Don't Leave Me Here - Starker

By superrspideyy

140K 3.7K 1K

Tony hasn't seen Peter in a few months after Civil War. Peter wished Tony would've reached out sooner, but on... More



3.5K 101 50
By superrspideyy

Peter's face lit up as the pair stepped off the elevator. The dining room was illuminated, and the area was gorgeously decorated.

Peter leaned into Tony's chest, looking at the place, and smiling as he saw the team waiting for the two.

"You did all of this for me?" He whispered, blinking away a few tears.

"They helped a little." Tony shrugged, kissing Peter gently. "Happy birthday baby."

Peter held Tony tightly, thankful to him for making this a wonderful day. Never had he experienced something as amazing as this.

Bear yipped at them. Tony laughed, pulling the Spider-Man themed collar out of his pocket. "No I didn't forget about you bug."

Peter smiled, watching Tony clip the collar into place. "Such a handsome boy." 

Tony led Peter to the table, pulling his seat out for him. Bear sat slightly to his right on the floor, his bowl in front of him. Tony was to the left.

Dinner was lovely. Rhodey and Happy told stories about Tony, to which he had a smart remark or sassy comment back. Unless Pepper spoke, he knew better than to smart off to her. They talked about mission mishaps, cracked dad jokes, and all around had good conversations with one another.

Peter was thankful for this evening. There was a serenity that had settled over the room. Everyone was happy, and genuinely enjoying themselves. Peter looked among them, wishing it could be like this forever. However, he had chosen the wrong line of work for that wish to come true, because with great power comes great responsibility.

Peter wouldn't trade his powers for a simpler lifestyle. Though he would appreciate these little moments when he had the chance.

As desert was served, Tony couldn't help the anxiety he felt charging through him. He had no doubt Peter would say yes to his proposal, but it was still nerve racking.

He ate slowly, allowing Peter to continue enjoying his time. Also, stalling a bit longer, so he could run through his plan again in his head.

Tony wrung his hands together, mumbling about something Peter couldn't hear.

"Honey? Are you okay?" Peter asked, resting his hand on Tony's knee.

Tony glanced up, noticing the worry flash across Peter's face.

Tony sucked in a shaky breath, nodding quickly as to not disturb anyone else. "Yes bug, I'm okay."

Peter scrunched his nose in disbelief, before nodding hesitantly.

Tony turned his focus back to the table to see Pepper smiling. He gave her a nervous one back, and she nodded in return. That seemed to give Tony the last bit of confidence he needed.

He grabbed Peter's hand, and stood. "I do have one more small surprise for you, if you wouldn't mind following me." Tony said politely.

Peter smiled, shaking his head. "You did not listen when I said no gifts or anything huh?"

Tony laughed nervously. "I have a feeling you'll like this one a lot though."

He led Peter out towards the terrace. Tony smiled at the younger, loving how the lights illuminated his features. Peter looked out over the railing, staring at the city, a dreamy look on his face.

Tony hugged the smaller from behind, wrapping his arms around his waist, pressing a kiss to his curls. Peter leaned into the touch, wishing this moment would never end.

"I love you." Peter whispered into the night air.

And with that, Tony's nerves melted away. He pressed another kiss to Peter's head. "I love you most."

Peter shook his head, a small smile on his lips. He knew that wasn't possible, but didn't argue against Tony, knowing he wouldn't win this one.

"If this is the surprise, I absolutely love it. I wish it could be like this forever..." Peter trailed off, mindlessly playing with Tony's hand.

Tony smiled at his words, feeling as though he had fallen in love all over again. Peter found the beauty in the simplest of things. Pure, kind hearted, and so incredibly sweet. Tony knew this would be the best decision he's ever made.

"I'm glad you enjoy this, but my gift is a bit different." Tony whispered, unwrapping his arms from Peter's frame, and taking his hands in his own.

Peter smiled, and Tony took a deep breath. "You're insanely smart, always keeping me on my toes. You have such a big heart, your kindness radiates to others around you. You are truly amazing. " Peter blushed at the kind words.

"You love me for me. Not because of money or gain. You chose to love me. You mean more to me than any amount of money or suit. I love you. And while those are just a few reasons..." Tony trailed off, shuffling his hand around in his pocket.

"Tony I..."

Tony pulled the black velvet box out, moving to one knee. Peter giggled, as his heart fluttered, and eyes welled with tears.

"I never want to wake up, and see someone else. Or spend another second of my life, without you next to me." Tony smiled, opening the box. Inside was the silver band, sparkling in the glow of the lights.

"So will you do me the honor, Peter Benjamin Parker, and marry me?"

Peter nodded quickly, a tear escaping his eye. "Yes, Tony. Yes!"

Tony grinned, pulling the band from the box, and slipping it onto Peter's finger. Peter glanced at it only momentarily before pulling Tony towards him, capturing his lips.

Pulling away slightly, Peter looked lovingly into Tony's eyes. Tony brushed his thumb across his cheek, wiping away any stray tears. Peter giggled, kissing Tony once more.

"I love you." They whispered, laughing.

Cheers were heard from the other side of the glass, both looking over to see the team full of smiling faces. They rushed outside to congratulate the pair. Pepper was crying, happy tears thankfully. She was thankful Tony and Peter had found true love like this, with each other.

They wanted to remember this event the rest of their lives. A perfect moment. Through all the pain, heartbreak, trials, and disasters the two had suffered, they were given these moments.

The pair would hold onto them, as a reminder that their is hope. Their can always be something good. Love is wonderful, strong, and a very powerful thing.

No matter what life threw at them next, Tony and Peter had the confidence in knowing their love could withstand anything.

So that's the end! If you stuck around long enough to get here, thank you. Over 72K reads, blows my mind! Truly, it means the world that y'all took the time to read this. I can't thank you enough.

Also I finished editing too! Although their are a few things that I need to go back through and touch up, it's so much better than the original. I practically rewrote the entire thing.

Anywho, If you enjoyed this story, lmk in the comments! And as always and once more, thank ya for reading! <3

Edit : 02•01•22

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