The Mafia Leader's Little

By M00n_Fl0wer_2

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Aspiring trainee Jeongguk has been with the same company for years only for his dream to come crashing down... More



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By M00n_Fl0wer_2

The human body may be able to live a while without food but water is a different story. From various research, it seems as if the human body can go a week without intaking water. Even though Jeongguk knew all of this, he still could not consume a thing.

Now, Jeongguk was not the epitome of healthy.

Hell, the teenager ate enough to give him energy to sing and dance seeing as even the slightest over the weight in the weighing trials would put him on probations. It was not uncommon for Jeongguk to sleep instead of eating dinner like his fellow trainees.

Many thought Jeongguk did not like them and grew to despise him. However, they knew not of the younger who silenced his growling stomach and thoughts about food by simply sleeping. Though, after getting kicked out of the company he was under, Jeongguks eating schedule no longer needed to be cut but was done so after years of the same routine.

Ever since the gang and the mafia had a shoot-off, the teenager could not stomach a thing. His lack of self-care even gave him a cold and Seokjin was growing irritated.

With every waking day, Seokjin found himself growing more and more irritated with Jeongguk.

"Boss, good morning," Jaebum said as he bowed.

Seokjin ignored the male and looked at the pastel pink nameplate.

"Is he awake?" Seokjin asked the new guard to Jeongguks room.

"He has not slept in a while..." Jaebum said softly making Seokjin tisk his tongue.

"I assume there was no success in feeding him or having him drink water either," Seokjin stated.

"You would be correct boss," Jaebum responded.

"I see. Do not enter no matter how much screaming you hear," Seokjin ordered the guard who bowed.

Seokjin grabbed the cold door handle and twisted it.

Jeongguk laid on the bed staring blankly at the pastel pink wall. The door clicking gave him an indicator that someone had just entered the room. Who would it be this day?

Everyone from Yoongi to Yuri had come to Jeongguk and tried to get him to eat but no matter who tried, they all failed. Jeongguks stomach let out a little whine but Jeongguk felt the urge to vomit seeing as he remembered the blood splattering everywhere.


Jeongguk froze at the all too familiar voice. Something inside Jeongguk burned at the sound of the voice, Jeongguk felt his eyes water as well.

"Why are you not eating? Is the food not up to your standards? Do you want me to fly in a chef from wherever you would like? Is this in defiance? Just in case if it is the latter if you think you will die of malnutrition you are highly mistaken," Seokjin said making Jeongguks stomach rumble.

"I..." Jeongguks weak voice was cut off by how dry his mouth was.

Seokjin arched an eyebrow as he grabbed the water that had been left next to the teenager's bed at the bedside. The glass cup was brought up to Jeongguks lips but the water simply rolled off the teenager's lips.

An agitated growl left Seokjin as he roughly grabbed Jeongguks jaw making the younger whimper. Seokjin pried the teenager's mouth open and poured a bit of water into Jeongguks lips.

The cool liquid rushed down Jeongguks throat relieving the dry smooth muscles. Jeongguk slowly closed his eyes and quickly gulped down the rest of the water. It was a surprise to Jeongguk whenever the water suddenly stopped coming.

"What do you want to eat? Is rice porridge okay?" Seokjin asked Jeongguk who shook his head weakly.

The thought of the bodies falling over only to not get up, replayed in Jeongguks head.

The images of the mentally unstable three killing people as well made Jeongguk shudder.

"No...I can't," Jeongguk whimpered out as Seokjin clicked his tongue.

Jeongguk sneezed and groaned as he closed his eyes.

"You do not want to eat, you do not want to sleep and now you are sick," Seokjin said making Jeongguk close his eyes to not look at Seokjin.

"What do you want to eat?" Seokjin asked as he got out his work phone.

"Mm no. Blood. No," Jeongguk whimpered out.

"Rice porridge it is," Seokjin said as he sent a message to Yoongi - to pick up the rice porridge - as well as his personal pharmacist. "The food should be here soon," Seokjin said as he slipped the slick pricey cellphone into his pocket.

"How are you okay?" Jeongguk asked softly.

His head pounded as his nose was tickled with a sneeze.

"What do you mean?" Seokjin queered.

Jeongguks eyes opened slowly and focused on the handsome broad-shouldered man. He licked his dry chapped lips quickly as he formed his sentence.

"The killing... How are you not you are you not mentally disturbed?" Jeongguk pried.

Seokjin looked at Jeongguk who lay in the pastel pink covers sick. His gaze lingered on the teenager before falling to look at his hand.

Memories came rushing back to Seokjin causing him to close his eyes.

Jeongguk watched as Seokjin closed his eyes and started to get scared. Had he asked something he was not meant to ask? Was the man going to kill him?

"Tell me, whenever you first started to dance, did your body get sore?" Seokjin asked Jeongguk in response.

Jeongguk thought it was the elder's way of avoiding the question.

"Yeah, after a while I got used to it. Of course, if it's too much for me it will make my body sore," Jeongguk said softly.

"That is how I am mentally. I reached my peak of mental disturbance years ago so now I never get mentally disturbed," Seokjin said before leaving to get the rice porridge Yoongi delivered.

Jeongguk processed what the man had just said and felt himself grow curious. Just what exactly had been the peek for a man who killed various people without even a spare thought. The teenager looked at the male's broad back and somehow knew the answer was something horrifying.

"Go pick up the medicine for Jeongguk. Also, tell either of the other two to bring Jeongguks bottle," Seokjin said to Yoongi.

Yoongi bowed and set off once the door was closed.

Seokjin walked over to Jeongguk with the tray containing the food.

"After you take some medicine you will sleep, okay?" Seokjin asked Jeongguk.

The teenager in turn pouted but said nothing.

The man set the tray down on the bedside table and picked up the teenager in a unicorn onesie. Jeongguk was too weak to fight back and leaned into the warm male once he was sat on the man's lap. It was at that moment the teenager realized just how cold the room was, the warmth of the man was not even enough for the teen to warm up enough.

"You are burning up," Seokjin said to Jeongguk as he grabbed the porridge.

Jeongguks forehead rested in the crook of the broad-mans neck as his feet dangled in the air.

Seokjin got the spoon and got some of the medium-thick porridge. The man brought the spoon up to his lips and blew on it before feeding it to Jeongguk.

Jeongguk wanted to pull his head away from the spoon but his stomach seemed to have taken over his small body and opened his mouth. The slightly hot porridge filled Jeongguks taste buds but it did not last seeing as the memory of the blood splattering on Jeongguks body had the teenager pulling away and gagging.

"It will be fine. Trust me, it will be best to forget about it," Seokjin said to Jeongguk who was dry heaving.

"H-how can you say that?!" Jeongguk asked hysterically.

How was one supposed to forget that scarring memory? It was not like Jeongguk could just forget something so traumatizing.

"They wanted to kill you. If we had not done what we did that would have been your own blood baby boy. That would have been your own lifeless corpse. Who would daddy have to care for then?" Seokjin said.

The mafia leader may be young - seeing as he was turning twenty-two in December - but he was an amazing manipulator. He knew how Jeongguk was feeling and knew exactly what to say to get Jeongguk to get more comfortable around him. The teenager did not know what Seokjin was trying to do and that helped Seokjin.

What Seokjin said made sense to Jeongguk.

"I guess..." Jeongguk said softly as he suddenly relaxed against Seokjin.

The leader smiled to himself as he got more of the porridge and fed Jeongguk who was more willing. The horrible memories of the deaths no longer tormenting the young mind as he ate the porridge.

"Does my baby boy like that?" Seokjin asked.

Seokjin hoped that the teenager would fall soon and he knew that he could help it form at the moment.

"Hm," Jeongguk hummed.

Being called 'baby boy' by the man was still weird but Jeongguk was just thankful for the food. A knocking on the door disturbed Seokjin feeding Jeongguk.

"Who is it?" Seokjin asked.

Another spoonful of porridge was put into Jeongguks mouth who was eating happily. Jeongguk ignored the person who knocked and focused on the magical tasting porridge and actually whined whenever Seokjin stopped feeding him.

"Sorry baby boy," Seokjin said as he kept on feeding Jeongguk.

"Here is the medicine, boss," Hoseok said as he handed the medicine for Jeongguk.

"His bottle?" Seokjin asked after scanning the male.

"Namjoon is bringing it up," Hoseok said and Seokjin hummed.

"Sorry boss, there was a mess in the kitchen. The disposal team is here in case you see them and wonder why," Namjoon explained as he handed the pastel pink baby bottle to Seokjin.

"I see, have Jaebum type up what happened and leave it on my work table. Now leave," Seokjin and both males bowed before leaving quickly.

Jaebum who was outside overheard and already went to go type up what had happened. Seokjin turned his attention to Jeongguk who was chewing happily.

"My baby boy is so happy eating," Seokjin said as Jeongguk ignored the comment once again.

"After you finish, I am going to give you some medicine. Okay?" Seokjin asked.

Jeongguk scrunched his nose in distaste as his mouth awaited open. However, the spoon did not go into Jeongguks mouth.

Jeongguk looked up at Seokjin who was giving him a certain look.

"Ugh, fine. I'll take the nasty medicine," Jeongguk whined.

"What did I tell you to call me?" Seokjin asked Jeongguk who sighed.

A battle went on in Jeongguks head but his eyes locked onto the food that tasted so freaking good.

"I said, I will take the nasty medicine, daddy. Now can I get the rest of the rice porridge," Jeongguk paused, "...daddy?"

The younger male smiled whenever Seokjin just shoved the rice porridge into his mouth. Jeongguk hummed happily and it was like that until the porridge was all gone.

"More," Jeongguk said as he licked the spoon.

Seokjin was pouring the medicine into the little cup. "Baby boy, you need to take your medicine," Seokjin said.

Jeongguk narrowed his eyes and pouted. "I'm hungry. I want more," Jeongguk said as he pouted even more.

"No more for the moment baby boy," Seokjin said which caused Jeongguks lip to tremble.

The deprivation of food apparently made Jeongguk very emotional.

"I want more!" Jeongguk cried out as tears wet his pretty eyelashes.

"Baby boy, do you really want to test daddy?" Seokjin asked Jeongguk.

Jeongguks looked up at Seokjin with teary eyes, "Please?" Jeongguk asked.

"Medicine first, say 'ah'. Be a good boy and you get more," Seokjin said.

Jeongguk immediately opened his mouth and let Seokjin give him the medicine. The taste was disgusting to Jeongguk but a straw was put to his lips and the water washed down the foul taste.

"See, I was a good boy! Now more food," Jeongguk said making Seokjin hum.

"How about a nice bath first?" Seokjin said making Jeongguk pout.

"I will let you choose something to eat that is not rice porridge. How about that?" Seokjin asked Jeongguk who broke out in a smile.

"Take a note," Jeongguk said but stopped whenever he saw a certain look on the man's face. A soft sigh left the boy's chapped lips. "Daddy, take a note," Jeongguk muttered out making Seokjin hum in approval.

"First, I want Korean barbeque," Jeongguk said, his stomach already rumbling.

"How about I take you out to a Korean barbeque restaurant? It cannot be today though since daddy is busy," Seokjin said making Jeongguk pout.

"Fine. I'll hold you to that," Jeongguk said. "Second, I want pizza just plain cheese, sashimi," Jeongguk paused and licked his lips, "and pork soup rice!" Jeongguk said excitedly.

Seokjin chuckled and sent the audio recording to his chef team. He also told the team to make it for dinner.

"It will be done for dinner. For now, I will give you a bath so you can sleep and enjoy the food more," Seokjin said as he leaned over and placed the items onto the tray.

"What...was that medicine?" Jeongguk asked tiredly as he rested his head against the broad muscular chest.

His eyes got heavier but he shook his head.

"It was a normal medicine for colds. Trust me when I say I take care of you, no matter how I may act I will care for you. I need you for a certain thing you will find out later, I cannot afford to lose you," Seokjin said as he pressed his hand against Jeongguks flushed cheeks.

"Why am I so tired then, daddy?" Jeongguk asked as he slurred his words.

Seokjin sighed and got up, taking the teenager to the bath. Jeongguk was struggling to keep his conscience. Seokjin realized it would be a tough task this time as he set the Pikachu onesie aside.


"Go to sleep now," Seokjin said as Jeongguk looked at his from his bed.

The youngers hair was still warm from getting blow-dried but now he was awake once again.

"Do you think that I will be able to become an idol whenever this blows over?" Jeongguk asked softly.

"I am not your actual father so I have no need to sugar coat things. You will not, I will not allow you to escape my grasp. Ever. Get that through your head," Seokjin said as he went to turn off the lights.

This upset Jeongguk a lot causing the teenager's eyes to well up. A lump formed in Jeongguks throat as a pout formed on his lips.

"I just want to be my own person!" Jeongguk yelled as fat tears rolled down his face.

Seokjin glared at the younger male. Things had been going swell up until then.

"You knew damn well that whenever you kissed my jawline you would become what I want. You are mine, do I have to fucking show you that?" Seokjin snapped out as he walked over menacingly and pulled his tie causing it to become untied.

Jeongguk swallowed thickly and looked away as he looked at one of the stuffed animals at the other end of his bed.

"No, sir. I know I can't be my own person but..." Jeongguk choked up on his words.

Seokjin sighed and continued walking over to Jeongguk.

"Why did you pick me? I miss being a trainee, I miss dancing and I miss singing. Why did you have to ruin my life?" Jeongguk asked as he let the tears fall.

"You would have ruined your own life either way," Seokjin said as he looked at Jeongguks figure and debated on what his next move would be.

"Still... At least then I was my own person. Here, you're shaping me to be something I'm not and will never be. Why...why me?" Jeongguk choked out.

The teenager turned to his side so the elder would not see him crying for the nth time.

Seokjin got into the bed behind Jeongguk.

The sudden pair of arms wrapping around Jeongguk made the younger freeze up. Seokjin pulled the younger into his arms and leaned down to Jeongguks ear.

"You wanted to kill. That was the second part of the requirements, the first part I can not tell you. However, I can tell you that you can become the person I want. You will become the person I want," Seokjin said and Jeongguks lip trembled as he slumped into Seokjin.

"I'm tired of everything. I'm so tired," Jeongguk whispered and was pulled into Seokjin.

"Go to sleep," Seokjin said as Jeongguks eyes were covered by the yellow hood of his onesie.

"Why? Nothing is going to change. What happens to me after you use me?" Jeongguk asked softly as Seokjin laid him down. "Will you kill me?" Jeongguk asked softly.

"I, myself, am not quite sure yet. Go to sleep, do not worry yourself over the future," Seokjin said to Jeongguk.

"What if one of them survived and is coming for me because I was one of the causes for the massacre," Jeongguk whimpered out as he looked over his shoulder at Seokjin.

His heart speeding up as his thoughts clouded about his inevitable death at the hands of the man.

A sigh escaped Seokjin's lips as he unwrapped his arms from the teenager and slipped out of the bed alarming the teenager. The mafia leader neatly took off his suit jacket and tie to set them onto a nearby chair. Seokjin rolled up his sleeves to his elbows and unbuttoned a few of the top buttons so he would be comfortable underneath the warm blanket.

"That will not happen while I am around," Seokjin told Jeongguk as he slipped under the covers on the bed which was not meant for the two males in their current position plus a ridiculous amount of stuffed animals.

"But what if-" Jeongguk got cut off by Seokjin wrapping his arms around him and pulling him close to his chest.

Jeongguk had turned to see Seokjin, just in case he left so his face was pulled into the chest of the leader of the mafia.

"Shush now, just go to sleep. I will make sure no one comes for you," Seokjin said as he pulled Jeongguk closer to his chest.

Jeongguk felt himself relax and finally, he was able to sleep.

"Goodnight baby boy. Daddy will stay with you for now." 

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