broken as i • a kylo ren story

By hydrangearen

19.1K 724 1.4K

••••• completed but iffy ••••• "he continued to hold onto you for dear life, and you let him. he needed this... More

part one
i (i)
ii (ii)
iii (iii)
iv (iv)
v (v)
vi (vi)
vii (vii)
viii (viii)
ix (ix)
x (x)
xi (xi)
xii (xii)
xiii (xiii)
xiv (xiv)
xv (xv)
xvi (xvi)
xvii (xvii)
xviii (xviii)
xix (xix)
part two
i (xx)
ii (xxi)
iii (xxii)
iv (xxiii)
v (xxiv)
vi (xxv)
vii (xxvi)
viii (xxvii)
ix (xxviii)
x (xxix)
xi (xxx)
xii (xxxi)
xiii (xxxii)
xiv (xxxiii)
xv (xxxiv)
xvi (xxxv)
xviii (xxxvii)
xix (xxxviii)
part three
i (xxxix)
ii (xl)
iii (xli)
iv (xlii)
v (xliii)
vi (xliv)
vii (xlv)
viii (xlvi)
ix (xlvii)
x (xlviii)
xi (xlix)
xii (l)
xiii (li)
xiv (lii)
xv (liii)
xvi (liv)
xvii (lv)
xviii (lvi)
xix (lvii)
thank you

xvii (xxxvi)

130 8 7
By hydrangearen


kylo woke up with the the need of going through the mission that he delayed for such a long time.  he didnt know why, but something in him begged for him to finally do it. he was more than ready for it, more than ready to kill his uncle.

he quickly put on his uniform and headed for the control room, where he was greeted by hux.

"hello, supreme lead-"

"it is time." kylo said to hux, totally ignoring his greeting.

hux felt a grin fall onto his face as soon as he heard the words. he knew exactly what kylo meant, which also meant that his horrid plan was starting to work out. he couldnt help but start feeling a tad bit of excited because of the events. "of course." hux said to kylo before turning to the rest of the first order members that were in the room, "ready the hangar and troops, we are going to ahch-to."

"yes, right away." one of them spoke up as they ordered others to do such and such.

kylo made his way over to the command shuttle, and walked right in. he was welcomed by a few people, but not many because if how intimidating he was. he made his way to the front, and overlooked the busy hangar from there.

at least 100 troops were making their ways into ships. tie fighters were being loaded up, as well as the weapons that they were going to be taking. it did seem that the order was going way overboard, but kylo nor hux were against it in any way.

within minutes, all of the stormtroopers quickly disappeared into the ships, and all that was left on the grounds of the hangar were other personnel that were previously directed traffic and making everything run smoother.

"everything is set, supreme leader." hux said as he walked up behind kylo, keeping a safe distance from the large man.

"lets go." kylo said, then he suddenly heard hux said something to other people. he felt the ship shake a bit, and he saw the others doing the same- almost in sync.

almost in seconds, they were out in the vast place called space- about to make the jump to lightspeed. then, kylo abruptly started to tense up and feel apprehensive. it was almost like kylo started to think that this was...the wrong thing to do for a second?

kylo stormed out of the control room and into a secluded area. he couldnt believe that he felt...felt guilty about doing this. he had thought about this day for years and years, yet when the day came, he was feeling...regretful?

what kind of ruler of the dark side would think such a thing? how could such a confused and conflicted person be in charge?

he took in a few breaths and reminded himself that what he was doing was right. but, that thought...that idea of it being wrong- it still lurked in his brain for a good amount of time.

he quickly felt a great impact when the shuttle switched over to lightspeed, so kylo walked back out into the front. when he looked out the large windows, he saw a planet filled with many body of water- as well as small islands that were scattered around.

the ship then broke through the atmosphere, and kylo saw some tie fighters swooping down and aiming for the island. then, he promptly noticed something weird that was in the corner of his eye. he turned his head to that direction, and was even more puzzled then before.

a lone tie fighter going the opposite direction as everyone else was. it appeared that the ship was leaving the planet, instead of going towards it.

"what is that fighter doing? try and get into contact with them."

the red haired man instantly cursed in his head. this wasnt how it was suppose to go, but it wasnt a bad thing at all. in fact, it was a great thing in a twisted, wicked way. "you heard him" hux said to a man that was near some buttons and screens. he didnt want to seem the slightest bit suspicious, so he had to go along.

"it appears that they have cut off all communication from us." almost if on cue, the fighter went off into space with the help of lightspeed.

"that is fine. one fighter doing whatever that is, isnt going to set this mission back. we must just focus on the goal- killing skywalker." the redheaded man spoke.

kylo didnt say anything, he just simply nodded. something about the ship though...made him feel strange. just by looking at it made this familiar essence appear within him. almost like- no. stop thinking about her.

besides, why would you be on this planet? that would make no sense. it wasnt like you knew who luke skywalker was, and you definitely didnt know what ahch-to was either.

hux looked down at his datapad and let out a fake gasp. "im sorry supreme leader, but there is an emergency back at the finalizer. can you handle this on your o-"

"yes, general hux. now go and do whatever you are talking about." kylo could care less about huxs ignorant comment. kylo could obviously take this over, and not that it mattered but, it was going to be over soon.

hux disappeared into the back of the ship and kylo felt almost relieved. he felt that doing this by himself-without help, would be a bit more efficient than doing it with hux.

the ship landed onto the rocky island and before anyone moved, kylo spoke up.

"i will go down there first by myself. do not bring troops out of there ships yet. if i need them, i will tell you. also, hold all weapons."

"yes sir." one of the spoke up.

kylo made his way to the already opened ramped and walked down it. hux was nowhere to be found, but when kylo looked up at the sky- there was a ship going off into space. the only reason why kylo knew it was hux was because looking at this ship didnt give him that feeling.

kylo let the force guide him to luke. he could feel his uncle's presence greatly, and with every step he took- the more of a ringing sound produced in his ears.

then- it stopped.

everything stopped.

the ringing noise, the movement on the planet, the galaxy-

it all stopped.

the back of a man appeared in kylos eyes as he slowly approached him. the figure was sitting on a large rock with crossed legs. kylo could tell that luke was meditating because this was the exact way that luke taught him to.

that uneasiness in the force subsided right when luke felt that recognizable yet foreign presence behind him. luke knew that something was going to occur, and he was ready.



authors note

im sorry for the bad chapter lmaooo. i was struggling so hard w writing this, and i have no idea why- it was pretty straight forward. but, the next chapters will hopefully get ya! if you want to, please vote and comment <33


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