Hurt So Good (Kylo Ren x Read...

By kylorensswife

103K 3.5K 4.5K

SYNOPSIS πŸ“– You were good at your job. Like really good, and you loved what you did. You were probably the b... More

Read Me
Settling In
The Office
I Asked You A Question
Firm Boundaries
You Don't Know Her
Not The Best Part Of Town
Lay Down
Never The Same
Did You Ever
Do I Seem To Care?
I Like That One
This Is Nothing
She Can't Know That
That Doesn't Matter
Give Me An Idea
You Really Do
As Long As You Want
On My Own
In The Arms of Another
What Time?
Hello There
Didn't Feel A Thing
Tell Me A Secret
Come Home
She Told Me
A Plan
Most Of The Time
Is This Okay?
Epilogue (A Holiday Special)

I Want To Be Mad

2.7K 97 224
By kylorensswife

"Is that rhetorical?" you looked up at Kylo.

"No, what time?" he said authentically.

"Why do you need to know?" you were still catching your breath.

"Are you still going?" he was stroking your hair. You missed these moments the most.

"I can't just call him and be like, 'hey, Kylo Ren just came to my house, fucked the shit out of me, and claimed me as his own, so I won't be seeing you tonight, sorry.' That would be so screwed up," you lifted yourself up on one elbow.

"I mean, you could," he shrugged underneath you. Then his face formed a small frown, "you didn't go exclusive or anything, did you?"

You scoffed, "no! I met him literally two days ago."

"And you fucked him that quickly? I had to work for that shit," he was teasing you, but there was some sincerity there.

"I'm still going to go. Besides," you gestured between the two of you, "this means nothing, I'm sure."

"You're mistaken, but do go on the date," he looked at the ceiling. "I'm coming, too."

You were more concerned about him saying that you were mistaken. The last thing you expected in the entire universe was for Kylo to come running after you in in your hometown and claim that you were his. Saying you were his could have meant a lot of things, but you would have been even more surprised to find that Kylo wanted you in that way. That after all of the emotional trauma and all of his emotional guarding, he would just decide that he wanted to be with you the way that you had so desperately wanted to be with him.

"You're not coming, Kylo," you laughed at the absurdity.

"Yes, I am," he retorted coolly.

"You don't just get to dictate where I go and who it's with. I never agreed to 'being yours,'" you said it very sarcastically. Obviously you were still a little bit bitter. "Maybe I want to be exclusive with Matt."

"Two things," his eyes fell onto your sweaty face. "Not five minutes ago you were screaming about how you were mine," his fingers grazed the soft flesh of your cheek. "Secondly, wholeheartedly tell me you want to be with Matt," the name making his face scrunch up as if it were a taste of something sour. You looked at his chest opting to draw circles on it rather than answer his question.

"I thought so. So, I'm going. I just want to have a conversation with him," Kylo's hand on your back ran up and down the hump of your ass.

"Please don't," you looked up at him with doe eyes. "Let me let him down easy. He's so nice."

Kylo scanned your face. He craned his neck and kissed you sweetly. This was still so strange. The instances of his kindness and softness never were expected.

You were allowing yourself to melt into the kiss when your bedroom door abruptly opened.

Your mom was saying your name as she looked at your bed. You were just in your thong and Kylo was half naked, his pants still pulled down revealing his softening dick.

"Holy shit," your mom screamed, averting her eyes.

"Oh my fucking god, mom, get out! Get out!" You laid on your stomach, and your hand instinctively flew down to cover Kylo's dick, but he turned toward you and stuffed himself back in his pants, quickly zipping it and buttoning the pants. He swiftly grabbed the cum stained button up and draped it over your bare ass.

"I'm sorry! I--I had no way---you didn't tell me anyone was here!" she was still standing in the doorframe, hands over her eyes. "I'll, uh, uh, be out here, sorry!" She slammed the door behind her as she ran back down the hall.

"Fucking hell!" you breathed out, thoroughly embarrassed. You looked at Kylo, and you couldn't believe what you saw.

He was laughing. Genuinely laughing with a gorgeous smile on his face. He looked so beautiful when he smiled, you saw it so rarely. Your reddened face started to subside as a smile of your own formed on your face, laughing with him.

"I feel 16 years old," Kylo said through a chuckle.

"Oh, god, I know," you threw the cum shirt on the floor. "I'm so sorry."

His laughing was lulling, and he grabbed your hand, intertwining his fingers with your own. "It's okay. Don't be sorry."

You smiled at him, squeezing his hand in yours. He started to laugh again, "Do you think she saw my dick?"

You shrugged, "she's been asking about it for months, so honestly, I bet she snuck a peek."

"I see where you get it from," Kylo rolled on top of you, kissing you all over your face as the two of you simply were happy together. Smiles and laughs abundant.

You and Kylo had gotten dressed after an impromptu make out session. Something you had never done with him before. Typically if kissing was involved, it solely meant you were banging. But not now.

You had refreshed yourself for your upcoming "date" and put on a red bohemian maxi dress. It was nowhere near as shocking as the last thing Matt had seen you in, but you were trying to deter him anyway. You hated confrontation, and you hated letting people down, so this night was going to suck. But Kylo brought out something in you that you had yet to find anywhere else, so you were willing to hear him out.

Kylo hadn't brought in his backpack from your car, so he opted to wear one of your oversized band tshirts since his shirt was soiled in sin. The chest area still managed to be tight across his shoulders and chest though it was well over an extra large.

Kylo looked down at the tshirt scowling. "Green Day sucks. This is the only one you have?" he looked up to you.

"You obviously have shitty tastes. Yes, that' all I got," you walked to your closed door and you were about to leave the room before you turned back to Kylo. "Are you ready to meet my mom? She's kind of a lot."

Kylo walked up behind you, hand at the small of your back. "Yeah, come on."

You walked into the living room first. Your mom was sitting on the couch, watching some British mystery tv show, but she paused it when you walked in.

"I'm so sorry," she continued pleading. You held up a hand and shook your head.

"Stop all that. It's okay," you were suddenly nervous. You had brought a boy home to meet your mom. Well, you hadn't brought him home by choice, but it was still wild. Kylo walked into the room, imposing as ever. Your mom stood up, wide eyed and obviously nervous. She walked over to him, her hand out.

"Oh my god," she said in awe, looking up at his face and then yours, "he's so good looking!" She looked back to him, shaking his hand. "You're so good looking."

Kylo was probably uncomfortable, but he didn't show it. He smiled and held her hand as he spoke, "thank you so much."

"Like, I knew you were good looking, I watched that show you did, but like you're even better looking in person," she was gawking at this point.

"Okay, mom, we understand," you waved your hands at her. He was flashing that brilliant smile at her.

"I appreciate that a lot, thank you," he dropped his hand and looked to you. "Did you ask her if I can stay here?"

You furrowed your brows and scoffed, "I don't have to ask, I'm an adult."

He frowned at you, "you're being disrespectful to your mom." You sighed and looked at your mom who had a shit eating grin on her face.

"Mom?" suddenly you felt like a sullen emo teenager.

"He is more than welcome to stay, should I make a special dinner tonight?" she was getting way too excited.

Kylo took that as a cue to leave. "I just remembered, I left all my stuff in your car. I'm gonna go grab that." And he walked away. The moment the door closed your mom let out a heavy breath.

"Holy shit, I could barely breathe. What's going on? Why is he here? Why is he so fucking hot? What about Matt?" your mom was stuttering. "Sorry, I've got a lot of questions."

"He showed up to school," you raised your brows, "I couldn't believe it. He had seen the picture of me and Matt on Instagram, and he came here."

"That's just a tad possessive, but kind of hot?" your mom looked conflicted.

"He's a lot....different. He's seemed to work through some of those issues that I had told you about, but I'm being careful. I promise," you reassured your mom.

"Okay, okay. But Matt?" she was acting like she was getting a recap on her favorite soap opera.

"I'm going with him tonight. I think I am going to tell him that my, uh," you considered the words, "ex? Wants to try things out again, and I want to do it. It's only been two days, so he can't get mad right?"

Your mom shrugged, "all men are different. I don't know. Please just do what makes you the happiest. That's all I ask."

"I will," you smiled at her. "Matt should be here soon, so I'm gonna wait outside."

"Okay, boo. Have fun! I guess?" she was still conflicted. "Oh, baby! Guess what!"

You turned back to your mom. "What?"

"I totally saw his dick. You are a trooper!" she fanned herself.

"Oh my god, ewwww!" You ran out of the door covering your ears.

You were about half way through the movie at this point, and you still hadn't had the nerve to tell Matt you weren't interested in taking this relationship any further. He had tried to kiss you when he picked you up, but for his safety, you avoided it. Kylo was most certainly watching.

He was holding your hand in the movie, and your first instinct was to feel guilty, like you were doing something wrong. While he had mentioned you were his, he had never mentioned that he was yours, and so it was unfair to yourself to feel bad holding Matt's hand. You spent the entire duration of the film figuring out how to drop the ball. You didn't know Matt very well, but he seemed level headed. He was an engineer, so he had to be, right?

Eventually the horrible action film he had picked came to an end, and the two of you left the auditorium hand in hand.

"You ready for dinner?" he gave your hand a light squeeze as you neared his car.

"Yeah, I'm excited about it," you gave a weakened smile.

You and Matt stood in the waiting area of the steakhouse. It seemed busier than usual, but Matt had made reservations in advance, so the two of you only had to wait for about 5 minutes.

The hostess looked exhausted as she spoke to you two.

"You better be happy you two made reservations," she sounded exhausted too.

"Why?" you asked her.

She looked around the waiting room and then back to you, "There's a celebrity here!" She sounded excited now.

Your face fell immediately. You had begged Kylo not to intrude on this encounter, that you really needed to do this for yourself. But he just couldn't help himself.

"Who is it?" Matt asked the hostess.

"Kylo Ren. Which, by the way, you kind of look like him," she was batting her lashes at him. You were stunned by the audacity of her to flirt with your date in front of you, but it would make your life a lot easier if she took him off your hands.

"Oh, thanks," he smiled at her, but he unfortunately didn't seem interested. He turned to you. "What a coincidence right? Kylo Ren?" he looked excited. Poor guy.

"I can't believe it," your jaw was tight.

"Do you think he signs autographs? My niece is a big fan of his," he asked the hostess.

"He seemed to be in a really good mood, so maybe? He took a picture with me, look," she shoved her phone in your face. She clearly had no idea who you were. She wasn't that big of a fan.

"We should try to meet him, right?" he looked to you, a smile on his face. It wouldn't be there for long.

"Matt, I have to tell you something," you didn't want him to be blindsided. But then the hostess called you to your table.

"Fuck," you whispered under your breath. As you were lead to your booth, you passed the table where Kylo was sitting. Suave and handsome as ever in a navy suit. You scowled at him as you walked by, and he smirked. He was at the table with some other important looking men, so you figured he called a business dinner to justify this. You and Matt sat in your booth, a direct view of Kylo from your seats.

"Did you see him? He looks expensive," Matt was fucking fangirling. You didn't respond, instead glared at Kylo. It was okay, everyone else in the restaurant was staring at him, too. You watched him as he talked with the businessmen at the table, they were all laughing and smiling, Kylo dazzling the room. You had never seen him in action, you never got to see him public like this, so this was foreign and new to you. He made eye contact with you, and then he looked back to his dinner mates. He was excusing himself. He began to walk toward your table.

"Is he coming over here?" Matt was confused, tilting his head slightly.

You didn't respond. Instead you narrowed your eyes at Kylo as he walked to your table. Matt finally noticed that you were making a stank face at Kylo.

"Do you two know each other?" he was finally putting the pieces together.

Kylo excitedly called your name as he arrived at your table. "Let me sit with you, babe."

Oh, Jesus. That was so unnecessary. Never called you "babe" once in his life, but now was the time apparently.

"Babe?" Matt whispered to himself, face totally confused. Kylo sat next to you in the booth and snaked an arm around your waist.

"Who's your friend here?" Kylo looked over to Matt, reaching his hand across the table. "Kylo Ren, nice to meet you." You hung your head and rubbed your temples.

"Kylo, this is so extra," you hissed.

"What the hell is going on?" Matt was getting upset, rightfully so.

"Matt, I was trying to tell you before we got here," Kylo pulled you closer to him.

"Tell me what?" Matt looked horrified seeing you on the arm of Kylo. He was intimidated.

"Oh, Matt, I think it's kind of obvious," Kylo pretended to be sad for him.

"When did this happen?" Matt said desperately.

"Today. I'm so, so, so sorry, Matt, really," you felt horrible.

"I don't know what to say," he was looking at the two of you.

"I do know what to say," Kylo spoke up, his rich voice deepening, "Lay a fucking hand on my girl ever again, even fucking think about it, it will be the last thing you do."

You weren't normally into the primal, man versus man thing, but Kylo sounded sexy. Matt looked angry and like he wanted to retort, but he was keeping himself together. Kylo turned his head to look at you and pulled you in a deep kiss, eyes on Matt while he did it.

"Come on, babe, let's go," Kylo led you out of the booth. "Goodnight, Matt." And the two of you left.

"I want to be mad at you, you know," you were on the porch of your home, looking up at Kylo.

"Why?" Kylo picked up one of your hands. "Because I made your task easier?"

You gave him an mm-hmm. "You were so mean to him."

"I'm not letting anything keep you from me anymore," he put your hand on his neck. "Rub."

You started rubbing his neck. He closed his eyes and melted into your touch.

"Who were those guys at your dinner table?" you questioned. He hmm'ed in response.

"The state educational guys. I called for an emergency meeting to make a donation to your school. That dump needs a remodel," his eyes were still closed, reveling in your touch. You smiled so big. He did that for you. Something so good, so noble just for you. You stared at his enamoring face for a moment before opening your mouth, risking it all.

"Kylo? Can I ask you a question?" you didn't have much luck with that query every time it came up.

"Yes," he breathed, still enjoying your touch.

"Where is this going?" you were quiet, afraid to ask it again, but for your own sanity, you needed to know. "I think I deserve the answer to that question."

Kylo's eyes fluttered open, your hand was still working at the muscles of his neck. You couldn't read his face. You didn't know what to expect.

"Are you mad?" sadness filling your entire being.

"No," he quickly responded, "not at all. I'm thinking." He stared down at you and placed his hands on your waist.

"I'm trying to figure things out. The past few months have been so... taxing. I always have been expected to do one thing, and I have always done that that was expected. And I have been tested; you have, too. I'm unsure about a lot of things. I thought I wanted one thing, but now I am not entirely sure. One thing I know is that I don't like to be away from you. I don't like not sleeping next to you. Your presence is intoxicating," he leaned down, kissing your cheek. "So, what I am getting at here-," he stood back, clearly nervous. Such a weird thing to see. Kylo Ren nervous. "What I'm trying to say is I want you to come back to New York. With me."

Your eyes went wide. You weren't expecting that.

"We can fill out the situation there, get a true, definitive word for what this is," he said gesturing between you two. You stared at him, stunned. "What does that face mean?" He was regretting it, you could tell. He never let himself be as vulnerable as he had been in the past few hours.

"I'm just.... shocked. It's hard to believe that you would propose that to me. Considering how things have been before," your reluctance obvious in your voice.

"I know. I'm trying. I'm trying really hard to right the wrongs I did to you. When you told me in Vegas that I was the root cause of all my shit, you were right. You were always right," he said your name lowly. "I want to try even harder. With you home in New York."

You looked at the wood of the porch, thinking a million things all at once.

"I had to keep the one incredible, amazing, beautiful thing in my life secret while all the shit I despised was my public persona. I want you to be my reality, public and private," his hand cupped your cheek, the warmth radiating inside of you.

"Do you want me to live with you?" you were willing to risk it all here. If that question set him off, you would know the answer.

He replied quickly. "You don't have to if you don't want to. I'm living in the tower now, I can have one of the floors built into an apartment just for you, I swear. You don't even have to live in the tower, I can buy you a house anywhere." He stopped himself, looking down at the ground. His dark hair framing that beautiful face. Suddenly, he got down on his knees.

"Look. I'm literally begging on my knees," his hands were situated on either hip.

You had a giggle at him there, small on the ground. It was a lot to process, but it was funny to see him down there.

"Please," his breath hitched. "Please."

You put your hands in his hair. You were probably going to regret it, but the past year had been one of regretful decisions that made for incredible stories.

"Okay, Ren. I'll come home."

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