Soulmate to the mafia don

By hopeful_soul

282K 5.5K 507

Valerie Gunnar was a simple girl. She liked reading, she was a fiery fighter and she was a total smart mouth... More

Chapter - 1
Chapter - 2
Chapter - 3
Chapter - 4
Chapter - 6
Chapter - 7
Chapter - 8
Chapter - 9
Chapter - 10
Chapter - 11
Chapter - 12
Chapter - 13
Chapter - 14
Chapter - 15
Chapter - 16
Chapter - 17
Chapter - 18
Chapter - 19
Chapter - 20
Chapter - 21
Chapter - 22
Chapter - 23
Chapter - 24
Chapter - 25
Chapter - 26
Chapter - 27
Chapter - 28
Chapter - 29
Chapter - 30
Chapter - 31
Chapter - 32
Chapter - 33

Chapter - 5

10.5K 194 16
By hopeful_soul

It felt like I had been running for hours. But I knew it had only been half an hour or so. My feet hurt from the running I had just gone through and now that I was alone, I had not bothered with trying to keep my tears at bay.

Everything. Every shitty thing had fallen apart in a matter of hours.

Exhausted, I slumped back on a tree and dropped down, trying to calm myself down. Letting myself catch up with everything for a few minutes, I don't try to hold the tears back and let myself feel the pain of everything that had occurred.

Dad almost killing me, the man I'm supposed to love threatening to kill everyone I know, being kidnapped, finding the damn man that's supposedly my life partner, being held hostage, so much! So much happened in the past 6 hours.

Getting caught up, I tried to shake my head and tell myself that it was not over yet. I had to find someone or a place that had a phone or something so I could contact for help. Couldn't call home because of dad and I didn't remember any other number. Police it will be then.

Quickly revising the plan, which was- Get out of this damn forest and get a phone, I wiped my tears with the sleeve of my shrug and got up.

I had been walking for only a few minutes when the noise of a branch snapping made me turn back. Shit!

Not bothering to think, I started running as quick as I could when an amused voice called out. "You want a chase? Then you'll get one!" The voice had turned cold in the end, a familiar cold that was going to haunt my nightmares from now.

Yelping when my cuffed hand got stuck in a branch, I yanked it away, ignoring the pain that shot through my cheek as it scraped me. No time to cry over little cuts.

I am pretty sure that we ran for about 20 minutes or so before I started getting tired. Weaving my way around, I tried to lose them; yes-them, there had been multiple footsteps once we started running, I tried being as tactical as I could.

Running towards a certain area, I skidded to an abrupt and painful stop, falling back on the ground when shithead appeared in front of me, leaning against the tree just by the path I was about to run further into.

Sharp hazel eyes met mine as I stared up, wide eyed in fear and panic, scrambling to get up as horror settled in my veins, knowing if shithead was here, he was closer.

Quickly getting up, stumbling back a few steps as I loose balance, I ran in another direction, looking back at shithead's running figure behind me, one that was frighteningly catching up.

I duck as branches pass by me, ignoring the cuts and scrapes I was acquiring in the process of running, the instinct of flight flaring in my veins, wanting to give it's best to save our metaphorical balls.

Fingers touched my forearm, a loud screech leaving me as I desperately tried to jerk it off, doubling my efforts and pushing my legs to work as hard as they could, trying not to give into the screaming muscles' wishes and drop down.

Surprised by how I had managed to pry shithead's fingers off me, I looked back quickly, even more surprised when I saw no one.

When no sound reached me after minutes of running, I dared to glance back and was relieved when I still found no one there.

Still weary but hella tired, I went to hide behind a tree and let my back hit it as I worked on regaining my breath. Bending a little, wishing I could support myself with my hands, I tried my best to be quick so that I could continue on without risking another run-in with them.

When I got back up with my breaths a little in my control, all of it was knocked out as a hand wrapped around my throat.

"No!!!" I yelled, frustration and anger clear in my voice that even after my best attempts, I couldn't escape him.

Cunning green eyes clashed with my tired and dull brown ones, the bark of the tree digging into my flesh painfully.

"Let me go! Let go! Let go!!" I yelled, my voice on the verge of clogging up. Why me!?

Arms that were supposed to comfort me roughly wrapped around my body, making me want to scream. A second later a familiar cloth was pushed on my mouth, the smell nauseating to my nose.

I shook my head back and forth wildly, trying to do anything before darkness surrounded me. I can't give up! I can't g- I suddenly wobbled, my brain turning foggy as everything blurred around me.

The cloth was pulled back, My screams not muffled anymore but even then I couldn't scream. So I whispered, "Let me go... Please..."

The last thing I registered was a face of a man that I couldn't run away from and a tear escaping my left eye.


When I next woke up, I was surprised to see my hands weren't tied anymore.

For a second I even thought that all had been a bad dream but when I noticed the surroundings and the bandages wrapped around my wrists, I knew the nightmare wasn't just a nightmare.

Looking around, I frowned when I saw where I was. I wasn't sure.

There was just a bed, which I was currently habituating and a small couch sort of thing which had a window to look out from, the room smaller than I had assumed him to stay in.

Nonetheless, the grey, black and white room was elegant.

The sheets beneath my fingers felt silky and soft, the touch of it on my skin almost making me feel as if I was in heaven. But I wasn't.

The light grey couch accented perfectly with the charcoal black bed I was on, the blush covers of the cushions giving some life to the deadly looking room. I didn't doubt for a second whose room I was in.

The small ovular window gave a clear view of blue skies and white clouds and a bright shining s-

Wait a minute... I was on a bloody plane!

Slowly, still a little drowsy from the chloroform I was forced to inhale, I gave myself a few silent moments to fully wake up and start functioning again.

Once I felt like I could walk without tumbling down, I quietly opened the door that I was assuming led out since there were voices coming from the other side.

"...feisty. Had to run through a damn forest to catch her." The voice of my beloved soulmate spoke to a man who stood in front of him, the amused tones of his voice angering me. The man, whose face was still hidden from where I was looking, mumbled out carelessly.

"She just needs to me tamed. Don't w-"

"Tamed...!" I spat the word out as if it was poison, coming out of the room fully so that everyone could see me. My anger was boiling at the man's words, who I realized was the infamous William Regio, his father. His father's eyes had narrowed at the way I had spoken, clearly not used to being disrespected or cut off.

Looks like he will be learning a lesson or two as well.

"Do I look like a fucking pet or a wild animal that you can tame!? I am my own damn person and I do not need to be tamed! The only thing that needs to happen is for you and your son to be taught bloody manners since you two obviously lack it!" I hissed, my own eyes narrowing.

Tamed? What do they take us women for?

He appeared in front of me a second later, clear enrage written all over his face.

My eyes glanced at the small cut that ran down his left cheek, mirroring my own surely. His hand lifted up, I realized what he was going to do, shock clear at his rash behavior.

Instead of being scared, I took a step closer to him, challenging him silently. His eyes widened momentarily before they narrowed at me, my own doing the same.

Hurt me. Show me how cruel you are. Give me a reason to hurt you.

Instead of the pain that I had expected to blossom from the right side of my face, I found a hand grasping my chin, keeping my face up.

"Behave Valerie." His voice was soft, a purr of a wild cat, "My father is not a patient man. He will inflict pain."

I hissed right back, "Make me!"

He growled, half angrily- half amusingly and pushed me down on the seat he had been sitting on. "Everyone, OUT! Go mingle around in the other cabin."

Everyone was out of the room and my sight before you could speak 'fire'.

I assumed he was going to hurt me or threaten me but surprisingly he did nothing of the sort. Dropping down on the plush seat opposite to me, he looked at me with an unnerving smirk, the whites of his teeth visible as his lips tauntingly curved up.

Involuntarily, I brought my legs up to cover myself. His smirk only widened when I did this, making me sit up properly to show he did not affect me.

A hostess coming in snapped me out of my staring competition, my focus now on the feeble girl that was placing things around.

"Get her some water and something to eat!" A voice spoke out suddenly, making both, me and the hostess jump. The girl scurried out, fear etched on her face, her movements almost frantic. I followed her with my eyes, pity probably clear in them.

Before I knew it, there was a lavish meal in front of me.

Looking back up at him, I narrowed my eyes without speaking, wondering what his game was.

He rolled his eyes, gesturing at the food impatiently. "Eat. You've been out for a long time." My eyes turned to slits at that.

Oh yeah? Whose fault is that?

Instead of asking what I really wanted to, I asked a normal question.

"How long?" I asked.

"About 3 hours." He spoke shrugging and drinking water from the bottle adjacent to him. The nerve!

When I still hadn't started eating, he sighed and put the bottle aside. "Look, if you're thinking about it being drugged, it's not. I promise. Now eat. You haven't had anything since I got you."

"Do I look like a bloody possession that you can get?" I spoke angrily, stabbing the food with my fork, not fighting him on the eating order. Hey! I was hungry. Blame the stomach for making me obey a man.

"No. You look like you're mine!" He spoke, possessiveness clear in his voice. Instead of replying angrily, I decided to stay quiet and finish my food. Surprising people was always fun. I'll show him.

I wiped my mouth with the napkin provided once I was done and when I put it down, there was a smirk on my face that gave a run to his.

"Maybe I do right now, but I won't when I reject your ass!" I sickly spoke, cocking my head at him, waiting for him to snap. The second the words were out of my mouth, I knew I should've stayed quiet.

Hurt, anger, jealously, pain and fear flashed in his eyes, my own widening for a second at what I had said. I knew I had gone too far, but there was nothing I could do about it now. Perhaps I should apologize, if he had said those exact words I would've broke down crying.

Being soulmates was a sacred thing and even the mention of the other not wanting his mate had killed people from heartache. I may have gone a teensy bit away from my line.

Who am I kidding? The line is a dot from the place I said those words.

His eyes snapping to me and angering made me narrow my eyes. He wasn't hurt... only his ego was bruised. Looking in his angered eyes, one thing was clear. I was pushing his limits, I knew that. But he had to learn not to talk of me like that. I was a proud person.

Measly little thing or not, I had pride. A shitload of it.

The very next moment, everything that had been on the tray in front of me was thrown out of the way and I was pushed back in the seat with him looming over me.

His hair fell in front of his face giving him a dark fallen angel look as the cut on his cheek made him look the dangerous man he was. His green eyes alight with fury, he pulled me up by the scruff of my neck.

"You can only reject me if we are not mated remember? Perhaps it's time we did it so that you would know your place!" He spoke darkly, his hand fisting my hair while the other travelled down to my waist and picked me up.

My eyes widened when he started moving to the bedroom, his threat instilling in me. He was... I gulped when I realized what I might've gotten myself into, a sick feeling churning in my stomach.

Wildly hitting his back, I repeatedly shouted for him to put me down as fear crept up my neck.

I need to learn to keep my mouth shut!

"No! Let go! You sick fuck! Let go!" I shouted, pounding my fists into his back which had no effect whatsoever.

He dropped me on the bed, making me shout louder.

Before I could scramble away he grabbed my wrist and cuffed it to the bedpost, not at all affected by my rebellious movements. They did not affect him in the slightest. Nothing did.

Eyes showing panic, I tugged at the cuffs, ready to even hurt myself if need be so that he would back off.

Climbing up on me, he pressed himself into me, taking my other fighting hand and effortlessly cuffing it to the other side. Hands tied again, all I could do was kick around so that he wouldn't touch me.

Still on top, he gripped the bottom of his shirt, sliding it over his chest to reveal his body to me. The part of me that was attached to him because of the bond fluttered as my eyes ran down his perfectly sculpted body, instantly falling in love with what we were given. He was strong, firm and built in all the right places.

His pectoral valleys skimmed my body as he pushed himself against me forcefully to hold me down, his muscular arms around my back and fisting my shrug. A loud tearing noise reached me, panicking me further as I felt air hit my shoulder which was now only covered with a tank top and a bra.

I screamed for help, hoping someone would help me before he took me against my will. I heard rustling which I soon realized was the sound of his pants being taken off. I felt like throwing up.

Looking up at him with fearful eyes, I shook my head, the fight in me all forgotten.

"Please no! Don't! I was joking! I wasn't actually going to do it! Please don't do this! Please!" I yelled out, my eyes brimming with uncalled tears.

He looked down at me, grabbing a handful of my chestnut hair and pulling my face up to him and kissing me. There was nothing sweet in it. Only a finality which I dreaded.

"No! Please! I'm begging you! Don't!" I shouted, my voice muffled by his lips as tears fell from my eyes at the reality of the situation. My soulmate, the one that was meant to love me and cherish me and protect me and stand by me was assaulting me. A salty taste mingled as his lips moved against mine, my tears having no effect on him.

His hand bunched up my tank top, ripping it off of me, making me whimper. This can't be happening! This can't be happening! I tugged at my wrists, crying louder when I noticed he had made improvisations by replacing them with velvet lined ones.

He pulled away and looked down at my pale teary self and gritted his teeth, the sight of his perfectly sculpted face bringing hope in my heart, the type only a mate could make you feel, my mind knowing it was stupid to feel it.

"Please, don't..." I whispered hysterically, my voice clogged up as endless tears left my eyes. "Please..." His eyes seemed like they were flashing, looking into my tear-streaked ones in ways I was too young and naïve to comprehend.

Paying me no mind, his hand went to my jeans, making me scream so loud that I felt the walls of the plane shaking. The door to the room slammed open a second later, 5 men including shithead and sandy bitch entering the room with guns out.

He growled from above me, his hand clamping on my chin as he spoke the words to the men at the door. "Get. The. Fuck. Out. Of. My. Room. NOW!" I flinched, my voice growing raspier as I started having trouble breathing. "No! Please! Help me! Plea- Mmph!!!" I was cut off once again as he forced his tongue down my throat, almost making me gag.

"Boss... I think you should get off of her and think before y-"

"SILENCE!" He boomed the word out, my cries going louder as his anger increased. His men, the cruel shells of real men, caught my eyes before shamefully lowering them to the ground.

My world rattled as I realized they weren't going to help. I caught his eye, trying to get him to understand but he looked away, not wanting to look at me, perhaps not wanting to see the hurt in them.

I tugged at the restraints, helplessness dropping still in my stomach as my cries for help went unheard. His hand slipping into my jeans was my undoing.

"NOOOOO!!" I yelled out louder than I ever had, falling back as my cries grew softer and fight left my body. Curling into myself as best as I could, shudders passed down my body as realization rattled me to my bones.

He was going to do it. He really was going to do it.

Cold air suddenly hitting me made me open my wet sticky eyes, only to find him several feet away from me. I sobbed quietly as I struggled against the cuffs, not even bothering to try and get out of them, too much in shock.

Flinching as he neared me, I turned my head away and wailed softly as his hands touched me. He slowly, cautiously uncuffed me, covering my shaking body with a blanket.

Then I was left alone to cry.

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