The Missing Princess

By kodakitten

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《Prince Levi x Princess Reader》 |Single| ✦•······················•✦•······················•✦ (Y/N), Princess... More

Final Note
Reuploading the 2nd Book!


793 30 0
By kodakitten

Chapter 60: Birthday Girl

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The cool wind whipped through my hair as I rode on horseback down the cobblestone path. Levi's horse close behind. It was the second day of March, a few days before the march to Kustea.

Today was my 18th birthday. A busy day in fact for there was a royal ball tonight in celebration for my special day. Before the ball would start Levi and I decided to go out for a while to avoid the stressful cake testing, decoration samples and dress fitting.

Stopping in the middle of the road I turn the horse so I was able to look back at Levi and wait for him. He had said he wanted to show me something in the woods not too far from the castle. As his horse came up to me, he turned and cut over onto the grass following a clear trail through the forest.

Following behind him I quickly catch up and ride along side him. We didn't say much instead I was too busy scanning the vicinity like old times. To this day part of me still felt like his guard although it had been crystal clear I would never be in that position again.

The trees were slowly growing back their leaves as spring was just around the corner. The days slowly grew longer and just yesterday it had rained instead of snowed. It would be an early spring this year.

Soon enough we would reach a large area cleared off. The trees surrounding the area gave us perfect privacy. There was a large statued of an angel in the middle of a slightly frozen lake. The statue had been a fair amount of damage, large cracks trailed up and down wings and onto the woman's face. On her forehead was a crescent moon on it's side.

It was Ezmera, a sacred space just for praying. The place was now vacant due to newly built churches that brought people away from here. Slightly confused I look to Levi wondering why he had brought me. "My mother and father were married here." he states.

I tilt my head up slowly understanding now. Climbing off my horse onto the cold ground I walk up to the podium there a book would be placed but as of now it was empty. Behind it was an old bouquet, few rose petals remained attached to the stem but had lost all color.

"This is where I intend to marry." Levi informs me.

We'd be wed here, in front of the eyes of Ezmera and the holy church. Twisting around I look to Levi who had a serious expression. "It's perfect." I say softly. We spent a while longer walking around and talking about nothing in particular before riding around the castle grounds.

By mid afternoon Levi and I headed in for our attire fitting for tonight's ball. I would wear my national color of red while Levi would wear his color blue.

Levi and I seperated into two different rooms, our outfits would be a surprise to us until the ball. Standing there in the dress I lifted my arms as the seamstress did her work on making it fit me like a glove. Here and there she would prick me causing me to let out a soft hiss.

A few more pricks and lifting of my skirt and I would be ready to undress and let the seamstress make her adjustments.

"Alright you're done, I will see you tonight before the ball." the woman says.

Nodding and smile I wave goodbye before walking out of the room. As I turn to close the door I quickly turn and look down the hall. There I saw another woman in a red silk gown. She smiled at me happily. It was my mother.

Hastily running down the hall I threw myself into my mother's arms humming happily as she rocked back and forth. "Oh, my darling girl, how are you." she says as she sets me down.

"Positively wonderful, who is overseeing everything back in Estra?" I ask as I lock arms with her.

"Oh Lady Petra that fine young lady has been quite the help, she certainly has my vote." my mother says beginning to turn and walk towards the stairs.

We walked down the stairs into the foyer catching up rather quickly before meeting with Kenny. My mother stopped and bowed in front of Kenny giving him a sweet smile before extending her hand out for him to grab.

"Ah, hello Elizabeth how are you?" Kenny asks before kissing my mother's knuckles.

"Oh wonderful Kenny, our soldiers are all set for the grand march to Kustea." she says. My mother's arms slipped from mine and hooked with Kenny's as they walked down the west wing. I stood there in the foyer by myself, but not really by myself, for there were servants buzzing in and out of the ballroom just up ahead past the large French doors.

In and out they went with decorations and many fabrics, preparing for the short noticed ball. Part of me wanted to help them but knowing they'd stop me due to my position as Princess. With my hands folded in front of me I stood there waiting, waiting for Levi or someone to distract me.

As I turn to the left to go to the library my arm had been locked with Levi's. A little surprised I walk with him down the east wing. As we entered the library we soon split up in search for a good book to read to pass the time. Walking through the aisle of books I spot one that caught my interest.

Pulling it from the shelf I open it to the first page and scan the page. Closing it I keep it in hand and walk to the end of the aisle. Over to the sitting area I sat myself down in a chair. Crossing one leg over the other I set the book down on my lap and open it to the first page and begin reading.

Getting into the book I found myself stuck reading it not being able to stop myself. Leaning back in the chair I was startled when feeling a pair of lips press into my cheek. Darting my head to the right I look to find Levi standing there bent over looking at me with a slight smirk.

Over my shoulder was a box, a long black box. Taking it from him I look down, from the corner of my eye I could see him kneeling down beside me, probably wanting to see my reaction. Pulling the top off the box I find a braclet. It had three charms hanging off of it, one with an 'A' then two national flags, the one for Estra and one for Aubern.

I had seen this set before without the 'A' and Estrian flag of course. He must had known I wanted it and added the two. "It's beautiful." I say as I gently pull the piece of jewelry from the box.

"This way you have two special places to call home." he says as he stands up.

Looking to him I smile sweetly. "And the A? What is it for other than reminding me of your last name?" I ask.

"It won't just be my last name here in the near future." he hints. My smile seemed to grow bigger as he hinted to the engagement coming rather quickly.

"Thank you." I say softly.

Pursing his lips together in an awkward smile he leaned down and pecked my lips softly. "Happy birthday Darling." he mutters. Pecking my lips one last time, I then turn and set the bracelet back in the box before closing it. I'll wear it tonight.

~Time Skip~

I stood there in front of double doors, ready to make my entrance. A rather grand and unnecessary thing to do but I had done it from the time I had arrived in the custody of the queen and king. I could hear my mother and Kenny both making a quick speech.

The bright lights hit my eyes as the door opened into the ballroom. The ballroom was decorated in ribbons of red and blue as I walked in towards the middle of the room where Levi would be waiting. From there we would do the traditional waltz before greeting our guests.

The guests applauded me as I entered, walking at a slow pace to the center. I kept my sights locked to Levi's seeing him smile slightly at me as his eyes locked with mine. Once I reached the center of the room I bowed gracefully a few times before turning and taking Levi's hand. And now we dance.

The music played as other couples eventually joined in dancing along side us. My mother and Kenny stood off to the side watching as Levi and I danced along with the lively music. Looking to Levi I could tell by his expression he was unsure of something. His eyes looked around face contorted in a puzzled expression. "What is it?" I ask.

His head snapped in my direction as his lips tugged gently into a gentle smile. "Nothing, just thinking." he says. Smiling back at him I took a long good look, it was funny to think how much we had changed, the last time we danced together seemed like such a long time ago and here we are.

As the upbeat music slowed down as did Levi and I. He pulled me in closer leaving little space between our bodies as we slowly danced now. I leaned my head on his chest as we swayed back and forth, I could hear his heart beating erratically. Smiling again I couldn't help but feel amused at the fact Levi was nervous, he wasn't one for public affection.

Turning my head I saw Kenny and my mother both speaking, it looked serious by their expressions. Then, through the crowd of people I saw a messenger boy. Stopping Levi I grab his hand and lead him over to my mother and Kenny. The messenger boy was sent away just as I arrived. "Is something wrong?" I ask.

My mother and Kenny both shook their heads quickly. I watched my mother turn slightly red from there I knew she wasn't telling the truth. Turning to her I cross my arms and look down at her. "Mother what is it?" I ask.

She let out a sigh and turned to Kenny who shook his head. "Nothing to concern yourself with right now dear, how about after the party? Go on have a good time." she says as she stood from the seat.

She walked towards me wrapping one hand around my arm gently pushing me away. "No, I want to know what that man told you... is it Jean?" I ask.

Kenny looked to my mother before looking to both Levi and I. I then heard a deep, annoyed sigh. I look back seeing Levi rolling his eyes. "For fuck sake uncle answer her." Levi groans. Turning back to Kenny I look at him hard. Kenny rolled his eyes and stood up.

"Nephew watch your language... and just as Elizabeth said we will discuss this after the ball, now don't be rude and go greet your guests." Kenny says pushing us both off the few steps of the platform. Levi took my hand and dragged me out to the dance floor. How could I have a good time now when I can't stop thinking about what the messenger could have told them.

"Come on, better go greet some people." Levi sighs.

~Time Skip~

We waved our guests goodnight as the ball ended around midnight. Tiredly I shut the large door and lock it before turning to Levi. He seemed just fine, slipping his hand in mine we both walked to the throne room where Kenny and my mother disappeared to.

Walking down the west wing we hurried to the glass double doors. Levi pushed them open and pulled me inside. The moonlight glowed through the large windows giving the room a bluish tint.

As he and I walked up the carpet we stopped just before the others, they had been whispering and seemed a little tense. "Now, the ball is over... tell us what is so important." I say.

My mother looked at Kenny seeming a little nervous. "Well... you see... the messenger told us that... Prince Jean is building an army." my mother says. My whole body grew stiff as the words slipped from her mouth. Jean must know now.

I hear an displeased sigh escape from Levi who tightened his grip around my hand. "Fucking great." he mutters.

"Now, the messenger said he didn't make it clear he knew of our intentions." Kenny adds.

Scuffing I release Levi's hand and cross my arms, I too flash them a displeased look. "He has to know, why else would he be building an army? Unless he suddenly had the urge to invade the neighboring countries, it's only coincidence that he is building one a few days before our march." I snap.

"Watch your tone (Y/N), we will deal with this in the meantime go rest." My mother says in a scolding tone.

"How can I, now that this has been brought to my attention? We need to revise this plan-

"Tch, forget it I should have known this plan was too good to be true... to hell with it all." I hear Levi snap. Turning to him in shock I was surprised he'd given up so easily. He turned away and stormed down the carpet.

"Levi!" I call. My birthday had taken a turn for the worst in the blink of an eye. What to do now.

Frustrated I turn and bow to Kenny and my mother bidding them goodnight. Turning I quickly rush down to the door in hopes to catch up with Levi to talk some sense into him. Exiting the throne room I found the wing empty, turning I rush towards the foyer when I had reached it, it too was empty. Damn he's fast.

Rushing up the stairs I pull the skirt of my dress up and quickly step up the stairs. Making it up to the third floor I could see two guards outside the office door and our bedroom door. Marching down the corridor I assumed Levi would be cooped up in the office working on paperwork to ease his anger.

Swinging the door open I step in and shut the door. Flipping the lock I back away from the door and turn finding Levi exactly where I'd assumed he'd be. He sat with his pen in hand and read through a document on the desk.

Stepping over I pull the pen from his hand to get his attention. "I get you are angry but we have a plan here, so we need to adjust a few things-

"(Y/N) the plan is a no go, Jean will be prepared-

"Not exactly, there are five countries against him there is no way he'd have enough men to defeat us." I say crossing my arms.

"What about those who don't wish to see you take the throne back in Estra, from what I have heard you have a lot of people who don't support the fact you were adopted." Levi says.

"We still outnumber him- Levi we will win this even if Jean knows, yes this changes some things but the plan remains the same our soldiers will march, and if they have to fight Jean's army then so be it." I reassure.

He let out a sigh and stood from his seat. Snatching the pen from my hand he then pointed at the bathroom door with the pen. "Enough, go to bed." he orders.

Crossing my arms I stood there not listening. "Not until you do." I say.

Another sigh escape his lips as he fell to his chair. "We're not doing this, just do as I say just this once." he mutters. My hands went limp to my side as I sigh in defeat. I was rather tired and desperately needed to clean off of the makeup from tonight's ball.

"Fine, as you wish." I say turning away from him. I walked away from his desk leaving him to cool down and think to himself. I was too tired to get into a full blown fight with him to convince him we would be okay. That night I slept in the king sized bed alone. 

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