Snape's Daughter • Draco Malf...

By bxdlovin

2.3M 62.8K 41K

"Anyone you excited to finally meet?" she asked. "Harry Potter obviously! Then again, my dad does talk about... More

Hogwarts Letter • Chapter 1
Reunited • Chapter 2
Welcome Welcome! • Chapter 3
Introductions One • Chapter 4
Introductions Two • Chapter 5
Slytherin • Chapter 6
Potions & Dress Robes • Chapter 7
Longbottom • Chapter 9
Ball Proposals • Chapter 10
Parkinson • Chapter 11
The Yule Ball • Chapter 12
New Friends • Chapter 13
Really Dad! • Chapter 14
Detention • Chapter 15
Apologies • Chapter 16
Second Task • Chapter 17
Rescued • Chapter 18
Cedric Diggory • Chapter 19
Year 5 • Chapter 20
New Professor • Chapter 21
I must not tell lies • Chapter 22
Medevial Methods • Chapter 23
Professor Potter • Chapter 24
Betrayed • Chapter 25
Caught • Chapter 26
We're in this together • Chapter 27
Just the begining • Chapter 28
He's back • Chapter 29
Glad your safe• Chapter 30
Year Six • Chapter 31
Amortentia • Chapter 32
Hexed • Chapter 33
Secrets & whispers • Chapter 34
Chosen • Chapter 35
Sectumsepra • Chapter 36
Proof? • Chapter 37
Three Words • Chapter 38
Malfoy's Mission • Chapter 39
Letters • Chapter 40
The Dinner {1} • Chapter 41
The Dinner {2} • Chapter 42
Silver Locket • Chapter 43
O Children • Chapter 44
Murmers • Chapter 45
Held Captive • Chapter 46
Lovegood • Chapter 47
Teasing • Chapter 48
Is it him? • Chapter 49
Girl-to-Girl • Chapter 50
Escape • Chapter 51
Battle of Hogwarts I • Chapter 52
Battle of Hogwarts II • Chapter 53
Battle of Hogwarts III • Chapter 54
Battle of Hogwarts IV • Chapter 55
Stay with me • Chapter 56
All is said, all is done • Chapter 57
• Nineteen years later •

Dances • Chapter 8

58.7K 1.5K 1.6K
By bxdlovin

Chapter Eight

Y/n's P.O.V

"The Draught of Peace is a potion which relieves anxiety and agitation. Its ingredients are powdered moonstone, syrup of hellebore, powdered porcupine quills, and powdered unicorn horn. It should be a turquoise blue when finished and simmered before being consumed." he explained as the class began.

Before I knew it the class was over and I was walking out with Draco, Blaise, and Emaline.

"That was so cool! You should have seen her face!" Em said congratulating me. "Thanks Em" I laughed.

"Did you guys hear about the second task?" Blaise asked the group.

"Task for what?" "The Triwizard Tournament of course! Harry's competing!" Emaline said cheering. "He isn't 17 though?" I asked confused.

"Nope the goblet just picked him." Draco stated obviously annoyed. "Interesting..anyways what class do we have next?" I asked the group.


"So does it just appear?" I asked looking at the plate of lunch before me.

"All the time." Em said pushing the plate towards me. We were seated differently now. Emaline was with Blaise on the other side and Draco sat next to me in front of them.

"What's that?" Draco said squinting.

We all turned to see Ron Weasley get a rather big package dropped off. He opened it to reveal a dress robe. "It's hideous" Blaise said trying to stiffen a laugh.

We all turned to each other looking at our faces which only caused us to laugh more. "What are you laughing at Snape?" Ron said, glaring at me.

"Oh nothing. Just the fact that your mom got you a dress." I told the boy causing the whole table to burst out into laughter.


(Okay I know it's only Gryffindors in this scene but pretend its most of the fourth years)

"The Yule Ball has been a tradition of the Triwizard Tournament since its inception. On Christmas Eve Night, we and our guests gather in the great hall for a night of well mannered frivolity. As representatives of the host school I expect each and every one of you to put your best foot forward and I mean this literally because The Yule Ball is first and foremost, a dance." McGonagall explained.

The boy erupted in boos and groans while the girls cheered excitedly.

"Now to dance is to let the body breathe." I smiled at her words.

I loved to dance, father taught me at such a young age.

I looked to the group of boys and saw one and only one intrigued.

Neville Longbottom.

He saw me looking at him. I smiled and he smiled back nervously.

"Inside every girl a secret swan slumbers longing to burst and take flight." I straightened my position in my seat turning to face Draco.

"Something looks as if to burst out of Y/n Snape, but it doesn't look like a swan." Ron looked at his friends for encouragement but no one said anything.

I glared at the boy causing him to gulp.

"Inside every boy a lordly lion ready to prance." McGonagall told the boys strictly. "Miss Snape and Mr. Weasley please" she said motioning for us to stand up.

"Oh please, he has two left feet." I complained.

"Is there someone else you would rather dance with Miss Snape?" McGonagall asked with a small grin.

I turned to look at my options.

Chapter Eight done!!! Yayyy!!! Hope you guys enjoyed! Plzzz vote and comment!🤍

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