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By darkbluemoonatsuki

10.9K 98 85

Y/N, the Princess of the Kalos region, spent all her life in the palace. But her desire, is to go to a real s... More

Author's Note and INFO OF THE BOOK :)
Chapter 1 - Life in the Palace
Chapter 2 - Wish
Chapter 3 - A Dream Come True
Chapter 4 - Exam and Scholarship
Chapter 5 - Dorms
Chapter 6 - Revealed
Chapter 7 - First Day of School
Chapter 8 - Day Two of School
Chapter 9 - Is this actually love?
Chapter 9 - Love?!
Chapter 11 - Great News
Chapter 12 - Returning Home
Chapter 13 - A Mysterious Letter
Chapter 14 - Meeting A Friend
Chapter 15 - First Date
Chapter 16 - Painful News
Chapter 17 - Compromise
Chapter 18 - The Big Day
Chapter 19 - PARTY TIME!!!
Chapter 20 - Nightmare
Chapter 21 - Assassination
Chapter 22 - The Truth Hurts
Chapter 23 - An Invitation???
Chapter 24 - Trip to Sinnoh
Chapter 25 - The Shopping Queen
Chapter 26 - Home, Sweet Home!
Chapter 27 - Troublemaker
Chapter 28 - "ARE YOU SERIOUS???"
Author's Note (important)

Chapter 10 - A New Chapter of Your Life

406 2 6
By darkbluemoonatsuki

Yesterday was one of the best days you've had during your time here. You and Ash confessed to each other. It was quite awkward, but you got through it without embarrassing yourself or anything like that.

You were woken up by Ash this morning and you just changed into the school uniforms. You've packed your school bag yesterday so no hassle today, yay. The shirt is white colored with the school logo on the top left of your shirt. You were also required to wear a skirt that is colored navy blue. For Ash, he had to wear long pants with a belt. You guys also wore a tie and it looked cute on you two.

You decided to wear a blazer to complete your uniform because it's winter. You didn't need the puffer jacket because the shirt was long sleeved. Ash wore the long sleeved shirt too and he wore the puffer jacket, which you thought was a little over the top. "It's freezing here, it's probably going to snow today," Ash said. "It's not too cold outside," you said, giggling.

"You're so cute," Ash awkwardly commented and you blushed. You took his hand and grabbed your bag and both of you left to find the group. You arrived at the meeting place, which is the cafeteria.

"Awwww, how sweet," Korrina cooed. "Since when did all that happen?" Dawn asked, excited. You and Ash blushed and sat down in the remaining seats. You decided to change the subject by talking about uniforms. "You look so cute in a uniform Y/N," Korrina said with stars in her eyes. "Aww really? Thanks!!" you replied.

You and Ash sat close to each other and ate breakfast while listening to the group talk about school stuff and homework, education, and even celebrities. They mentioned you and you joined in the conversation and Ash blushed the whole time.

You guys finished breakfast and headed to class. You and Ash held hands while you walked to class. Your first class was Geography and Korrina and Miette is in your class, though you don't know Miette too well you considered her as an acquaintance. You and Korrina were talking about girly stuff and Ash was behind you, still holding hands. He wasn't interested in the girly stuff and you could tell he felt a little jealous that you were talking to Korrina.

You and Korrina didn't stop talking until you arrived at the outside of the class and Ash felt jealously rush through his body but he didn't do anything about it. You, Ash, and Korrina worked as a team during a task where you had to do research and carry out a presentation. It wasn't fun but not the worst task you could imagine you'd be doing during this school year.

You had English for your next class so you separated from Korrina, which was quite a relief for Ash and he went to class with you. For the lesson, you guys had to read for the hour because your teacher says students nowadays don't read. That was quite awkward for all of you, but you have to admit, it was fun.

You grabbed the biggest book you could find in the classroom and opened it up and started reading but a while later, you fell asleep because the book was boring. Luckily your teacher didn't notice because your teacher was far too busy marking pieces of writing. Serve him right for making us do writing," you thought.

At the end of the class, Ash woke you up and you guys left the class when the teacher dismissed you. You were tired after class so you leaned your head on Ash's shoulder when you left the class. Many students stared at you with their eyes widened seeing you being so close to Ash. "Ughh today is so boring, partly because Korrina's not here. You're the only person who is not boring" you told Ash. He blushed and squeezed your hand affectionately.

You and Ash went to the cafeteria to meet up with the group, just like you always do. In the past few days, Gladion joined during breakfast, break, and lunch which was quite surprising because he is known as the 'edgy kid'. He would join the group duing these times but he always stayed quiet.

"Aww you guys are so kawaii," Misty said with widened eyes and her voice was full of excitement. "Do you know that everyone in this group ships you two now?" Clemont said. You and Ash blushed and moved a few inches away from each other. You two sat down extremely close to each other and you put your arm around his shoulder while talking to your friends.

You arrived to your third lesson early, as usual and it was super boring, but you had Ash and Clemont with you so it wasn't completely boring. For this subject, you prefered studying at home because you find it more relaxing and it makes you more focused on the work.

Your fourth and final lesson before lunch was PE and it was pretty fun. You partnered up with Ash for some development training which was easy. Dawn was in your team again, when you played a match. You won, of course. "Wow you're so talented," Dawn praised you which made you blush.

You guys met up for lunch and you sat next to Korrina and Ash. You and Korrina had a heated conversation going and you almost forgot that you needed to grab lunch. Ash already got you bubble tea which you thought was sweet. "Y/N let's go!!" Korrina said as she pulled you off your seat and you guys went to pick lunch.

You and Korrina both picked ramen, one of your favorite foods, and you found out that it's one of Korrina's favorites too. "Wowwww Y/N, we have so much in common!!!" Korrina squealed and you guys high five, which became the signature of your friendship with Korrina.

You and Korrina sat down and started to eat really quickly. "Hey Y/N, slow down," Ash said with a little concerned look that you'll choke. "Wow, since when did Ash become a keeper to Y/N," Cilan said, which made you look up from your food. You giggled cutely and looked at Ash, who blushed and continued eating your food.

"Hey Y/N, you wanna hang after school?" Korrina asked and you nodded excitedly. "I'll be looking forward to it." You and Ash left to class when it was time. "What's up with you and Korrina. You guys met or only a few days," Ash laughed. "Korrina and I have a lot in common, so that's why we became close friends so quickly."

Ash pulled you closer to him and you guys walked to class. You had a feeling that he was jealous because you and Korrina became close friends. "Um...are you jealous?" you asked Ash. "W-W-W-What? M-Me? Of course not," Ash stuttered with a blush of crimson red. "Don't lie to me," you said firmly, pretending to be angry. "Fine...yes I'm a little jealous," Ash said, looking away trying not to make eye contact, which you thought was cute. "Don't be jealous! I've known you the longest in this school and I trust you the most," you replied, while blushing.

You guys arrived outside the class and the class was going inside so you joined the back of the line.

~After class~

Finally, you finished class and sighed once you exited the classroom. No more lessons until tomorrow and one more day after tomorrow and you're free! You handed your bag to Ash when he said he was going back to the room. "Take my bag back to the room," you said and he nodded. Then you ran off to the front of the school, where you and Korrina decided to meet up.

"Korrina!!!!" you called when you saw her waiting there. "Y/N!!!" Korrina called out and you guys hugged when you reached each other. "You wanna go outside the school?" you asked and Korrina responded by pulling you out of the school gates. "Wait...don't you have bodyguards?" Korrina asked when she realized you didn't have bodyguards to protect you. "Nah, I asked Queen Diantha not to when she tried to persuade me to have bodyguards. I mean...who wants to have bodyguards surrounding you wherever you go, it's awkward."

"Then what will you do when you're attacked?" Korrina asked. "Don't tell anyone. I never told Ash this but I trust you enough to let you know. I actually have a gun in a secret location." Korrina gasped in shock and fear, "WHATTT??" You nodded and revealed the pocket and a mini part of your gun showed up. "That's so cool!" Korrina said.

You and Korrina walked to the shops and started shopping for items and you and Korrina bought some food. "Wow we have so much in common," you said as you and Korrina high five. "Where should we go now?" you asked Korrina. "No idea, let's put this stuff back to the dorms," Korrina replied.

You guys headed back to the school site and went to the dorm area. "Y/N where have you been? I was so worried about you!" Ash said when you and Korrina entered your room. "Here, chew on this when you're worried," you said, tossing Ash a pack of gum. He caught in and put it onto his bed and came over and hugged you tightly. You hugged back and saw Korrina squeal quietly. "You two are so cute, are you a couple now?" Korrina asked. You dismissed that question by putting your hand up and you plopped onto your bed and Korrina doing the same.

"Let's play some video games before doing boring homework," you said. You took out your Nintendo and connected it to the TV. You handed Ash a controller and gave one to Korrina while you pulled out one extra from the case.

~1 Hour Later~

"Wow Korrina, you're so good at this," you said and the two of you did the signature high five. "Alright let's do some homework," Ash said after you two finished doing your little business.

"Ughh homework, I hate homework. Homework is so boring," you moaned as you took out your homework. Your French, Math, Science and English teacher gave you homework and Ash got the same. "Hey Korrina, what homework do you have?" you asked. "Same as yours," Korrina replied and you guys started to do it.

About half an hour later, you finished with your Math, Science and English homework. "French left," you said. "That's quick, no wonder you got the scholarships," Korrina said. You scratched your head in embarrassment and went back to work.

"I'm done," you said after ten minutes. "I only have Math left," Ash said. "I'm..." Korrina said, "done." You and Korrina both finished your homework and Ash had math left. "Math isn't due until next week so no stress, plenty of time," you said.

"Hey Y/N, Cilan is coming over," Ash told you and you nodded. "Should we have dinner together?" you asked Ash and Korrina and they nodded. You guys cooked your own dinner and you sat on Ash's bed for dinner. "Why can't you sit on your own bed," Ash asked and giggled. "Because my bed isn't close to you guys," you replied and blushed.

You heard Cilan knock on the door and Ash went over to open it. "Hey Cilan!" you heard him say and you waved to him, with a mouthful of food. Korrina and you talked nonstop and Ash and Cilan did the same.

You and Korrina talked about life before you met each other and became best friends. You found out that Korrina got sent here to go to boarding school because her home is located in Shalour City. Korrina also explained her childhood, "I live inside the Tower of Mastery, a tower that is built by my ancestors." Korrina continued her childhood story and then you told her.

"Your story is probably really interesting," Korrina said. "Maybe, yours might be better. Okay so I lived inside the palace my whole life and I had no friends and I didn't get the opportunity to socialize with others. I only had my brother, Steven and my mother, known as Queen Diantha. I always wanted to go to a real school rather than studying in the palace everyday so mother let me come after a tough decision. So here I am now!" you said with a grin.

Ash and Cilan turned their attentions to you and Ash blushed. "Not having friends must be sad," Ash said. "Nah, my brother and I were always together until now, because I'm in boarding school," you said with a smile. You decided to let your friends meet your brother so you took out your phone. "Ahhh! I can finally meet the Prince!!!" Korrina squealed. "I can hardly contain myself!!!" Ash said loudly. "Me too!!! This is amazing!!!" Cilan said.

You video called your brother and he answered within 10 seconds, which was quite a surprise considering that it takes time to take his phone out and click a button. "Hi little sis! How's life?" Steven asked you and you blushed mildly. "Life here is SOOOO cool!!! Meet my friends!" you said and your friends came over.

"Mother!!! Check this out!" your brother called. "You're in her office?" you asked with a small sigh. "Hi Y/N!!! How's life in Kalos high?" your mother asked you, "I see you've made new friends! That's so great!! My girl is growing up!"

"Mother!!!" you squeaked in embarrassment. Your friends introduced themselves to your mother, and Steven and you chatted for a while.

You finally ended the call after a while of Steven bombarding you with random questions. "Alright Y/N, Ash, we're going back to our dorms," Korrina said as she left with Cilan.

You took a shower after that and Ash did the same after your turn. You plopped yourself onto his bed when he was in the shower and he came out about 20 minutes after and started giggling when he saw you.

"Why are you on my bed again," Ash asked while laughing and blushing at the same time. "Why not?" you pouted. He blushed and sat down next to you. You guys had a small conversation and you two stared at each other for a few seconds. "Um...Y/N, are we...a thing?" Ash asked awkwardly, breaking the silence.

You kissed him as a response and he kissed back. "I love you so much," Ash said after you two finished the kiss. "I love you too."

Ash wrapped his arms around your waist and pulled you onto his lap and you blushed. You grabbed your computer and connected it to the TV and you stayed in the position you were in for the movie.

You are extremely glad that you and Ash are finally a couple, which everyone would probably ship and go crazy and hyper when you tell everyone. Tomorrow will be a new chapter of your life.

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