"

When he said that I knew there was more to it. I also had yesterday to back it up. He had moved on. But the question was, to who?


That shook me out of my daze and I looked up at his pretty dark eyes. Wait did I seriously just think that, I thought. I could feel my cheeks heat up at the thought and smile slightly. He actually had pretty dark eyes.

"Lucy, what are you thinking about?"

"Um..." I couldn't tell him I was thinking about him. It would be to weird.

"You can't or don't want to tell me." he concluded. I nodded my head in response.

"Whatever let's just get to work." He told me.

As he started to teach me it turned out that I knew quiet a few of the things that they did at Mythos Academy. There was only a few things I would get stumped on, like math. Math was the only thing I had troubles with but the troubles I had were the harder stuff. So in all I wasn't doing that bad for never going to school before. I felt proud of that.

We sat there for at least four hours. And the whole time I could feel the weight of Talia's gaze. The whole four hours. It was creepy.

It was during the fourth hour I finally snapped.

"Ok, what do you want? You've been staring at us for the past four hours." I yelled jumping out if my seat and turning on her.

She looked taken aback. She went to open her mouth and closed it again. Sort of like a goldfish. At that thought I had to suppress a laugh.

"Why have I been looking at you? Well maybe its because somebody has to. Like seriously, your a Reaper and always will be. There's no changing you." She said loud enuf for every one to hear.

Kenzie put his hand on my shoulder in an attempt to calm me down. It didn't work very well. I was so angry at her now. Nothing was going to calm me now, at least until I got back at her.

"Wait your Talia Pazirro. Hey I know your brother. You know the one that tried to kill you and your parents. The one that was killed a Reaper." I could tell I hit a sore spot with this topic.

"Oh and by the way if people like your brother can turn to the bad Why can't Reapers like me - as you say - turn good and have good intentions like you? I want to be good. Correction I always have been. It's not who your raised by that chooses your fate. The one who chooses your fate is you and nobody else."

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