
By TashanaAnn

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Balei has always yearned for a bit of normalcy in her life. Whether it be school, her work, or romantic relat... More

FIRST Impressions...
"...Jimmy TWO Times..."
"...the THIRD time's the charm..."
"five, FOUR, three, two, one."
"Is this step three or step FIVE?"
"five, SIX, gonna get your kicks."
"SEVEN years. Why seven?
"I'm the midnight-to-EIGHT man."
"The dog says, "NINE."
"TEN it is."
"ELEVEN rubles?"
TWELVE months, yeah?
THIRTEEN curtain calls.
"FIFTEEN and no husband."
"SIXTEEN parties, sixteen thefts?"
"And SEVENTEEN magazine."
"EIGHTEEN. Blackjack!"
Happy TWENTY-ONE, Will.

"NINETEEN. So close."

29 2 0
By TashanaAnn

"Hey." I interrupt Christian's furious typing. "Sorry." I apologize as our eyes meet. 

"It's okay." He takes a gulp of his coffee then tosses the empty cup in the bin under the desk. "This a shift from hell." I nod in understanding since I've had a few of those myself. "Need help with anything?"

I place the anesthesia textbook beside the keyboard. "Thanks. This really helped."

He smiles at me. "You're welcome. I'm still having a hard time believing that you actually needed it."

I could only roll my eyes in response. "Why are you even in the ED?"

Christian lets out a heavy exhale. "There was a nasty accident. The trauma surgeons needed extra hands."

I nod as I try to ignore the hustling and bustling of the emergency room. I know I have more emergency rotations coming up but I really don't think I can handle working in this department. The quick thinking that ED doctors have to go through on a daily basis isn't for me. Although I must admit that the rush you get when treating patients can be a little addictive. And that kinda scares me. 

"We're also a little short staffed today." He grabs the idle iPad. "Wanna shadow me while I do rounds?" I make a face of disgust and he laughs. "You're not that busy. I'll cover for you with O'Connell."

"Fine." I concede. "Fifteen minutes tops."

I remain silent as I observe Christian. I've only ever shadowed more seasoned doctors so it's interesting to witness Christian's way of doing things. I guess there's a generation gap in just about every industry.

"This is our last patient then I'll let you go." I nod then look ahead as we make our approach. I gulp nervously when I spot a police officer standing outside the sliding doors. "This patient caused the accident."

"I see."

"Blunt force trauma to the chest cavity. A few abrasions on his forehead. And a broken arm that's now set." Christian reads from the iPad before him. "We were initially holding him for observation due to his concussion but his tox report is not looking pretty."

Christian hands me the device and I whistle lowly as I read the patient's results. "So, what happens now? We're just going to hand him over to the police?"

He shrugs. "Psych gets to make that call. But our patient suffered from an overdose when he ran that red light. He's lucky to be alive."

We say nothing further to each other as Christian nods at the officer then slides the door to the left. He does the same to the privacy curtain and we're greeted with silence as we enter. 

Christian hums softly as he checks the patient's IV. I take one look at the man lying listlessly on the hospital bed then gasp as shock courses me. "David?"

I flash a quick look at the EKG monitor then sigh softly. "Do you know him?"

I nod. "Barely." The information from David's chart comes back to me. "An overdose." David's right arm is safely in a cast and elevated on a pillow as he sleeps. His hair is dishevelled which is expected given the day he's had. But the one other thing that catches my attention is the shiny handcuffs on his left wrist.

"Is that necessary?" Christian sighs. "The patient we operated on earlier hasn't woken up yet. The surgery wasn't a walk in the park. Your friend here could be facing serious charges."

A shiver runs through me. "I should get back. I'll see you later." I don't give Christian the chance to say anything else as I scurry out of there. 

Guilt consumes me as I ride the elevator to the sixth floor. The memory of David and I's first meeting comes back to me. At first, I thought he was into some freaky shit, and I really didn't want to judge him for his preferences. But after the disaster that was our date, I figured he wanted nothing to do with me. 

I should've at least tried to stay in touch with him. I don't think I would be able to free him from his addiction but I could've at least offered to help. The whole point of me being a doctor is to help people. 

I guess I'm just useless when it comes to the people around me.


I returned to the ED after my shift ended. This time David's awake and he's obviously not that happy to see me. 

"How are you feeling?" I take a seat on the empty stool beside his bed. "Dr. Marval said the bruises on your face won't scar, but you'll be in that cast for about six weeks."

David remains silent as he continues to avoid making eye contact. "I'm kinda still pissed that you blocked me." Still not a peep. "Is there anyone I can call?"

David's lack of a verbal response no longer surprises me but what does, is the sound he makes when he breaks down in tears. I can't begin to understand how he must be feeling, so the only thing I can do, is hold his hand as he sobs. 

I decide to keep David company for the night. I manage to let Emilio know that I'll be late via text, but I didn't go into detail. I know he's not too fond of David, and now that we're together I can't blame him for disliking the guy who ditched me during our date. 

"What's going to happen to me now?" I shrug. "Am I going to prison?"

"It's not pretty." David places his hand over his face. "I spoke to the officer outside. The police have charged you with dangerous driving, causing serious injury by careless driving, and driving under the influence of drugs."


"They can't do anything until Dr. Marval gives the go-ahead." I try to reassure him. "The man you hit has woken up, so I don't anticipate the police charging you with anything else."

"You're forgetting one thing." David looks back at me with tears in his eyes. "I was high."

"Right." I say with a nod. "Do you have a lawyer?"

"My dad." My eyes widen at the revelation. "He's going to kill me, Balei. He's also a MP."

David looks at me and I can somehow spot the fear in his eyes. "What about your grandmother? Can you ask for her help?"

"She's going to be so disappointed." I take a deep breath. "It will break her heart. What am I supposed to do?"

"You can't stay in the ED forever." I say softly. "Please, David. This is your chance to get the help you need."

David nods as he sniffles. "I'll call my grandmother." 

My phone buzzes from my bag and I reach for it. It's a text from Ben - in all caps - he's freaking out because Emilio's at our flat. I sigh softly at my roommate's antics as I decide not to respond.

"That's good, David." I stand slowly. "Unfortunately, I have to run."

He nods. "Will you be back tomorrow?" 

"No." I say as I shake my head. "I'm off for the weekend. My next shift's on Tuesday. I'll check in over the weekend. You'll unblock me, right?"

I get a small chuckle. "Sorry. That day I was embarrassed." I nod in agreement. "But thanks for being here, Balei. It means a lot."

Before I left the ED, I asked the charge nurse to keep me updated on David's condition. During the Uber ride back to the flat I recalled his reaction to me walking in on him that night at Samantha's party. I had already deduced that he thought he was important enough but I had no idea it was this grand.

I really wish there was something else I could do to help but it seems this is now out of my hands. 

When I finally make it back to my place, I'm greeted with a lively atmosphere as I walk in on Ben and Emilio playing a video game. I was a little confused at first since Ben's text made it seem as if he wouldn't be able to handle being alone with Emilio.

"Hola." Emilio's attention is no longer on the game as he stands from the sofa. "How did you get here?"

I wait for his approach since I know exactly what's coming. I'm greeted with the cheek-kisses and I have to force myself from smiling like a fool. "Uber."

I see Emilio's discontent as he pulls away and I decide it's best to change the subject. "Help me pack?" I take his hand then lead him into the hallway. "Goodnight Ben!"

Emilio made himself comfortable on my bed during my quick shower. "Did you have a rough shift?"

Emilio's question hangs between us as I dump some tank tops on the bed. I think about giving him a generic answer, I mean isn't that the right thing to do? If I tell him about David then I would be breaking confidentiality. But I also don't want to lie to my boyfriend.

"You remember David, right?" I look back at him as I empty the contents of my tote bag. The look on Emilio's face tells me that he doesn't know who I'm talking about. "The day you had to come and rescue me after my date ran away."

Realization dawns on him. "Ah, yes. I remember that day." 

"Well." I say softly as I move across my room in search of the brand-new underwear I bought a few days ago. "I ran into him at the hospital."

I pack the thin, lacy things in the small suitcase. "Ran into him?" I hum as I nervously fold a few sundresses. "Is there something you want to tell me?"

I sigh softly as I look back at him. "Well, I can't really go into detail. He got into an accident and I ended up staying with him a bit after my shift."

Emilio sits up. "Is that why you told me not to get you?"

"Yeah." I decide to be honest. "I wasn't sure how you would react if I told you that I was staying with him after my shift ended. And I really don't want to lie to you. I just felt bad for him because he was hurt and he had no one by his side."

"Right." He says softly, but it's obvious that he's a little annoyed. I don't really blame him. "Balei I can't tell you how to do your job or who you should be friends with." Our eyes meet. "I know you treat your friends well. But the side of me that wants to keep you to myself, is pushing me to tell you stay away from David."

"Oh." I say stupidly as I sit on the edge of the bed. 

"I remember how scared you sounded that day when I called you. I also remember the look on your face when I met up with you. I'm just cautious because he let you down once."

"Okay." I take a deep breath. "Thanks for being so understanding."

"Come over here." I shake my head. "No?"

Emilio smiles. "I have to finish packing." 

Emilio moves quickly toward me. I squeal childishly but I don't move an inch, of course I want him to catch me. He gently pulls me from the edge of the bed to the middle. My face is bombarded with kisses and my body instantly relaxes at the treatment I'm getting.

"You mean so much to me, Balei." Emilio says softly as he looks down at me. The footballer has settled comfortable on top of me. "I know you think all of this is too fast, but I just have to let you know how I feel about you."

"Okay." Seriously, Balei? Okay?

What else was I supposed to say in this situation? I came clean about meeting David again and Emilio's response made it clear that he intends to hold onto to me for as long as he can. And now? I mean so much to him! 

Of course, I still think Emilio and I are moving too fast. Slowing down would be the best course of action but what does that even mean? I don't want to lose Emilio or what we're currently building.

I can only hope that I don't mess this up.


After the shock of Emilio's invitation to Spain wore off, my first course of action was to take time off from work. Emilio and I messaged back and forth about getting there, but the footballer told me he'll handle the tickets.

It's no secret that Emilio makes much more money than I do, and I tried to justify him purchasing my ticket with the fact that he was the one who invited me in the first place. So, I let all of that slide. 

But I didn't expect this. 

"Ermenjarta." I look away from the window to see Emilio looking at my passport picture with a soft smile. "I like it."

I grab my passport and stuff it in my trusted tote bag. "I don't use that name." Emilio flashes me a cheeky grin. "Like, ever. Also, you said nothing about a private jet." I take a deep breath. "Do you own this?"

He nods and I sigh. "This is why I told you not to worry about the tickets."

Right, as if that's supposed to make any of this better. Day by day I'm reminded of the giant gap between Emilio and I. Of course he owns a jet!

"Do you know the type of people who own jets?" Emilio doesn't answer and I'm sensing he knows this is turning into a rant. "Greedy, climate-destroying billionaires. And do you know who suffers the most from the deterioration of our climate?"

Emilio hums then reaches over to fasten my seatbelt. "Not really."

"Small islands like the one I'm from." Emilio looks back at me with a smile. "I'm being serious!"

"You're adorable." He grabs me by the cheek then places a quick kiss on my lips. "I'll sell it."

"What?" Emilio leans forward and shuffles through the pile of magazines laid out before us. "You actually don't have to sell your plane because of what I just said."

The jet begins to move along the runway and Emilio takes my hand. "I spend too much money on this thing." He puts his arm around my shoulder and pull me closer to him. "I don't want you to be disappointed in me."

"Right." Is it because I mean so much to him? I reach into my tote for my iPad. "You should get some sleep. Unless you want to watch me read journals on dopamine transmission."

Emilio hums softly. "No idea what that means, but I would love to watch you."

"Perv." We chuckle in unison. Despite what I've been feeling lately, I think this trip is off to a great start. Aside from the jet thing of course. 

I think being in Spain will be good for the both of us. 


This chapter's title is a quote from the movie, Vegas Vacation.

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