The Age of Daenerys Targaryen

By ImperatorTiberSeptim

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Peace has finally returned to Westeros, but the neighboring continent of Essos is far from calm. In many plac... More

Part 1: Resurrection
Part 2: A hot bath
Part 3: The wisdom of a dragon
Part 4: The slaves of R'hllor
Part 5: News from Westeros
Part 6: The prince is riding
Part 7: Grief
Part 8: Like a phoenix from the ashes
Part 9: Empire
Part 10: Imperial Majesty
Part 11: Shall we begin?
Part 12: Tyrion
Part 13: Sansa
Part 14: Jon
Part 15: Mhysa's return
Part 16: A short victorious war
Part 17: The Small Council
Part 18: Good and bad surprises
Part 19: R'hllor save the Empress
Part 20: The meeting at the lumber mill
Part 21: The League of Free Cities
Part 22: The greatest city that ever was and ever will be
Part 23: The fall of Braavos
Part 24: Before the storm
Part 25: Guilt and failure
Part 26: World War
Part 27: Allies
Part 28: Gendry Baratheon
Part 29: Lys
Part 30: Preparations
Part 31: Volon Therys
Part 32: Small mercies
Part 33: The Empress sends her regards
Part 34: Lunch at Winterfell
Part 35: Pentos
Part 36: Rebellion
Teil 37: Tyrosh
Part 38: Out of control
Part 39: The grace of the Empress
Part 40: Under control
Part 41: Daarion
Part 42: An exhausting council meeting
Part 43: An unexpected encounter
Part 44: The decision is near
Part 45: Fear of love
Part 46: These Imperials are crazy
Part 47: The Alliance war council
Part 48: Pasha
Part 49: Ar Noy
Part 50: Skirmish
Part 51: Hold the line
Part 52: The Iron Fist
Part 53: The Mother of All Battles
Teil 54: After the battle
Part 55: A guest in the Imperial Palace
Part 56: Breakfast with the Empress
Part 57: Eastwatch
Part 58: The exiled samurai
Part 59: Brothers
Part 60: The shadow of the dragon
Part 61: A gesture of goodwill
Part 62: The right side of the coin
Part 63: The end of the war
Part 64: Arrival in Braavos
Part 65: Premonitions
Part 66: The house with the red door
Part 67: To the sky
Part 69: The first enemy killed
Part 70: Three words
Part 71: Findings
Part 72: The Treaty of Braavos
Part 73: The proposal
Part 74: The flight home
Part 75: Back in the capital
Part 76: News from Essos
Part 77: Lyanna
Part 78: The arrival of the wedding guests
Part 79: The queen of love and beauty
Part 80: United
Part 81: Wedding favors and fireworks
Part 82: The Age of Daenerys Targaryen

Part 68: Duel in the clouds

514 15 3
By ImperatorTiberSeptim

Kenzai pushed his war mask, which showed a demon face, in front of his face, while Hi-no-uroko left the ground behind him. The people of Braavos - and Empress Daenerys, who circled high above the city on Drogon - would probably notice him at that moment.

It took Daenerys a moment to grasp what she was seeing. It had to be an illusion, for this huge, fiery red dragon flying straight towards her could not possibly be real. Then the Empress realized that what Bran, Jon and Kinvara had seen was just coming true. It didn't matter who the dragon and its rider - whom Dany now saw on the beast's back - were. All that mattered was that they were obviously after her.

For a moment she thought of fleeing, but immediately dismissed the thought. Drogon might be able to outrun the larger dragon, but then Braavos would be at the mercy of the strange rider. And he would keep chasing Dany, maybe even hunting her children.

So she suppressed her fear and turned Drogon towards the new enemy.

Kenzai was surprised to see the black dragon flying towards him. Somehow the samurai had expected the Empress to try to avoid the encounter. On the other hand, Daenerys Targaryen would not have come this far if she had no fighting spirit.

Kenzai felt for the pocket in which he kept his shuriken, also known as throwing stars, and fished one out.

In the meantime the dragons had caught up with each other and were circling each other like two fighting dogs. Kenzai aimed his throwing star at the Empress.

Dany drew Flame from its scabbard while Drogon and the red dragon maneuver in circles, waiting for the right moment to pounce on each other. She wasn't sure what the blade would do for her now, but holding it in her hand gave her a reassuring feel of control.

The man - Daenerys assumed it was a man, anyway - who was sitting on the back of the enemy dragon wore a strange, red-enameled lamellar armor and a black helmet with neck protection. His face was covered by a terrifying war mask. He was just picking up something and making a sweeping motion. The whirring of the approaching throwing blade was almost drowned in the roar of the dragons, but when Daenerys saw the flash of metal, her instincts, hard-earned in training with Jaqen H'ghar, came to life. Flame leaped forward and deflected the throwing blade that would otherwise have struck the Empress's face.

Seeing Daenerys fending off the shuriken with ease, Kenzai cursed himself for underestimating her. He should have expected that the Empress had received combat training.

But the samurai still had a dozen more throwing stars left. And even if that didn't help, Hi-no-uroko's superior strength and size should bring the key advantage.

Daenerys fought off more throwing blades from their unknown enemy. She wielded the short sword as precisely as if it were an extension of her right arm. Meanwhile, the two dragons attacked each other tooth and nail. Dany could only hope that Drogon would hold his own against his bigger rival. What luck that Dany was tied to the saddle, otherwise she would have been thrown off and fallen into the depths.

On the ground, however, the dragon fight did not go unnoticed. Tyrion, Sam and Jon were having breakfast in 'The Sealord's mug' when the roar of the beasts lured them outside. The people in the streets watched with open mouths the drama that was unfolding in the sky.

Jon's heart stopped when he saw Drogon and a larger red dragon wedged together like two fighting birds of prey and dash towards the roofs of the city in a nosedive. At the very last moment they broke away from each other and rushed only a few meters above the houses, only to then pounce on each other again.

Kenzai growled in frustration as Daenerys fought off his last shuriken. She couldn't be that good! It took more than ordinary weapon training to be able to deflect a dozen well-aimed throwing stars with a sword blade under these conditions. And yet the Empress had made it.

Well, then he would do it differently. The samurai grabbed his tachi and waited for the moment when the movements of the two dragons would bring him within reach of Daenerys.

The enemy had stopped throwing blades at her, but Dany was on guard. Just now, the fighting dragons rushed past the huge broken sword that the Titan of Braavos raised into the air. Drogon held up well in battle, dealing just as much as he pocketed. Both dragons were already bleeding from numerous wounds. Up until now they had only spat fire sporadically, and if so, it was more in an attempt to dazzle or irritate the enemy, because dragons were fire-resistant.

Daenerys too. Did that also apply to the other rider? It was worth a try.

"Dracarys!", Dany shouted, hoping Drogon would understand.

But then the warrior came into hand-to-hand range and struck the Empress with a curved sword that was as strange as his armor. The force of the blows almost tore Flame out of Dany's hand while parrying, while the dragons bit each other again and screwed through the air in a corkscrew motion. Above and below alternated very quickly.

Kenzai let out a cry of rage as the Empress parried his fifth blow and the Valyrian steel made a deep notch in his tachi. He was ridiculed by a petite woman barely half his size! And Hi-no-uroko had a harder time against Drogon than he had hoped.

The samurai had to find a way to end the fight quickly before things got out of hand. He instructed his dragon to break away from Drogon and dive into one of the low lying clouds.

The sudden retreat of the enemy took Daenerys completely by surprise. She never believed for a moment that he had given up. Sweat ran down her forehead and her sword arm ached as she looked around.

Under cover of the cloud, Kenzai exchanged his damaged tachi for his naginata. It was a blade nearly three feet long, attached to a one and a half meter wooden shaft. When he was ready, the warrior directed Hi-no-uroko back into the open sky, then let him fly from above towards Drogon. He held the naginata in his rigth fist, ready to push. The Empress would not be able to parry. Not if Kenzai had the momentum of Hi-no-uroko's nosedive on his side.

When Dany saw the attacker above her, there were only seconds before the impact. The enemy had aimed a kind of glaive on her.

Thanks to her trained reflexes, she managed in the very last split second to bend her body so that the blade missed her by a hair's breadth. Then she thrust Flame into the mouth of the demon mask. She then collided with the opponent's armored body and passed out.

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