Allie and the Phantoms

By Queen_B_of_fanfics

142K 2.6K 251

Allie Molina has always been shy, except for when it came to music. Music was her one escape. She would play... More

Allie's Guitars, Microphone, and Bedroom
Chapter 1: I Can't Do It
Chapter 3: Busted
Chapter 4: Heard, but Not Seen
Chapter 5: Wake Up
Chapter 6: The Boys Decide to Snoop
Chapter 7: Late Night Conversations
Chapter 8: Bright
Chapter 9: Back In and Falling Out
Chapter 10: Boundaries!
Chapter 11: Flying Solo
Chapter 12: Enchanted
Chapter 13: A Brand New Day
Chapter 14: Revelations
Chapter 15: I Promise
Chapter 16: Mistake
Chapter 17: My New Dance Partner
Chapter 18: Luke's Pain
Chapter 19: Tía Intervenes
Chapter 20: Finally Free
Chapter 21: What Could Be, Yet, What Can't Be
Chapter 22: Perfect Harmony
Chapter 23: Edge of Great
Chapter 24: Unsaid Emily
Chapter 25: Let Them Go
Chapter 26: Anything
Chapter 27: Signs
Chapter 28: Stand Tall
Chapter 29: I Can Feel You
Chapter 30: Crazier(Short Chapter)

Chapter 2: Ghosts in my Garage

6.9K 133 29
By Queen_B_of_fanfics

Allie's POV:

It seems the universe is trying to tell me something because my homework doesn't take half as long as it should have and now I don't have an excuse for not going down to the garage. Sighing I slide on my boots and head out the back good and down the stone steps to the garage.

I get there and hesitate for a second before pulling the doors open. My eye immediately goes to the piano that is covered by a white sheet. I walk towards it and pull the sheet of slowly. I walk around to the bench which has sheet music on it. A song my mom wrote for me.

I pick it up and place it on top of the piano before sitting at the bench. I notice my guitar right next to it. I haven't played in forever. I strayed away from playing it a little before my mom died so that I could focus on piano. I look up at the key, tears pricking my eyes.

"I'm so sorry mom. That I haven't been in here." I whisper to the empty space. Shaking my head and drying my eyes I stand and come out form around the piano. I look up and decide to tackle the loft first. I climb the ladder and look around. There's a lot of junk up here.

I notice an old CD just sitting there. I pick it up and look at the band name on the front. Sunset Swerve. Huh. I take that down the ladder with me and over to the CD player in the corner of the room. I put it in and press play. The first song comes on and I go over to the couch and sit.

I bob my head along to the music. They're pretty good. Suddenly screaming comes onto the track and it gets louder and louder. I have to cover my hears. That's when three boys materialize out of no where. I jump to my feet. My eyes going wide with horror.

"Whoa, whoa. How did we get back here?" The boy in the middle asks, seeming to be out of breath. I'm frozen in shock. What just happened? That's when I scream. All the boys scream as well, just now noticing me.

I take this as a sign to leave and I sprint out of the garage, screaming the whole way. When I'm almost to the door I see dad and Carlos coming back from Carlos' game. "DAD!" I yell, running up to him. "What is it? You look like you've seen a ghost." He says, laughing. "I have!" I say.

"Cool." Carlos chirps. "No! Not cool!" I go to the door and realize they're not running. "Run!" I yell, running into the house and up to my room. I hide behind my bed, staring out my window towards the garage, surveying it. Ghosts. There are ghosts in my garage.

There are ghosts in my garage. That sounds crazy even to me. I text Julie and Flynn.

Allie: 911!

They don't answer. Julie doesn't even barge into my room. "Come on guys! 911 means 911! Why aren't you answering me?!" I whisper yell to myself. Julie is so going to hear about it the next time I see her. "Hey." I gasp and turn around, clutching my heart when I realize it's just my dad.

"Dad." I breath out. "Sorry. Just wanted to make sure you're ok." He says. "You don't believe me, do you?" I ask. "Honey of course I do! Mija, I see your mom all the time." He explains. "This isn't like that." "I know, it's different for all of us."

"Dad, you're not listening to me. I saw something out there." I try again. That's when he sits down on my bed in front of me. "Alright. Ok. Ok. I'm listening. Tell me what you saw. It's just you and me here." He says. I roll my eyes. "You sound just like Dr. Turner." I grumble.

"Maybe it's time to see Dr. Turner again." He suggests. "No dad." I sigh. "You know what, can we just drop it?" I ask. "Alright. Matter dropped. We good?" He asks, standing up and extending his pointer finger. I smile softly. "Yeah." I say, wrapping my own around his. With that he leaves.

Once he's gone I go over to my window and look out at the garage again. I have to know what's in there. I grab a cross off my wall and walk out of my room. When I pass Julie's I see her asleep and roll my eyes. That's why she didn't answer or come see what was wrong.

Sighing I head towards the garage. When I get there I walk in cautiously, cross extended in front of me. "Are you still here...whatever you are?" I ask. I look all over. I even do a circle. "I know I saw something. I'm not crazy." I mutter. "Well we're all a little crazy." A voice behind me says.

I spin around quickly, clutching the cross firmly. I scream and the three boys clutch their ears. "Could you stop screaming?" The tall blonde one asks. I do as asked. Finally I get up the courage to speak. "Who are you and what are you doing in my mom's studio?" I ask quietly.

"Your mom's studio?" The one in the middle, the one from before, asks. He walks closer to me, but I hold up the cross, shoving it at him. He jumps back and runs into the piano. I continue to do a circle, causing him to have to go over the piano.

"This is our studio. I mean, the grand piano's new, but...MY COUCH!" He yells, running over the too couch and plopping on it. What is going on? He then sees my guitar. "But that is defiantly not my six string." He then takes a good look around the place.

He climbs off the couch and over the coffee table towards me. "Can you give me just one second?" I shove the cross towards him more. "Just...give me a second, thank you." He says. Going back over to the other two.

They whisper about how I got my stuff in so quickly and then accuse me of being a witch. Then the blonde suggests that he talks to me. He walks up to me. "What are you doing in our studio?" He asks. I shove the cross straight through his chest. When I pull it out my eyes widen.

"How did you do that?" I ask quietly. "Clearly you're not understanding..." He turns to his friends "Clearly she doesn't get it." He turns back to me. Obviously I'm confused and shocked. Who wouldn't be in my situation?

"Ok, look. We're ghosts, alright? We're just three ghosts who are really happy to be home. So thanks for the flowers, they really brighten up the room." He says. The other two approach him. "We're actually in a band called Sunset Curve." The main one says.

"Tell your friends." The one with the flannel says. "Last night was supposed to be a really big night for us. It was supposed to change our lives." Ghost boy number one says. "I'm, uh, pretty sure it did." Blondie whispers to him. I shake my head and reach for my phone.

"This is freaking me out." I get on my phone and start to google their band. "What is that? What are you doing?" The first one asks. "It's my phone." I answer. If they died yesterday then he should know what a phone is. Then I realize something.

"No, don't talk to them. They're not real. There is no such thing as cute ghosts." I mutter to myself. "You think we're cute?" Flannel guys asks. I just give him a 'really' look. "Who are you calling?" Blondie asks. "I'm googling Sunset Swerve." I say. "Sunset Curve!" They all correct.

I flinch at the tone before going back to my phone. Finally an article comes up. "Whoa. There is a Sunset Curve, and you guys did die, but not last night. Twenty-five years ago." I say. I lower my cross. I feel bad now. They're just as confused as I am. Poor guys.

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