The Wolf and The Rabbit

By Stillwell03

600K 12.2K 7.8K

Izuku was alone in the world. Abandoned by the ones he called his family and left to his own accord. But than... More

Friends and harem
New Friends
Standing Strong
Entrance Exams
Genius Combat
The Party
Brutal Battles
The Bakugou's
Sports Festival
Fighting for the Top
Third Event
Finals and Dreams
Midoriya Squabble
Inner Turmoil
Work Studies
Easy Day
First Christmas
Most Awkward Date
Calm Picnic
Training Camp
Night of Madness
Effects of Support
Paying Dues
Two Titans and A Rabbit
Parent Teacher Talks
Dorm Move In
Special Moves
Push Through
Rescue Work
Parents Day Meeting
The Child
Planning Raids
The Raid
Fight for Hope
Pure Rage
Okamure vs Overhaul
In The Dog House
Culture Festival
A Gentleman
Ties and Bonds
Painful Choice
Festival Roar
Final Farewells

Nightmare of Hosu

10.6K 237 37
By Stillwell03

Iida POV:

For my work study, I had decided to do it with a local hero in Hosu city called Manual. We had been patrolling the streets with little happening. From what I have gathered, hero patrols had gone up to decrease chances of crime happening. However, I came here with a goal in mind and I am not going to let the Hero Killer walk away after what he did to Tensei. "Sorry to ask this, but you're here to go after the Hero Killer aren't you?" I stopped for a moment with Manual hitting the nail on the head as to why I had chosen his agency. "It only makes sense. Look I understand that you have your reasons to, but going after someone the way you're trying isn't a good option. Heroism isn't like when it first started. If you walk down the path of vigilantism, there will be repercussions. We have the privilege to use our quirks as heroes, but we aren't the law itself. We need to abide by it just as much as anyone else."

I felt nothing but frustration knowing that the Hero Killer could do what he did and I couldn't legally do a thing to stop him. "Sorry. I didn't mean that in a bad way. It's just that you seem like a straight laced person and I'd hate to see you ruin your chances at being a hero for something like this. Yes the Hero Killer isn't an exception, but we need to take care of him through legal means and not by our own measures." "It's fine. I appreciate your concern." Manual continued to walk away with the anger inside me not quelling at all. 'This is infuriating. I know I shouldn't, but after what he did to Tensei...' I had clenched my fist in absolute anger. 'This isn't right.'

Few days later, Izuku POV:

"Get moving Okamure! You won't be able to help anyone if you need it!" Since the first day, Gang Orca had taken it upon himself to prepare me to head out to Hosu. He said the clearance to start the case would take at least 3 days before we could even think of leaving for the city however to give us that time to do nothing but prepare for whatever we'd encounter. "I've got you now!" I began to jump up to prepare an axe kick. When I was about to, Gang Orca glared at me with intent to shake me up a bit. He noticed this to grab my leg and throw me into a wall. The act made me react to harden my body with Kirishima's 'Hardening' to go right into a wall and get stuck. "You ok?" I tried to pull myself out to have no luck at all. "Yeah, Ngh! Just a little stuck." I kept pulling as much as I could before the pro came over to grab my shirt. In one go, he yanked me out of the wall to stand me up. "Thanks." "Why did you hesitate?" I was going to say something, but couldn't find a good enough excuse. "I...I just got spooked."

"In a real fight, you can't hesitate. You do, and you or someone else could pay the consequences. This is why every move you make, you must steel your nerves or you will cause someone to get hurt or die." I held my head down realizing that strength and quirk wise I may be on the right track, but I still had a long way for skill and will. I came out of this however when I felt a pat on my head. "Even though you've still got a long way, you're doing everything to limit that flaw you have. Confidence and steeled nerves don't come overnight, they're things that grow gradually. Just learn how to get stronger and you'll soon be free of that burden." Orca went to a bench to pass me a water bottle before pouring one on himself. "To be honest though kid, you remind me of your mother back when she started. She was a stubborn one that didn't take anything from anyone." "She still kinda is." "I could tell." We both shared a bit of a laugh about mom's stubbornness before Gang Orca started to walk towards the door.

"Get ready. We have permission today to start the Stain case. We'll arrive at Hosu tonight around 8. Gather whatever you need for a fight and we'll head out in an hour." I drank from my water before walking to where I was sleeping to get some gear to help. 'Iida. Don't do something that'll hurt you.' When I was ready, I walked near Gang Orca's office where he was filling out some final bits of paperwork. "You ready?" I took a deep breath before showing a determined face. "Yeah. Let's go find the Hero Killer."

8 P.M. at Hosu

Gang Orca and I had arrived at Hosu city with it being dusk. Right off the bat, we began our search on the streets. "You've done some intel on the Hero Killer, right Okamure?" "Yes. He normally attacks near hero agencies in alleys that are normally used by heroes. This is to make sure in my opinion the ones he wants alive stay alive and the ones that die to be discovered to prove his point." "Interesting. Let's start surveying the alleys near the agencies by the station then work our way from there." We had gotten to an agency of one of the local pros to walk into some alleys. Once there, I activated 'Earphone Jack' to listen through the walls. "What are you doing?" "It's my friends quirk. It can be used to listen to sound waves and such." "Smart. Even if he's on a roof, we should be able to find him." We didn't have any luck in the alley for us to continue on for a couple more. Once we hit the fifth or sixth, we began to hear explosions and notice smoke."What is that?" "Don't know, but let's check it out." We both ran to the area to see the monsters that looked like that thing from the USJ.

"Wait, is that the thing they called Nomu?" "You know these things?" I shook my head slightly no. "Not exactly. This thing that they called Nomu attacked us at the USJ. I thought it was taken in." "Maybe they're relatives or something." The monsters started to beat around the heroes of the city for Gang Orca to run in to help. "We can discuss this later. Okamure, find your friend now!" "But sir, how am I gonna-" "If he's going after the Hero Killer, he'll think the same as you. Use your judgement right now! If things go bad, I trust you!" I heard these final words before Gang Orca took a punch to the gut to send him into a building. "SIR!" "GET MOVING!" I glanced around to notice that I wasn't needed here before running into an alley. 'Those Nomu guys are here in Hosu!? But they're with the League, why are they here?' I kept having thoughts run through my head as to why the creatures led by the League of Villain's would be in Hosu where the Hero Killer should be. In that moment, I thought a horrid thought to forcibly run as fast as I could to find both Iida and Stain before it was too late.

3rd person POV:

In a dark alley, Iida was seen on the ground with the Hero Killer Stain above him and a pro by the name of Native beside them. "YOU BASTARD! I'LL TAKE YOU DOWN FOR WHAT YOU'VE DONE TO MY BROTHER!" Stain seemed to be agitated with the young engine quirk user. "You wish to take me down? If you even held a thread of what you should be as a hero, you would've saved the man who is hurt over there first. To attack someone out of blind rage is the most unheroic thing someone could do. You're nothing but a fake that the world will take great pride in knowing you will never exist after this." Stain pulled his blade out of Iida's arm to point towards his neck. "Rest assured boy, your death will show a bright future for this world." "SHUT UP! SHUT UP! SHUT UP!" Iida was blinded by his own anger for the villain realizing that he was correct. As a hero and as Ingenium's brother, Iida felt he failed at what he should've done.

As Stain came down with his blade, Izuku jumped to the rescue with a hardened kick to the villain's face. "Luna Turret!" The hit forced the Hero Killer back as the young boy landed between him and Iida. "Iida, you ok?" The engine quirk user looked up to see his friend in front of him. "Usagiyama, what are you doing here?"  "I figured you'd try to do something like this, so I was able to get permission to come here and help you. Good thing I did when I did, or you could've seriously gotten hurt." Izuku grew his hands to about twice his body size with 'Big Fist' to grab Native and Iida. He Also created wings for himself thanks to 'Manifest' to place the two injured on the roof. "I won't let you go anywhere." Stain had begun jumping from wall to wall before nearing Izuku with his Katana in hand. He slashed at Izuku's wing hoping to hit him before the wing held an iron coating on it to echo the sound of metal hitting metal. Trying to avoid it, Stain jumped on the wing before getting a tongue to grab and send the villain back to the ground.

"You both should be safe here." Izuku placed the two down on the ground before turning to the alley where Stain was. "He won't quit just from that. I'll need to stall him until help arrives." Izuku sent a message to the group chat asking anyone to send help to his location before noticing Stain coming back up again. "I'll be back." The greenette jumped down before using 'Explosion' to force Stain back down to the ground. 'I don't need to defeat Stain, I only have to hold him off until help arrives. So long as he stays here, those two will be safe. Just stay focused and keep him here.' Izuku raised his fists as Stain came charging at him. The young boy used 'Frog' to jump off the ground to the wall before attacking Stain with a right fist covered in both his 'Hardening' quirks. Stain deflected this with his katana and narrowly hit Izuku in the jaw with his knee that had a metal spike brace where it would've impacted. The boy then thought of using a few pebbles that he had in his pocket as weapons to throw and increase their size. Stain jumped over these to not notice Izuku on the back of one to give him a blast from 'Wave Motion' which sent the Hero Killer to the wall. He recovered to come charging back at Izuku.

'He's not giving up.' Izuku acted as fast as he could to create a form of defense with 'Vines' to slow down the Hero Killer. This didn't work for long as the was hacking the newly grown vines to bits. This did however give enough time for Izuku to create two speakers from his body with 'Creation' to plug in 'Earphone Jack'. "Pact Move: Rocking Creation!" Izuku hit Stain with a blast of strong vibrations thanks to creating a speaker of similar magnitude to Jirou's on her hero costume. "Now let's wrap this up." Izuku used 'Manifest' to create tentacles from his fingers to incapacitate the Hero Killer. Unfortunately, the villain wasn't giving up just yet to slash the octopus appendages up. "I won't fall that easily." Stain charged at Izuku for him to panic a bit. 'Everything I throw at him won't work. Not only that, but I'm starting to run on fumes.' The attack would've landed if it wasn't for Izuku being protected by a giant glacier. 'Wait a second.' "You should really be more precise instead of just putting a random location on Usagiyama. A second later, and I might've not been able to help."

"Thanks. I owe you." "Don't worry about it. What's the situation?" "Iida and the pro hero Native are up there. For now, we need to keep Stain down here until more help from pro heroes arrive." "I'll cover the top and you, you keep him down below." Izuku nodded before activating OFA to increase his speed and reduce the amount of drawback on himself. Izuku then activated 'Rabbit'  to increase his jumping mobility. "I will rid this world of false heroes. Now out of my way boy before I must kill you and your friend there!" "I won't!" Izuku used OFA in his foot to attack Stain who blocked him with his blade. Unlike before however, Izuku was able to turn his body to punch Stain in the face. This forced the villain back a bit before taking a small knife to stab Izuku's bicep. the sharp pain came though the young boy.

'Damn, I was careless.' Izuku kneed the hand with the blade to allow him to pull away from the Hero Killer. "Todoroki, I need you to seer the opening shut." "Won't that hurt?" "We need to keep him down here!" Stain began going back up to the rooftop, cutting the ice Todoroki made with ease. "Ok then." Todoroki put his left hand on the cut to seer it shut and give Izuku an unbearable shot of pain inside him. He then used 'Rabbit' and OFA to jump up to Stain to tackle him back towards the ground. "I'm not letting you hurt anyone else!" Izuku was forcing himself to move on adrenaline. Both were falling with the Hero Killer trying to shove Izuku off. "Get off me kid! If you don't, we could both die!" "If I can save my friend and Native, I'm content with that!" Stain started kneeing Izuku in the stomach with his spikes to leave a few holes in the boy as they both neared the pavement faster. During the last minute however, Todoroki was able to make a slide of ice to avoid both from hitting the pavement head on. Izuku and Stain slid down and went right into some trash cans.

"*pant* *pant* You brat! Are you suicidal or something!?" Izuku slowly got up to prepare for another fight. "No. I'm trying to help people who need it." Izuku started smiling to make Stain realize something. 'This kid is willing to risk everything just to stop me. If more people like him existed in this world, maybe things would be better.' Stain prepared for another attack to charge at Izuku. The young boy was losing a large amount of blood and his consciousness to focus solely on the senses he had. 'I gotta focus.' Holding his hand out, Izuku activated 'Explosion', 'Half Hot, Half Cold', and 'Wave Motion' in his left hand. "Pact Move: Spiraling Cannon!" The blast came at Stain to submerge him in a spiraling fire with explosions coming from the center getting a straightaway to the Hero Killer. The impact sent him right into a wall to make an indent in it. Iida slowly regained his ability to move again to witness the final attack from above. With a shaking fist, Izuku raised his right arm up to signal he won. Immediately after however, Izuku fell backwards blacking out from the pain and injuries he had. "Usagiyama!" Izuku turned his head to see Todoroki run towards him to smile. 'I stopped him. Iida and"

And that finishes this chapter. Izuku was able to stop Stain, but obtained quite the amount of injuries to himself. See how he manages with the aftermath next time. Hope you enjoyed and thanks for reading.

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