broken as i • a kylo ren story

By hydrangearen

17.9K 724 1.4K

••••• completed but iffy ••••• "he continued to hold onto you for dear life, and you let him. he needed this... More

part one
i (i)
ii (ii)
iii (iii)
iv (iv)
v (v)
vi (vi)
vii (vii)
viii (viii)
ix (ix)
x (x)
xi (xi)
xii (xii)
xiii (xiii)
xiv (xiv)
xv (xv)
xvi (xvi)
xvii (xvii)
xviii (xviii)
xix (xix)
part two
i (xx)
ii (xxi)
iii (xxii)
iv (xxiii)
v (xxiv)
vi (xxv)
vii (xxvi)
viii (xxvii)
ix (xxviii)
x (xxix)
xi (xxx)
xii (xxxi)
xiii (xxxii)
xiv (xxxiii)
xv (xxxiv)
xvi (xxxv)
xvii (xxxvi)
xviii (xxxvii)
xix (xxxviii)
part three
ii (xl)
iii (xli)
iv (xlii)
v (xliii)
vi (xliv)
vii (xlv)
viii (xlvi)
ix (xlvii)
x (xlviii)
xi (xlix)
xii (l)
xiii (li)
xiv (lii)
xv (liii)
xvi (liv)
xvii (lv)
xviii (lvi)
xix (lvii)
thank you

i (xxxix)

138 7 23
By hydrangearen


you started to walk towards the door that allowed you to exit the hangar, when you suddenly saw 3 stormtroopers approaching you.

you started to panic a little on the inside, but on the outside you looked completely fine. you werent sure if they were here because kylo sent them to bring you to him or if you were getting in trouble. nevertheless, you continued walking to the door with a faster pace then before- acting like you didnt see them.

then somehow made their way differently infront of you, blocking you from passing them.

"uh, hello?" you said to them. you could tell that none of them were wyatt and peter, and you could sense the hostility in the air. before you could say anything else, they quickly latched onto your arms and held onto you tight. you kicked your legs in attempt to somehow free yourself, but that didnt work. you then tried to use the force to unlatch them from you, but the second you felt yourself gaining touch with it, you noticed that one of them had injected you with some type of substance in your neck using a syringe.

your body started to feel weak and brittle, and the energy and force that you had just a second ago felt as if it were being sucked right out of your very being. your eyes started to become heavy and your legs began to give out.

before you collapsed to the ground, the 6 arms that were supporting you kept you back up. "what the actual fuck is happenin-" then, everything went completely black for you.

you quickly jolted up, but were pulled back by what seemed to be a metal chain. you whipped your head around to see what was going on, but quickly regretted doing so. your entire body- including your neck, was aching in pain. you had an excruciating headache and loud heart beat.

you winced out loud, but when you eventually got a view what was behind you, panic started to set in.

your arms were chained to a large pole with heavy, dark chains. there was a particular spot on the pole that appeared to be wet, so you squinted your eyes a little bit to try and get a better look.

it was blood.

you used your very limited arms to touch the part of the pole, and much to your dismay but not surprise- red appeared onto your hand.

you knew that since the blood was that far up it was coming from your head. it was almost like your mind completely blocked out that fact that the back of your head was soaking wet. you didnt even need to touch it, you could just feel it. you could also feel the bruises that were on your body as well

you started to position yourself so that you could move away from the pole, but the pain was really starting to stack up high. you knew that trying to escape was a no-go because it would only make you weaker. you knew that trying to use the force was also a no-go because that would as well completely drain you. it almost felt like you had no force left in you, but you knew that wasnt true.

you started to gaze around whatever the hell type room you were in. it was dimly light, but you were still able to see fairly good. there was 2 chairs in the farthest corner of the room from you, and a small table next to it. the only thing that was on the wall directly next to you was the door. you started to fear what was going to walk through it.

whoever...whatever walked through was obviously the one who did this to you, or at least helped them. you felt anger, hate, and annoyance.

you knew that you couldnt blame yourself or get mad since everything happens for a reason, but you couldnt help but be annoyed.

maybe you could have prevented whatever the hell this was?

yeah...what even is this?

the last thing you remembered were those stormtroopers giving you that injection.

"oh shit" you whispered with a raspy tone. you realized that whatever they gave you caused you to grow extremely weak and pass out.

at least you knew that the substance was still in your body...

but who would do that? were there some dirty officers and generals in the order whose goal was to kill you? you didnt have any enemies that you could think of off the top of your head that would do this. then your mind went over to people who werent enemies, but friends.

kylo? oh, he wishes he had the balls to do such thing. you knew he cared for you too much, and he wouldn't do such an act. plus, if he wanted to do something, he would've just sliced you in half- he is real classy like that.

jaxx? maybe he was-

"who the fuck am i kidding?" you rolled your eyes at the wall. you had no clue what, who, and why this was happening...but you knew it wasnt going to head well.

you then heard a click from the door, signaling that the door had been opened. you lifted your eyes and they instantly went wide.

"hux?" you said, trying to scream. hux and you both knew that you were in horrible shape because you didnt call him huxy.

"y/n." he simply replied.

"get me the hell out of here! i need to-" you cut yourself off quickly. you knew for a fact that he wasnt there to save you because you could sense the pure evil radiating off of him-

he was there to kill you.

you knew that you should have been beyond fearful, but were mad.

you were mad that your fate lay in the hands of a ginger haired man named huxy.

"okay then huxy...when you kill me, could you have someone else do it instead? like a stormtrooper or something? oh and by the way, dont even think about asking kylo to do it- if you even started to say that sentence to him, you would be rolling on the ground...literally." you said. even though you were struggling in an inhuman amount of pain, you couldnt resist making a snarky remark.

"you still have that unfiltered mouth i see? im surprised that luke didnt help you fix that."

your heart immediately dropped. how did he know? you didnt even tell kylo, or jaxx, or etta and piers where you were going, yet they were your closest people. hell, you didnt even know where you were going until you got onto that ship. kylo didnt figure out your location when you had that short forcelink with him because he would've come way earlier. "how did you know where i went?" you questioned.

"oh, you are so oblivious sometimes. you seriously think that you would be able to just leave freely...whenever you want?"

"yes. that is literally exactly what i thought. i didnt know that this was some type of cult, but...okay."

"well, you were wrong once again then. we tracked you." hux smirked, knowing this would throw you back.

you face quickly became emotionless. did kylo seriously track you down- specifically when you told him not to? this entire thing was not adding up.

"we?" you nearly yelled.

"oh oh oh. i meant me. your little boyfriend is too much of a wuss to do it." lots if weight lifted off your shoulders hearing this. at least kylo listened, but why was hux doing this?

"he is not a wuss and he is not my boyfriend!"

"oh save it. i saw the way you 2 were together."

"you jealous." you joked.

"we do not have time for your immature and unfunny-"

"my jokes are extremely funny, thank you very much!" you said to him.

"you wish." hux said as it looked like he went to go grab a chair to sit in.

"well, why did you track me down? why did you do all this? oh my fucking gosh, you are in love with me! you fucking love me, and you are jealous because you cant have me! so, since you cant- nobody will!" you noticed how stupid you sounded, but you kind of always wanted to be able to say that to someone-even if you knew it wasnt true.

"oh m- no. i do not love you. love is a weakness, and i am not weak. since you will be dying soon, i suppose i will tell you."

"oh shit, im dying." you kind of laughed.

"as i previously said, i sense or...sensed that you and kylo had a thing going on. that is not acceptable at all because as said before, love is a weakness. though i hate kylo ren, he is the supreme leader...sadly. he can not be weak. the first order can not be weak. i can not be weak. so, seeing this angered me. i knew that it couldnt go on for too long, but it wasnt like i could tell kylo to stop- he would probably try and kill me."

"as he should but uh...go on." you interrupted the man.

"anyways, when i was notified that a tie fighter somehow got away from the base, i was somewhat...some may say delighted that it was you." he said as you cringed at the words. "i dont know how you managed to escape, i dont know why you escaped, but i also dont care. even though you turned off your tracking, i was able to figure out the destination that you put into the fighter- which was ahch-to. now, that this was absolutely amazing. since luke was there and you were soon to arrive, it would mean i would be able to get rid of 2 problems."

"what do you act as if the first order is you?"

hux walked over to you and gave you an extremely harsh slap to the face. "stop talking. as i was saying, 2 birds and 1 stone. i made this plan to finally kill skywalker while secretly knowing you were there." he started again as you rubbed your reddened check. "i knew kylo wanted to kill luke himself, so having you on the island was a bonus. i thought that him seeing you with his...yeah would cause him to be blinded with rage and ultimately kill the both of you. but, of course change of plans because you decided to leave at the best/worst possible time. either way, you would end up dead. either way, i wouldnt and dont care. so, i let you pass by the shield easily and when you landed, i had some of men inject you with akewlpor- it weakens you immensely. hence why you are the way you...are." he looked you up and down in disgust. "you wont be able to fight back, so i think that this is where the fun begins."

you were trying hard to have all of his words go into your brain, but the thought of you actually dying was starting to hit you. before, you were joking about it. now, you could tell that he wasnt kidding and it wasnt going to be some sort of easy death.

on your last day of life, you wont be seeing jaxx. you wont be seeing kylo, and you wont be able to tell him you loved him.

on your last day of life, your last memories will be with hux and him explaining his horrible and terrifying plan to you.

"but, everything happens for a r- screw that. this shit is fucking wack. im for real about to die right now." you thought to yourself.


you saw hux push the chair out of the way and reach into his jacket. he pulled out a couple of very threatening-looking things. he laid them onto the table, and then grabbed a particular one- a knife.

he crept closer to you as you pushed backwards until you hit the pole again. your bleeding head hitting the cold surface caused you to yelp a little.

"what happened to little miss i dont care if i die?" he said as he traced the blade on his finger. "a monomolecular personal favorite."

you gulped at the sight of him with it. you could tell that he wasnt a first time user, and that he was extremely skilled. he was now inches away from you, and fear started rising within. you couldnt manage to get any words out, and soon enough the knife was deep into your skin.

he made cuts- deep, small, large...all kinds for at least 15 straight minutes. you screamed in agony the entire time. most of them felt the same, but others hurt more. you were scared to look down, and you wishes you hadnt.

large pieces of your skin had been missing, and you could see the marks left. it was a terrifying scene to look at- blood everywhere you looked.

huxs hands? blood.

the floor? blood.

you? blood.

you felt like you were going to pass out, that is until hux gave you another harsh slap. "this isnt over yet." he then turned around and grabbed a blaster. "now this is one i havent used much. silent- no sound heard at all."

the tears were already pouring down, and you begged for him to stop. you knew it would do you no good, but you couldn't help but try. "you know that wont do you any good."

he proceeded to shoot you in the side at least 3 times, and he was right- no sound at all. each time you were hit, you felt yourself falling in and out of consciousness. death felt like it was knocking right onto your door, but you knew you couldn't answer. you had to pull through and be strong for those who cared for you.

hux didnt spend much time using the blaster, but he quickly went to the classic punches and kicks. he made sure to hit you right in the areas where you were shoot and cut- so it would hurt more.

you felt yourself losing, and it didnt feel good at all. blood was starting to gather in your mouth and the puddle of blood around you tripled in size.

hux was quite shocked that you werent dead yet, and he was getting impatient. he wanted it to hurt for you, but he didnt realize you could withstand this much. "okay y/n." he said as he crouched down, looking at your messed up body. "what are words?"

"su..suck. a. big. fucking. fat. cock." you said as you spit in his face. he wiped the blood and saliva off with a handkerchief and walked back to the table.

this time, he came back with what seemed to be an even more longer and pointer blade than before. "if that is what you want to say, so be it. but personally, i would waste my last words like that." he said as he positioned it for it to go directly into your heart.

when he did this, time felt as if it were in slow motion. you shut your eyes and tried to reconnect with the force for one last time. you somehow did, and you felt this wave of hope appear within you. you didnt feel sadness and pain, you felt calm and at peace.

hux started to make the blade closer and closer to your skin, to the point where it felt like there was a thin piece of paper between the weapon and your vital organ. just as he was about to slice through, the door swiftly opened with much force.

"what in the hell" you whispered to yourself as you saw huxs eyes go wide.


authors note

what an amazing way to start a chapter- death!!! anyways, i hope you enjoyed this extremely long chapter. i wish all of them were this type of length, and i apologize that they arent though :( more updates to come (of course) so be prepared and excited <33


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