Chapter Thirteen

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Authors Note: If they are any typos/grammar mistakes then here's my sorry in advance, though I did try and correct them all.

Thin Lines - Chapter Thirteen

Austin and Ally smiled at each other before they both glanced at the ground. Their intertwined fingers were swinging in between them as they continued their search for their two best friends.

"Maybe they're at the bumper cars?" Austin suggested, once he'd looked up again.

"Nah, we've already passed that twice, babe." Ally told him, her free hand reaching for her jean clad pocket. "Maybe we should just call them."

"Why didn't we think of that sooner? Austin exclaimed with a chuckle. He too got out his phone and made to call Dez while Ally pressed the speed dial number for Trish.


Meanwhile Trish and Dez were still in what could be considered a life changing situation. With the already established perfect setting of a Ferris Wheel and a view of Miami right in front of them, what could possibly with hold them from leaning that bit closer and finally sealing the deal with a kiss?

A call from your best friend that's what.

Suddenly, two sets of ringtones went off one after the other by a nano second, making the two teenagers jump back away from each other in surprise. Just like that they were both back to the reality of their surroundings and neither of them knew what to do next...except answer their phones.

"Yeah we're like right at the top," Dez told the intruding caller, Austin, his posture rigid.

"Ally, if you're right next to Austin and he's talking to Dez, do we really need to be on the phone too?" Trish informed her friend with a chuckle, though you could hear the slight strain behind it if you listened closely. Quickly ending both phone calls, both Trish and Dez sat in an awkward silence for a minute before Trish bravely decided to break it.

"So uh," She started, tucking a few strands of her curly hair behind her ear "That view was actually pretty decent, Wade." Dez nodded, a small smirk forming on his lips despite the situation they were in.

"Did I not say that it would be?" Trish rolled her eyes but smiled none the less, happy to see that they were finally near the ground again.

Once off the ride, both were eager to space away from each other. Seeing Austin and Ally waiting for them, Trish didn't waste time in quickly grabbing Ally's hand and walking her away from the boys.

"I thought you hated rides like the Ferris Wheel Tri - whoa, slow down, you know I can't run that well in flats." Trish only stopped pulling Ally along when she was sure they were a safe distance away. It was then that Ally noticed the unsettled look on her best friend's face.

"Trish what's wr-"

"Dez almost kissed me on the ride, Ally," Trish blurted out, not being able to hold it in any longer. Ally gaped, practically silenced into shock.

"And...and I almost let him," Trish admitted, biting her lip nervously, and somehow Ally's eyes managed to widen a considerable width more.

"Ally, say something!" Trish said, sounding agitated. Ally's look of astonishment was doing anything but calming her.

"I...I don't know what to say except for well..."

Thin Lines | TREZOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora