27: epilogue

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Genaya's P.O.V.

  It was Luke and Lila's birthday, and I hurried around with my mom, trying to get ready for their fifth birthday. Although this was supposed to be a happy day it was always haunted with sadness. My mom and dad never told me but I knew that my brother and sister were born on the day of my aunt's death. They always tried to put on happy smiles but I knew the truth. Reading peoples mind is my Gypsy gift. 

  "Lila, where are you?" Luke called for our younger sister. Even though they are twins Lila is the youngest and we wont let her forget that.

  "Out here!" We here her yell. We go to the back garden to find our younger sister sword fighting wih Drake, aunt Daphne's son. I gasp and run inside to get my dad. We come outside only to see Drake on the ground with Lila pointing her sword down at his neck. My dad gasps and my brother starts to cheer.

  "Lila what do you think your doing?" My dad says. Lila looks up at his voice and helps Drake to his feet.

  "We were just sword fighting daddy, nobody goy hurt."  Lila says happily. I walk over to Drake and make sure he's okay.

  "Your sister knows how to fight." He said a little out of breath, but besides that he's fine. Suddenly my dad walks over to us and he asks if Drake would mind fighting Lila again. He says he'd be fine with it and they get into position.

  "One, two, three, go." My dad says and watches as it takes thirty seconds for Lila to beat Drake. My dad gasps in surprise and I instanty know what he's thinking. Lila is aunt Lucy.

A/N this is it the spatan twin is over. don't get mad at me just yet because there will be another book. thank you for all of you who have read all the way through. 

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