CODE 13430 | MYG

By cyphoric

15.5K 3.7K 2.9K

❝Fucking rearrange it, Yoongi! I swear we'll get some new shit!❞ That same number... 𝟭𝟯𝟰𝟯𝟬 Another murde... More

ƎᗡOƆ 𝟷| You aren't free
ƎᗡOƆ 𝟸| Still orbiting you
ƎᗡOƆ 𝟹| This is all for you
ƎᗡOƆ 𝟺| Mysteries of untold words
ƎᗡOƆ 𝟻| My misunderstood words
ƎᗡOƆ 𝟼| In the depth of darkness
ƎᗡOƆ 𝟽| Sending you...
ƎᗡOƆ 𝟾| The days will be over
ƎᗡOƆ 𝟿| Never leave me alone!
ƎᗡOƆ 𝟷𝟶| Our goodbye is colourless
ƎᗡOƆ 𝟷𝟷| He violated what?!
ƎᗡOƆ 𝟷𝟸| It's in their hands
ƎᗡOƆ 𝟷𝟹| Going with the Plan
ƎᗡOƆ 𝟷𝟺| Just a number...?!
ƎᗡOƆ 𝟷𝟻| Come back from unseen
ƎᗡOƆ 𝟷𝟼| Just a color change
ƎᗡOƆ 𝟷𝟽| Impossible facade
ƎᗡOƆ 𝟷𝟾| Darkness is the stalker
ƎᗡOƆ 𝟷𝟿| Life is a joke
ƎᗡOƆ 𝟸𝟶| Like a shadow
ƎᗡOƆ 𝟸𝟷| Déjà vu & untold truths
ƎᗡOƆ 𝟸𝟹| Is he really Haneul?
ƎᗡOƆ 𝟸𝟺| The postmortem report
ƎᗡOƆ 𝟸𝟻| Step in the forbidden
ƎᗡOƆ 𝟸𝟼| Hidden in the Forbidden
ƎᗡOƆ 𝟸𝟽| To make things right
ƎᗡOƆ 𝟸𝟾| Puzzles and Theories
ƎᗡOƆ 𝟸𝟿| He's not Him
ƎᗡOƆ 𝟹𝟶| In search of the Dentist
ƎᗡOƆ 𝟹𝟷| A long night
ƎᗡOƆ 𝟹𝟸| The brewing storm

ƎᗡOƆ 𝟸𝟸| Cold war

235 58 50
By cyphoric


| 𝟶𝟺.𝟶𝟼.𝟸𝟶𝟸𝟶 |

| 𝚂𝚎𝚘𝚞𝚕; 𝟶𝟼:𝟷𝟺:𝟶𝟷 𝙰𝙼 |

"What do you mean by- we couldn't ?!" The Chief yelled at his face and threw the file that was in his hand towards the right, which unfortunately made its landing on the floor.

He started messaging his temples and sighed.

"Listen. If we can't catch the killer within 3 months and the murder rate increases in the city like these then the government will never spare us! So try to understand Yoongi and work wisely."

"But the crime department of government is also not doing their work let alone we, the undercover cops-" Youngdo entered the room of the Chief and stood beside Yoongi before continuing with his hands inside the black denim jacket he's wearing. "And this case has nothing to do with the murder rate in the city. By solving this case, we can just stop one killer but not all."


"No buts, sir. Yoongi's team is working hard on it. We'll get you the result by the time of 3 months. I assure you." His statement made Yoongi look at him with a shocked and confused expression. How can a person just assure anyone to solve a worse case as this within such a short period?! And more importantly, it's just more than impossible to give a timeline to solve a case!

He had no clue what Youngdo was assuring their Chief all about, but he believed it was utter nonsense and he did that only to save Yoongi and his team's ass for this time.

"Okay. I believe in you."

Youngdo nodded and left the Chief's room along with Yoongi. He sighed and looked at Yoongi, who seemed to be in deep thoughts about something. He placed his hand on Yoongi's shoulder which interrupted his thoughts and he shoved his hands off before walking towards the elevator.

Youngdo got baffled at his sudden behavior and ran inside the elevator before it closed. He said, "Don't worry Yoongi, everything is going to be fine."

Yoongi scoffed, "Fine? Do you know how many lives depend on this case? How many dreams and passions depends on this case?"

"I know more than you do Yoongi-"

"NO! YOU DON'T! You only know about how many people are going to die if we don't reach the killer soon but you don't know how many people will become jobless, how many dreams and passions will get destroyed with that!" Yoongi exclaimed all in one go and started to breathe heavily while glaring at him.

Youngdo's face paled at that and he started to stutter, "Yoongi...ho- you-"

"I know it all. Since the first day. Your reaction when you received the wrong file." If stares could kill then Yoongi's stare would've already killed Youngdo in this 3 mins in the elevator.

The elevator door opened. He smirked at Youngdo's change in expression and said before leaving the elevator, "I also know that you're here only to make your plan work which didn't happen when you tried."

"Yes, I'm. But that was all to reach the killer only!" He kept on shielding himself miserably as he followed Yoongi's steps down the corridor.

Yoongi stopped suddenly and turned around to look at him- they were just a few steps away from Yoongi's office room. He said calmly with a neutral expression, "Thank you for helping, hyung." -and walked inside his room.


| 𝙱𝚞𝚜𝚊𝚗 ; 𝟶𝟽:𝟹𝟶:𝟶𝟶 𝙰𝙼 |

It has been reported, that Mr. Chang Dong-Pil died while dining with his friends in the engagement ceremony of Mr. Cheong Namhyuk's only son Cheong Daehyuk. The cause of death is yet unknown as the postmortem report is not out. But again- a paper was found from his wallet, written-


Now the question rises why again that number? Is his death related to the other two that happened in the city? The postmortem report is the only answer to these questions.

Most importantly the government has sent undercover cops to look into the case as per the reports from the Cheong family and we didn't hear anything from the Crime Department as yet and they seem to keep the case low. Are they trying to make it another cold case? -is the only question that is thickening the tension between the petrified citizens and the government-






The television was on but not a soul was watching or listening to it. The room was empty.

Dark circles surrounded the almond-shaped eyes of Haeun as she kept on staring at the busy city from the apartment balcony. Cool morning winds kept on pushing her dark brunette hair-strands out from her face.

Her mind was blank.

Suddenly the doorknob made a twitching sound and the sound of footsteps could be heard. The realisation hit her and she blinked two times before turning to look at the drawing-room.

Haneul was standing in front of the TV and analyzing the news with a satisfied grin. Noticing that- Haeun slowly came and stood behind him and asked, "What's that creepy smile for? Somebody died there."

He backed out from her as that startled him and he gasped, "Oh shi- Now who's being a creep?"

Haeun rolled her eyes at his dramatic self. Folding her arms on her chest, she asked, "Enough with the crap talk- Tell me where were you last night."

"Where was I? Oh, come on, Haeun! I'm a doctor then where will I be other than being in my clinic? Bar? Dancing with some strippers?"

Haeun was in no mood to listen to cracks from him today, but somehow he always makes her feel at home whenever he's around with her. She smiled at that- but quickly suppressing it she said, "Good to know doctor. Please go get some rest now."

She was about to enter the kitchen to make some breakfast for them but Haneul stopped her by coming in front. He said, " don't look good. What happened? See there-" pointing at a packet that was sitting on the dining table he continued- "I bought you a cake, it's your birthday! Wait- did you forget?"

How can I forget this very day...? This day haunted me for 6 years-

"Earth to Haeun!" She came back from her trance as he waved his hands in front of her face and smiled.

"I remember."

"Okay, then let's celebrate?" Haneul asked, pumped up with excitement.

She nodded with a small smile that curved her beautiful lips and said, "Sure."


| 𝚂𝚎𝚘𝚞𝚕 ; 𝟷𝟷:𝟺𝟹:𝟷𝟹 𝙰𝙼 |

"I still can't believe I heard his voice last night...", Taehyung mumbled slowly as he kept on staring at his computer 'pipe' screen-saver.

Namjoon pushed back his specs in the position which was slipping down his nose and said while typing briskly, "You can hear his voice now as well. The recorded file is still in your phone bro."

Taehyung looked at him with a straight face and said with a greeted tone, "It was l-i-v-e. He was A-L-I-V-E!"

"Oh meant that? I didn't get it at first-"

The door burst open and in came Jungkook, drenched in sweat. It was sure that he just came from his morning workout session without even having a shower. He bent down a little, grabbing his waist, and started to pant heavily.

The other two looked at each other and then rose from their chairs. Taehyung handed him a glass of water when Namjoon asked, "What're you doing here these early? Your duty starts late-"

"Where's...Suga hy...hyung?"

They both looked at each other again and then at Jungkook. Before any of them could say anything, Yoongi entered their room and scanned the place to find his teammates.

Yoongi looked at Jungkook with a satisfied smile and said, "You reached in time I see. Good job, boy." He looked at the other two and announced, "Three of you- come in my room right now and bring the information I had asked you to collect from Mr. Chang's death site."

With that, he left, with his hands shoved inside his denim pocket.

"Is this going to be another meeting?" Jungkook asked curiously when Namjoon got busy in arranging the files and Taehyung picking up his laptop and tab from the desk.

"Probably", Taehyung replied before leaving the room with his things.

When Jungkook was about to follow him, he got called by Namjoon, "Hey! Help me with these files at least, bro!"

Jungkook sighed and took half of the bundle in his arms and left when Namjoon kept on struggling with the rest and knocked out his chair before he could reach the door.

"Oh shit-"


Except for Hoseok, the three of them were eyeing both Yoongi and Youngdo. They already know what happened this morning and the cold war going on in between them. The rumors spread like a wildfire by the other officers. Office gossips lol.

But someone needs to break the ice! And Hoseok came as a savior now.

Being all baffled by the thick tension in the room, Hoseok asked, "So...who's going to start today? Suga hyung?"

Yoongi cleared his throat and asked Namjoon to start. He stood up to set the projector and the screen and then started to show them the CCTV footage of the site.

The footage displayed the whole scene of Mr. Chang starting to dine with his friends and how he fell into his death bed while dining with them. As nothing suspicious could be found from there Yoongi asked him to play the footage of him arriving at the party.

That's when something stuck in Yoongi's mind and he asked to play both the footages side by side. As the video started he pointed at the second video and asked everyone to focus.

"Everyone look at the entrance part. Mr. Chang is not alone- he came with his PA in the party but see in the other video he's nowhere to be seen!"

"And we didn't notice him in the hall yesterday when we reached there...", Taehyung said out, his eyes turning big in realisation.

"Yeah...he wasn't there when we were interrogating everyone," Youngdo added.

Namjoon looked at Yoongi and asked, "You think it's his PA-"

"Nope. Cause we still don't know yet how he died. We still don't know if it's a murder or not."

Everyone's eyes were on Yoongi now while agreeing to his statement, but deep down Youngdo had different thoughts regarding Mr. Chang's death and he knew Yoongi wasn't going on the right path.

Youngdo interrupted their conversation and said, "What about that paper we found from his wallet? Those same numbers-"

"It can be something else as well, hyung," Yoongi said with no expression but it is hard to make Youngdo believe the opposite.

"And what number we're considering here? Phone number? Car number? What exactly?" No one replied this time, not even Yoongi. Everyone except Yoongi was in deep thoughts when Yoongi was shooting glares at him. Youngdo looked at him softly and hovered over the table with his hands resting on it, as he continued, "Yoongi...this is the same clue we got! We can't neglect these damn numbers!"

"And-" Yoongi was about to say something but he was interrupted by the sudden 'beeps' coming from his phone. He fished it out from his denim pocket and saw someone was calling.

He gave a glance at everyone and took the call.

"Yes, hyung-" He stopped in the middle because of the caller and listened to him silently before hanging up.

Yoongi stood up, putting back the phone in the pocket he informed, "I'll head out first. You guys continue. I hope Youngdo hyung will help."

Before anyone could comprehend what happened to him suddenly, he already left the room.

Taehyung blinked while watching the slowly closing glass door of the room and asked, "What happened to him now...?"

The others just shook their heads with a confused expression.



I'm sorry to provide yall with trashes even after not updating for sometime. The school assignments just sucked up my brain...not my fault.


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