Hotter than the blazing sun

By PrincessMonisola

15.4K 454 38

Ballo Blunt was the hottest thing the earth could offer and he always got everything he wanted. He met Prince... More

Chapter 1- Hotter than the blazing sun
Chapter 3-Was that your first time?
Chapter 4-You have beautiful eyes.
Chapter 5-Your fashion sense is amazing
Chapter 6- I want you
Chapter 7-Spokane falls
Chapter 8-This was a sham
Chapter 9- Invisible
Chapter 10- I hate this
Chapter 11- Hi,Miss Wayne
Chapter 12- Cozy
Chapter 13- Intruder
Chapter 14-Stupid man
Chapter 15-Jerk
Chapter 16- Zoo keeper?
Chapter 17-Waterside
Chapter 18- Your Distraction
Chapter 19- I wanted to feel you
Chapter 20- Whatever it takes
Chapter 21- Nightmare
Chapter 22-Holy Molly.
Chapter 23-Stoked
Chapter 24- Hold the fuck up.
Chapter 25-Hot larva
Chapter 26-Insatiable
Chapter 27-Obsessed
Chapter 28-Sad
Chapter 29- 3 second kiss
Chapter 30- Family Jet Rich
Chapter 31- Reality
Chapter 32- Room D
Chapter 33- Move in with me

Chapter 2- You look stunning babygirl

886 16 4
By PrincessMonisola

His hand traveled down my pants and I squirm. Whispering sweet nothings in my ear, sucking on my neck while pinning my two hands up with the other hand. "Please Sam take me" I moaned. His soft lips collided with mine , while his fingers were doing its magic down there. I moaned softly , I felt like I was floating . He slowly moved to my ear and screamed " RRRRRRINNNNNGG" . I jerked my eyes open  and sat up quickly , panting. My alarm went "RRRRRRINNNNNGG" again and I switched it off.   I looked over  to the time and saw that it was 5:20 am. "I thought I set this fucking thing to 6:20" I groaned.  I rubbed my eyes and thought about the dream I had. "What the fuck was that " I said to myself.

I have never had a dream about having sex with anybody. I have thought of sex a couple of times before I even had it but never involuntarily.

I mean I have had sex once before with my ex boyfriend ,Josh, in the uni . It wasn't great. I didn't enjoy it , maybe because that was my first time so it really hurt. And I'm not sure Josh knew what he was doing though because he couldn't really get it in and he kept on smacking my ass when it was finally in and it was a turn off really . I caught him cheating that same day so it wasn't a glorious day . After that I just cancelled men from my life literally, focused on myself and moved on. Oh and I blocked him everywhere .

But there was something about this dream though, It kinda made me horny, a feeling I haven't really felt in over a year.  I put my finger down my pants and I was dripping.

I wanted to touch myself so bad but I just couldn't bring myself to. Okay I have this sexual problem, I really can't pleasure myself  even if I wanted to. I think doing that is weird.

I took a deep breath  , got up and went to wash my hands. Then sat in front of my desktop and tried to order nicer work clothes. When it was about 5:50 am I had ordered about 15 outfits to be delivered that same day.

I picked up my phone and texted my best friend Rebecca Jay.
Me: hey girl
Becky 😍: hey baby girl , sorry I didn't call or text yesterday,you know how hospitals are.  One man had a dildo stuck in his anus, another man  literally had his dick stuck to a woman's vajayjay. It was kinda funny.😂😂
Me: Wow 😂. That sounds painful
Becky😍: it was lol. Enough with my day. How was your first  day yesterday?
Me: well it was cool. I made two friends though . And the department head is kinda strict. But it's all good
Becky 😍:  tell me you made at least one male friend Princess
Me: uhm I kinda did, one though, Samuel Ballo Blunt .
Becky 😍: wait , The Ballo Blunt?  Aka the hottest  guy alive ? Model , journalist, artist,  Fashion designer?
Me: he's all that ?? I thought he was just a model.
Becky 😍: babygirl his mom is the current CEO of Vogue. And his dad is the co-CEO of Balenciaga , you should trust that he is multi talented.
Me: wow, who would have thought he was that cool? How do you know him?
Becky😍: Girl, everyone knows him. I'm wondering how and why you don't. Oh your social media is dead that's why. He was in a scandal with Kendall Jenner one time.
Me : isn't Kendall dating ASAP?
Becky😍: yes that's why it's a scandal Princess.
Me : celebrity problems. I just thought he's cool. And I agree he's kinda cute. Girl I gotta go get ready, apparently I gotta get to work 30mins earlier.
Becky 😍: okay babe , bye hun.
Me: bye babe.

I dropped my phone and went to take a shower. I picked up the clothes for the day , a gray sweater and a white skirt with a pair of knee high boots.

I really felt more like myself in these clothes. It was already 7:00 by the time I had breakfast. I picked my keys and left  for work.  Got to work by 7:28 , walked in past Samantha with a bright smile and she just stared at me with a shocked look. That's what I thought. I laughed in my heart . Look who is speechless today .

I got to the elevator going to the 11th floor and it opened at the 6th floor and I saw Sam. He smiled and  came in and my heart skipped a beat.
I smiled and said "You don't look bad yourself Sam" .

"How was your day yesterday? , Did Massimo stress you? " he asked.

"Uhm, no, he didn't. " I replied

"Good, he's a good guy" . He said    " you look really good though" he said in a lower tone that sent chills down my spine.

"Thanks " I said sweetly. "So you are a model, journalist,artist and fashion designer?" I asked.

" well yeah I'm all those things and an entrepreneur , I am launching my fashion brand soon, and I'm good at photography " he said .

"Wow that's cool" I said.

He looked at me and said " we should stop meeting like this though can I have your number?"

The elevator door opened and I said "uhm sure, only because I think you are cool and your outfit today is astonishing ". He was wearing a monochromatic outfit. Mauve from head to toe as if he's on the runway, he looked really hot and stylish. And he smelled so nice too, better than yesterday in fact. He handed me his phone and I typed my number in it . We were walking towards Massimo's office when I wondered what fashion brand he was wearing, because it looks so good.

"Who are you wearing ?" I questioned

"Tommy Hilfiger, it's a gift " he said.
"Oh that's cool" I replied.

He opened Massimo's office and there were just two other fashion journalists there,  Caroline and I think Joselyn . Care hugged me and said hi to Sam.
"Hi BB" Care said.
"Hello" he said politely.

"Hi Joselyn" I said.
"Hi" she said back .

"Is Mr Massimo here? " I asked looking around.
Care said "no he comes 7:50 on the dot".
"Then why should we come 7:30?" I asked  Care.
"Well, the most punctual journalist every month gets to write on the biggest models, that includes hanging out with them for days and interviewing them, and Joselyn has been the most punctual , 3 months in a role".she said

"She interviewed Gigi, Cara and Alton Mason, this month it's Samuel Ballo Blunt" she added.

I looked over to Sam astonished.

'Oh he's a Celebrity-Celebrity' I thought.

Sam was leaning against the wall staring at me with a small smirk. Then he said " I hope you get to interview me Princess"

I looked over to Joselyn and asked "how early exactly do you get here?"

She faked a smile and said " as early as 5"

I said "you are kidding right?"

She replied "I'm deadass"

Wow,"he's all yours , I can't come here as early as 6, I literally wake up 6:30"

Care said " I have been waking up 5 am the past 3 months trying to get here on time but , she's already always here"

"I live just down this road so I get here quicker , it's not a big deal" she said .

I pulled Care to the side and asked "how are you doing?"

"I'm fine , we settled our fight last night, he came over so now we are good" she said with a smile.

"Oh that's good" I said. She looked a mess and I can tell she loves him so much for her to take him back.

Sam  came to me and said " Princess where's your desk?"

"Come I'll show you" I said.

I led him to my desk and sat down.
"What exactly do you do around here" I asked him.

"Well pretty much a bit of everything. But I don't stay the whole day here. As you know , I'm a model . I do some special writings here and there , I do some paintings , I design clothes , I have interest in styling, and right now I have to go and style Kendall Jenner for the Met Gala" he said looking at his watch.

"You are styling Kendall?" I asked .

"Yeah, she wants me to style her a certain way. She's quite impressed with my work, I drew up a masterpiece for her and she loved it, so yeah I gotta go" he said. " I'll come find you during lunch break". He said with a smirk.

"Okay bye", I said. He left to the elevator.

Just then Massimo came out of the elevator and exchanged greetings with Sam then walked past me.I stood up and followed him to his office .
"Morning sir" I said

"Morning , have you gone through the articles?" He asked.

"Yes sir, and I must say , your article was perfect" he halted right in front of his office and turned to me.

"What did you just say?, my article was perfect?. Did you expect anything less? I am the head of this department because I am basically the best at what I do. Never expect anything less from me" he fussed.

"Sorry sir " I apologized .

"You are going to cover politics this week, I need you to run an interview with Kanye West. Ask him why he doesn't attempt to dress more formal after he became president, if you do well, you will forever be on my good side but if you don't at least get into the White House , I'll cancel you in my head" he said.

"But sir the White House is in Washington D.C." I said

"So?" He asked impolitely.

"Is it a road trip or..."

"Vogue is paying for the flight, it's not like we are asking you to put in any money, your flight has been booked and you leave tomorrow morning " He cut me off.

"Okay sir" I was shocked by this news.

"How do they expect me to interview the president??!!!!" I thought. How??? I have no way of reaching out to him beforehand so even if I get there I might not be allowed into the White House.
I was a little frustrated though, because this is the biggest task I have ever attempted to do.

During lunch break I went down to the Café with Care and ran into Kendall and Sam.
Something actually tug at my heart , and I wondered if it's because I know they both had or have something.

"Hey Princess ", he said with the brightest smile.
"Hi Sam". I said back.

"She calls you Sam?" Kendall asked facing Sam.
"Hi guys" Caroline said.

"Hi" they both chorused.

"Princess this is Kendall, Kendall meet Princess" he said , ignoring her question.

"Hi Princess, nice to finally meet you" she said.
"Nice to meet you too".I replied , giving  her a small smile.

Now that was weird, I met Sam yesterday so what does she mean by "nice to finally meet you ", has he been talking about me? . Well whatever .

"Kendall's just leaving , I'll walk her and come back to you in 3 minutes" he said .

They left while I and Care went to get food.
We sat at a table and I started talking about the  sudden trip to Washington.

"It feels like he wants me to fail, how exactly do I get into the fucking White House " I ranted.

"Wait,  hold up . He has been trying to get Kanye to do an interview with him but he gets dismissed all the time, why would he give you something he can't exactly do?" She asked worried.

"Uhm , maybe because he's the devils incarnate " I said.

"Who's the devils incarnate?" Sam said , grabbing a seat next to me.
"Massimo is , Princess's first job is to interview the president " Care said.

"What? You are kidding yeah?" He asked

"Nope, he wants me to interview Kanye and ask him a series of questions , including why he doesn't ever wear official clothes and stuff and I leave tomorrow " I replied.

"Good thing I'm going to style Kim for the Met , and I was gonna leave next tomorrow, but I'll set my flight to tomorrow because of you, by the way Kanye owes me one so I'll get him to do the interview with you or I could just have Kim convince him" he said.

"Really???" I said excited .
"Sure, why not " he said.

"Wait, but if the President of the United States of America owes you a favor wouldn't you wanna use it on something way important than an interview?" I said rubbing the back of my head.

"Well , true but I would really like for you to successfully do that interview , so you'll owe me one " he said with a  sweet smile.
"I don't mind owing you a favor Sam" I said assuringly .      "Thanks for this , I really appreciate it " I added.

"You are  welcome " he said.

It was then I realized that Caroline was gazing at us both.

"You both are so cute" she said in admiration.

I gave her a face  and he said. "Yes we are."

"I'll get your flight details from M so we would travel together" he added.

"Okay, thanks again " I said.

"Don't mention baby girl" he replied.

"Okay , lovebirds, I need to get somewhere , we have 45 minutes till lunch break is over , so byeee" Care said.

"Bye Care, and we aren't lovebirds " I said to her.
"Bye Carol" he said.

"Do you wanna see my workspace? I assume you would be bored for the next 45 minutes" he  offered.

"Uhm, sure" I replied.

"Okay , come on" he said getting up.


He took me to his personal office on the 6th floor and also mentioned he had another workspace on the 9th floor. His office had a sewing corner , an arts corner, a work table at the Centre and a backdrop at another corner . It seemed like he had 4 sub-offices in one. He pulled a chair for me and asked me to sit. I sat down and asked why he has two offices.

"Well, my mum is the CEO of this company and I am an important asset for the company, when you know your worth you can demand for anything and you would have it handed to you". He said. Bringing a stool close to me .
" I needed the other space to do paper work, I already do too much here " he added, Sitting on the stool.

"Okay, also why do people think you don't like your first name?" I asked further.

" Well, it's a long story, one that I can't talk about now" he said

"Even Kendall looked shocked when I called you Sam" I mumbled.

"It's because I don't let her call me that. The only person that calls me that is my dad. And you" he said.

"Are you very close to your dad?" I asked.

"Not exactly, we have an estranged relationship " he said.

" so how come you didn't tell me to not call you Sam?" I asked .

"The questions will keep piling up won't they?" He asked almost exasperated.

"I'm sorry" I apologized.

He sighed, "I somehow don't mind you calling me Sam, Princess" he said.

"Okay." I said back, trying not to ask another question. But there's so much I wanna know about him.
" How do you know the Kardashian/Jenner family ? " I pressured.

"Wow, you weren't really sorry, were you? . Well , connections babygirl. I go for a lot of events , I meet new people all the time I make friends everywhere I go . You would be surprised . I mean who can resist this charm? , So I  met Kendall through Luka Sabbat at Karl Lagerfield's VIP party. We became close friends ever since. I've hung out with her family like twice , and she recommended me to the First Lady, so here we are". He said calmly.

"That's cool" I said.

"Enough with me , let's talk about you now". He said looking at his watch. "We have about 20 minutes left, so tell me , are you the only child?, do you have siblings?, what do your parents do " he asked.

"I'm the only child of my mother, never met my father before he died a few years ago,  I'm an orphan now." I said .

"I'm so sorry about that.  When did your Mum pass ?" He asked

"Last year June 18th"

"It hasn't been long, I'm sorry Princess, how have you been coping on your own, money wise?" He asked .

"I have been good.  I used to do freelance music journalism in school so I have my savings, and this job's pay is good enough too , so I'm good". I assured.

"If you need anything, you know you can always ask right? " he said.

"I'm sure I'll be fine on my own , thanks Sam".
I said .

He's actually sweet, but when people say "if you need anything I'll be here for you", they never mean it, everyone from my mothers family abandoned me completely after assuring to take care of me , so I don't expect anything from anybody .

I look at the time and it's 3 minutes to 1 . "Lunch break is over,I gotta head back" I told him standing up.

"Alright, I need to get something up there anyways , so let's go" he said and got up with a smile.

"Okay" I said. We head to the elevator and went up to my floor.

Massimo was standing at my desk looking at his watch . He spots me and Sam walking towards him .
"You shouldn't spend the whole of your lunch break at lunch girl" he said

"Okay sir" I replied not in the mood to argue, because if it's called a lunch break shouldn't I have lunch then?.

"Anyways, you should leave for home now, so you will start packing for tomorrow " he said.

"M, can I talk to you for a minute" Sam said pulling him away.

I turn and sat at my desk and went through the last paragraph of Massimo's article again for about 4 minutes before deciding to pack my stuff.

"Hey" Sam said.

"Uhhh, hi?" I replied.

"Well I know it seems Massimo is stressing you but , getting an interview with Kanye is his task, he has all the connections for this but he failed literally, so my mum asked him to deliver an article on the interview by the end of this week regardless or else his position would be up for a better candidate. And he thinks you would do a better job because of how overqualified my mum says you are. He expects you to fail because he did. But if you get it done he would loosen the leash because that technically means you are better than him. " he explained.

"Wow, okay I'll do my best" I assured him.

"Good, we are taking the private jet tomorrow at about 10 am but you should be at the airport before 9. Should I come and pick you at home ?" He asked politely.

" Uhm no thanks, I'll drive " I replied.

"Okay then ,bye." He said.

"Bye Sam " I said back , and he left.

At home , the clothes I ordered had been delivered. I started packing up . I packed about 6 clothes even though I would be spending 4 days. I made sure I took everything I needed. I set my alarm to 6:30 and I laid on my bed .

I know Sam agreed to help me but what if Kanye doesn't wanna do it? I mean Massimo has all the connections and still couldn't do it. I started having anxiety. Doing it right would really make me happy. I was up thinking till 2am.

Rain started falling and I literally slept off because of the cool breeze.

(This chapter is quite long , phew, I love you guys.   It gets better I promise ❤️)

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