Between the Dimensions✔️

De vviticus

3.1M 128K 32.6K

[COMPLETED] Katrina Parker has never been normal, even by werewolf standards. An outcast, ostracized by her p... Mai multe

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Chapter 49
Chapter 50
Chapter 51
Chapter 52

Chapter 14

58.4K 2.3K 782
De vviticus

I quickly change the topic away from dead Seers, knowing that nothing good could come from talking about that. I can lie easily, but for some reason, lying to Killian felt harder.

It was even harder because I know he believes me when I tell him I'll be fine.

"We should start looking through the books," I suggest, and try standing up, but instantly feel woozy and stumble.

Killian quickly puts his hands on my waist and sits me back down. "Easy there, tiger," He chuckles. "I'll bring you one. And eat something, would you?"

"Bossy, annoying Alpha," I mutter, and Killian laughs from across the room, and I know he heard me even that far away.

Stupid Alpha.

Killian tosses me a book titled: Vampires. "Creative title," I note, and Killian snorts.

"Do you only say sarcastic comments or do you ever say anything helpful?" He quipped, and I laugh.

"When have you ever said anything that wasn't sarcastic or meant to annoy me?" I point out.

Killian grins. "It's not my fault you get annoyed easily. I'm charming as hell, we both know that. All of the girls know that."

"Sure," I roll my eyes, and begin reading the book. Killian has one of his own, quickly flicking through the pages. "Is it true?" I ask suddenly.

"What?" Killian asks distractedly.

"Do you... y'know..." I say uncomfortably, and I regret bringing it up. "Have a lot of... umm?"

Killian looks up from the book. "Katrina, I legitimately have no idea what you're trying to ask."

"Nevermind," I mutter, my cheeks burning.

"Is something wrong, Katrina?" Killian asks, his voice marred with worry. "You can ask. I wouldn't keep anything from you."

His words make my guilt amplify. I was indeed keeping much from him, and would die with that guilt.

"Do you have a lot of..." I ask hesitantly, and I'm not sure why I care. "Girlfriends?"

Killian's nose wrinkles in disgust. "No, Katrina. I have never had a girlfriend."

His answer perplexes me. "But... Everyone says..." I say slowly, not sure how to say this without offending him. Truth is, Killian has a reputation for being somewhat of a player.

Killian tips his head back and laughs. "Oh, you're not asking about girlfriends then, my dear. Yes, I have had sex with a few she-wolves. No, we have not dated."

Ah, I should have known he would have cared about the semantics of the question. "Why not?" I ask, again, not really sure why I care.

"Does it matter to you?" He asks, his voice indifferent, but his breathing changes slightly.

"Guess not."

"You should ask later then," Killian says thoughtfully. "When you decide you care."

"Don't hold your breath," I say, but his words just make my curiosity burn brighter.

"I'll wait, Katrina," He says, his voice lowering. "I don't care how long."

Something, and not my Sight, tells me that he's not just waiting for me to ask about the girlfriends.

We continue skimming through the books, but no words really stick out to me. I'm on the history of vampires, and it's a boring story, more Gods just getting bored with their already existing creations.

"Vampires are kinda boring," I tell Killian. "Do they even have mates?"

Killian glances up from his book. "Yes, actually, they do."

My head cocks to the side. "Really? Like the same as ours?"

Killian shrugs. "I guess so. They don't call them 'mates', though. They call them their beloved. Same thing, really. Their other half, soulmate, blah blah blah."

"Sounds corny," I say, but my voice cracks.

Who am I kidding? Everyone loves the idea of having a soulmate. I was surprised by how bitter I felt about vampires having them too. For a moment, I almost felt a bit of solace in knowing that I wasn't completely alone.

"Can I ask you something?" Killian asks suddenly.

"Whatever," I say passively, still skimming through the book, repressing thoughts about Leo and Gwen.

"Why didn't you hesitate to reject Leo?" Killian asks tentatively, glancing at me quickly before looking away.

His question surprises me. Isn't it obvious. "Gwen is my sister..?" I say in question, not really sure what he doesn't understand.

He looks perplexed by my response. "Didn't you want a mate?" He asks, and I'm still not sure how the two are connected.

I shrug. "Everyone does."

He blinks. "Why not fight for him then?"

"Why would I want the father of my sister's baby?" I ask in confusion.

Killian shakes his head slowly. "I... I don't understand you sometimes, Katrina."

"What aren't you understanding?" I ask irately.

"You fight in every other aspect of your life," Killian says pensively, his eyebrows furrowed. "But not with your mate. I watched you reject him like it was effortless."

"She's my sister."

Killian doesn't respond, only going back to reading his book.

We read in silence for awhile.

"It's not your business anyways," I mutter.

"I know."

We quietly turn the pages, and I gulp nervously, scooting away from him on the cot.

"Something wrong, Katrina?" Killian asks.

"No, just warm in here," I swallow again, moving a few more inches away.

"We could take off our clothes," He grins wickedly.

"I could take off your head?" I suggest, reaching for the knife in my sheath.

"Your inclination towards violence just turns me on more," Killian says with a wink.

"You know one of these days I actually will stab you right?" I roll my eyes.

"Hopefully I'll be the one stabbing you," He wiggles his eyebrows.

I groan in disgust, shoving him off the cot. "You're gross."

He laughs, laying on the ground. "Never has a woman been so hateful towards my advances. I'm beginning to think you may not actually be in love with me after all."

"Wow, you think so?" I respond sarcastically.

"Nah, I know you're falling for me," Killian grins, getting up and sitting next to me on the cot. "How could you not? I'm beautiful, smart, hilarious, powerful. What more could you want?"

I tried coming up with an insult to respond with, but couldn't think of anything, so we continued reading in silence.


When I wake up, there's a terrible pain in my neck.

I groan, stretching my neck with my eyes still closed. A pair of arms wrap around me, and pull me closer.

I scream, and the arms just tighten more.

"Killian," I groan, pounding on his chest, and he grins with his eyes still closed. "Let go of me."

"Stop ruining our mornings together," Killian scowls. "Would it kill you to just give me a good morning kiss on my lips or on my-"

I put my hand over his mouth. "Finish that sentence and I finish your life," I threaten.

Killian rolls his eyes, and I take my hand off of his mouth. "It's always the same thing with you. Killian, I'm going to kill you. Killian, stop snuggling me. Mix it up and be nicer to me in the morning, would you? It's so much better when you just accept my affection."

I scowl, pulling myself out of his arms and stretching as I stand up. "What happened? I don't remember falling asleep."

Killian shrugs. "We were reading. You got tired. Begged me to take off my clothes. And I was like, 'Katrina no, stop taking advantage of me'. And you were like, 'But Killian, you're soooo sexy and the strongest Alpha ever'. And then I was like-"

"How about the true story?" I suggest, cutting off Killian's lies.

He sighs. "Fine. We were reading and you fell asleep sitting up. We had to share a cot. In case if you didn't notice, this isn't exactly a 5-star hotel."

"You could have slept on the floor," I glare at him.

He had the audacity to look mildly offended. "I have sensitive skin. I certainly could not have. And by the way, my dear, I kept my hands to myself. You were the one running your hands all over my perfectly muscled body. It was rude, really."

"You're so obnoxious," I scowl. "Stop sleeping in my freaking bed, you annoying, arrogant, bastard son of a-"

"It's my bed, technically," A voice interjects, walking into the tent.

"Sorry, Akoni," Killian apologizes with an impish grin, and I know he isn't sorry at all. "Katrina got a little over excited last night."

I scream in frustration and try punching Killian, but he teleports next to Akoni, who looks surprised.

"I didn't realize you two were together," Akoni says in surprise.

My mouth drops open. "We aren't-"

"We're very much in love," Killian nods seriously. "Thank you for understanding. I do hope you'll stay away from her now."

"Of course," Akoni stammers. "I'm sorry, Killian. I had no idea. Of course, I can see it. The two of you are perfect together."

"We aren't-" I repeat hotly, and Killian teleports behind me, putting his hand over my mouth.

"She's not a morning person," Killian says apologetically with a grin, and I stomp on his foot. "Anyways, did you find a map in any of the books?"

Akoni nods, holding a book up in his hands. "You aren't going to believe this."

Akoni sits on the ground, opening the book to a map. I sit down with Killian, and we look at the map.

"What am I looking at?" I ask in confusion as Killian turns pale.

"There's a vampire coven right next to Crimson Shadow," Akoni says quietly, and points to the map.

"Shit," I swear.

"Fuck," Akoni agrees.

"Damn," Killian throws in.

"Are you going to kill them?" I ask, frowning.

"Yes," Killian says as Akoni says, "No."

"Yes," Killian glares at Akoni.

Akoni glares back. "You have no evidence that they're the ones stealing your wolves. Find evidence first and the Viatoribus will back you."

Killian grinds his teeth together. "You've got to be joking, Akoni. It's a freaking coven of vampires right next to my territory, the territory in which five wolves have gone missing. You're telling me that's a coincidence?"

Akoni shakes his head. "I'm not saying it's a coincidence," He says calmly. "I'm saying you have no proof. The Viatoribus will not step in until there is. You know we have to do this by the Accords."

"The Accords?" I question.

Killian practically spits out, "The Viatoribus Accords. It's a code that says when they can meddle in supernatural affairs. It's bullshit."

Akoni sighs. "You know it's not bullshit, Killian. We can't go around just taking down covens without reason. I want to help you. Just find us evidence so that we can."

"But I've had visions with blood!" I interject. "Obviously that means that vampires are involved."

Akoni hesitates. "Just... I need more than that to convince the elders. None of them will vote to provide aid on such little proof."

"I'm going to take down that coven with or without your help," Killian warns, a shadow casting over his face.

Akoni sighs. "You need experienced warriors, Killian. Sending your pack into a coven of vampires will send you into extinction. Just find some proof. Be smart about this."

Killian pauses. "Fine. Give Katrina something of yours so we can track you. I assume you're leaving this location soon?"

Akoni nods, and hands me his bow and quiver of arrows.

"But... you made this," I frown. How could he want me to take something so valuable?

"Keep them," Akoni insists. "The arrowheads are wooden. You can kill a vampire with them. Take care of yourself, Katrina."

The stress in his voice clearly tells me that he doesn't mean to warn me about the vamps. He's telling me to lay off my Sight.

Killian glares at Akoni. "We should get going," He says lowly.

Killian picks up the books off of the ground, and I carry the rest.

"Bye, Akoni," I tell him, and hope the message in my eyes is clear.

Please, don't tell Killian.

Akoni shakes his head sadly. "Bye, Katrina. I hope to see you again soon."

Killian snarls before we step through the portal, because he doesn't know what Akoni is really saying.

I hope you live long enough for me to see you again.


"Fuck," I groan as we step through the portal. I feel dizzy, even though Killian wrapped his arm around mine before we entered the in between.

"You should lay off your Sight for awhile," Killian frowns at me. "I don't like how weak you seem after it."

I almost laugh at his words, even though it shouldn't be funny.

"Yay, Kat's back!" Layla sings, running up to me.

"I'm back, too," Killian pouts playfully.

"Let me help you with those," Kage offers, appearing out of nowhere, as always. So similar to Killian, yet so different.

"Thanks," I smile gratefully as Kage takes some of the books from my arms.

"Here, I'll take the rest," Knox says, his rough voice surprisingly gentle as he takes the rest of the books from my arms.

"Isn't anyone going to offer to help me carry mine?" Killian rolls his eyes, still having at least fifteen books in his hands.

Knox shrugs. "You're the Alpha, you figure it out."

Killian snorts, setting the books on a ledge near the door. "That's it. Layla, you're the Beta now."

Layla squeals. "Yay! Hey, look at my Knox impression." Layla narrows her eyes and presses her mouth into a hard line, and folds her arms over her chest.

"That's really good," Jae agrees, and Knox rolls his eyes.

"Hey, watch mine," Maryn says, and all of a sudden, she's no longer Maryn. I'm looking at Knox.

I gasp, and look back to where Knox was standing, and sure enough, he's still standing there next to Kage.

I look back to Maryn/ the Knox replica.

The knockoff Knox narrows his eyes. "I don't trust Seers and I hate everyone," The knockoff Knox scowls, a perfect imitation.

"That's really good," Killian nods in approval. "Wait, ball your fists up really tight when you talk. And tense up your shoulders."

The knockoff Knox balls his fists up and raises his shoulders. "What, like this?" He asks.

Gabe nods. "Great, Mar. Now say, 'I just want to punch things and be grouchy'."

Knockoff Knox repeats Gabe's words, and I stare in shock. The voice, the look is completely the same. Maryn's Gift allows her to completely shapeshift into another person completely.

The only thing that slightly gave her away was that her eyes were still completely black, instead of having Knox's eyes.

"Do me!" Layla squeals in excitement.

"You cried the last time Maryn pretended to be you," Jae sighs, crossing her arms.

Layla's eyes water. "My outfit didn't match!" She wails.

Kage nudges me with his shoulder. "Freaks," He whispers, grinning slightly.

I laugh.

We all are.

All of the wolves in the circulus suddenly stop laughing.

"No!" Layla yells, sinking to her knees and crying.

My Sight tells me immediately what's wrong.

Another wolf just got taken.

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