Inevitable Love II - Mine ≫ J...

By SincvrelyShae

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In which the two teenagers who figured out their love inevitable, figure out their love further | Book 2 of... More

Chapter I
Chapter II
Chapter IV
Chapter V
Chapter VI
Chapter VII
Chapter VIII
Chapter IX
Chapter X
Chapter XI
Chapter XII
Chapter XIII.
Chapter XIV.
Chapter XV
Chapter XVI

Chapter III

4.6K 129 12
By SincvrelyShae

It was another slow motion moment I was going through. Slowly making my way out the car, taking a few breaths before proceeding up to the front door of the Jacks house.

It was safe to say, I was nervous. Not because I was finally going to see Jack after two weeks, but because I might walk in on something I don't wanna see.

There was another car parked in front of their house, it was a black Range Rover which I knew wasn't Jack's nor Johnson's. That made me even more nervous, who's car was that?

There I go with my jealous tendencies, it could simply be a friends car. I shook my head, attempting to clear my mind from negative thoughts.

Alexis came up beside me and threw her arm over my shoulder, "Chill, Sky. If anything goes wrong I'll kill him myself then we can experience LA just the two of us." She said nonchalantly, causing me to chortle slightly.

"Oh Alexis, always such a sweet talker." I joked.

She jokingly flipped her hair, flashing a toothless grin, "It's in my nature. Now who's gonna knock, you or me?" She asked, pointing towards the door.

"Does it really matter?" I chuckled, reaching out my hand and knocked a rhythmic three times on it.

My heart started racing and my palms began to sweat slightly. I wiped them quickly on my jeans, looking down as I did so.

I heard the door open and I looked up quickly, seeing someone unfamiliar and even worst - pretty.

"Hi, can I help you?" She asked, shifting her weight in her left side against the door.

I opened my mouth to say something but nothing came out, I was speechless. Alexis looked over at me and realized why I hadn't said anything so she answered for me.

"I'm Alexis and this is Jack's girlfriend, Skylar. Is he here?" Alexis inquired, a hint of rudeness in her tone.

The girl furrowed her eyebrows, "Jack's girlfriend?" She asked confused, "Which one?"

"Gilinsky. Are you gonna answer my question?" Alexis asked, crossing her arms over her chest.

She scoffed lightly, "Funny, he didn't say anything about a girlfriend, but yeah he's inside come in." She moved out the way, giving us entrance to the house.

My heart nearly stopped once she said he never brought up a girlfriend. What did that mean? Were they together?

What the hell did I just walk into?

Alexis grabbed my hand and pulled me inside. She took off her sunglasses, hanging them on the v-line of her white t-shirt. I decided to keep my mine on, just incase I needed to avert gazes without anyone knowing.

The girl walked in front of us, showing us into the living room.

Bitch I know the way.

Hanging out in the living room was the Jack's, Sammy, Nate and some other really pretty girl. I clenched my jaw as I came in complete view.

Alexis cleared her throat obnoxiously, causing the boys to turn around. Jack looked at me then turned back around to face the television then quickly turned back to face me, doing a double take, clearly not expecting me.

"Skylar?" He hopped up from the couch, walking around it to walk towards me.

I smiled softly, "Surprise!" I said weakly, throwing my hands up unenthusiastically and wiggling my fingers faintly.

"Wh-what are you doing here?" He asked, moving closer to me.

"She came to surprise you but it's clear you were busy." Alexis answered for me.

Jack furrowed his eyebrows, "What? No, it's not what it looks like I swear."

"Really? Then what is it?" I asked, squinting my eyes and crossing my arms over my chest.

Jack sighed and grabbed my hand, pulling me towards the stairs. I yanked away from his grip but continued following behind him until we made it into his room.

Jack closed the door then turned around to face me, "Babe, those girls are just friends I promise."

I rolled my eyes, "Do you know how many times I've heard that line before?"

Jack sighed and leaned his head back, "I don't wanna fight with you. I've missed you so much, I wouldn't do anything to fuck up what we have."

I ran my hands over my face and through my hair, closing my eyes and tilting my head back. Jack wrapped his hands around my waist, "Skylar, relax. I've already told you this before, I'm all yours."

I clenched my jaw as I looked at him, a giddy feeling flowing through my body as I looked at him longer.

"Babe.." Jack gripped my sides, urging me to talk.

"What? I don't know what to say." I shrugged, averting my eyes from his.

One of Jacks hands freed my waist and took off my sunglasses, tossing them on his bed. He placed his hand on the outline of my jaw, caressing my cheek with his thumb.

"Say whatever you need to say to get it off your chest so I can kiss you." He insisted.

I fought back a smile and sighed, "I don't know who those girls are or why they're here. I'm not gonna lie, I'm angry and confused and probably jealous." I admitted.

"When that girl answered the door she said you never brought up having a girlfriend. I don't know what the hell that means but it's bugging me." I said all in one breath.

Jack furrowed his eyebrows faintly, "I don't know why she said that honestly, but it is true I didn't bring you up." He began.

I could feel the tears prick my eyes once he admitted he never brought me up. That hurts, being basically unrecognized. I tell everyone about Jack, boasting about how proud I am of him and how much I love him. Maybe it's just a womanly thing, maybe guys don't do that.

"Stop," He wiped away a tear that fell from my eye, "don't cry. Let me explain it further."

I inhaled deeply, swallowing the lump in my throat as I waited for him to continue.

"I didn't bring you up because my relationship status never came up. I don't know why she made it seem like we have a thing because we don't. You're the only girl I love and want, you don't have to worry about anything or anyone." He tried to reassure me.

"But," I sighed, "they're so pretty and I'm -" I started to whine but Jack cut me off.

"Yes they're pretty but Skylar you're fucking gorgeous. Dressed up or not you're completely stunning. I'm still shocked and ecstatic that you're my girlfriend." He chortled softly.

I smiled softly, looking down at my hands that fumbled with each other across my stomach.

"I love you Skylar." Jack pressed against me, tilting my head up with his index finger and thumb.

I looked up at him, "I love you too, Jack."

"Can I kiss you now? Are we good?" He quested, smiling softly as he leaned back.

I giggled and nodded, "Please do, I've missed you."

Jack didn't waste anytime pressing his lips against mine. I held the back of his neck, deepening the kiss as his hands slowly wrapped around my waist.

He was mine, no one could get between us.

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