My Sister's Keeper (TLOU Elli...

By Multifiction2513

17.3K 380 50

Follow Ellie, Dina and Ellie's twin brother Dylan as they hunt down the people responsible for Joel's death... More

You Like Her
The Dance
I'd Like To Try
Waking Up
Clearing The Supermarket
Eugene's Place
The Chalet
Packing Up
Welcome to Seattle
Take On Me
Have A Little Faith
Room For Three
The Book Store
TV Station
The Tunnels
Flashback - Happy Birthday!
Hillcrest Part 1
Hillcrest Part 2
Flashback - Finding Strings Pt 1
Flashback - Finding Strings Pt 2
Road to the Hospital
Meeting the Seraphites
Hello Nora
We Made Her Talk
Next Stop The Aquarium
Road To The Aquarium Part 1
Return Home
Final Farewell
Secret's Out
For Our Family
Bit Of Excitement
Peace Shattered
Finding Abby
You Let Her Go
Years Later

Back to School

322 9 3
By Multifiction2513

Dylan and Dina had arrived on the school roof. They remained quiet and began to look for a way inside.

Meanwhile, inside the school Ellie was being interrogated. A guy slapped Ellie's cheek, waking her up. Ellie looked up at the guy, recognising him instantly.

"Didn't think I'd ever see you again." The man said.

Ellie struggled, trying to break free.

"How'd you find us?" The man asked.

Ellie stopped struggling and looked to the man.

"I asked about a dude with a bitch scar across his face." Ellie replied.

"Hmm, that's funny." The man said.

The man grabbed the back of Ellie's hair, pulling her back and opened up Ellie's switchblade, placing it to Ellie's neck.

"How many came with you? Hmm? Just you three?" The man asked.

"You can't stop this." Ellie replied.

"Jordan!" Another man called as he entered the room, "You're supposed to be out looking for the others! What the fuck is this?"

"Y'know the smuggler that we killed out in Jackson?" Jordan asked the other man.

"Yeah." The man replied as Jordan stuck the switchblade into the arm of his chair.

Jordan stood up from the chair, "This girl was there." Jordan informed.

"What?" The man asked.

Ellie began to try and free herself from the ropes around her wrists as the two men spoke.

"They're coming after us. That's why Nick was fucked up like that. We gotta get her to Isaac, and we gotta tell him exactly what's going on." Jordan informed.

"Yeah, well, I just got off the radio with Isaac. And we got a new mandate." The man replied.

"Hmm?" Jordan asked.

"Kill all trespassers." The man said as he pulled out his gun.

Jordan pushed the man back from Ellie.

"Hold up, hold up, that doesn't make any sense." Jordan stated.

"It's a direct order, man--" The man replied.

"No. Let's talk to her, let's figure out what she knows--" Jordan suggested.

"I don't give a fuck what she knows! You saw what she did to the others." The man exclaimed.

"You have no idea how many people she might be with. This might be an ambush, Mike--" Jordan informed.

"I don't care how many people she's with. We will find them. We will kill them." Mike stated.

"Can you just think for yourself for a quick second--" Jordan said before Mike pushed him aside.

"Jordan, get the fuck outta my way--" Mike said as he held his gun at Ellie.

Back on the roof, Dina was becoming irritated and worried that they hadn't found Ellie yet.

"This isn't working, by the time we find Ellie, they may have already killed her." Dina informed.

Dylan turned back to look to Dina.

"Then what do you suggest?" Dylan asked.

"We split up, that way we cover more ground, higher chance of finding Ellie alive. You may not like it, but you know I'm right." Dina said as she looked to Dylan.

Dylan sighed and nodded to Dina.

"Fine, but please be careful." Dylan stated.

"I'm always careful. I'm worried about you and your big man feet stomping around up here." Dina said as she gave Dylan a kiss on the cheek before heading off on her own.

Dylan shook his head with a smile on his lips.

"These girls will be the death of me." Dylan whispered to himself.

Dylan headed over to the edge of the rooftop, seeing a large truck filled with supplies.

"They must be heading out, so where are they hiding you Ellie?" Dylan asked himself.


Gunshots rang out from behind Dylan.

"Dina." Dylan said to himself.

Dina fired down into the room Ellie was being held in, shooting Mike in the back before he could shoot Ellie.

Jordan shot up through the glass ceiling, resulting in Dina falling down into the room, winding herself as she landed on her back.

"Dina!" Ellie exclaimed.

Dina desperately tried to catch her breath as Ellie tried to break free. Jordan looked himself over before seeing Mike dead.

"Jesus. You shouldn't have come here." Jordan said as he looked to Ellie before moving over to Dina.

Jordan kicked Dina back to the floor as she began to sit up.

"Dina!" Ellie called.

Jordan began to strangle Dina, as Ellie began to gather some glass with her foot, pushing it behind her.

Ellie leaned over to the glass, picking it up with her hands. She used the glass to cut the ropes, seeing Dina struggling against Jordan. Ellie finally cut herself free.

Within an instant, she was up, grabbed her switchblade and sprinted towards Jordan, plunging her switchblade into his neck twice.

"Got you, motherfucker." Ellie said to Jordan as he choked on his own blood.

Ellie pulled her switchblade from Jordan's neck and he fell to his knees as he choked on his blood.

Dina stood beside Ellie, holding her neck as she caught her breath. Dina held her gun at Jordan.

"Are you okay?" Ellie asked.

"Mostly." Dina replied.

Suddenly, the two flinched as Dylan jumped down into the room. Dina aimed her gun at Dylan, but lowered it as she recognised him. Dylan looked around the room before he looked to see his sister and best friend.

"What did I miss?" Dylan asked.

Dylan noticed Dina holding her neck and walked over to the couple. Dylan looked at Dina.

"Are you okay? What happened?" Dylan asked as he placed his hands on Dina's arms, trying to comfort her.

"I'm okay. I killed that guy over there and this guy here tried to kill me, but Ellie got him, so I'm fine. Everything's fine." Dina replied.

Dylan nodded at Dina and moved to look to Ellie.

"Are you okay, Ellie?" Dylan asked.

Ellie nodded and began to look over Jordan's body.

"Ellie. Ellie. We should go." Dina informed.

Ellie pulled out a letter from Jordan's pocket.

"Somebody would've heard the gunshots." Dina said as she picked up Ellie's backpack.

"Look. She's one of them." Ellie said as she read the letter, finding a photo inside.

"C'mon. Look at that later." Dylan stated as he took Ellie's backpack from Dina.

"Shots fired!" A WLF soldier yelled in the distance.

"Was there a TV station on that map?" Ellie asked.

"I don't fuckin' know." Dylan replied.

"Come on. Fuck, Ellie." Dina stated.

Ellie took her backpack as soldiers began to shoot at them. The three took cover behind a desk.

"Shit! It's the three of them!" A WLF soldier informed.

Ellie took her rifle from the table as Dina began to make a plan.

"I'll cover you, go around." Dina said.

Ellie and Dylan moved round and exited the room, catching the WLF soldiers off guard as they shot at the two soldiers, killing them.

The trio then moved into the next room, heading for the way out.

"It was this way! Move up!" A WLF soldier stated.

"Shit." Ellie said as the three got to cover again.

"Clear the rooms!" A WLF soldier informed.

The trio split up, Dylan and Ellie moving into the side rooms and Dina shooting the remaining wolves in the corridor, clearing them out quickly.

"You good?" Ellie asked.

"Yeah." Dina replied, "You recognise any of these guys?"

"No. D...?" Ellie asked as she looked back at Dylan.

"No, just the dude you stabbed earlier. That's the only one I recognise, but the girl from the photo is our next target." Dylan replied.

The trio headed down the corridor and out into the courtyard, where they were met with more WLF soldiers.

"Watch it." Dina said as she crouched down, hiding in the tall grass.

"I want everybody down here now!" A WLF soldier ordered.

"Great. More of 'em." Dina said.

"Not for long." Dylan smirked.

"Where'd the fuck those shots come from?" A WLF soldier asked.

"I dunno. Search the courtyard!" Another soldier replied.

The trio quickly cleared them out, working as a team using molotov cocktails to catch them by surprise.

Once the courtyard was cleared, the trio climbed up onto the roof.

"Fuck, there's a lot of them." Ellie said.

"I told you." Dina replied.

"There may be a lot of them, but we are smarter and quieter. As long as we stick together, we'll be fine." Dylan informed.

The girls nodded and found a table filled with supplies. Dylan moved over and began taking the supplies.

"Fuck these wolves. Steal their shit." Dina smiled.

"What've we got? Anything?" A WLF soldier asked.

Dina looked behind them, seeing WLF on the other roof.

"Oh no. Over there. Guys! Get down!" Dina informed.

The WLF came down from the roof, surveying the area. Dylan looked to Ellie and held up a fist, telling her to stay put. Dylan moved round stealthily on the roof and jumped out surprising the wolves as he quickly put an end to them.

"Think that's all of 'em?" Dina asked.

"Let's not find out." Ellie replied.

The trio moved into another room, gathering supplies as they looked for a way out. Dina looked around the room, stepping up onto a table.

"What about this?" Dina asked, gaining the twins attention.

The twins headed over and joined Dina on the table.

"Let's try it." Ellie said.

The trio lifted up the grated window, and made their way out back onto the roof.

"Get down!" Dina said as she pulled the twins down.

The three watched as a truck pulled up to the school, carrying soldiers and dogs.

"Come on! Inside!" A WLF soldier ordered.

"Come on." Dina said as the coast was clear.

"We gotta get away from this school. Now." Ellie informed.

"No kidding!" Dylan replied.

"There has to be a way down to the street somewhere." Dina said.

The trio headed around the roof, seeing an apartment building opposite the roof. Dylan looked at the distance between the roof and a nearby balcony.

"Fuck it." Dylan said as he ran and jumped across to the balcony.

Dylan grabbed onto the balcony and pulled himself over.

"I got it. Come on." Dylan said to himself.

Dylan looked back to Dina and Ellie.

"Hey, jump across. We should be able to get to the street from here." Dylan informed.

The coupled followed after him and headed into the apartment building, gathering up any supplies they found before they moved out into another room.

"We need to get to the street." Dina said.

"Have some faith. I'm sure this place will give us a way out." Dylan replied with a smile.

Ellie and Dina looked around as they continued to scavenge. Dylan headed to another room, opening the door and seeing the street below.

"In here!" Dylan called back to the girls and they soon joined him.

Ellie entered and looked around, checking for any wolves.

"All right, coast looks clear." Ellie said.

"Yeah." Dina replied, "I think we're good."

"All right...check this out." Ellie said as she pulled the map from her back pocket.

Dina and Dylan moved over to join Ellie. Ellie handed Dina the letter and photo she found on Jordan.

Dina looked at the photo and wolf whistled at the girl in the photo. Dylan chuckled and shook his head. Dina looked to Ellie.

"She's one of them." Ellie stated.

"Well, fuck her then." Dina said.

"Read the letter." Ellie said.

Dina opened the letter and began to read.

"'Jordan, Isaac's got us posted up on a two week at the TV station. Scars spotted in the area. Here's something to hold you over. Leah'" Dina read.

Ellie placed the map on the table before her and pointed at the map.

"TV station." Ellie said.

"You think she's still there?" Dina asked.

"We gotta find out, right?" Ellie asked.

Dylan nodded to his sister as Dina pointed to the map.

"So, it's by all these tall buildings." Dina said.

Dina looked back as Ellie and Dylan looked at the map. Dina tapped Ellie on the shoulder.

"That way." Dina said as Ellie and Dylan both turned to look behind them.

A dozen tall buildings stood in the distance and Dylan nodded, understanding where he would have to go.

"Okay. Let's go get Leah." Ellie said.

As Ellie began to put everything away again, Dylan gently placed his hand on Ellie's shoulder, gaining her attention.

"What's wrong?" Ellie asked.

"Nothing. I was just thinking that we should play this how we did Downtown. We split up, we cover more ground, clear more infected and more wolves." Dylan replied.

"Okay, but you need to check in with us like you did back Downtown." Ellie informed.

"Don't worry, I'll find you guys. Just be careful and be safe." Dylan said.

"Of course. You be safe too, big brother." Ellie replied.

Dylan placed his forehead to Ellie's before he placed a kiss to her forehead.

Dylan then hugged Dina and placed a kiss on her cheek before he headed down the street alone.

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