Class 1A Chat/fanfic!

By ChaoticRomanticPan

522K 15K 37.1K

Please dont skip past the first page, it has all the details you need to know. Basically it's just a Class 1A... More

A/N: Sexualities
1: Class 1-Gay
2: Emosquad
3: Notes Please
4: Ships
5: What The Fuck Is Oatmeal
6: Class Sleepover Plans
7: He Knows
8: Iida Slept Over!?.
9: Coming To Terms
10: No Longer Friends
11: Together Romantically
12: Mido is babey
13: Go To Sleep
14: Shinsou needs to KNOCK
15: Boi U Gay
16: I Don't Speak Tacobell
17: Tenya Finds Out
18: Izu is sleepy babey
19: Girls Day
20: Shinsou Still Doesn't Knock
21: Emosquad Plans
22: Boneless Ice
23: Izu's Murdering Kami
24: Haha Tenya Jealous
25: Ura Talks Sense Into Iida
26: Been There, Done That
27: Im Gay You Moldy Dildo
28: What Kinda Orgy-
29: Aight, imma head out
30: Flower Crowns
31: Journal Entry #56
32: Abandoned Church
33: MgRonalds
34: Self-Blame
35: Mido's Hoes
36: Slushie
37: Tentacles
38: Bakubabe Is The Mom Friend
39: The Gremlin Smiled
40: Therapy
41: Belly Button Piercings
42: Dusk Til Dawn
43: Bed room or Bedroom
44: Vending Machine
45: Scratches ;)
46: Poly Girls
47: Poly Party
48: Poly Party Pics
49: All You Wanna Do
50: The Doctor Said
51: Bang Bang
52: Tag, You're It
53: It's The ___ For me
54: Kami Cuddles
55: aPpLe BoTtOm JeAns
56: S & M
57: 20 Questions
58: Meet The Plastics
59: Last Friday Night
60: ShinKami Is Official!!!
61: Fuckable Heroes
62: Izu's 7 Boyfriends
63: Lockscreens
64: Preparing for Tensei
65: Tensei Part 1/3
66: Tensei Part 2/3
67: Tensei Part 3/3
100K Reads Special
2.0: 100K Reads Special
68: Deku's Day
70: Three Musketeers
71: EriBerry
72: Sleeping Preferences
73: Loud Blondes
Author Q&A & Face Reveal
Ask A Character
74: Headcanons
Not An Update Sadly BUT-
75: Remember When Iida Punched Mido
76: Frosting
77: Cell Block Tango
78: Mina, You're A Lesbian
79: Never Have I Ever
80: Maid Deku & Kami
81: Incorrect Quotes
82: Pronoun Check
83: Touch You

69: The Other Side

2.3K 106 347
By ChaoticRomanticPan

4:42 pm - Friday - Class 1-Gay

Midoriya added Toga to the chat

Uraraka: what the hell

Midoriya added Dabi to the chat

Todoroki: Midoriya?!

Midoriya added Shiggy to the chat

Bakugo: Are you out of your GOD DAMN MIND?!?!?

Iida: Izuku what is the meaning of this

Shiggy: We told him to

Sero: wtf Mido why didn't you just say no and block them

Midoriya: They just wanted to say something

Yaoyorozu added Aizawa to the chat

Yaoyorozu: help? Please?

Aizawa: no❤

Aizawa left the chat

Mina: I-

Kaminari: well damn ok-

Bakugo: what the fuck does blonde bitch, scar face and chapstick want

Toga: wow, ok, rude

Bakugo: shut the fuck up

Midoriya: just let them speak

Tsu: Midoriya, they are villains, kero!

Midoriya: They can't hurt us through text. Let's just see what they have to say.

Todoroki: Okay then. I trust you.

Bakugo: Well you're fucking stupid so

Todoroki: shut yo clown ass up

Todoroki: Don't like what I said then go join the circus ugly gremlin ass

Midoriya: Todoroki, he is not ugly!

Mina: he agreed with the gremlin part lmao

Midoriya: shhhhhhhhabsbshssh

Sero: okay then lol

Midoriya: Now, LOV, what do you want?

Shiggy: Right here, right now. I put the offer out

Kirishima: what offer? It's not like we'll take it.

Dabi: I don't want to chase you down. I know you see it

Yaoyorozu: See what?

Shiggy: You run with me and I can cut you free

Kaminari: who are they even talking to

Ojiro: I'm guessing Midoriya

Bakugo: Deku isn't going to take your stupid ass offer you dumb fuckers

Midoriya: Cut me free from what?

Shiggy: Out of the drudgery and walls you keep in

Jirou: what the hell is that even supposed to mean?

Toga: So trade that typical for something COLORFUL!

Uraraka: you repulse me 💖

Mina: lmao babe-

Toga: And if it's crazy, live a little crazy

Hagakure: Midoriya do not listen to them!

Dabi: You can play it sensible, a king of conventional. Or you can risk it all and see

Midoriya: ... see what?


Shiggy: Don't you wanna get away from the same old part you gotta play?

Uraraka: what is he talking about Deku?

Jirou: He's just trying to use your mental health to try to get to you. Just ignore him.

Toga: Cause I got what you need, so come with me and take the ride!

Todoroki: what freaking ride

Iida: Doesn't matter. He's not going to take it.

Shiggy: I'll take you to the other side

Bakugo: Like hell you will!

Yaoyorozu added PresentMic

Yaoyorozu: h e l p ?

PresentMic: Peace out little listeners ✌

PresentMic left the chat

Kaminari: Well, we gon die

Todoroki: finally

Sero: Shoto no-

Dabi: Cause you can do like you... OR you can do like me

Uraraka: hahaha no

Toga: Stay in the cage, or you'll finally take the key


Yaoyorozu: I think it was metaphorical

Sero: Mido has been very quiet...

Dabi: Oh damn! Suddenly you're free to fly!

Shiggy: I'll take you to the other side

Midoriya: Okay, my friend, you want to cut me in

Uraraka: ...Deku?


Kaminari: Admitting that you're his friend, huh?

Jirou: Not the time, Kaminari

Midoriya: But I hate to tell you, but it just won't happen.


Mina: I knew he wouldn't accept! He's too babey to accept!

Midoriya: So thanks, but no. I think I'm good to go


Midoriya: Cause I quite enjoy the life you say I'm trapped in.

Kaminari: I thought u hated your life

Todoroki: n o t t h e t i m e

Midoriya: Now I admire you

Hagakure: sir, they are villains-

Midoriya: and that whole show you do

Shoji: ah I see

Midoriya: And you're onto something. Really, it's something.

Sato: what?

Kirishima: uh whatever floats your boat bro

Midoriya: But I live among the swells and we don't pick up peanut shells

Sero: Uraraka might

Uraraka: choke on my magnum dong

Sero: No thanks, I'd rather choke on someone else's

Todoroki: oh wow okay

Iida: I have lost faith in this chat

Kirishima: Everyday we start further and further from God

Midoriya: I'll have to leave that up to you

Kaminari: lmfaooo u tell em babe

Iida: did you just call him babe?

Kaminari: no homo, I'm wearing socks

Iida: Why did I even ask

Midoriya: Don't you know that I'm okay with this uptown part I get to play?

Jirou: aaaand his depression is starting to shine through

Tokoyami: Just because he basically said he 'plays' an uptown part doesn't mean he's never actually happy with his life

Jirou: I outta smack you

Kaminari: hoe don't do it

Shoji: she did it

Kaminari: oh my God

Midoriya: Cause I got what I need and I don't want to take the ride!

Iida: 💖💖💖

Midoriya: Don't need to see the other side!

Bakugo: Fuck yeah

Midoriya: So go and do like you do

Mina: or they could, idk, NOT murder people and nearly kill us at least once a month but go off ig

Midoriya: I'm good to do like me

Kouda: 😊

Midoriya: Ain't in a cage so I don't need to take the key

Sero: Go off Midobroooo

Midoriya: Oh, Damn! Can't you see I'm doing fine?

Jirou: he said fine...

Todoroki: I know what "fine" means...

Tokoyami: you good Mido?

Midoriya: I don't need to see the other side!

Tokoyami: I guess he is

Shiggy: Now is this really how you like to spend your days?

Uraraka: What's wrong with how he spends his days?

Dabi: Whiskey and misery, and parties and plays

Aoyama: Excuse moi? ~💕💫💖

Iida: WHISKEY?!?!?!?

Iida: Izuku we are underaged!

Midoriya: If I were mixed up with you I'd be the talk of the town

Mineta: well obviously

Jirou: shut the fuck up

Midoriya: Disgraced and disowned, another one of the clowns 🤡

Mina: lmfao

Dabi: But you would finally live a little

Toga: Laugh a little 🤪🥰

Bakugo: go fuck yourselves

Shiggy: Just let me give you the freedom to dream

Kirishima: Midobro already has a dream; to become the #1 Hero!

Toga: And it'll wake you up and cure your aching

Jirou: so they ARE trying to use his mental health to get to him.


Dabi: Take your walls and start em breaking

Toga: Now that's a deal that seems worth taking!

Yaoyorozu: no it doesn't!

Iida: Absolutely not

Sero: uh, I think the fuck NOT you trick ass bitch!

Shiggy: But I guess I'll leave that up to you... ?

Kaminari: He already said NO. And they call ME dumb smh

Hagakure: Why isn't Midoriya responding.....

Uraraka: um... Deku?

Midoriya: Well it's intriguing, but to go would cost me greatly

Iida: IZUKU!?

Midoriya: So what percentage of the show would I be taking?

Tsu: wait what, kero

Kaminari: Don't tell me you're actually considering it...

Dabi: Fair enough. You'd want a piece of all the action.

Uraraka: Deku, please

Shiggy: I'd give you seven. We could shake and make it happen


Todoroki: Wait... if you shook his hand, wouldn't it disintegrate yours?

Sero: yeah it sounds kind of stupid to shake his hand. -1/10 experience Mido

Midoriya: I wasn't born this morning. Eighteen would be just fine

Tsu: Midoriya, no! Kero!

Dabi: Why not just go ahead and ask for nickels on the dime!?!

Midoriya: Fifteen

Yaoyorozu: please stop! Don't join them!

Yaoyorozu added Aizawa

Aizawa left the chat

Yaoyorozu added PresentMic

PresentMic left the chat

Yaoyorozu added Midnight

Midnight left the chat

Yaoyorozu: W H Y-

Jirou: she's so distressed. The goddess is freaking out guys. I am too

Mina: We all are!

Shiggy: I'd do eight

Midoriya: Twelve

Kirishima: This isn't very manly bro

Aoyama: This chat no longer shines mon ami, if you are even that ~💕💫💖

Shiggy: Maybe nine

Midoriya: Ten.

Ojiro: I think he accepted...


Iida: Izuku dear, why are you doing this?!? I thought you loved it here. I thought you loved me. Was it all fake?

Tsu: Iida...

Toga: Don't you wanna get away? To a whole new part you're gonna play!

Sero: I can't believe he's doing this

Yaoyorozu: Aizawa isn't answering his phone!

Shiggy: Cause I got what you need so come with me and take the ride!

Toga: To the other side! 😊

Iida: someone locate Izuku

Tokoyami: he's not in his dorm

Midoriya: So if you do like I do

Dabi: So if you do like me

Uraraka: But he doesn't!

Uraraka: He wouldn't.....

Shiggy: Forget the cage cause we know how to make the key!

Midoriya: Forget the cage cause we know how to make the key!

Kaminari: Mido please just stop this!

Kirishima: Come on bro, just talk to us. You don't have to join the league!

Iida: Izubaby, please, just answer my calls. Where are you?

Shiggy: Oh, damn! Suddenly we're free to fly!

Midoriya: Oh, damn! Suddenly we're free to fly!


Shiggy: We're going to the other side

Midoriya: We're going to the other side

Uraraka: Deku, this isn't like you!

Mina: Please Mido, we all care about you.

Dabi: So if you do like I do

Toga: So if you do like me!

Iida: I can't take this! Don't join them! Stay with us! Stay with me! Please!

Midoriya: We're going to the other side

Jirou: why Mido, why?

Kouda: 🥺🥺😭

Dabi: Cause if we do we're going to the other side

Uraraka: No! Please!

Kaminari: I thought we were friends Mido. Please don't do this.

Shiggy: We're going to the other side!

Midoriya: We're going to the other side!

Bakugo: I'm so sorry Izuku just please don't leave I'm sorry for everything I've ever done, especially for everything that's happened back in middle school It is all my fault please don't go

Midoriya: ....

Midoriya: Kacchan, I already told you that there is no need to apologize again. And nothing is your fault.


Iida: Izubaby, I'm not mad, I promise. Just where are you?

Uraraka: I'm going to cry

Midoriya: Wait! No! Don't cry!!!

Midoriya: It's just a lyric prank!

Jirou: I have been a fool...

Bakugo: I am going to fucking end you.


Midoriya: Actually, those are the big three in disguise!

Shiggy changed their name to Mirio

Dabi changed their name to Tamaki

Toga changed their name to Nejire

Iida: Baby you scared me

Jirou: You scared all of us!

Sero: okay but the fact that our teachers left us to fend for ourselves-

Mirio: Actually I had informed them ahead of time :)

Nejire: Sorry guys, but that was fun!

Mina: I'm gonna scream

Midoriya: Thank you guys for your help!

Mirio: No problem! We had fun :)

Nejire: You're absolutely welcome!

Tamaki: no problem...

Mirio: Well, got to go! Bye!

Mirio left the chat

Tamaki: bye...

Tamaki left the chat

Nejire: Those two are a handful 😂

Mina: But you love em

Nejire: Yes I do 🥰

Nejire: See ya!

Nejire left the chat

Bakugo: oi...

Bakugo: found you Deku

Midoriya: OH SHI-

Midoriya has gone offline

Iida: Can't have ONE regular calm day. Never can! Ever!

Kaminari: RIP Mido. He will be missed

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