forbidden love (a kataang sto...

By avataraanglover

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Katara, princess of the southern water tribe has been kept alone in her castle, not allowed to leave, or see... More

Chapter 1: Surprise visitor
Chapter 3: Sokka's discovery
Chapter 4: Dilemma
Chapter 5: Wanted
Chapter 6: Avatar mysteries
Chapter 7: Katara's Plan
Chapter 8: Small reunion

Chapter 2: Midnight meetings

850 23 12
By avataraanglover

Katara's POV

As I watched Aang glide off into the distance my heart felt as if it might explode. I had a friend. I walked back into my room and shut my balcony doors. The sun had fully risen and there wasn't any point in going back to bed, so I threw on some fresh clothes and brushed my hair. As I made my way down to the dining hall I couldn't help but smile. The thought of seeing Aang again tonight made my heart race. What would we talk about? Would he take me flying again? Maybe he would take me to see his animals! 

I sat down next to Sokka, and he seemed to notice my change in moods from the other day. "What's up with you?" he asked curiously. "Oh, w-well," I stuttered; "I just found a new book I want to read and I'm very excited." I could sense his suspicion, but he didn't challenge me on my answer so I assumed he really didn't care all that much. My father smiled at me. "I'm glad to see you're  feeling better Katara." he said in between bites. "What's your book about?"  I quickly racked my brain for an answer. "Oh, its just about animals native to the south." I replied. "Sounds interesting." he stated before turning back to his meal. I quickly finished eating and headed off to the washroom. 

I began to draw a bath for myself, as I hadn't bathed in a day or two. Soaking in the warm water, I began to swirl my fingers around, causing the water to follow my actions. If only It wasn't forbidden, than I could be an incredible bender. Maybe Aang could help me, he seemed to be a very skilled bender himself, he might have some helpful tips.  I made a mental note to ask him that night.  

Aang's POV

I landed by the cave just as the sun had fully risen. I couldn't believe Katara warmed up to me so fast. She was kind and funny and I was excited to see her again tonight. As I headed into the cave I saw that Appa and Momo were still asleep. Not wanting to disturb them, I quietly set my staff down and began to unpack my things. I pulled out my sleeping bag and a wave of exhaustion hit me. I snuggled up next to Appa and I immediately drifted off into a deep sleep. 

~several hours later~

I woke up in a cold sweat. My sleep had been fitful, and all I had dreamt about was going back home.  All the guilt I had about leaving the Air Temple began to flood my brain. I put my head in my hands. Had I made a mistake? Tears began to flow from my eyes as I thought about my friends and mentors I had left behind. If I decided to go back, would they even want me? Thoughts were swimming through my head and I couldn't compose myself. Sniffling I rummaged through my bag, pulling out a stick of incense. I rested my back on Appa and allowed the smells and the smoke to envelope me. I then remembered Katara. I could feel myself start to smile. I could talk to her about my problems, she seemed to understand me. We had some sort of connection, like two pieces of the same puzzle. The thought of seeing her again tonight made the plague of negative thoughts in my head subside.  

I put out the incense and looked out of the cave. The sun was just about to set. I changed out of my clothes and put on some fresh robes. I didn't need layers, I was taught to control my body heat by the monks. As the sun lowered in the sky, I pulled out a book and began to read to pass the time.

Katara's POV

As I sat on my bed and watched the sun set, I could feel a pair of eyes on me. I turned around to see Sokka standing outside my open door. He walked into the room and sat next to me on my bed. "You've been suspiciously happy all day." He said while eyeing me curiously. "I've just found something to keep me from going crazy while I'm locked in this castle." I replied dryly. He seemed to back off after I said that. 

Sokka had all the freedom he wanted, all because he was a man, and dad thought he could protect himself better than I could. He could leave the castle, practice fighting, and go around town all he wanted. While he was out living it up, I remained in my room for most of my day. He spoke up again. "Well, that book can't be the that's making you this happy." he stated, awaiting an explanation. I sat with him in silence, debating if I should tell him about Aang or not. I decided not too. Me and Aang were technically breaking the law, and Sokka had an absurd amount of respect for the elemental rules. I'm not really sure why though. I think he wanted to be apart of the Water Tribe Guard.

 "I found a friend.." I replied, trying my best to give him a realistic answer. "Who?" he asked suprised. "Is it a maid or something?" feeling slightly annoyed by his response but having no better alternative, I gave in. "Yeah, I'm friends with one of the kitchen maids." He seemed satisfied with that answer, and got up from the bed. "Well I'm happy for you." He gave me a small smile. I loved Sokka. He could be a pain, but he had a good heart. 

"Thanks Sokka." I felt so bad that I didn't tell him, but Aang was the one thing in my life I had to look forward too, and I couldn't let that go. Sokka walked out of my room and I began to get ready for bed. I planned on sleeping for a few hours before waking up to meet Aang. I slipped into my night garments and pulled my hair up into a pony tail. I looked outside to see that the sky was completely dark. I doused my lamp and laid down on my bed. I couldn't wait to see Aang again.

Aang's POV

I looked up from my book. The sky was a deep midnight blue. I got up and stepped out of the cave. Judging by the position of the moon, It was around the time for me to start heading out. Appa grunted at me as I was leaving the cave. "Don't worry buddy, I wont be gone too long." I gave him a hug and patted Momo on the head. 

The snow had doubled during the day, leaving me to fly over it, unless I wanted to get wet by trudging through it. I glided through the air, seeing the castle in the distance. As Katara's balcony came into view, I could see her room was dark. Hoping she hadn't forgotten, I landed on the railing, setting my staff on the floor. I looked into her room from the balcony. I could see a figure in her bed. My heart sunk. She was still asleep. 

Then I saw her shift in her sleep. She sat up, and saw me on the railing. She jolted out of bed and ran to the balcony. As she opened the doors my heart raced. The moon reflecting on her ocean blue eyes made me catch my breath. "Aang!" She said, wrapping her arms around me. I practically melted right then and there. " I missed you!" I said laughing at her. She was smiling with the biggest smile I've ever seen anyone make. She blushed and punched my arm, embarrassed at her actions. "Hey its okay!" I said taking her hand. "You were all I could think about all day." She told me as she led me into her room. "Same with you," I replied. She sat on her bed and I sat next to her. 

"What are we gonna do tonight?" I asked curiously. She smirked at me and giggled, clearly excited for whatever she had planned. "Do you wanna steal food from the kitchen?" She asked me, her eyes gleaming with the anticipation of my answer. I nervously responded, "But what if we get caught?" Her eyes dimmed at my words but she didn't give up with her plan. "Oh come on, I know my way around this castle so well I couldn't get caught if I tried." I was worried and she seemed to sense it. "Plus there are billions of hiding places everywhere in this castle." she added. "Oh alright." I gave in. She smiled and grabbed my hand. Pulling me toward the doorway, she carefully opened her door and led me down the stairs. 

The castle was huge. As we made our way down to the main floor I could see doors lining the halls and intricate carvings in the floor. There were colorful paintings covering the walls and the largest chandelier I've ever seen in my life was hanging from the ceiling. She noticed me gawking at the castle's interior and sighed. "I'm glad you like it." She whispered. "It's not as fun when you've lived here your whole life." She dragged me through various hallways and rooms, finally leading me into the kitchen. 

The kitchen was large, with white tile floors, and steel countertops. With various pots and pans and vegetables hanging above the stoves. It smelled delicious in there and I couldn't believe it.  She led me over to a cabinet and pulled out some crackers and cheese. I had mentioned to her that I was vegetarian and she seemed to remember. I blushed. I couldn't believe how nice this girl was being to me. We sat there in the kitchen stuffing our faces with cheese and crackers and cookies of all sorts, she snorted at me as I shoved 3 cookies in my mouth at once. "You remind me of my brother Sokka," She giggled. "He loves stuffing his face with cookies." I swallowed and gazed at her as she laughed. Her smile was gorgeous. We cleaned up the crumbs from the floor and headed back out into the dark hallways of the castle. 

We walked back into her room, and she shut the door behind us. 

Katara's POV

As we walked back into my room I felt so many emotions flow over me. Aang was so much fun to be around and he made me feel so good about myself. I stared into his cloudy grey eyes, and we sat down on the floor of my room. "Katara, are you ok?" he asked nervously. I realized I had been staring and I blushed. "Sorry," I said, feeling embarassed. "I was just thinking to myself, you know?" He nodded. The sky was beginning to lighten, and I knew that meant he had to leave. 

We walked over to the balcony and he opened the doors. "That was the most fun I've had in years." I told him as he picked up his staff from the floor. "I'm glad you're my friend." He blushed at my words and drew me into his arms for a hug. Without thinking I pulled away from his embrace and kissed him softly on the lips. He backed up from me, with a shocked expression on his face. Blushing wildly, I frantically apologized. "Oh Aang I'm so so sor-" but before i could finish he pulled me back to him and kissed me. The kiss was deep and passionate. His lips were soft and he put his hand on the side of my face. It was like a dream. I rested my head on his chest, inhaling the warm scent of cinnamon. 

And that's how it was for the next few weeks. 

We would meet up during the night, and do various things. He would take me flying and we would make snow angels in the fields of white fluff. We would run around the castle, playing hide and seek, or stuffing our faces with food in the kitchen. When it got closer to morning we would end our nights by cuddling up together in my bed. Being with Aang was like a dream come true. He comforted me, complimented me, and he listened to my problems. That was more than I could say for Sokka or my father. 

~a few days later~

We were sitting together on my bed, reading books to each other, when Aang suddenly paused. I noticed him looking at me, his eyes transfixed on my face. "Aang?" I asked curiously. "Is something wrong?" He blinked a few times coming out of his trance. He shook his head at me and smiled. "Katara can I tell you something?" he asked me. "Sure anything," I replied nervously. He smiled at me and blushed. "I don't know if you're going to like what I have to say, but.." I began to feel worried. Was he ending things with me? He began to speak again, "Katara,"

"I love you." 


Thanks for reading! 

We got some action in this chapter!!! Kataang fuels my soul so I hope you enjoyed this chapter.

I'm gonna try to do a chapter every day, or every other day. things might change since I do have school.

Please be patient!! I'm at least gonna update twice per week.

See you all in the next chapter!!

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