No judgement

Per itstilliswhatitis

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So @franzixidfc contacted me and asked if I couldn't write a book on her idea and this is the result. I tried... Més



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Per itstilliswhatitis

This is for you franzixidfc ♥️

"I love you, Lou." Eight-year-old Harry said and looked at his best friend in the whole wide world with teary eyes.

"I love you too Hazza." Nine-year-old Louis replied, equally emotional.

"Wouldn't it be great if we got married when we're grown-ups?" Harry asked and bit his lower lip.

Louis smiled at him.
"I would love that!"

"I can't believe I'm moving away! Mum says we have to. My dad is so stupid!" Harry muttered with a trembling voice.

"My mum says that it's the best for both of you and I don't want your dad to be mean to your mum but how am I suppose to be without you?" Louis sighed and hugged Harry.

"I'm coming back for you when I'm older!" Harry promised, tears spilling over.

They were sitting in the middle of their secret treehouse. They had snuck out to say goodbye. Harry was moving to Ireland the next day and they had to hide from his stupid dad. They both cried and hugged each other tightly. Louis got an idea.
"We could get married now!"

Harry giggled and wiped away his tears.
"We need rings and I don't have a wedding dress, Lou!"

"We can get married again when we're older. You can wear a dress then." Louis smiled and wiped his eyes as well.

"Okay." Harry agreed.

"We don't have rings but I have something else. I begged my mum to buy these for us." Louis said and took out two paper plane necklaces from his pocket to show Harry.

Harry's eyes grew big.
"Wow, I like them, Lou!"

"Good." Louis beamed and stood up.

He took Harry's hand and pulled him up as well. They were facing each other and Louis looked very serious.
"Will you marry me, Harry? Hey, it rhymes!" His face cracked up in a grin.

"Yes!" Harry shouted.

"You're supposed to say I do." Louis whined.

"Oh, sorry. I do." Harry answered solemnly.

They stared at each other until Harry caught up.
"Will you marry me, Louis?"

"I do." Louis answered and leaned forward and pecked Harry's lips briefly.

"Why did you do that?" Harry giggled in surprise.

"You're supposed to kiss when you get married." Louis explained with an eye roll.

"Oh, okay." Harry grinned.

Louis handed him one of the paper plane necklaces.
"This will be our rings. You can never take it off. Promise!"

"I promise!" Harry immediately answered.

They helped each other put on the necklaces.
"I'm gonna miss you so much." Louis sighed.

"I'm gonna miss you too but I'll come back!" Harry said.

Harry flew up from the bed and his hand immediately went to the necklace around his neck that he had worn for nine years now. Why would he dream about his childhood friend? He hadn't thought about Louis in a long time. Well, that wasn't entirely true. The blue-eyed boy had crossed his mind from time to time over the years.

It felt like a lifetime ago since he moved to Ireland with his mum. He wondered if Louis still lived in Holmes Chapel back in England? Probably not. Maybe he and his family went back to Doncaster?

Louis had moved to Holmes Chapel when Harry was five and they became friends immediately. Looking back, Louis was probably his first crush, in that innocent kind of way. He didn't know that he liked boys when he was five years old. That was something he figured out in his early teens. 

Harry sighed and dragged a hand through his hair. He was nervous about moving back to Holmes Chapel. Things hadn't really worked out for him here. The kids in school bullied him because of the way he dressed. So what that he liked "girly" colors and nail polish? Why was that such a big deal? Harry refused to change who he was. His mum came up with the idea that he would move in with his aunt for the last year of school. That meant that he was moving back to England but he needed a fresh start. Maybe the kids back home weren't as judgemental as the ones in his school here? He really hoped so.

"You can call me anytime. I don't care if it's three o'clock in the morning. If you miss me, if you just wanna talk or if something happened, call me!" Harry's mum Anne said.

"I'll be fine mum. Don't worry about me. I'm seventeen now." Harry answered.

"You'll always be my baby boy. It's not too late to change your mind." Anne answered and hugged her son tightly.

"This was your idea in the first place." Harry chuckled.

"Don't remind me." Anne sighs.

A speaker's voice announced that it was time to board the plane to London but Anne didn't let go.
"Mum, I have to get on the plane!" Harry complained.

She hugged him a couple of seconds longer before she finally let go and smiled at him.
"Behave and stay out of trouble. Remind my sister that she has to send weekly updates and don't you dare miss any of our facetime sessions!"

"Okay. Love you mum." Harry answered.

"Love you too. Call as soon as you arrive in Holmes Chapel. Promise!" Anne said.

"I promise." Harry answered and gave her one last hug before he hurried to his gate.

His mum waved and blew kisses until he boarded the plane. He found his seat and sat down. He was a bit nervous about flying. He hadn't been on a plane since they moved to Ireland nine years ago. His dad died last year but his mum had built a life for herself in Ireland and didn't want to move back. He understood even if Ireland had never felt like home to him. His mum was happily remarried. He liked Robin. He was good to her.

He would miss them but he was excited about the future. Maybe he would finally fit in somewhere?

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