Little Miss Pureblood | Draco...

By Casfra011

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Francesca is from the Villin family a very powerful family in the wizarding world. Her family is known to be... More

Letters, Wands and Cats
Hogwarts and The Sorting
Bloody idiots
Seekers,Halloween and Trolls
Slytherin๐Ÿvs Gryffindor๐Ÿฆ
Cats and Christmas
Mirrors and Detention
Exams and end of year 1
Summer holidays Part 2
Diagon\Nocturn Alley
Back at Hogwarts
Classes and Howlers
The Chamber of Secrets
Broken bones and no bones
Snakes and Confessions
The Odd Crabbe and Goyle
Christmas time
Solved Mystery by Saint Potter
A Week at Malfoy Manor
Pranks and dates
...We need to tell you something
Dementors on the train
New Classes
Werewolfs and Party
Celebration and last day
The Pureblood Ball
The Quidditch World Cup
Triwizard Tournament
Blood curse or no blood curse?
The First Task
The Yule Ball
The day after
Losing a friend
A dark Summer
A Pink Toad
The Inquisitorial Squad
Death Eaters
Sex won't fix everything
A changed Draco
Not so Lucky

Summer Holidays

1.3K 29 73
By Casfra011

It was the sixth week of the summer holidays and I had gotten several letters from my friends. Draco was the one that I talked to the most, we sent letters to each other very frequently and we talked mostly about how we were both going to join the quidditch team this year.

"Mistress your parents would like to talk to you" I hear and when I turned around from my desk I see Pixie.
"I will be there in a minute," I told her. I quickly got up from my desk where I was reading a book named 'quidditch through the ages it was basically a book about the history of quidditch and how it was invented. When it was created and the first teams to ever play it.

I got up and headed downstairs. I entered the living room which was just a room with two large sofas a coffee table and a fireplace with some bookshelves and paintings of our ancestors. There I found my mother and father on one of the sofas and on the opposite sofa was my sister Aurora.

"Hi dear, please have a seat next to your sister we have something to talk to you about something very important," my mother said. I was worried I had a feeling something bad was going to happen. So I took a seat on the sofa next to my sister.

"Ok, so we want to tell you that strange things will be happening at Hogwarts next year. I want you both to stay safe this year. I want Aurora to stay with Ben at all times due to the fact that he is your boyfriend and has the same classes as you. He also knows about what I'm going to tell you." He said and my sister nodded in agreement.
"And Francesca stays close with Malfoy he is your best friend and also has the same classes as you. His father will tell him about what I'm about to tell you" my father says to me and I nod with a worried look on my face.

"Now let me tell you that this does not affect Pureblood's or halfblood's in any way but the chamber of secrets will be opened this year," he said looking at both of us.

"Wait, as in Salazar Slytherin's chamber of secrets?" Aurora questioned.

"Yes, I trust you all know about it from your book Hogwarts: A History.
The chamber will be opened by the heir of Slytherin, I'm afraid I can't tell you who the person is." he says and we both gasp.

"Now it's been 50 years since the chamber has been opened, the last person who opened it was expelled but the last time the chamber of secrets has opened a muggle-born died. I must tell you not to go looking for them is that will be released. Now due to the fact that all of us are parslemouths you will hear voices. Don't worry it won't attack you but I will still recommend caution." He said.

"You two will be safe like all the other pureblood's and also halfblood's but stay safe, still this monster will attack anyone who gets in their way." My mother said and Aurora nodded.

"Also tomorrow in the afternoon we will be going to Malfoy manor so me and your mother will discuss something with Lucius and Narcissa," my father said.

"But in the afternoon I was going to meet Ben," my sister told my father.

"You can go with him this only involves us adults so Francesca can stay with Draco in his room whilst we are discussing," he said and I nodded.

"Now off to bed and Good night my lovely daughters," he said. And with that, we were off to bed.

Maria's Pov

"Do you think they will be safe Angelo?" I asked my husband.

"Let's just hope they won't get into any trouble that will get them involved in this," he said.

"I felt bad having to lie to them about the person who opened the chamber of secrets," I tell him.

"It's for their own safety, I'm afraid the Horcrux will be running around the school. The dark lord will possess the child in possession of his diary and open the chamber of secrets once again. Let's just hope that Lucius picks the perfect person for this task" he says and I nodded.

We then headed off to bed.

---The next day---

Francesca's POV

I just sent off a letter to Draco saying how excited I am to see him today when I hear my sister from the room next door opening and closing cabinets and I could also hear her panicking.

I walk to her room and when I open the door I see a mess in her room with her trying to pick out an outfit.
"You have been dating Ben since you were in the second year do you seriously think he would care what you dress in?" I said.

"God you gave me a fright. And yes I think he would now get your butt over here and help me find an outfit to go on my date with" she said.

I managed to find her the perfect outfit.

She was now ready for her date.

"Now what about you?" She said smirking.

"W-what I'm not going on a date," I said.

"Oh, you're not but you are going to see Draco, might as well try to make it." She said.

"B-but he is not my boyfriend he is my best friend," I said stuttering. I knew my sister was wise enough to realise that I grew feelings for Draco over the summer.

"Oh, really so who was the person you described in your diary as 'So handsome and sweet.' And also 'Such a gentleman the only thing that he needs is to stop gelling his hair with that disgusting yellow hair gel' was that someone I believe to be Draco Malfoy?" She said.

"How dare you read my diary that is my private property" I spat.

"I read your diary since you were five and let me tell you this is the most interesting thing you have in that diary," she said.

"Ok, one-stop reading my diary and two help me pick something because I don't think he will enjoy seeing me in the hoodie your boyfriend gave me for Christmas," I said and we both headed into my room to pick something for me to wear.

My sister picked out the perfect outfit and obviously, I wore with it my grandmother's locket and the earnings Draco gave me for Christmas.

I also wore some white sandals, curled my hair with a spell and headed downstairs.

When I went downstairs I see Ben wearing a Suit which I found very strange since the boy lived in sweat pants. Then I saw my parent waiting for me.

"Honey, you look lovely! Finally, she ditched the black jeans and hoodies" my mother said and whispered the last part into my father's ears thinking I will not hear it.

"Let's go now," my father said handing me a pot of floo powder. My sister and Ben were walking to the restaurant since it was not far from our house so they already left.

I grabbed a hand full of floo powder, went into the fireplace and with my clearest voice possible I exclaimed "Malfoy Manor".

Then I found myself in an all-black living room.

"Hello?" I said trying to see if anyone was home.

"Hello dear, you must be Francesca. I'm Narcissa Malfoy Draco's mum" she said giving me a hug. She is a tall woman with blue eyes and black and blond hair with the warmest smile on her face

"Pleasure to meet you, Mrs Malfoy," I said.

"Please just Narcissa," she said and then a tall man with long white-blond hair came holding a walking stick with the top of it having a snake.

"You must be Ms Francesca Villin, Lucius Malfoy," he said.

"Pleasure to meet you, Mr Malfoy," I said.

"The pleasure is all mine, you know Draco talks an awful lot about you." He said but before I can stay anything I hear.

"Lucius how lovely to see you again," my father says. Then they hug each other as if they were brothers.

"Narcissa how nice to see you again. We have a lot of catching up to do" my mother says.

"Indeed," Narcissa says.

"Now Fran you have to leave since we have something to discuss," my mother says to me.

"Indeed, Draco is in his room I will have Dobby show you the way to his room. DOBBY!" Lucius says. The mention of Draco's name sent shivers down my spine. Then a house elf came in.

"Show Ms Villin hear the way to Draco's room" Lucius ordered Dobby.

"Yes, Master. Follow me Mistress Villin" The house-elf said.

Then after going up a fire stairs Dobby shows me a room.

"Thank you Dobby," I said and he smiled at this then he left.

I was so tensed then without thinking I knocked on the door.

"Come in," said a familiar voice.

"Hi Draco," I said nervously. Then he turned around to see Draco about a foot taller than I last saw him and he has lost some of his baby fat in his cheeks. Holy Helga Hufflepuff my eyes were blessed.

"Francesca" he exclaimed and engulfed me in a tight hug. I hugged back.

He was wearing a black button-up shirt with the first three buttons unbuttoned and some black pants with black shoes.

"It's been so long since I saw you you look so handsome. I MEAN GREAT! You look great." I exclaimed trying to correct myself...not that I was wrong he looked A-M-A-Z-I-N-G.

"So do you, so what have you been up to?" He questioned.

"Nothing much just reading and writing letters to my friends," I said.

"Good, I hope I was the one you talked to the most," he said winking at me.

"Yeah, yeah you were," I said blushing a deep red.

"Come on my bed we have a lot to catch up with," he said and went onto his bed.

"Umm yeah," I said walking over to his bed. His bedroom was huge.

I sat on his bed and we started talking about our summer and about the Slytherin quidditch team.

"Wait I forgot about your present," he said.

"Draco Lucius Malfoy stop giving me presents you are spoiling me and it's not Christmas!" I said.

"Francesca Maria Villin I will continue to spoil you plus your birthday is in one week! Now close your eyes" he said. I rolled my eyes and closed them shut.

"Did you roll your eyes at me?" He said. I didn't make a single move then I feel a pair of lips on mine. HOLY SHIT I'M KISSING DRACO! I said in my heart. Then I kissed back. The kiss felt like it lasted hours. My first kiss was with my best friend. Then he released. I looked into his grey eyes.

"Why did you do that?" I said shyly.

"Because you rolled your eyes at me," he said. Then I looked next to him to see a black box with the word Nimbus 2001 Limited edition.

"Draco is that what I think it is?" I questioned in disbelief.

"Oh yeah a little something my father got the entire Slytherin quidditch team," he said then whispered in my ear "but yours and mine are limited edition."

"But I'm not on the team," I said.

"Oh, you are you see there are two parts the first one is the nimbus but the second one is that I had a little chit chat with Flint the captain and told him how good of a chaser you are and told him if he gets me and you on the team I will give the entire team a nimbus 2001 for each player." He said.

"Draco you bought me a place on the quidditch team ARE YOU KIDDING ME!" I said at the top of my lungs.

"I saw you play with Sofie and Ellie once and you were really good," he said and without thinking I hugged the absolute crap out of him.

To be continued...

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