Thin Lines | TREZ

By GreenRules95

7K 173 110

Junior year was the year a lot of things happened. But most importantly, it was the year Trish and Dez both... More

Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Ten
Chapter Eleven
Chapter Twelve
Chapter Thirteen
Chapter Fourteen

Chapter Nine

602 15 16
By GreenRules95

Thin Lines - Chapter Nine

Trish stared at the wooden door in front of her like it was her enemy. Her fingers were gripping the box of chocolates Ally had forced her to buy with her own money by her side with agitation. There was no way she could do this...there had to be something else she could do. She had teased the idea of leaving a note with the chocolates on the porch, ringing the doorbell and making a run for it...but even she wasn't that pathetic. Trish continued to woefully look upon the door with a sigh. She would've never pictured herself ever being in this situation two weeks how her life had changed.

She was standing outside Dez's house, so she could apologise to him. Oh how the mighty had fallen.

After knocking him out the day before, she had heard the nurse had deemed he take a day or two off of school. Going home that same day she hadn't felt that bad about the situation. But after not physically seeing him in school for a whole day, the day after, guilt had hit her like a lightning bolt. The judging stares and head shakes she had gotten from other students didn't help either. This was how Ally had managed to convince her that apologising in person was the right thing to do - hence why she was now currently fretting about knocking on Dez Wade's door.

Biting her lip, she decided to just get it over with and quickly pressed the doorbell before she wussed out again. She waited a couple of seconds before the door swung open, and she was met with a tall teenage boy whose hair was in dissary and who was also sporting a huge bruise on the bridge of his nose. In other words, Dez post the dodgeball incident.

He actually kind of rocks the whole messy haired thing well...wait, what? SHUT UP TRISH.

"Uh...hey." Was all she could say. For once, (and not that she'd ever admit it out loud) she found Dez to be somewhat intimidating with the way he was leering at her. He didn't say anything in response for a good minute or two and when he did, he didn't sound any happier than the expression on his face was showing her.

"What are you doing here, crazy? Come to finish the job on my entire face now?" He leaned against the open space where the door usually fit itself. Trish cleared her throat awkwardly before rolling her eyes.

"No," She replied with an attitude, "I came here" The fact she was doing this was still amazing to her. She was pretty sure after this moment he would never let her live it down. Dez raised his eyebrows expectantly, slightly confused as to why she looked so silently pained.

"To what? Waste my time? I have Netflix on pause that I abandoned for this." A scowl was almost instantly on her face at his rude words.

"No you idiot, to apologise! There I said it." She shoved the box of chocolates into his chest before continuing.

"I'm sorry for throwing a dodgeball at your face okay? And I bought those with my own money so you better enjoy them." Dez was silent again, his eyes holding bewilderment as he looked upon her. Feeling uncomfortable under his stare, Trish averted her eyes and took a step back.

"Well, if your done staring a hole into my face I'm -"

"Thanks." Dez said, abruptly interrupting Trish's sentence. She didn't want to used the word 'touched' to describe the look on his face he was trying to mask, but that was the only word that came to mind when she looked back at him.

"Sure...see you when you come back to school I guess."

She turned to leave but stopped when Dez loudly said "Wait!". Slowly, she turned around again, confused as to what else he could possibly want. "Yeah?"

"Uh...can you come in for a sec? We need to talk." He looked as awkward as she felt, but she was also feeling curious as to what he wanted to say to her.

"Didn't you have Netflix to return to or something?" A small smirk erased the apprehensive expression on his face thanks to her response.

"It can wait another ten minutes." After debating in her head for few more moments whether she should bother to stay or not, curiosity got the best of her.

"...Alright. But make this fast, I've got places to be." She didn't really, but it wasn't like she wanted to be around him for too long. He gestured for her to enter with his hand, closing the door behind her once she was inside. She was actually in Dez Wade's house. Her life was seriously becoming an alternate universe.

"So what's this about?" Once they had sat down opposite to each other at the kitchen island table, Trish cut to the chase as soon as she could.

"Well..." Dez started, not really sure how to get out exactly what he wanted to say. "You apologising is a huge stepping stone for us don't you think?"

Trish narrowed her eyes at him. "What's your point? Look, If you're expecting me to do nice things for you from now on then you better stop with -"

"No, no. That's not it." He quickly interrupted her before she warned out a threat. Feeling completely lost to the relevancy of this conversation, Trish sat back in her chair with her arms crossed.

"Then what exactly are you trying to say to me then?" Dez hesitated. Glancing away from her quickly, he swept a hand threw his red hair, and Trish silently reprimanded herself for staring at the action as if it was something worth noticing.

"Maybe we should try picking up where we left off with that whole agreement thing?" He looked at her anxiously, hoping she wouldn't be too difficult about this like he was anticipating. She didn't say anything for a few seconds and before she finally did she let out a sigh.

"Do you really want to attempt that again? Because we couldn't even do it for a week the last time, Freckles."

"I think you aplogising to me shows that we can do this if we really try." He replied with a shrug. "Besides, aren't you tired of fighting all the time?"

She didn't want to tell him that as much as she hated seeing his face on a daily basis, she actually got a few kicks out of their arguments - she could barely admit that fact to herself. Though she knew that if she really thought about it, it would be easier on her life if he wasn't there trying to ruin it half the time.

"I...I guess." A small smile grazed his lips. He in all honesty kind of enjoyed their arguments too, but in what universe was he going to admit that out loud? Definitely not this one.

"Good. So what do you say? No more fighting, agreed?" He reached his hand over the table for her to shake, and Trish stared at it for a long moment. She really did have nothing to lose. Maybe she could finally let herself see what everybody saw in Dez Wade that she didn't. Slowly, she placed her small hand in his outstretched one.

"Agreed. Only on the condition that I can still call you all the nicknames under the sun." And for once, you could say that there was a sort of genuine smile on her face aimed towards him. Dez let out a chuckle and responded.

"As long as the nickname Moody still stands too." She squeezed his hand hard and he yelped, casting a glare at her. She laughed amused, calling him a baby and then proceeded to tell him that this was her way of being playful.

It looked like they were going to have to ease into this 'being nice to each other' thing. And from the way Trish was still squeezing his hand, this was definitely going to take some getting used to.


Two weeks later, Trish and Dez were still easing into the new dynamic they were not accustomed too - not being mean to each other on a daily basis. After being mean to one another for five years straight, it was no wonder they were kind of struggling at first. There would be times where they would share a laugh, and other times where they slipped back into old routine - but it wasn't like they weren't trying. This time around they were really making the effort.

Austin and Ally silently studied the two, confused as to what was going on. The death glares and the scoffs had become less of an occurrence, and Trish and Dez were even smiling at each other some of the time without a hidden meaning behind it. As nice as it was it felt...odd. They needed to get down to the bottom of this.

"So you've just...decided to be nicer to each other?" Ally questioned with furrowed eyebrow after having the situation finally explained to her. The four were at lunch, Trish and Dez sitting opposite the couple as per usual.

"Yupp." Trish answered simply, putting a mini oreo in her mouth. She pinched Dez's arm after he attempted to steal one from her and she stuck her tongue out at him in response to his glare. A few seconds later they were smiling at each other as if the whole thing was just a playful act between friends.

"Okay this is too weird." Austin said, slowly shaking his head as he eyed the two. Ally nodded in agreement more than a little weirded out at the lack of hatred before her eyes.

"Haven't you guys wanted us to get along since this semester started?" Dez spoke up with a raised eyebrow.

"Well yes but -"

"And now that we are, you're questioning it?" Trish was the one to speak up this time in an accusing tone.

"No that's not -"

"Man you really can't please some people." Dez said with dramatic sigh as he tried to sneak another one of Trish's mini oreos. He failed once again and was rewarded with a smack on the back of his hand. He yelped before glowering at her and she gave him the same look in return for a few short seconds...and then they were suddenly laughing.

They didn't even notice Austin and Ally share a look of astonishment. It was as if the two were in their own world.


Austin and Ally managed to get over their initial shock later in the week. They soon began to really notice how nice it was to have all of them getting  along together for a change - even if Trish and Dez had a few relapses from time to time. Needless to say, they were slowly growing out of old habits. 

Once the weekend arrived, the four friends had officially deemned it the day before that Saturday would be beach day. Hence why Austin's car was currently parked outside Trish De La Rosa's house on a sunny Saturday afternoon. The last stop before they headed to their desired destination.

"Okay, I'll go -"

"I'll go get her." Dez interrupted Ally, already half way out of the car door. Once it was shut behind him, Ally turned to Austin, a knowing smile on her face. It couldn't have been just her alone who had noticed how eager Dez had sounded.

"You don't think..."

"Already? Nah. But it'll happen."

Dez, walked up to Trish's front door in a few measly strides thanks to his tall height. He knocked three times before putting his hand back in his pocket. Restlessly, he bopped on the balls of his feet as he waited for the door to open, though once it did he pretty much stopped all movement altogether.

Trish stepped out in a purple tank top and black denim shorts. Her hair was in a high pony tail and matching purple flats dawned her feet. She closed the door behind her, swinging her beach bag over her shoulder and not yet noticing the gaping stare Dez was aiming at her.

"Sorry about that, I couldn't find my beach towel and...hey, Wade, take a picture it'll last longer." He managed to blink and hurriedly close his mouth after hearing her say those words. He hadn't been expecting beach type clothing to fit Trish De La Rosa so well. Where had those legs been hiding? Shorts should have been part of her everyday style.

"I...I wasn't staring." He told her lamely. As soon as the words were out he wanted to smack himself. Trish looked somewhat surprised at his comment and immediately looked away from him. She could feel the blood rushing to her cheeks and she didn't want him to see that of all things.

"Uh, yeah whatever. Let's just go shall we?" She quickly stepped passed him and hightailed it to Austin's car. Dez slowly turned and stared after her, his eyes watching her walk away and trailing lower with every step she took. Damn, if he had thought her legs had looked good her ass was even bet -

"DEZ!" Austin shouted, honking the horn from the car's steering wheel. Dez jumped and quickly realised he was still standing on Trish's front porch. Composing himself, he walked back to his friends, quickly getting inside the car and sitting as far away from Trish as he could. Though it wasn't very easy, as there wasn't that much space to move to begin with.

Even with his body close to the window, his thigh was still dangerously close to hers. She seemed oblivious to the effect she was having on him, as she stared out the opposite window on her side. He looked up at her face and quickly deemed it a mistake as soon as he saw the way she was biting her lip. He was literally in silent pain and the three other passengers in the car had no clue.

Eventually his long legs were becoming strained from trying to keep them away from Trish's and he decided to just not think about it too much as he stretched them out little bit until his left thigh was touching hers. Almost instantly, he felt her tense but she did't turn to say or do anything. Instead, they both silently listened to Austin and Ally flirt the wholeway to the beach.

Once they arrived, Dez was the first one to get out of the car. He took in a deep breath and exhaled gratefully, glad that Trish wasn't invading his personal space anymore. This effect she was having on him was beginning to scare the crap out of him, because it was Trish De La Rosa and not just some other random pretty girl.

Trish slowly got out of the car and stared after him silently. She was also glad that they were finally here because she wasn't sure how much more of being next to Dez like that she would've been able to take.

"Are you okay Trish?" Trish turned to face Ally who was already staring at her curiously.

"I'm fine Als," She told her, quickly chancing a glance in Austin and Dez's direction, mainly Dez's. "Totally fine."

"Dude, are you okay? You ran out of that car pretty fast." Austin and Dez were having a very similar conversation a few meteres away. Dez cleared his throat and nodded with an innocent smile.

"I'm just excited for the beach that's all." He tried his best to discretely look over at Trish who seemed to be occupied with Ally. Austin narrowed his eyes slightly, not buying Dez's response one bit. He decided not to question it however.

"...Alright, whatever you say." They walked back over to the girls, who immediately stopped talking once they were within hearing distance.

"You guys ready for some beach filled fun?" Austin said loudly, realising how lame that sounded as the words left his mouth. The others were silent for a moment before they burst out into laughter.

"Even I wouldn't say something like that Austin and I'm meant to be the uncool one." She managed to get out through her giggles.

"Sure you wouldn't. I think I'm spending way too much time with you." Ally shoved him playfully and ran off as he tried to reciprocate. Austin ran off after her, the couple laughing as they ran across the sand...

Leaving Trish and Dez alone.

"We should...probably go too." Dez broke the silence, trying to keep his eyes from wondering away from her face and down to her cleavage. Trish seemed to be having the same problem, since he was pretty much a foot taller than her, and his chest in that vest wasn't exactly sore on the eyes.

"...Uh, yeah." She realised she had yet to reply and quickly came to her senses. "I don't want to spend the whole day here standing with you when I could be tanning." She finished with a smirk. With one hand on her beach bag strap, she playfully shoved passed him. A small smile grew on his own face as he watched her go, and this time he couldn't help his eyes moving lower again.

He didn't even notice he hadn't moved until she spoke up again "Are you coming or not, Freckles?" Blinking, he rushed after her with one thought in mind. Damn that ass of hers.


Two hours later, everyone was settled, enjoying the sun and the atmosphere of the beach. It wasn't too packed today, and so they could all go about their business as they pleased quite easily.

"How long left do you think it'll be before they try to get us into the water?" Ally asked Trish with disdain. They were both seated comfortably in deck chairs, appreciating the sun's warmth as they tanned.

"Not long now, since it's been like two hours," Trish replied without looking at her. She flipped her magazine nonchalantly. "But it's not like I'm worried because they won't even dare approach me unless they have a death wish."

"Easy for you to say. Austin will probably convince me somehow." Ally said, biting her lip anxiously. Her boyfriend was mastered in the arts of persuasion.

"Then it looks like its time for you to woman up, Dawson." Trish told her. She glanced up at that very moment to see the boys from afar dropping the frisbee they were so enticed with for the better part of two hours, and instead both reaching for the hem of their vests.

"Oh boy," She murmured quietly, still staring as the thin material went over their heads. "The vests are coming off."

"I'm screwed aren't I?" Ally stated more than asked this time. Trish couldn't even reply as she was still in awe at the sight of Austin and Dez shirtless...especially Dez which didn't sit right with her. It was like watching them both walk over in slow motion.

She thanked her lucky stars that she had remembered to bring her sunglasses as they covered her gawking eyes at the sight in front of her.

"You girl's joining us for a swim or what?" Austin knew from the helpless look on Ally's face he didn't have to try all that much to get her in the water.

"I'd...I'd rather not?" She wasn't even looking into his eyes, but at his built arms as he crossed them over his chest.

"What about you, Moody? You in?" Trish tried to ignore how good he looked standing over her with his hands on hips and his red hair slightly in his eyes, but it was damn hard.

"You'd have to literally force me in if you think that's happening." Glancing back down at her magazine, she tried to keep her cool.

Dez smirked. "If you say so." He made a move to grab her, but didn't even get a chance to once she calmly said. "Touch me and you die." without looking up at him. He chuckled and leaned away.

Austin crouched down in front of his girlfriend and took her free hand that wasn't loosely holding onto her book in his.

"Come on babe, it'll be fun." He pressed the back of her hand to his lips. "Please?" One look into his brown eyes and she was sold.

"Okay." Ally agreed bashfully. Trish shook her head at the sight of Ally quickly getting out of her day clothes, until she was standing in her blue bathing suit. Giggling, she walked away hand in hand with Austin towards the shore.

She's become weak. Trish thought to herself with disappointment. She could feel Dez still hovering over her, and she didn't like it.

"Hey can you move, you're blocking my sun."  Dez shrugged, and did what she asked, walking out of her sun view and instead crouching down in front of her like Austin had previously done with Ally five minutes earlier.

"Dez, your feeble attempts will not get me into the water." She told him, to afraid to look at him from this angle. She stared at the page of her magazine until pictures and words blurred, not even sure what she was reading. 

"You didn't come all this way to just not get your bathing suit into the water did you?" He was smirking at her like he was up to something. 

"Maybe I did." She couldn't help herself, she had to look at him - and she regretted it instantly. How was it possible that he looked even better?! 

Dez couldn't help but find the way she was trying to refuse him endearing. Trish always seemed to find a way to amuse him in some way or the other. She also looked better than he was willing to admit stretched out on the deck chair with her shades on.

"Come on, at least let me see what could've been?" Trish tried to stare him down but soon gave up with a sigh. 

"Fine." She put down her magazine and stood up. "I'm only changing into my bathing suit so you'll lay off. But that's it." 

Dez smiled in victory and rose up back to his normal height. She didn't even know she'd walked into a trap. His mindset momentarily wavered a little for a moment however as he watched her expose her bathing suit from underneath her beach clothes. He swallowed loudly once she threw her denim shorts in a mini pile with her tank top which was next to his vest. His eyes slowly took in her black tan-kini. It had revealing gaps in the sides that he would've never dared to imagine on Trish De La Rosa of all girls until he was seeing it for himself. 

"There. You happy?" She was now the one standing with her hands on her hips. He was able to snap himself back to reality once she spoke, his original plan coming back to his mind.

"Very." He said, a coniving smile now on his lips and before Trish knew what was happening or she could even attempt to run away, Dez swooped her over into his arms and made a beeline for the shore. She shrieked, quickly putting her arms around his neck in reflex.

"You lying ass! Put me down now." This was one of the many profanities she shouted at him as he continued to run. He ignored her and laughed manically, managing to keep her in his arms in a vice like grip even with her furious struggle. Once he was waist deep into the water he slowed to a halt, looking into eyes. To say she was pissed would be an understatement.

"I'm going to give you one last chance to turn back around and put me down gently on the dry sand." She said this through clenched teeth amusing him all the more. He smiled at her mockingly and didn't think twice as he loosened his hold on her, watching with joy as she hit the ocean water with a loud splash. She came up a few seconds later, obviously drenched with her usually lively curly hair clinging to her neck.

He was laughing too hard at the sight of her to run away from her advances. She pushed him down into the water with force and he was immediately as soaking as she was. Even after he surfaced back up he was still managing to laugh, and eventually his nonstop laughter become contagious, for she couldn't stop herself from laughing too.

Suddenly they were enduced in a dunking war and Trish's thoughts of killing Dez were clearly forgotten.   

Not too far away, Austin and Ally had stopped their couply antics and were instead smiling at the way their respective friends were getting along. Maybe things really were changing around here, and for the better.

A good twenty minutes later, Trish and Dez called it a tie as they could barely see with all the salt water in their eyes.

"If it wasn't for the fact that I'm practically blind right now, I would've totally won." Trish flipped her wet hair behind her shoulder, attempting to head towards the tide. Now able to see clearly, Dez took a moment to laugh at the sight of her stumbling around aimlessly before rushing to her aid.

He took her hand and stood in front of her. "Here, let me..." She stopped walking once she felt his hands on her face. He gently brushed his thumbs over her eyes, careful not to hurt her. Yet something willed them to keep moving and they decided to slip over her cheeks on their own accord. With his mind shouting for him to stop, he rested his hands on the nape of her neck.

"Better?" He asked, at a volume that would be considered just above a whisper. Having being lost in Dez's touch, Trish slowly opened her eyes; immediately meeting his clear blue ones. All she could do was nod in reply since she was kind of speechless. Neither of them moved, instead just took in the others features. Now that they weren't sight deprived by sea water, they couldn't stop themselves from shamelessly admiring how good the other looked soaking wet...

"DEZ!" The two jumped apart from each other as if they'd been caught doing something illegal, and turned to where the voice was coming from.

And of course, unsuprisngly, Kitty Glam was stood a foot away from them in a skimpy polka dot bikini and a glare on her face.

"What exactly are you doing with her?"

Author's Note: Are Trish and Dez starting to like each other?! The signs are starting the show... ;) Thanks for reading! Another chapter will be up ASAP.

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