Our Reality (Doki Doki Litera...

By Crash5020

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Shujinkou is your average high schooler. When he isn't indulging in manga or video games, he's usually loses... More

Alone in a Club Room
Club Prerequisites Part 1
Club Prerequisites Part 2
Club Prerequisites Part 3
Cultural Festival Part 1
Cultural Festival Part 2
Cultural Festival Part 3
Cultural Festival Part 4
Couples' Dessert
Troubled Yuri Part 1
Troubled Yuri Part 2
Troubled Yuri Part 3
Troubled Yuri Part 4
Alone in a Boy's Room
Kitsune Spa Resort
Granny Hisa
A Good Friend
A Familiar Look
Cardboard Box
Granny and Daddy
Stranger's Offer
My Father and I Part 1
My Father and I Part 2
My Father and I Part 3
Bonus: Deleted Scenes
A Sudden Meeting
Make a Date
Study Date
An Uncomfortable Encounter
Cognitive Representation
Grimm Fun
A Considerate Fellow
Given Tasks
Self-Given Task
Morning Coffee
Blind Trust
A bit too formal
Doki Doki Slumber Party!
Afterword #2
Selfish Part 1
Selfish Part 2
Selfish Part 3
Selfish Part 4
Alone in a Boy's Room II
End of the First
Summer Intermission
Paper Lanterns
Positive Experience
Perspective II
Our First Trip Together
2nd Visit
Beside the point
Maiden's Guilt
Road to the Royal Rumble
Natsuki's Royal Rumble Log Number 1
Natsuki's Royal Rumble Log Number 2
Natsuki's Royal Rumble Log Number 3
Natsuki's Royal Rumble Log Number 4
What They Mean To Me
Floating Lights
Afterword #3
Bonus: Deleted Scenes 2
Start of the Second
Strictly Confidential
Prankster's Paradise
Chaos' Preemptive Strike
Order's Counterstrike
Order's Appeal
Senpai's Kohai
Student President
Kohai's Gift
Shujinkou's Turbulent Weekend Part 1
Shujinkou's Turbulent Weekend Part 2
Shujinkou's Turbulent Weekend Part 3
Shujinkou's Turbulent Weekend Epilogue
Expanding the Club: Kiyoko
Expanding the Club: Reizo
The First and the Fifth
The First and the Third
The First and the Fourth
The First and the Second
The First
The First's Perspective
Two Meta
Two Meta Part 2
Two Meta Part 3
Two Meta Part 4
Two Meta Part 5
Two Meta Part 6
Two Meta Part 7
Two Meta Part 8
Two Meta Part 9
Two Meta Finale
Jamias Vu
Empty Reminders
Another Brief, Yet Interesting Meeting
Fictional Crushes
Real Feelings
My Sister and I Part 1
A Sudden Perspective
A Sudden Perspective: 2nd Entry
A Sudden Perspective: 1st Day of Summer
A Sudden Perspective: My Brother and I
It Mattered To Me
A Fantastically Meta Finale
A New Reality: Epilogue
Afterword #4
Bonus: Deleted Scenes #3
Opportunity Knocking You Off Your Feet
A Different Morning Experience
Another Uncomfortable Encounter
Malevolent Intervention
An Awkward Gathering
Regret and Acceptance
A Fantastical Battle: Shujinkou vs. Malizia
My Darling Little Boy
My Darling Little Boy II
Over His Head
Fairy Tales
Being Direct
Duty as Club VP
Shujinkou's Duty
Countdown to Devil's Night Part 1
Countdown to Devil's Night Part 2
Countdown to Devil's Night Part 3
Countdown to Devil's Night Part 4
Countdown to Devil's Night Part 5
Countdown to Devil's Night Part 6
Countdown to Devil's Night Part 7
Devil's Night
Shujinkou's Desperate Struggle
Devil's Departure
The Only
The Only Part 2
The Only Part 3
The Only Part 4
The Only Part 5
The Only Part 6
Mending the Soul
Omake #2
Omake #3
The Selfish
The Oath
The Operation
The Guilty
The Guilty Part 2
The Guilty Part 3
The Guilty Part 4
The Guilty Part 5
The Absent
The Absent Part 2
The Absent Part 3
The Absent Part 4
The Absent Part 5
The Absent Part 6
The Absent Part 7
The Absent Part 8
The Absent Part 9
The Absent Part 10
The Sword and the Shields
The Sword and the Shields Part 2
The Truth
A Return to Form (Almost)
A Very Special Perspective
Shujinkou's Awakening
Catching Up
Principal Taiki
Doki Doki Study Slumber Party

A Brief, Yet Interesting Meeting

84 7 0
By Crash5020

"Hey," a tense atmosphere violently assaulted all of Shujinkou's senses at once the moment he opened the clubroom door. The intensity he felt in the air was almost scary, but not as scary as the serious expressions that sat on Natsuki and Yuri's faces.

Natsuki's face contorted with irritation as Yuri's expression grew more serious as time passed by. Shujinkou could only watch on in confusion as he wondered what could have possibly created such a serious atmosphere.

Following their gaze, he noticed a single open book that sat between them.

Wonder what they're reading? Not too long after that thought, Yuri gently placed her right index finger on one of the pages. "There... There's Wally..."

"Seriously...?" Natsuki's eyes focused and scanned the area Yuri pointed out. "Yep, that's Wally."

"Oh..." Shujinkou was sure if he was in a fictional world, he would dramatically fall back with surprise. But the closest he could get to that was imagining that. Doesn't have the same impact.

But now that he understood what was going on, the tense atmosphere that greeted him vanished as if it never existed. The young man walked in and curiously sat in between them. "How come you guys are playing 'Where's Wally'?"

"It's a long story..." Natsuki rolled her eyes and sighed.

Yuri slightly giggled at her response, causing a slight smile to form on Natsuki's lips. Shujinkou simply scratched his right cheek, keeping his own smile to himself. After all, him responding to such a moment could ruin it and create a new uncomfortable atmosphere: an awkward one.

Yuri then turned her attention to Shujinkou and explained, "You see, it actually had something to do with our last club meeting. Monika brought up the subject of children's literature and its role in the development of its audience. How it teaches them problem solving skills, reading between the lines, basic clue finding... Subjects like that. She used Where's Wally as an example of skills books teach you, since many use the series to teach children various skills and also use them as a measuring stick for certain subjects too."

"But that's when Sayori chimed in with an idea to make it a competition," Natsuki interjected.

"A club activity?" Shujinkou asked.

"No, she wanted try and hoard the brownies I brought in yesterday. They were the prize for each round."

"Oh..." Shujinkou weakly chuckled as he scratched cheek. He should have known that would have been the primary reason behind Sayori's suggestion. "So, you guys are trying another round of Where's Wally?"

"Mm-hmm," Yuri nodded her head. "Would you like to join us?"


Shujinkou watched as Yuri gently turned the page.

"There's Wally," Shujinkou announced, pointing to the fictional character.

"Already?!" Natsuki shot him a look of complete disbelief.

"That is Wally," Yuri confirmed.

The young maiden then turned to the next page.

"There's Wally," Shujinkou announced again.

"Again?!" Natsuki exclaimed.

Yuri curiously glanced up at Shujinkou before turning the page. I wonder...

"There's Wally," he announced.

"Seriously...? Have you memorized this entire book?" Natsuki questioned, bewildered by what was happening.

"I don't really think I've seen this one before..." Shujinkou awkwardly scratched his right cheek.

"Well, you are an artist. Having a good eye naturally comes with the occupation," Yuri complimented.

Natsuki's eyes trailed down to the book. It was at that moment of clarity when she finally understood the shocking words she heard yesterday. Now I get why Sayori said, 'Good thing Shujinkou isn't here'...

Not too long after that revelation, the door swung open and Sayori jumped in. "Does anyone know where Fuyu's at? She's not at her office?"

"Don't you remember, Sayori? Monika told us that she was going with her to Adobansu," Yuri reminded her.

"Adobansu?" Shujinkou scratched his right cheek as he pondered that name. He was sure that he had heard that it somewhere before. "Isn't that that school for really smart kids?"

"Yep. Essentially the 'better' version of all high schools," Natsuki nonchalantly flipped to the next the page of the book.

"There's Wally," Shujinkou announced.

"...How do you keep doing that?" Natsuki marveled.

Guess I can't gamble any sweets today... Sayori cradled her knees as she lamented her lost chance.

Meanwhile, a gentle breeze caressed Monika's face as she followed Fuyu through an upper class neighborhood. It was a clear sign that the cooler months were on they're way. Thinking about those next few months excited Monika. She wasn't quite sure what was going to happen, but she was sure that it would be fun.

"Thanks again for coming with, Monika. I just don't know if I can be in that meeting room alone again."

"No problem," Monika assured her with a warm smile. "But I gotta ask, what's so bad about meeting with the other school president?"

A small frown rested on Fuyu's lips and she averted her gaze. "...Hopefully you won't find out."

Though curious, Monika decided to press any further. For all she knew, she may not want to know.

Continuing their journey to the fated place, the two finally arrived at Adobansu. Nostalgia hit Monika all at once as she laid eyes on the school again. Somehow, the sheer scale of the exterior was still awe-inspiring. It had the appearance of any other exclusive school one would find on TV, but it still had air to it that commanded respect.

"Here we are. Time to get our game faces on," Fuyu instructed.

"But I don't have a game face," Monika giggled.

"Right... That's just me," Fuyu sighed as she adjusted her glasses. In just the blink of an eye, her demeanor changed into one of a professional, no nonsense individual. "Let's go."

One thought was on Monika's mind as followed Fuyu into the school. Fuyu will most likely be in "President Mode" until we get off of school grounds.

As she followed her President throughout the school, Monika took the opportunity to examine her surroundings. Just like the last time she was there, the inside was neat and pristine. Students roamed around, hulling around projects and experiments that normal schools would be lucky to perform once. With the tuition cost to attend this school, it was no wonder that the school had such an "advanced" air to it.

The only thing that was the same as other schools was the presence of school uniforms. It was the standard ensemble of Adobansu; boys wore jet black colored jackets, a vest and slacks, while girls wore skirts and could alternated between colored jackets and their school vests. But though that was the standard ensemble, it appears that the students were now allowed to wear whatever kind of shirt they desired.

"We're here," Fuyu stopped in front of a pair of double doors, one emblazoned with the letter "S" and the other with the letter "P". The door knobs were as clean and pristine as every other part of the school. No, even more so.

Fuyu curled her right hand into a fist and knocked on the doors three times.

"Come in!"

Fuyu opened the doors, allowing Monika to catch a glimpse at the owner of the voice that ushered them inside. On the other side of the room, sitting at a desk, much like the one she usually finds Fuyu at was a young man with short, curly platinum blonde hair. Like the other students, he wore a jet black colored jacket and slacks. However, beneath his jacket was a shirt depicting a familiar yellow creature.

Pikachu? Monika giggled at the sight of a cute Pokémon on a distinguished student official. Unlike Fuyu, she did not sense any strict professionalism from him.

The young man wasted no time in standing up and walking towards them. He extended his right hand. "Fuyu, always a pleasure to see you."

"Likewise, Haru" Still in her famous "President Mode", Fuyu tightly gripped his hand and shook it.

"And I see you brought a fr-MONIKA?!" the moment his eyes landed on her, he was struck with horror.


"Uhm..." Suddenly, Haru adopted a more professional stance and immediately shifted his gaze back to Fuyu. "Anyway, I believe you have something for me President Fuyu?"

"Yes," She reached into her bag and pulled out a manila envelope. "This is the proposal."

"Yes, thank you. Me and my superiors will look over it. That is all," Haru said, quickly walking back to his desk.

"That wasn't so bad," Monika whispered into Fuyu's left ear. Though the brief exclamation of her name was strange, nothing troublesome came up from the surprisingly brief meeting.

But Fuyu's serious expression did not relent. "Yeah, now let's leave before-"


"Oh no..." the two student president groaned as they heard a very familiar stomping headed their way; each step sending fresh waves of anxiety through them.

In no time at all, the two doors swung open and a female student stormed in; her platinum blonde hair almost whipping Monika and Fuyu as she blazed past them.

"Yes, Haruko...?" Haru answered, trying his hardest not to groan again.

"I need-!" her entire body suddenly tensed up before she could finish her complaint.

A single droplet of sweat crawled down Haru's face as he watched Haruko slowly turn around and lock eyes with Monika. Please no.

Confusion welled up in Monika as the clear surprise in Haruko's eyes swiftly turned into anger.

"So, if it isn't Ms. School Idol," she said.

"Excuse me?"

"It's bee-" her words became muffled as Haru tightly clamped his hands over her mouth.

"Don't mind her," Haru frantically insisted. "She's just confrontational right now. Bad days do that to people."

Suddenly a sharp pain circulated through his entire body, causing Haru to immediately release his grip on Haruko and cradle his most sacred feature.

"Daisy... Daisy... Give me your answer do..." he weakly sung as he collapsed on the ground.

"As I was saying... It's been a long time, Monika," Haruko continued.

"Have we met before?" Concern rested on Monika's face as she watched Haruko's face further contort with shock.

"Wh-?! Junior High School?! We were in the same classes for three years, constantly going at each other!"

"Sorry, I don't really recall constantly competing like that in Junior High."

"One way rivalries work like that..." Fighting through the lingering pain, Haru slowly stumbled on to his feet.

"So, what's Miss 'I'm too good for this school' doing here?" Haruko continued.

"And it continues..." he sighed.

"I'm just accompanying Fuyu for this meeting," Monika calmly answered. "Um, I haven't done anything to upset you, have I?"

"Did you-!?" before she could finish her exclamation, a single blanket was quickly draped over her.

"Anyway, me and my superiors will take a look over the proposal for an interschool competition," Haru interjected.

"Interschool completion?" Monika's eyes sparkled with interest.

"To promote academic cooperation and the usual spiel. We all know that it's just going to boil down to schools trying to prove they're the best."

"It does usually end up like that..." Monika weakly chuckled.

"If anything, I'm pretty sure this is more of a morale booster and humbling tactic all at once," Fuyu flatly stated.

"Meaning if our school performs well or even win against one of the most prestigious schools, then our students will know it's not about school reputation, but the students that make up the school," Monika concluded.

"And on the flipside, if our school loses, then it will keep everyone from thinking they're the best and encourage them work harder," Haru added. "Not that we don't work hard anyway, but it wouldn't hurt to be humbled a little."

"Well, we've taken up enough of your time," Fuyu placed her hands on Monika's shoulders and turned her towards the door. "We'll take our leave now."

"Yeah. Can't wait till our net meeting," Haru waved goodbye as Fuyu led Monika out of the room and the school.

The moment they were outside, the young student president let out a relieved sigh.

"That was an interesting meeting," Monika said.

"Yeah, sorry about that... I didn't know that you and Haruko had some history," Fuyu apologized.

"It's fine. I just didn't expect to meet someone has a grudge against me for some reason."

"Well, you probably out-performed her in academics or something."

Monika smiled a crestfallen smile as she considered those words. "But besides that, what's the chance of there an inter-school competition really happening?"

"Interested in going head to head against another school?" Fuyu concluded.


"Well, nothing's set in stone, but... It's possible?"

"So... Don't get my hopes up too high?"

"For now, at least," Fuyu shrugged.

"I get it. But if it does happen, I hope I'll be able to participate in it."

Fuyu crossed her arms and shot Monika a disbelieving look. What would be said if Monika didn't participate?

A/N: And like I said before, post a notice of going slower or taking a break and I end up nullifying it right away. Perhaps that's what I should do whenever I'm feeling creatively stagnated since it seems to work 88% of the time.

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