
By AspiringAlina

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Helena Walker can't believe Prince, Flynn Evans, asked her to be his fake girlfriend. After being hounded by... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27

Chapter 2

840 34 1
By AspiringAlina

     I was leaning over Flynn's bed, setting the red velvet bedsheets in place. Sticking my tongue out as I struggled to set everything in place, sweat dribbled down my face. Setting beds was my least favourite task. Ensuring that the bedsheets wouldn't fly up at night was a struggle that left me panting.

     "Helena," Flynn said.

    I sprung upright and my eyes widened. Flynn was walking towards me. His hair was a mess, his mouth set in a grim line. Something felt off and I took a deep breath in.

     "Yes, your highness," I said.

     Flynn winced and I frowned. Something was definitely up.

     "My parents are hosting a meeting. It'll be just me and my parents and I was wondering..." Flynn said. He ran his fingers through his hair, exhaling. "And I was wondering if you could attend it with me."

     My eyes widened at his request. Of all the things he could have asked for, I didn't expect that.

     "Why?" I asked.

     "I just need moral support," Flynn said. "I have a feeling I know what it's about. And it's bad news."

     Flynn wore a pained expression. I so badly wanted to ask Flynn why he needed my support, especially after he told me I was nothing but his servant, but I shut my mouth. At the end of the day I was his servant, which meant I had to do whatever he asked for.

     "Okay," I said. "I'll attend this meeting with you."

     "Thank you, Helena," Flynn said, looking relieved. "This means a lot."

     I nodded and together, we left his room and went to the meeting he dreaded.


     We were in the throne room. It was a large room where a red carpet led up to two thrones; one for the King and one for the Queen. The King and Queen were both seated in their designated spots, their eyes on Flynn as Flynn walked towards them. I stood off the side, feeling as if I didn't belong. Flynn's parents seemed confused by my presence, but they ignored me as they focused on their son.

     "Hello father, mother," Flynn said, nodding towards his parents. "Why have you called me in for a meeting?"

     Flynn stood on the red carpet, at the bottom of the steps that led up to the throne. He stood straight and proud, and my mind flashed back to the pain on his face earlier. Flynn was a lot of things and a good actor was one of them.

     "As you know, you're turning twenty-one this year. Which means, you'll be the future king soon," King Orion said. "Which also means, you need a Queen. You're getting old, Flynn. You should have a woman at your side by now, but you're single. I expect you to find a bride soon."

     Flynn stiffened. His eyes flew wide and my heart sunk, despite knowing we could never be. Cursing myself, I placed my hand over my heart and felt it pound. For some reason, I still wanted to be with Flynn, even though Flynn wanted nothing to do with me. And looking to him, I felt my heart sink.

     "Father, I'm too young to get married," Flynn said. He was blazing now, the anger evident in his eyes. "I'm twenty one! I may be old enough to be a King apparently, but a husband? No. I've just begun my life."

     "You're being foolish," King Orion said. "It's customary for a prince to be married by twenty-one. You need someone to help you rule the kingdom! You can't do it on your own."

     "That's absurd!"

     Flynn was trembling now. His hands curled into fists as he glared up at his parents. His parents sighed and exchanged a look.

     "I'm currently looking for proposals for you," Queen Astoria said. "We'll be introducing you to a bunch of princesses. Princesses, who will temporarily live with us until you pick one to marry. And I expect you to pick one by your twenty-first birthday."

     "I won't choose one," Flynn said. "You can introduce me to hundreds of princesses, force me to spend time with them, but I will never choose one. And you can't force me to marry anyone."

     "Stoping being such a brat," King Orion snapped. "We gave you everything. We gave you this perfect life. All we ask of you is to get married. Stop acting as if we're sending you to prison."

     "Marrying someone I don't love will feel like prison!"

     "Then fall in love and choose someone," Queen Astoria said.

     I stepped back, feeling like I was intruding on a personal conversation. The tension was high in the room. Flynn looked like he'd burst at any moment and the King and Queen looked ready to throw him out.

     "You guys will never listen to me," Flynn said, whirling around. "I know you'll make me choose, but I'll do everything in my power to stay strong. Because for once, I'm going to do what makes me happy."

     The King and Queen opened their mouth to argue, but Flynn stormed off. He slammed the door shut and I winced, feeling my heart sink. Despite everything that happened between us, my heart went out for Flynn. He was trapped, like he told me when we were children. Despite being a Prince and having so much power, Flynn was helpless when it came to love. And with the princesses coming to live here soon, I wondered what the next few months would look like.


     Flynn was laying in bed. He was in black pants and white button up shirt, and I tried my best not to look at his chest that was exposed by the few buttons that were undone. Bringing the tray of sandwiches and tea over to his bed, I placed them on his night table and straightened up. But before I could walk away, Flynn said my name.

     "Wait," Flynn said. "Just for a moment. I need someone to listen to me."

     Straightening up, I turned to look at Flynn. I flattened out my blue dress, growing nervous as Flynn stared at me, his eyes full of worry and pain. Even when Flynn and I were friends, I'd never seen him like that.

     "About?" I asked.

     "I don't want to get married now," Flynn blurted out. "I'm too young to get married! And I know the princesses they'll bring to the castle. None of them interest me. None of them... I just can't get married. I'm not ready!"

     Flynn sat up and ran his fingers through his messy hair. He was tense, his body rising and falling as he breathed heavily. I stared at him, unsure of what to say. After he pushed me away, there was a distance between us I couldn't cross. So even now, I didn't know how I could console him.

     "Your parents can't force you to do anything," I said, unsure of what else I could say. "If you say no, they have to listen."

     "I know I'm an adult and can say no, but it's hard to disappoint my parents," Flynn said. "They gave me everything. They gave me such a wonderful life and I don't want to be a bad king and disappoint them. I don't know what to do."

     Flynn put his head in his hands and I had to clasp my hands together to resist reaching out to him. I so badly wanted to run my fingers through hair, to rub his back and soothe him, and whisper how he could never be a bad king. But remembering the way he threw me away, I stood there, conflicted on how to help him.

     "Your happiness should always come first," I said. "You shouldn't be worrying about what other people think. At the end of the day, this is your life. You should be doing what makes you happy, even if that makes you feel selfish."

      "I know, Helena," Flynn said. "I wish I could just be selfish and forget about what my parents want, but I can't. I don't know what to do."

     "Follow your heart, Flynn."

     Flynn pulled his head out of his hands to look at me. His yes were full of pain, but he gave me a small smile that left my heart skipping a beat. My eyes darted away, hating how after all this time, Flynn still had the ability to make my heart move.

     "Thank you for your kind words, Helena," Flynn said. "You've always been gentle."

     I blushed at Flynn's words, unable to help it. Flynn was smiling now and his eyes were gentle, and I had to step back. Afraid of my feelings and of the way Flynn looked at me, I moved away and Flynn frowned.

     "No problem," I said. "Well, I have to attend to my other duties. I'll see you later, your highness."

     I rushed off, ignoring the confusion on Flynn's face. And as I ran away, I felt my heart pound against my chest. As I thought about the way Flynn looked at me, at the smile he wore, I teared up. Because a year ago, he broke my heart. He threw me away and made me feel worthless, and there was no way I could forgive him. No way when I would never let myself break the way I did a year ago.

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