14: Champions

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Come on. Kenzie has to be here, I thought. This was the seventh hide out I've checked. I could check all eight thousand nine hundred fifty two hide outs if I really wanted too. But it would use up time I didn't have. I needed to find Kenzie now.

Tsssss. Something fell and echoed threw out the whole building. I looked around to see a plan of wood now on the floor. It wasn't there when I had walked by. I reached into my back pocket and pulled out the lipstick. I quickly twisted the bottom and did a sweep of the room. Nothing.

The door behind my opened silently. There was no extra light or anything it was just a feeling. Sure enough when I turned around there was someone standing in the doorway. When I looked at them they froze.

"Michel?" I looked up at him in shock. He had always acted like my older brother. The only one that would help me when I was down. The one that would help me out of hard situations, and taught me how to deal with them.

"Lucy?" He ran forward about to give me a hug. That's when a sharp pain shot threw my shoulder. I screamed out in pain and looked to see Anna standing behind me. I fell to my knees.

Anna was Michel's girlfriend. She had always hated me. Even when I was small. It was because Michel had alway put me before her.

"Anna." I glared at her. "Where's Kenzie?"

"Oh you mean your friend that you came to 'save'? He's dead. So it looks like we got our selves a Champion."

"Your lying." I told her.


"You always play with the hilt of your sword when your lying. It's either that or play with your hair." Ha, I thought. And she was supposed to be Loki's new Champion.

"Wait what do you mean Champion?" Michel asked.

I looked at him. "I told you I would turn to the good side. I'm Artemis's Champion."

He looked shocked. But I just shook my head. I slowly made it to my feet. I looked at Michel but my attention was on the girl behind me.

She went to stab me and I stepped into it. She got me in the arm and I thrust out behind me. I struck right between the two ribs and right in her heart. She looked down at me in surprise.

"But-" She tried to choke out.

"You've always under estimated me. And do me a favor. Say hi to your parents for me."

At that she fell to the floor. Another one of Loki's Champions gone. Her lifeless body letting the blood pore from her. I looked at her and said a silent apology. I hated killing people. But sometimes it was kill or be killed.

"Okay Michel. Where's Kenzie?" And that's when they came running threw the door.

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