Chapter Eleven

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Thin Lines - Chapter Eleven

After school that same day was the next time Trish and Dez interacted. With hours of nothing eventful happening, it was as if time was dragging out more than usual.

As Trish was ruffling through her locker for a chemistry book she'd 'apparently' borrowed from Ally two months earlier and never given back, she felt a tap on her shoulder. She turned around with rude remark on the tip of her tongue for whoever was bothering her, but stopped short once she was met with a pair of sky blue eyes that she was beginning to secretly love.

"What're you doing, Moody?" Dez asked her, a smirk dawning his lips. Trish made sure to school her expression. He didn't need to know she was excited to see him or anything...not that she was more like he didn't need to think she was excited. She convinced herself that this was the case.

"What's it to you, Freckles?" Once she uttered the nickname, it dawned upon her that she hadn't called him that in a while; she made a mental note to pick that up again.

"Just curious, that's all." He swept a hand through his red hair. Like every other time he did the action, Trish didn't fail to notice how good he looked while doing it.

"Hm. Well, it's nothing of your concern." Forgetting about her task of finding Ally's Chemistry book, Trish shut her locker and leaned against it to fully face the tall boy in front of her. If he stood any closer, he would easily be able to lean his hand on the locker next to hers. A gesture that was done between people who flirted. Unbeknownst to the other, they both thought about this fact briefly, but as quickly as the thought came it was brushed away.

"So, uh..." Dez tried to think of anything else besides the possibility of flirting with Trish De La Rosa, "I missed you at lunch today."

Trish raised both her eyebrows at his words. Did he mean to phrase them in such a way? From the look of realisation on his face, it was clear he hadn't; she wasn't exactly happy about the sinking feeling this caused in her stomach.

"Missed as in, I didn't see you or the others." He fixed. Dez wouldn't dare admit to missing her at this stage in their growing friendship if it meant she'd scoff or hit him afterwards. Besides, even if they were some what friends now, were they even ready to admit such things?

"Well, we were sitting where we always do. Where were you?" She knew the answer of course, but it wasn't like he knew that she did. Words were failing her and she just needed something to reply with.

"With the guys. It has been some time since I've sat with them, you know?" She nodded in understanding but that didn't mean she was happy about it. There was a short pause before she broke the silence.

"It was uh, actually kind of weird without you today." Trish wouldn't dare look him in the eye. She silently hoped that luck was on her side and that he'd assume this was due to the fact he was so tall. Maybe she wasn't bothered to strain her neck.

Obviously she was deluding herself. He knew the real reason.

"Really?" Trish missed the flattered smile that flashed across his face for a few mere seconds. Was this her way of saying she missed him? Was it wise for him to even jump to conclusions for that matter?

"Yeah. I'm so used to listening to your lame attempts at a good joke that it was actually a big difference not hearing them today." She glanced at him for a second before looking away from him again. She couldn't understand why it was so hard to look at him directly.

"You know you love my jokes." Dez said, poking her in the shoulder. Her eyes met his so that she could glare at him, and she was glad that she could finally do so with ease.

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