The sunflower |✔️

By barbiegirl69

435 1 0

She was a shy naive girl when everyone first met her or so they thought. After that first day of school they... More

Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8⚠️
Chapter 9
Chapter 10⚠️
Chapter 11⚠️
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15 ⚠️
Chapter 16
Chapter 17⚠️
Chapter 18
Chapter 19⚠️
Chapter 20
Chapter 21 ⚠️
Chapter 22
Chapter 23 ⚠️

Chapter 1

90 1 0
By barbiegirl69

Mia May Jones was a 17 year old girl. Beautiful beyond words. Beautiful blue eyes, long blonde hair, and the body of a goddess. She wears glasses sometimes even though she doesn't have to use them.

"MIA MIA MIA did you hear me?" Jacob asks with a raised voice
"Oh shit no I'm sorry what were you saying?" Mia said finally looking back at the phone screen instead of out her bay window.
"I was just saying that nobody's ever truly completely useless they can always serve as a bad example" Jacob says
"That's actually a very good point" Mia says laughing
"Well I've gotta go so I can get things ready for school tomorrow" Jacob says with a pouty face
"but I'll finally get to see you tomorrow so that's a plus" Jacob adds with a big smile
"oks I'll see you tomorrow" Mia says with a nervous smile
"Don't forget my big hug I miss seeing your face it's been weeks since I saw you in person" Jacob says
"Don't worry I'll make sure to have a big one ready for you just don't drop me on my ass" Mia says
"No promises" Jacob says
"Night bubs" Mia says
"Nighters" Jacob says
*the next morning*
*Mia wakes up to her alarm going off*
* Mia gets up, showers, brushes her teeth, gets dressed, puts her hair into a messy bun, and puts on makeup and heads downstairs to the kitchen to grab breakfast *
"Mia is that really how you want to look for your first day at your new school?" Mia's mom asks
"Well good morning to you too mother" Mia says
"Don't you dare speak to your mother like that" Mia's dad says angrily
"I'm sorry dad and mom" Mia apologizes while putting some bread into the toaster
"I wish you were more like your brother Clay or lu... Lucy even" Mia's father says to Mia
"Yea I wish I was as well ..." Mia says trying to fight the tears so she doesn't ruin her makeup 
"Me and your father are going on another trip so fend for yourself with whatever you can. Make sure to follow the rules like if you have a party clean it after, no getting caught by the police, if you have a boy over don't make the same mistake we made by bringing you into this world" Mia's mom says
*Mia just nods while grabbing the toast out the toaster and buttering it*
"Bye" Mia's mom and dad say while closing the front door as fast as possible slamming it shut before Mia could even speak
"Bye birth givers" Mia says after she hears their car start up 
*Mia gets in her car and drives herself to school*
*Mia pulls up to the school and gets out of her car*
"What the fuck are you doing here?" Tracey says
"I'm just trying to get an education please don't start bullying me again" Mia says quietly
"Well maybe if you took my advice and just killed yourself then you wouldn't be such a pathetic waste of space for me to be able to bully you. Did you ever think of that?" Tracey responds
*Mia just tries to push past Tracey but Tracey just pushes Mia back*
"Please just let me get inside so I can go to school" Mia begs
"You're such a stupid waste of space" Tracey says and then smacks Mia
Mia tumbles back a little and tears start to form but she won't let them fall but then she sees Jacob walking into the building with a group of friends and she gets enough courage to push through Tracey forcefully and starts to run into the building
Once Mia reaches the door she stops running opens the door and goes inside and spots Jacob
"Jacob" Mia yells to him
Jacob turns around and gives a big smile when he realizes who called his name
"Like I said last night don't drop me" Mia says before running at him
Mia runs and jumps into his arms and Jacobs catches her but ends up falling backwards onto the floor
"Ouch" Jacob says wrapping around Mia
Mia and Jacob both start laughing
Mia pushes herself up and gets up and offers her hand to Jacob
Jacob takes her hand and gets up while still laughing
"Hey I did keep my promise and I didn't drop you I just dropped us both" Jacob laughs while pulling Mia into another hug
They hadn't stopped laughing that was until someone coughed to get their attention
"Oh sorry guys this is Mia my best friend from forever" Jacob says to the others
Mia stays kinda quiet but gives a small smile and waves shyly
Jacob starts introducing everyone
"This is Jake, Kovur, Avani, Anthony, Josh, Addison, and the one being rude and coughing is Cole"
Mia couldn't help but keep staring at Cole but nobody had noticed yet minus Cole
"Shit" Mia says under her breath looking at the ground
Cole couldn't take his eyes or ears off of Mia so he got really confused
Mia has never told Jacob about Tracy bullying her and he doesn't even know they know each other which Mia is starting to regret but to late now
Tracey comes up behind Cole and wraps her arms around him not noticing Mia yet
"Oh hi Tracey and Bryce" Jacob and the others say
"Hi there Jaco.... what is she doing around you?" Tracey asks with a look of disgust
"This is my best friend Mia. I've been best friends with her ever since I can remember" Jacob says
"Oh well that's cool I guess" Tracey says but gives Mia a quick warning look as to say she still hates her but it's their secret so to be quiet
"Hey there hot stuff my names Bryce and from what I heard your name is Mia?" Bryce says
Cole finely took his eyes off of Mia to turn to kiss Tracey and then to look at Bryce and roll his eyes
"Uhm... yea hi my names Mia" Mia says almost to quiet to hear. Mia is getting an off feeling about Bryce
"Bryce one she's not hot two you think anything with two legs and a pair of tits is hot" Tracey says rolling her eyes
"Well than lucky for you, you have nothing to worry about pancake" Bryce says making everyone but Mia and Tracey laugh
"At least I'm not small enough to be considered a girl even though I'm supposed to be a man" Tracey says while glaring at Bryce
"Ouch" everyone who heard says minus Mia and Cole which is now is staring at Mia again but everyone's to busy to notice
"That must have hurt coming from someone so experienced" Jake said
Tracey just flipped Jake off then the bell for first class went off
"Ok guys I think we should get to class before we're late" Jacob says semi serious but also jokingly
"Aight, cool, peace" we're the others responses
"I'll see you at lunch I'll save you a seat" Jacob whispers into Mia's ear after he pulls Mia into a hug
Everyone including Mia go their separate way

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