Never Saw You Coming (Spot Co...


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You wash up on a strange island beach the morning after a shipwreck. You go to search for water but find some... More

Swan Song


496 17 40

A/N: Heyy, quick update before I leave. It was a little rushed because I didn't want to leave it unfinished for so long, but I think it's pretty cute. Enjoy!

The rough bark of the tree scraped your hands as you climbed, but you didn't care. Climbing higher and higher until you eventually judged that there was no way that Race would be able to see you easily from the ground. And nobody looked up during a game of hide-and-seek anyways. 

You sat on a thick branch as big around as your head, nestled in the crook between it and the trunk. You could comfortably sit here, and you had before. Sometimes it was nice to get away from the hustle and bustle of the Lost Boys' camp. 

And so it was there you sat, confident of your win. Until, that is, somebody else showed up. 

"Whatcha doin'?" A voice spoke, right in your ear. You jumped, and nearly fell off the branch. Strong hands steadied your waist. Spot.

"Don't do that." You playfully pushed Spot, who had come around to straddle the branch further down. You copied him so that you were facing outwards, the trunk of the tree at your back. 

"What?" He smirked, that smirk that you had come to love so much and that almost never failed to bring a blush to your cheeks. As it did now.

"You know what." You muttered. Spot had taken quite a liking to jump-scaring you lately.

"I dunno, doll, I t'ink ya kinda like it." Spot teased. "Me savin' you an' all."

You held your chin up and changed the subject. "How'd ya get up here anyways? Last time I checked, rules was no flyin'."

"I'se da King o' Nevahland, 'membah? Rules don't apply ta me."

"That don't mean youse can just come an' take my spot." You said, crossing your arms. "I plan to win this game."

"Ain't'cha loined by now, doll? I always win." 

It was true. In all the days you had been on Neverland, the only times somebody else won one of the games was when Spot wasn't playing.

Maybe it was time for that to change. 

You heard two boys talking down below. Race and Blink. Apparently nobody else had been found yet. So you yelled, "Hey! Spot's up hea!"

Spot glared at you, and you heard Race ask, "Didja hea somethin'?"

You took a deep breath through your nose and opened your mouth slightly to yell again, but were stopped by something pressing against your lips. Spot's lips. How he had moved so quickly, you didn't know. But his kiss had the desired effect; all thoughts were driven from your mind as you melted into the kiss.

In the back of your mind you heard Blink and Race moving away to look for the others, apparently dismissing your shout as something unrelated. But you honestly didn't care, since Spot's hands were on your waist, and your back was pressed up against the bark of the tree, and your arms were wrapped around the back of his neck, and it was incredible.

The kiss seemed to last for eternity, but eventually the two of you had to pull apart. Not very far though, since Spot's hands remained on your waist and your hands were still behind his neck. 

"You'se a sneaky one, Conlon." You said once you had recovered enough to speak.

"Whaddaya mean?" He said with a sly smirk. 

"You just kissed me ta get me ta shut up." You said, raising your eyebrows at him.

"Who's ta say it was just 'cause of that?" Spot said in a low tone, adding a wink for good measure.

Gosh, this boy was a flirt. And you loved it.

"Whaddaya mean?" You mimicked him, adding a smirk for good measure.

"Can't a King kiss 'is Queen?" Spot replied, pulling you a little closer. The line made you blush, even though it was cheesy. You had only been his girl for less than 24 hours, but weren't sure you could ever get used to the numerous flirtatious comments, random hugs, and stolen kisses. You definitely hadn't thought that he would be so touchy-feely, just as a person in general.  I̶t̶ ̶w̶a̶s̶n̶'̶t̶ ̶l̶i̶k̶e̶ ̶y̶o̶u̶ ̶m̶i̶n̶d̶e̶d̶ ̶t̶h̶o̶u̶g̶h̶. 

Seeing you had no reply, Spot kissed you on the tip of your nose, which caused you to scrunch it up. He smirked at you and you retaliated by kissing him on the cheek. Or... what was intended to be his cheek, since he turned his head at the last second. You smiled into the kiss. He was cheesy, he was cocky, he was Spot Conlon. And he was yours.

From down below you heard a chant starting, led by (who else), Race. "Spot an' Y/N, sittin' in a tree..."

"I'mma kill 'im." Spot mumbled, before kissing you again.  

"I win." You said, after the two of you pulled apart.

"No ya don't." Spot said quickly. He wasn't gonna back down to anyone, even if they was his goil.

"Yes I do. Race said yoah name first." You grinned at him.

Spot jokingly glared at you, and you looked back at him smugly. "Call it truce, since we was hidin' togetha'?"

"...fine." You said eventually.

Spot smirked. "I'se can make it up to you." he winked. 

Instead of saying anything else, you just kissed him again. It was faster that way.

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