Class 1A Chat/fanfic!

By ChaoticRomanticPan

516K 15K 36.9K

Please dont skip past the first page, it has all the details you need to know. Basically it's just a Class 1A... More

A/N: Sexualities
1: Class 1-Gay
2: Emosquad
3: Notes Please
4: Ships
5: What The Fuck Is Oatmeal
6: Class Sleepover Plans
7: He Knows
8: Iida Slept Over!?.
9: Coming To Terms
10: No Longer Friends
11: Together Romantically
12: Mido is babey
13: Go To Sleep
14: Shinsou needs to KNOCK
15: Boi U Gay
16: I Don't Speak Tacobell
17: Tenya Finds Out
18: Izu is sleepy babey
19: Girls Day
20: Shinsou Still Doesn't Knock
21: Emosquad Plans
22: Boneless Ice
23: Izu's Murdering Kami
24: Haha Tenya Jealous
25: Ura Talks Sense Into Iida
26: Been There, Done That
27: Im Gay You Moldy Dildo
28: What Kinda Orgy-
29: Aight, imma head out
30: Flower Crowns
31: Journal Entry #56
32: Abandoned Church
33: MgRonalds
34: Self-Blame
35: Mido's Hoes
36: Slushie
37: Tentacles
38: Bakubabe Is The Mom Friend
39: The Gremlin Smiled
40: Therapy
41: Belly Button Piercings
42: Dusk Til Dawn
43: Bed room or Bedroom
44: Vending Machine
45: Scratches ;)
46: Poly Girls
47: Poly Party
48: Poly Party Pics
49: All You Wanna Do
50: The Doctor Said
51: Bang Bang
52: Tag, You're It
53: It's The ___ For me
54: Kami Cuddles
55: aPpLe BoTtOm JeAns
56: S & M
57: 20 Questions
58: Meet The Plastics
59: Last Friday Night
60: ShinKami Is Official!!!
61: Fuckable Heroes
62: Izu's 7 Boyfriends
63: Lockscreens
64: Preparing for Tensei
65: Tensei Part 1/3
67: Tensei Part 3/3
100K Reads Special
2.0: 100K Reads Special
68: Deku's Day
69: The Other Side
70: Three Musketeers
71: EriBerry
72: Sleeping Preferences
73: Loud Blondes
Author Q&A & Face Reveal
Ask A Character
74: Headcanons
Not An Update Sadly BUT-
75: Remember When Iida Punched Mido
76: Frosting
77: Cell Block Tango
78: Mina, You're A Lesbian
79: Never Have I Ever
80: Maid Deku & Kami
81: Incorrect Quotes
82: Pronoun Check
83: Touch You

66: Tensei Part 2/3

2.3K 92 324
By ChaoticRomanticPan

A/N: First off, no one reminded me that Izuku has therapy on Tuesdays and Thursdays. Just pretend that he cancelled his therapy session for today. Second, this was originally supposed to be only 2 parts but I changed it into 3. Also, third, I'm just going to remind all of you, I do NOT write smut in this chatfic! Certain things may be mentioned, but I'm not gonna write smut, okay? Okay. Thank you, my nearest and dearest cumdumspters and slutwagons <3


Izubaby's POV

"So, what was that all about?" I flinched slightly but he didn't notice. Tenya and I looked at each other as the waitress came over to save the day. I'm going to make sure she gets a REALLY good tip.

"Hi, welcome to the Moonlight Diner. May I start you off with some drinks?" She looked at Tensei first. "Oh, grape juice please." She nodded and turned to Tenya. I was still looking at the menu. "A glass of orange juice, please." She wrote it down and then turned to me. "Uhhh, a strawberry milkshake please!" She smiled, "would you like whipped cream?" "Yes please!" She nodded and said they would be right out as she turned and walked away.

Tensei cleared his throat. "So, what was the rush into the bathroom for?" Ah dang it. I looked at Tenya again as he did me. I pulled at his sleeve to let him know I would speak, seeing as there is no way he could lie to his brother.

"I-I just really had to go to the b-bathroom, that's all. I asked him to come with me b-because I didn't want to go alone." He stared at us suspiciously. But then he nodded, accepting the answer we gave him. Thank All Might. We looked at our menus.

The waitress came over and placed our drinks in front of each of us. We each gave a 'thank you'. "Have you decided or do you need more time?" "Just another minute or two, please," Tensei said. "Alrighty." She then left again.

"What do you want, Izu?" Tenya asked. I hummed lightly. "Probably just some bacon cheese fries. I'm not that hungry." I didn't need to eat a whole meal. I didn't need to become fatter than I already am.

"That's all?" I nodded and he sighed lightly, grabbing my hand in his as he closed his menu and used his finger under my chin to make me look at him. "Are you sure that's all you want?" "Yes, Ten, I'm sure." He hesitantly nodded. He kept his hand in mine but turned to look at Tensei, who looked a bit confused by this interaction, but didn't say anything.

Shortly after, the waitress came back and we all ordered. Not long after she left, the lights dimmed slightly (but not too much) and everyone turned towards the band. It was some local band called New Horizons. They were planning to sing covers tonight. They started off with a Panic! At The Disco song, The Good, The Bad, and The Dirty. I'm glad they played decent music.

"Hey Izuku, isn't this one of the songs you and Jirou listened to the other day?" "Mhm." He smiled softly and stared at me. I felt my face turn pink and I smiled softly back. He pecked my cheek as we turned back to the band. They sang nicely.

(Here's the song btw:)

I hummed lightly to the tune of the music as Tensei and Tenya talked about something. I tried to pay attention, but I just couldn't focus no matter how much I tried to force myself to. My gaze drifted off to the wall behind Tensei.

How big is the platter they are gonna bring out for me? I hope it isn't to big. Maybe it'll just be a little basket. I hope so. I placed a hand on my stomach. I'm not that hungry. I don't need to be at least.

My wrists are itchy again. Tenya told me not to scratch. But he didn't say I could rub on them...

I slid my fingers up my sleeve, still staring at the blank wall. I felt the two that reopened earlier and avoided them, not feeling the urge to have to clean then again. I lightly pressed on the scars. I don't know why, I just like the way it feels against my fingertips. I pressed harder, feeling the slight pain. I began to scratch lightly.

"Stop," Tenya said softly, pulling my hand away and out from under the sleeve. He looked at my finger tips, glad he didn't see blood. I jumped slightly at his touch and looked back at him. I mumbled a sorry and looked away at the wall again. Tensei was still confused but still said nothing.

My phone buzzed lightly. I took it out and read the message sent to me. Tenya messaged me, asking me if I was okay. He was looking at me so I just turned and nodded. He wasn't buying it and just pulled me slightly closer.

"So, Midoriya, what's your family like?" Tensei asked, awkwardly wanting to change to conversation. "Oh, my mom works in a small mom and pop shop. She works as a cook some days and a waitress other days. She's really sweet and kind." He smiled and nodded.

"Do you have any siblings?" I shook my head. "How about your dad? What does he do?" My hand twitched and Tenya felt this. "He doesn't currently have a father," Tenya answered for me. "Oh, I'm sorry I mentioned it." "It's alright," I insisted.

"So, what are your friends like?" "Oh, well, first there is Uraraka. She's really sweet and fun to be around. There's Tsu, her girlfriend, who doesn't talk as much but is a good friend. Oh, and Jirou, Tokoyami, Shinsou, Todoroki and I are all really close. We like to have movie nights and listen to music together. Jirou is laid back and funny. Tokoyami is also really laid back and doesn't talk as often as the others. Todoroki, at first he was really cold towards others, but then I got him to warm up to me real quick. No pun intended. He's a little antisocial but I don't mind. Then Shinsou, he's sassy and such a jerk sometimes but at the same time I know him like the back of my hand. His two favorite things are cats and coffee. He's basically a mini Aizawa. He's dating Kaminari. Kaminari is really hyper and funny, but he's also really caring. He loves joking around and pulling pranks. He does a lot of dumb stuff sometimes, but that's okay. He's also a great cuddle buddy. But so are Ura, Tsu, Jirou, Toko, Todo, and Shinsou. But Kami is the best cuddler out of them. Oh, and then there is Kacchan. You'll probably know him ask Bakugo."

"Oh, you mean the explosive crazy person who needed to be restrained and had a muzzle?" My expression twitched slightly, but I ignored the twitch. "He doesn't like having that brought up. He won't admit it but being restrained like that was similar to being restrained as when he was kidnapped and it brings up bad memories for him." Tensei gave a sympathetic look.

"Kacchan and I have been friends for a very long time. We grew up together. We had a little... miscommunication after he got his quirk though..." Tenya cut me off, "yeah by him bullying you every single day." I slapped his arm harshly and gave him a look to let him know to knock it off.

"Kacchan and I talked it out though and we are back to being friends. He seems very explosive and vicious, but he's really just loud. He doesn't like to let people know, but he really cares about his friends. He's there for us one way or another. He also has a soft side that he doesn't like to show. He just doesn't want to seem weak and vulnerable. He pushes himself too hard, but he's working on bettering himself. He's really kind-hearted when he wants to be. So, uh yeah. Those are my main friends." I gave a small smile at the end.

"They all sound lovely. I hope to meet them all one day. Maybe at you two's future wedding?" He said with a wink as Tenya choked on his drink. I let out a small laugh and I helped Tenya clean the orange juice off his face. My breathing quickened for a moment after that comment but I fixed it.

The waitress came back, giving us our food. As I expected, the fries were in a basket. Tenya eyed my food and looked at me. "Are you sure that's all you want? You can have some of my food if you'd like." I shook my head, forcing a small smile. "No, thank you. I'm good! Thank you for offering." He looked a little concerned but we all began to eat.

A new song began playing. Another song I knew all too well. I gave Tenya a smirk. He in turn sighed and smiled. The song was Last Friday Day by Katy Perry. I began laughing a bit, remembering how much he freaked out thinking Kami and I hooked up. I apologized to him later but it was still funny.

"Oh?" Tensei questioned. I laughed a little, letting Tenya explain. "Him and a few of our classmates did a lyric prank using this song. Let's just say there were a few assumptions everyone made due to it." I closed my eyes and laughed, smiling widely.

We all three talked, well those two more than me, as we ate. I finished first, obviously. A few people were up dancing to the music, drinks in hand. My eyes just drifted off to the wall again while I listened to the songs that played.

"-ku.... Iz-.... Izuku?" I looked over at Tenya, who had that same face of worry. "Yes Tenya?" "You were zoned out again." I quickly apologized, but still turned back to the wall as the two brother talked again.

They are having a fun time without me. Tenya keeps having to interrupt their fun to check on me. It's my fault that their night isn't as fun as it could me. Of course it is. I worry Tenya too much. I'm such a burden on him. He probably feels pressured to help me. I'm always such a fucking burden. What is wrong with me? Why can't I just be normal?! Why can't I just have control over my feelings like a normal person? I'm so dramatic. I deserve everything that happens to me. I deserve the things I do to myself. Everyone has to always put up with me. I feel so bad for them.

"Izuku!" I jumped, nearly falling out of my seat. The song was a different one than I remember playing.  "Is everything alright?" I avoided eye contact. "Yeah I'm fine." He shook his head. Probably because I used the word 'fine'. Great going, Deku, you worried him.

"Do you want to step outside for a minute and get some fresh air?" I looked at the time on my phone. I was zoned out for a half hour. My phone had buzzed and I didn't even notice. It was now 9:12, meaning Kacchan probably reminded me to take my meds. The ones that are in Tenya's bag... at Tensei's....

"Umm, sure, please." He nodded and the both of us stood up. The loud noises of the music and clanks of forks and talking and basically everything made my heart beat fast and my breathing pick up speed slightly. I didn't want to be here. There was at least a dozen and a half people dancing and we had to walk through them to get to the door.

"We'll be back," Tenya told Tensei. Great, now I'm intruding on the little time they spend together. I'm such a problem. Tenya grabbed my hand, feeling it shaking and gave me a look, pulling me slightly closer to him. However I bet he wishes he didn't.

As he pulled me closer, someone stepped backwards towards us while dancing and tripped on me. Their drink spilled all over me. They gasped in shock.

"Oh my goodness! I am so so sorry! I should've been paying attention! I'm so sorry!" I waved a hand at them and gave a small smile. "It's alright, miss. Accidents happen, it's alright." She kept apologizing for a few seconds before walking away. And as soon as she walked away, I felt the panic settle in, my breathing quickening.

"Izuku, honey, are you alright?" I didn't respond, just tried to fix my breathing, failing miserably. "Your sweatshirt is all wet. Why don't you take it off?" Tensei suggested. I froze, still looking at the floor a few feet ahead. "I-I ca-an't," I said, barely managing it out. Tenya looked confused, but then it clicked.

"Why not?" "I- I j-just can't." Tensei raised a brow and stood up. I was shaking and my breathing was no better. It became worse actually. I felt tears in my eyes, but held them back. Why can't I breathe? I need to breathe.

"Izuku, it's okay baby. It's okay." Tenya tried to place his hand on my shoulder but I flinched. He retracted his hand but looked at me worriedly. Tensei stood next to Tenya. I felt like I was suffocating.

"Honey, it's okay. Just to even your breaths. It's okay." I was cold from the drink that was spilled on me, yet so hot. My hands were sweating. A few people were staring which made me panic more... oh fuck.

"Baby please don't cry. We can go back to Tensei's now, don't worry. It's alright. This is only temporary and I'm here for you. We will get through this together." I was having a panic attack. He reached for me again and this time I let him touch me. He pulled me into a hug and I just laid my head against his chest, my breathing becoming worse. Is this what dying feels like?

"Tensei, we will be in car." Tensei I assumed nodded. I didn't look. Tenya led me out of the restaurant place and opened a car door, letting me go inside first. The driver stayed silent, obviously seeing it was not the best time to talk.

I pulled my knees to my face and wrapped my arms around them. I felt myself hyperventilating. I started pulling at my hair a bit.

I felt a hand pull mine out of my hair. "Don't do that to yourself." He kept his soft tone, making sure not to be harsh with me. He hugged me and I leaned onto him. He kept whispering my ear about how we will get through this and how this is only temporary and will pass and that I'm alright.

I eventually evened my breathing out, listening to his heart beat and he guided me through it. I was no longer crying and only shook a little. It took about 20 minutes to a half hour to get me like this though. Tenya then texted Tensei that he can come to the car now.

I leaned my head against the window, looking out it. I buckled my seatbelt as I heard the car door open. I'm guessing Tensei entered it. I leaned my head against Tenya, still looking out the window as I held onto his arm. We pulled away from the restaurant. My sweatshirt I stole from Tenya was still damp. I just wanted to sleep.

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