Chapter One

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DISCLAIMER: I don't own the show Austin & Ally or any of it's characters

Warnings: This is an AU story and so the characters will be a little OOC. It's rated PG-13 for language and possible suggestive content in later chapters.

I apologise in advance for any typos/grammatical errors (bearing in mind that I'm British, so some spelling will be different from the American way)

Thin Lines - Chapter One

It was another typical Miami morning. The sun was definitely not failing to shine down on the city in Florida, and it just so happened that Trish De La Rosa was late for school…again.

"Stupid, faulty, alarm clock," She muttered to herself, blowing her curly hair out of her face as she attempted to power walk her way to school. Her short legs could only walk so much so quickly, and it didn't look as if she was going to get there even five minutes late.

She'd only been back in Miami for three days and this is what it was greeting her back to? If she'd known that the beginning of her first day back after the Christmas break would be like this, she would have hid in the huge closet her grandparent's owned in Mexico while her parents and brother made their way back to the airport. Oh how she already missed the tanning bed, the homemade lemonade and the cute guys that -

"TRISH!" Triggered out of her thoughts, Trish's attention was averted to the loud voice that was calling her name. She knew that voice anywhere, and as she turned to look it was like her prayers were being answered. On her left was her best friend Ally Dawson slowly driving beside her in what had to be a brand new car with the window rolled down.

"That's not what I think it it?" Trish halted to a stop, as did the car and a slow smile began to form on her lips.

"Yupp, it is what it is," Ally replied, with a face splitting grin. Both girls stared at each other for a moment before breaking out into a shriek of excitement.

"Oh my gosh! He actually got it for you!" Trish squealed, jumping up and down on the spot. The 'he' she was referring to was Ally's dad who had been been hard to convince at first but eventually realised that no one was more deserving of a car than his little girl. Trish, not wasting any more time, quickly opened the car door and jumped into the passenger seat.

"Took a whole lot of grovelling, but being a book nerd slash straight 'A' student sure pays off in some ways huh?" Ally said causally, her grin having now transformed into a playful smile as she began to drive again. Trish let out a laugh as she put her seat belt on; having a friend who was a goody-two shoes really did seem to have its advantages.

"This is the answer to all my walking problems. Now I'll never have to break a sweat on the way to school ever again," Trish sighed contently after she spoke, leaning back comfortably in her seat.

"And we can totally rub this in Tilly Thompson's airhead, cheer-leading face too," Ally added, and a rather smug expression settled itself onto her features at the thought. Trish raised an eyebrow at the rare mean streak her normally polite friend was showing.

"What?" Ally asked, feigning innocence, "I can be mean - especially when it comes to Tilly of all people," Trish's expression remained the same for a few more seconds before she just simply shrugged.

"Eh, I don't blame you. She can be a high class bitch." She said, her eyes now in front of her. Ally nodded in a agreement while she turned a corner.

"Exactly. I say we put on cool sunglasses for effect too - that'll really piss her off." Trish turned to face Ally again only this time with a small smile on her face as she shook her head.

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